View Full Version : Will consoles be fully engulfed by PC gaming? If so when?

04-09-2013, 11:46 PM
PC gaming has grown in popularity over the last few years. So much so, that many say that this will be the last gen of consoles. However others say that PC gaming is still seen as geeky and time consuming and as a result there will be consoles around for a long time to come.

I think that there are still a few console gens to come at least. At least until the playstyle for PC games changes.

What do you think?

05-09-2013, 11:02 AM
Considering PCs and the next-gen are already very similar, it wouldn't surprise me if the next-next-gen were just computers and instead of doing new consoles, they sold propriety hardware like graphics cards and stuff at a lower cost to tie you into the system instead of making separate consoles.

05-09-2013, 11:10 AM
Considering PCs and the next-gen are already very similar, it wouldn't surprise me if the next-next-gen were just computers and instead of doing new consoles, they sold propriety hardware like graphics cards and stuff at a lower cost to tie you into the system instead of making separate consoles.

Isn't the Steam box meant to just be a modular PC?

I don't think console gaming will be englufed entirely, but I do think one of the big 3 will pull out.

05-09-2013, 08:27 PM
Isn't the Steam box meant to just be a modular PC?

I don't think console gaming will be englufed entirely, but I do think one of the big 3 will pull out.


For me personally i could easily get myself a gaming PC but i choose not to, despite all the obvious pro's to doing so.

I enjoy having a games console, been enjoying them since the Mega Drive and it's what I'm use to and what i like.

PC and consoles are just like Dvd and Blu rays. Sure one is better than the other but you'll find alot of people couldn't give a toss because the inferior one does a good enough job for the persons needs. Maybe not the best example but you get my point.

Also when PC gamers jump into a console debate and say "PC is better lol" annoys me. No one cares, if we did we would have bought a PC.

06-09-2013, 09:55 AM
Isn't the Steam box meant to just be a modular PC?

I don't think console gaming will be englufed entirely, but I do think one of the big 3 will pull out.

Yeah I think if the Steam box does well for Valve I can see Microsoft and Sony following suit on that sort of idea, maybe offer a new pre-built every few years for those who aren't into tinkering, but for those who come from a PC background, release all the hardware separately so you can get the top stuff before they bring out a pre-built.

I have a feeling Nintendo may quit with a home console and just stay with portable consoles.

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