View Full Version : Hobby Habits - Ends 23rd September

08-09-2013, 01:48 AM

I've started to realise over the past few weeks that I've formed a habit with learning new hobbies. I want to learn so many new things constantly but I never end up continuing them to a decent stage. At the moment for example I'm trying to learn the ukulele and Greek mythology while relearning French and the piano. It's all so much work and I just end up giving up because I try and do so many things at a time rather than just the one.

Am I the only one that does this or do you guys do it too? What's one thing you'd really like to learn but never got round to learning or never kept it up? There's so many things I still want to learn I would struggle choosing one!

But bonne chance (good luck) and may the best entry win!

Prize: 5 Credits + 15 Reputation Points
*Click HERE (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=772154) to see how you can exchange prizes.

19-09-2013, 04:48 PM
I'd like to learn how to motivate myself but I can't be bothered.

19-09-2013, 06:51 PM
I want to learn how to be smarter but that never works :[

20-09-2013, 05:01 AM
I like to learn sports ^_^ I'm the worse to learn but I try . I also learn how to imporepve running with out tripping,

20-09-2013, 04:58 PM
Sign language. Every time I watch Miracle on 34th street and santa talks in sign language to that little girl, I'm like damn I want to learn that. never get round to it.

23-09-2013, 02:55 AM
^ I know sign language. :P

I want to learn how to control my emotions so that when I'm down, I can make myself happier again.

24-09-2013, 12:52 AM
I have been working on coding habbo retros , and coding java for minecrafft

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