View Full Version : UI updates

23-09-2013, 10:29 AM

23-09-2013, 10:40 AM
Also change looks has updated, also achievements freeze and banzai have been moved into game.

23-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Love the changes!



23-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Finally an update that was needed, newer people wouldn't have known where to list their friends with it disappearing all the time. The background of the friends bit is now blue too not yellow/orange.

23-09-2013, 10:56 AM
console doesn't really work when they forget to change some colours


dont like it sry

23-09-2013, 11:15 AM
Looks still awful to me. The mixture of different colors and different fonts in different windows is still present. And the style doesn't look that finished, just some boxes here and there which look like they've been done in Paint using the rounded rectangle tool...

What we need is a completely new, sleek style which would apply to basically everything.

23-09-2013, 11:18 AM
Okay upon further inspection maybe it does need to be touched up a lil lol

23-09-2013, 11:26 AM
The change looks looks better. I hated how dark the last one was. Need to get on to see it properly though!

23-09-2013, 11:38 AM
the change look thing looks good

might check it out today

23-09-2013, 11:39 AM
I really dislike it. It could be good, but they've done it badly.

23-09-2013, 01:03 PM
they really don't know how to polish their work do they.............................................. .............................................
trousers tab isn't there for a lot of ppl

23-09-2013, 01:13 PM
I think they should hire the graphics department from Habbox to make a new UI. Heck, they'd probably be cheaper doing it, and it'd look better. Maybe get the site coders from habbox to make habbo work better too...

23-09-2013, 01:41 PM

This redundancy is getting repetitive.

23-09-2013, 01:51 PM

This redundancy is getting repetitive.

was just about to say that the friend bar is hideous looking
ugh its so ugly. Just neded a yellow console symbol instead of those two big boxes
means you only get to see like half the friends you would normally see at the bottom too.

23-09-2013, 01:56 PM
I think they should hire the graphics department from Habbox to make a new UI. Heck, they'd probably be cheaper doing it, and it'd look better. Maybe get the site coders from habbox to make habbo work better too...

habbox coders cant even finish v7 right enough a profitable multi million pound company..

23-09-2013, 02:16 PM
the friend bar remains ugly and useless as ever

i wish they would sort out the friends list so it was actually alphabetical start to finish. its been broken for as long as i can remember. like it splits into 2???

23-09-2013, 02:26 PM

Where has the 'go to home room' button gone fs
now i cant get into the hxhd really quick :(

23-09-2013, 02:32 PM
The friends bar needs to be on a toggle to the side so you click it and it pops up from the top or something. And the actual friends list should be minimal looking with a green dot to show who is or isn't online so the UI isn't so bulky and in the way. As for the "find new friends" bit, I'm pretty sure no one's going to click that to end up in a random room full of bacons. But if you're a newbie I suppose that's exactly what you're going to do.

23-09-2013, 03:10 PM
was just about to say that the friend bar is hideous looking
ugh its so ugly. Just neded a yellow console symbol instead of those two big boxes
means you only get to see like half the friends you would normally see at the bottom too.


Where has the 'go to home room' button gone fs
now i cant get into the hxhd really quick :(

me too! :( wth I don't want this crap stories tab.

23-09-2013, 03:14 PM
Omg what are they doing seriously. That's vile and they need to pick one and stick to it not have 5 UIs all over the goddamn place especially that horrific console colour scheme.

23-09-2013, 03:29 PM
i hate that they dont do all the changes at once as well, rather they do it bit by bit

23-09-2013, 03:29 PM
i just want the friends bar gone entirely

23-09-2013, 03:57 PM
i like it i like blue

23-09-2013, 04:02 PM
This might just be me, but I think Habbo is going faster now. The avatar movements are quicker.

23-09-2013, 04:20 PM
habbox coders cant even finish v7 right enough a profitable multi million pound company..

If you didn't include time into this matter (which is obviously needed) they'd do a better job though ;l

23-09-2013, 04:45 PM
If it was up to me I'd:

- Completely change the UI, literally it isn't working.
- Keep the friend bar but make it minimizable (and a good minimize button)
- Have achievements as a little notification like the one you used to get when a friend came online when BETA came out (top right corner)
- Option to remove emergency exit button if you reach a certain age via settings
- Change the H to a hotel icon so emphasis 'hotel view'
- Remove watch and earn button, make it so there is a link to watch and earn on front page of catalouge
- Remove 'decorate room' feature from when you click your Habbo and move it to Room settings when you have rights/its your room
- Remove like this room on facebook.. lol
- Sort out the messy room settings
- Credits, duckets, hc days, your username, room settings, log off, if its a group room or not and promote room if its yours should be along the top.
- Achieved badges should not be in inventory and should be moved to a new box under 'Me'
- Remove 'my rooms' from 'Me' if you already 'my rooms' in the navigator
- We still have basket of eggs on room info yet we don't have home rooms anymore? Make it so we can still have a home room but we go straight to it.
- Stop telling me I have completed Level XX equestrian every time I log on
- Rename promoted rooms to events again.
- Room promo/events should be free for HC members.
- Redesign user profile
- Remove 'enemy' - you wouldn't have them on your friends list if they are an enemy LOL
- Limit the relationship status to one person

Anyway that's me done. Maybe I should put all of that in the poll..

23-09-2013, 04:50 PM
I like the blue


I don't like how the beta stories thing is there, and also go to home room is gone? ;/

23-09-2013, 04:54 PM
i like the blue, and i like what it is like now. just get rid of the 2010 achievements and i'll be happy.

23-09-2013, 09:10 PM
the 2 icons are ugly they are too blockey all it needed was a console iconplus the blue is pretty ugly it reminds me of hospital blue lol at least choose a nice blue

24-09-2013, 01:28 AM
I don't like it and the change looks is horrible. The avatar of your character is way to big and pixelated. Not sure about the habbo story things either.

24-09-2013, 06:45 AM
Looks pretty much the same

24-09-2013, 01:24 PM
OH my GOD I just looked at changed looks in-client properly and it is horrific what the actual heck are they doing. It's all BETA style too which is the worst omfg I can't my eyes.

24-09-2013, 01:39 PM
Looks fine. Just want them to change the colour of find friends and all friends to yellow instead of blue though.

24-09-2013, 03:22 PM
Meh it's...ok at best. Don't like the friends bar, looks bad.

25-09-2013, 01:21 AM
When were the bigger stacking tiles added? Were they added with this update orr not .I'm really slow so yeah they've probably been around for ages but I'm slow ok =/

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