View Full Version : [Hx24] From Habbox with Love

26-09-2013, 03:08 PM

A muffled shot.

A hooded figure disappears round the corner.

Smurfed-'s body lays limply on the pavement, blood slowly trickling from the hole where his heart used to be, staining the cold stone underneath.

Someone would be out soon; they'd leave the Habbox Offices at the end of a hard day and trip over the lifeless body.

"Help", Smurfed- said, weakly. "I never even got to host one last Don't Roll a 6!"

A note floated down on top of his wound, quickly staining red.



For a chance to win some points this hour, simply name every Habbo that's on the banner of this thread. PM your answers to HabboxComps!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

*Note: Once you think you know who the killer is, send your guess in a PM to HabboxComps. You're only allowed to guess once so think carefully! Everyone who succeeds to guess the killer before this time will be put in a random number generator for a chance to win 10 points, 50 credits and 50 rep.

26-09-2013, 04:41 PM
The army of managers burst through the doors, but before they managed to reach Alex's dead body - BANG. BANG. Intersocial dropped dead, slamming against Ekelektra as she got out from the doors, while Bolt660 bent in half, clutching his side and howling in pain. Another BANG - xxMATTGxx, who was behind Ekelektra, slammed against the glass doors, a smear of blood from where the hole in his shoulder was leaking.


(In the hospital)


"Sam? Is that you?" Bolt660 stretched his head round the corner and tried to figure out who his new visitor was.

"Of course silly. Are you ok? Stupid question. You were shot. Are you ok though, you're surviving? Do they know who did this? What happened? Are they trying to find out? What do you remember? Who-"

"SAM" Bolt660 interrupted. "I'm not OK at the moment. I was shot - I've broken a few ribs and I've got a bit of internal bleeding... but it's OK. I'll be back to hosting again before you know it"

"Are you sure?" Samantha. asked

"Yes, I'm sure. Thing is... well..." Bolt660 choked back a tear. "Alex is dead. They got him first. I... I'm OK, I just need you to look after the department for a while. You and Elliot - just take over, please?"

"Of course, Martin. Let me know if we can do anything else"

"Will do Sam. Thank you."

"These are for you by the way. From all of us at Events. Get well soon - we miss you" Samantha. said as Bolt660 drifted back off to a medicine-induced sleep. She dropped the vase of flowers and card she was holding and make her way out of the room.


For this hour's competition, I want you to find the five differences between the Get Well card above and the one below, and PM the answers to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:10 PM
"Come on Matt, we're here" Foregetfuhl said, basically pulling Matt from the plane and onto the tarmac below. "We've literally got 2 hours here before the plane will be back to take us back - hurry up!"

Thankfully, the plane had landed right next to their target. A derelict barn - Foregetfuhl went to investigate, while xxMATTGxx stood guard a while away. He heard footsteps - turned around.

"What are you doing here?" a masked figure asked.

"I'm here to... hang on..." xxMATTGxx's face twitched in recognition. "I know you... you're... Graham aren't you?"

"How did you-?" Comity looked stunned. He had no idea xxMATTGxx knew his staff members so well. "You need to get out. The others will be on you soon" He looked worriedly round to the barn, where xxMATTGxx could just about make out some figures in the darkness.

"Jade" xxMATTGxx called. "We need to go. Let's... get out of here". The worry in his voice made Foregetfuhl practically run over to him - she was worried someone was threatening him again, and with one arm in a bandage, he'd be pretty much defenseless.

Just as they were re-boarding the plane, Foregetfuhl's phone rang. It was the hospital. Bolt660 wasn't doing well - he'd not got worse, but his bleeding hadn't stopped.

"It's not too bad here, Jade" Bolt660 said, trying to reassure her. "Sam's been round, she gave me a bunch of flowers, a card, that sort of stuff"

"Did you get them checked?" Foregetfuhl asked, sounding worried. xxMATTGxx, who had been listening into their
conversation, suddenly ran off back to the shelter. Before Foregetfuhl could even shout after him, she heard the unmistakable click and hiss from a can of sleeping gas, and xxMATTGxx shout.



Here are some of the figures xxMATTGxx noticed: figure out who they are to win this hour's competition!
Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405).

1.http://www.habbox.com/k3nSh8UDrsmUj/../assets/images//2013/09/26/XQlaj.png2. http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/26/GHLir.png3.http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/26/qFnXk.png4.http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/26/yOKST.png5.http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/26/dLHQM.png

1. Formerly known as Dolphins on the forum and Habbo.
2. Has managed both the News and Rare Values departments.
3. This person was the Assistant Manager for News during January 2013
4. This person won the Best Events Organiser during the HxSS in 2012
5. Has recently featured in the title of a Feedback thread.

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:14 PM
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Comity shouted, running to towards the landing strip where xxMATTGxx and Foregetfuhl were waiting for their plane.

"What? You're the one who's trying to kill us!" xxMATTGxx shouted


"Well..." Foregetfuhl said "we heard you were the Habbox mafia..."

"The what now?"

"Why else would you be in a derelict barn?" xxMATTGxx nearly shouted in Comity's face

"We didn't want to say!"

"WE?" xxMATTGxx was getting quite worked up now.

"Yeah... there's a lot of us... we're... we're organising a donation for you, Matt. We wanted it to be a surprise!" Comity hid his face in his hands

"Graham... don't... I'm sure everything'll be ok" Foregetfuhl reassured Comity. "It's a lovely thing you're doing! No way could we be mad, right Matt?"

Matt grumbled "sorry" and walked away to call Jin.

"I can't... I have to get back" Comity said, to a half-listening Foregetfuhl. As he stood up, he kicked over xxMATTGxx's bag, spilling the contents. "Sorry!" he called to noone in particular - Foregetfuhl had gone to speak to Jin as well. Putting the various bits of wire and cans back in, he noticed the 'sleeping gas' label on one... and slipped it in his own bag.


For this competition I'd like you to design the can that Graham found. It can look anyway you want and the best design will win!

You have one hour to enter. Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 1 Month VIP + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:15 PM
(Inside the barn)

"Guys... Matt's been looking for us" Comity whispered to the other shadows around the room, met with only a few murmurs of discontent.

"We knew he would! Did you tell him the truth?"

"Sort of... I said we were organising a donation" Comity was met with a pillow in the face.

"You idiot!" called a masked voice

"Look, they're going to the Habbo marketplace tomorrow. I heard them say to Jin. We can go there, ok? I managed to get this" he held up the can of sleeping gas "and we can set it off, before Matt can tell anyone else. Ok?"


For this competition you need to find your way through the maze below and send your entry to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!
Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:34 PM
(In the Habbo marketplace)

"Come on guys! We've got credits to spend!" xxMATTGxx shouted to the group behind him, as he positively skipped through the doors.

Foregetfuhl, Jin, Skynus and SyrupyMonkey all grudged in behind him, each one laden with a gold bar, and set off for the shops.

"Meet here in 30 minutes!" xxMATTGxx shouted excitedly, pointing to the big fountain, before running off to the Wired section.


The fivesome were sitting around a fountain eating a picnic lunch Sierk had packed for them, when a hiss interrupted their conversation.

"Run!" Jin shouted. He had no idea what it was, but he saw a yellowish cloud racing towards them from the source of the hiss. The fivesome all got up straight away and started running, all in different directions, to escape the gas.

"Aaah!" Skynus screamed, as he tripped over a loose paving stone. Before anyone could reach him, the gas had surrounded him and knocked him into a deep nap on the floor.

"Over here!" Jin shouted to the remaining managers. He'd found a trapdoor he'd noticed someone haul themselves through it just a minute ago. A small rope ladder led from ground level, and seemed to provide their only route of escape.

Foregetfuhl volunteered to lead the way up the ladder. She was just reaching the top rung when she suddenly ducked below the roof, and watched another masked figure jump into a helicopter and get away.

"What's going on?" Jin asked, from below her

"Nothing, just come up here. Fresh air, it's nice"

The four left sat on the rough tarmac of the roof, gasping for air, until the gas disappeared.


The managers love their food - for this competition you need to match the manager up to their chosen lunch! Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:37 PM
"It looks so weird in here - like everyone's fallen asleep" SyrupyMonkey said, noting Skynus, curled up like a baby, moaning "Creeper!... My redstone!" every so often in his sleep.

Looking around, he saw that there were a lot more - Foregetfuhl had run over to a seemingly dead Grig, slightly blue-tinged, floating in the water fountain, and he noted Civilisation, Sloths-, Chug!, and Yupt all asleep in a little pile together. Ekelektra, who'd just been walking into the mall, was caught between two sliding doors, which Jin was trying to free her from.

He was writing things down on his notepad, keeping track of the dead for funeral arrangements, when he noticed that they were all community managers. He started to put the pieces of the puzzle together, remembering the note he found on Smurfed-'s body.

"Where's Shoned?" Jade suddenly asked. "Look at everyone here - all community departments! All the managers are dead or dying - I haven't heard anything from her! I bet-"

She was interupted by Myke tripping over a small metal can. He bent down, suspiciously checking it out for possible warning signs before picking it up and turning it over in his hands.

On the label, it read "From Habbox, with love"


For this competition you need to help them remember what Shoned looks like. Pick out the correct head, jumper and skirt from the choices below and PM your answer to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/xw1aX.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/VW1bD.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/2kRLx.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/7J9p3.png

http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/VzLeR.pnghttp://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/EYhfP.pnghttp://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/1cnz9.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/bPoOE.png

http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/GmpUN.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/Erx2V.pnghttp://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/GMZSE.png http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2013/09/27/NkqW9.png

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:38 PM
"We've got to search for Shoned" xxMATTGxx said.

"I KNOW I JUST SAID THAT OH MY-" Foregetfuhl was cut off by SyrupyMonkey, trying to keep the peace.

"Guys, don't fight." he said. "We're already against one deadly assassin, we don't need more arguing too." When he was met with silence, he took a last survey of the mall, trying to get an image in his mind. "Hang on, where's Jin?"

"He went to phone an ambulance for Erin, didn't he?" xxMATTGxx asked "I swear last time I saw him he was just there" he pointed to an empty spot by the front doors.

"Look, we can't wait. It's dangerous here, we should go..." Foregetfuhl looked around, worried. "Let's just... let's split up outside, look for Shoned. She's the only missing piece here!"

(In the hospital)

"Sir, note for you" a nurse said, as she handed a note to Bolt660

"Thanks" he said. "Wait, what?" as he looked down at the note and was greeted with 4 numbers. It must be a clue, he thought, but it could be for anything.

He threw it in his drawer, reminding himself to call xxMATTGxx in the morning, and fell back asleep.


For this competition you need to work out the pattern in the numbers below. Send your answers to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

2 - 4 - 6 - 8

36 - 42 - 48 - 54

100 - 75 - 50 - 25

1 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 3

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:44 PM
Arriving back at the Habbox Offices, SyrupyMonkey headed straight down for the labs. He knew there was some kind of clue on the canister, it just had to be teased out.

He put on his labcoat and goggles, checking himself out in the mirror afterwards. Being met with a quick pose and pout, he said to the empty room "Dr Sexy, reporting for duty". Thank god there's noone here, he thought.

He took multiple swabs of the outside, the inside, the piece of paper, and put them all in little bottles, ready to be whizzed through the analysis machine 'thingamajig' as he so lovingly called it. He set the timer, and went to relax on the small sofa in the corner of his office.

10 minutes later, the machine beeped and a small piece of paper printed out.

"Russia. I knew it."


Myke's found out the canister came from Russia, but can you tell us what else does? One of these landmarks is in Russia: but which one? Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:47 PM
"Hey Martin, you feeling OK, hon?" Foregetfuhl asked as she walked into Bolt660's room.

"Not great, Jade, but better than I was before I guess"

"Poor you" Foregetfuhl pulled a frown and stroked Bolt660's head "get better soon, we need you! What would Events do without you? Now Alex is gone, more than ever!"

A tear streamed down Bolt660's cheek at this. "Jade, I don't know what to say. I'm not that good - I'm really not! You think too much of me"

"Not at all"

"Oh, I've been meaning to tell you - I got this the other day" he handed her the code "I don't know what it is, do you recognise it at all"

"What? That's the Habbox safe! Oh God no, I've got to..." Foregetfuhl, turning back to Bolt660, said "sorry Martin. I'll be back soon!"

"Huh? Er, OK..." Bolt660 said, confused. She'd left so suddenly, he wondered what she had to run off to.

He picked up his phone - no answer. He left a message. "Matt! Someone's got the safe code, apparently? Jade's just gone to check it out now... she looked a bit... guilty? Not sure, but you might want to check that out?"


Martin's not has to take over from Alex, but who did Alex take over from? Answer the questions below and send your answer to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405).

Who was the Manager before Smurfed-?

What was the name of the first Events Manager?

Which manager famously used the alias "dirtyconverse"?

Who became manager on the 30th of November 2008?

Who was the first person to win Events Player of the Month?

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:48 PM
After listening to Bolt660's message, xxMATTGxx ran straight back to the Habbox Offices. As soon as he arrived, he saw Foregetfuhl leaving through the back doors, checking behind her every so often. He chased after her, eventually catching up to her in the car park, and slapped a pair of handcuffs on her.

He led her down into the Habbox Prison, and locked her in.

"Tell me what happened. What did you find?"

"The code! The Habbox safe code! I was trying to see if it was empty or not!"

"Only me, you and Alex should know that. Jade, who did you tell?"

"No one!"


"No one!" xxMATTGxx looked at her disapprovingly. "FINE... I told Calum and Despect, ok? The HabboxLive fund was so low!! Now PLEASE let me get out of here!"

"No Jade, you're staying there. I've got some Head DJs to find..."


Looking at the prison wall, Jade notices the names of everyone that's been locked up at some point. For this competition you need to list all the names found in the image below. Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:48 PM
"Ow" moaned Skynus as a kick in the face woke him up. "What was that for?"

"Mmfffmmmm grhhh"

"What?" The other figure pulled the bandana down from his mouth.

"It's me. Chris. I'm here to help you. Calm down Tom..."


"I'm trying to help..." Skynus started struggling away from where Chris was trying to pick him up

"TOM, I SWEAR TO YOU, I WILL LEAVE YOU TO DIE HERE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT" Chris shouted, getting frustrated.

"Well... maybe not. You're not carrying me though" Skynus gave in. They walked towards a big truck, where Skynus could see a bunch of other Habbox members. He climbed in, and started to talk to everyone and find out what was going on.

For this competition I want you to read each person's stories below of what happened and point out which fact is wrong in each one. PM your answers to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Alex was stabbed and is now dead. Martin has been shot and is now in hospital and received a note with a code that Jade had leaked written on it.

Alex was murdered by someone who wants to take over the community side of Habbox and Martin is in critical condition. Jade has leaked the code to the Habbox safe to the senior DJs.

Martin was shot and murdered and Alex is in critical condition at the hospital. Jade has leaked the Habbox safe code to the Head DJs.

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:49 PM
"What do you know about what happened?" Skynus asked the only other two awake people in the truck.

"I was just shopping for a few rares and suddenly I was being woken up by Chris, I don't get it"

"Rares?" Skynus shouted "Since when can you afford rares?"

"I, er" Despect stuttered

"You've been stealing from Habbox haven't you! You dirty DJ!" Civilisation shouted, moving over to Despect, a fist raised.

"Can we not fight please - there's a really serious issue going on right now and a bit of money stealing doesn't really matter... for now"

"Thanks, Tom" Despect says

"That doesn't mean you're off the hook, trust me..." Skynus threatened.

"I know... but it wasn't me OK? Just.. I'll tell you later" Despect eyed up Civilisation, who still looked like he wanted to rip him a new one.

"We need that for events, you selfish pig!"

"I'm sorry Elliot, I'll help you out. Don't worry - but this really isn't my fault OK?"

"Can we just stop talking about this please? I'd rather leave this to Jade and Matt to sort out" Skynus, desperately trying to keep the peace, tried to change topic. "Do you know where we're going?

"Dunno, he mentioned something about a hut in the woods though, maybe there?" Despect said

"Maybe he's kidnapping us... typical corrupt management" Civilisation said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up, Elliot" Skynus scoffed.


For this competition you need to tell us how much each of the rares below are worth according to Habbox Rare Values.
Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405).






Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:50 PM
-boop boop boop-

"Not again!" xxMATTGxx threw his phone down in frustration. He'd been trying to call Calum for the last hour, with no answer.

"No luck?" SyrupyMonkey called from inside the labs

"Nope! Again!"

"Why don't you try Despect once more then we'll call it a day?"

"Fine. Bet he doesn't pick up either, they're both thieves here" he said, dialling the last number.

"Hello?" a voice on the other end said

"Oh James. How nice to speak to you. Where are you?"

"I don't know. Somewhere. Somewhere safe I think... I'm being taken somewhere"

"By who? Why? What?"

"Someone - to the woods I think? There was a gas attack in the mall, I was caught in it. I've only just woken up again?"

"Got it!" SyrupyMonkey nearly screamed

"Got to go James..." Matt hung up. "Got the location Myke?" he nodded. "Let's go"

After 20 minutes of flat-out and downright scary driving, SyrupyMonkey was questioning why he let xxMATTGxx drive. With his arm sling, it was basically suicidal. "This isn't GTA V Matt!"

"We have to catch them! Look - up there! That's the numberplate, right?"

SyrupyMonkey looked down at his computer screen. "Yeah that's it. Let's just catch it up, see if we know who's driving"

xxMATTGxx put his foot down again, even harder. They sped up so they were level with the drivers' cab, and both took a look up. It was unmistakable.



For this competition, you need to tell us which path leads to the van! Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405).


Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:51 PM
"James, it's me again. Matt. I'm not happy with you, but we have a problem. The Community Managers, they're all at risk. Half of them are dead. Only ones who are fine are, well, you and Shoned. And Shoned is driving. We think you're in danger. Get out of there - now!" He hung up again, as the car veered out of control.

Despect turned back to the people in the truck. "Guys, we have a problem. We're in danger, we have to get out of here. Or... we have to get Shoned out"

"Shoned?" Civilisation asked "What? Where is she?"

"She's driving - and the only Community Manager who's completely unharmed. Matt wants her in custody right now"

"Oh God OK... well me and Shoned are friends, right?" the others nodded "If I can get to her, I can make her stop, distract her?"

"Sounds perfect, but how are you going to get her to stop?"

"Haven't thought of that yet. Maybe I could just say I'm hungry or something? She has a soft spot for me. Hopefully they'll stop at the next service station..."

"That sounds good. Let's call Myke and let him know" Skynus said.


For this competition I'd like you to figure out which restaurant they will be stopping at. Look at the list of slogans below and match them up with the correct restaurants in the list. The restaurant that's left without a slogan will be the correct answer.

Burger King
Pizza Hut

Eat Fresh
I'm Lovin' It
Have It Your Way
Finger Lickin' Good

Prize: 2 point, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:52 PM
"Driver..." Civilisation said, desperately. "It's Elliot. I'm really hungry and I don't feel well. Can we stop for a bit please?" Civilisation
called through the panel to the driver's cab. Although noone answered, he could hear mumbling between the two passengers in the front. Before long, the truck shuddered to a stop and the back doors were flung open.

"Get a move on guys. Quick break, five minutes. That's all" Chris said

Civilisation jumped down behind where Chris was standing, and ran around to the front of the truck. He quickly looked around to see where xxMATTGxx and SyrupyMonkey were standing, but without seeing anything, took .Cymru.'s hand and pulled her out of the cab. He quickly planted a kiss on her mouth.

"Shoned! I've missed you!"

"Elliot... I didn't know you were back there! Were you caught in-" .Cymru. was cut off by her hand being wrenched back into some handcuffs.

"You're coming with me" xxMATTGxx, who was camouflaged in the bush behind, said. "Nice distraction, Elliot!"

"What's going on? Elliot? Matt? I haven't done anything" .Cymru.'s screams became quieter as SyrupyMonkey dragged her back to their car.


To 'ship' two people is a term used to describe the process of taking two fictional characters and put them as a pair, usually romantically. A name for a 'ship' is usually decided by combining both of the names, although not always. For this competition I want you to think of a creative 'ship' name for Civilisation and .Cymru. and send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:53 PM
(In the prison)

"What are you here for then?" .Cymru. asked Foregetfuhl, who was miserably bouncing a ball off the wall.

"No idea really. Matt found out I leaked the safe code, and sort of left me here. So not fair"

"Leaked? Who to?"

"Just Calum and Despect. Back when James was a Head DJ. They wanted to do a big comp but couldn't afford credits, so I helped them out - not that bad, right?"

"I don't know, when Matt gave me the code he pretty much threatened to fire me if I ever leaked it"

Foregetfuhl's face lit up with recognition. "I forgot you had the code too... one sec" she called xxMATTGxx down.

Leaning close to xxMATTGxx, so .Cymru. couldn't hear, Jade whispered "Look. I didn't do this, Despect might have done but Shoned knows the code too right? She's not harmed. This is so her! I can find out what happened to Calum and Despect, just let me out of here"

xxMATTGxx, reaching for his keys, said "I was actually about to come down and do that. We've found James, he's safe, not really a suspect right now, but Calum is missing. We need you, but we're keeping a close eye, ok?"

"Ok. Just get me out"

"What?" Shoned screamed. "Why is she going? This is so unfair! Shouldn't I even get a phone call?"

"Sure" xxMATTGxx said, handing her a phone. "One call, one call only"

"He's picking up. Matt, can you leave please? This is none of your business". xxMATTGxx walked off.

"Hey babe. Sorry about that, I had no idea the guys were hiding in the bushes, I'm so sorry"

"Don't worry OK, just... come and get me. Soon. They're probably tapping this phone call so remember our little code?"

"Of course"

"Well, listen to this - sereht a yek neddih dniheb eht gib H - OK?"

"Ok Shosho. I've got to look after the other people from the mall,and then I'll try"


For this competition you will need to rearrange the letters in each of the words below and figure out what Shoned is saying to Elliot.

sereht a yek neddih dniheb eht gib H
Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:54 PM
*boop boop boop*

Mr-Trainor made his way into the Habbox Offices. His pager had been going off all morning - urgently calling all Habbox members of management into a meeting. He walked in and saw a surprisingly empty room.

Matt was the first to address them. "Laura. Luke. Nick. Ryan. You're the only ones left, I'm afraid"

"Left?" Nick shouted

"Community managers - they're all dead. Martin is in hospital, Myke, Jade, they're around, sorting some stuff out..."

"What happened?" Mr-Trainor asked. "Are they going for all of us? Because someone tried to shoot me this morning, just grazed my arm mind you" he lifted up his arm that was in a sling.

"Me too" said lawrawrrr, "except mine was in my foot, I lost a toe"

"This is worse than we thought. Nick? Anything?"

"I'm absolutely fine" Nick said, looking a bit worried. The rest of the room turned round to him, shooting accusing looks. "No, I'd never do this - stop looking at me like that!"


For this competition you need to find a real life version of the following Habbo furniture in image below.


The UK Flag
Piggy Bank
Sack of Coins
The Safe
Black Safe Minibar

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:55 PM
"HELP" Comity shouted as he crashed through the glass doors of the meeting room. "The killer! I know who - chasing me - it's-" he managed to gasp out, before a bullet ripped through his chest and lodged itself in the desk right where xxMATTGxx was sitting. He collapsed, glossy-eyed in the doorway, his mouth open and ready to reveal the killer.

xxMATTGxx went over to him to search his remains - nothing. Only a little note, which he pieced together before reading...



For this competition, you just need to spot the five spelling mistakes in the note above! Send your answers in a PM to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405).

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:55 PM
"OK, we have a plan, guys" xxMATTGxx addressed the managers in the room again. "We're after vls. I don't think any of you can disagree after that note... I'm going to question Shoned again, but you lot split up, OK?"

(In the prison)

"More questions, Shoned, I'm afraid" xxMATTGxx said, opening the bars so he could get in.

"Whatever" .Cymru. said flippantly.

"Firstly... Elliot?"

"What about him?"

"I knew you were close, but I had no idea you two were..."

"We're not dating, if that's what you mean"

"What? Looked like it to me"

"Nope. Just a hook up. Nothing offical"

"Oh... you sound bitter?" .Cymru. laughed at this.


"OK... well, next thing. The safe. Did you tell anyone the code? It's been leaked, and we need to find out who"

"Not really... I only ever talked about it with Hayden and Alex and Samantha really"

"Samantha? What? Why?"

"She was Senior Events Organiser? Don't they get to know?"

"No! Only management! Hell, Martin didn't even know!"

Shoned burst into tears, repeatedly crying out "Sorry" every now and again.

"Look OK.. you sound... genuinely upset here" xxMATTGxx said. Seeing .Cymru.'s shy nod, he continued "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here... on one condition"

.Cymru. nodded again. "Anything"

"Help me find Samantha?"


For this competition you need to look at the image below and find Samantha.
Send your entries to HabboxComps!

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:56 PM
xxMATTGxx watched as .Cymru. walked out of the building and around the corner. He could see that she was heading towards the station, where there was a car waiting for her. Someone was leaning against it, talking to the driver - when they saw .Cymru. come out, they ran towards her and xxMATTGxx could see it was Civilisation. He quickly bundled them both into the car, and as they took off, xxMATTGxx noticed Samantha. in the driver's seat. His phone rang.

"Matt - it's Myke. Managed to get a tracker on that dodgy car - the one Shoned got in"

"Oh, that's awesome, man. Should make it easy for us then - we're looking to get Sam in custody soon. I'll be down in a sec"

(In the Habbox labs)

"Look at this. Straight to the bank, no hiding what they're doing is there? Idiots" SyrupyMonkey shook his head.

"We gotta get Jade on this - she's already out near there somewhere" xxMATTGxx reached into his pocket for his phone.

(In the car)

*brriiiing brrriiingg*

"What's that noise, Elliot?" Shoned asked from her seat in the back.

"Nothing. A phone. I can't hear anything"

"Isn't your phone on you though?" she asked

"Must have left my jacket in the boot then I guess" said Samantha. "Now be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate here..."


For this competition, you need to listen to the song below and tell us the name of the song and the artist's name. Send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405)!


Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:56 PM
*brriiiing brrriiingg*

"Hello?" xxMATTGxx answered the call tentatively - unknown number.

"It's the hospital. I have some bad news. Your friend? Martin? Bolt660? He's... he's dead. Sorry" xxMATTGxx was speechless. "Um, we've done an autopsy, Sir, would you like to hear the results? You'd probably be interested"

"Er, yeah I guess..." xxMATTGxx said in disbelief

"Poison. We ran some tests - it's the flowers on his table. They were really rare, beautiful, really, but slowly releasing this poison. Long exposure eventually got to him, sorry again"

"What flowers were they? Do you know?"

"I'll send you a picture, sorry we can't do more. I hope you're OK"

"Thanks, I think..."



For this competition, you need to translate the medical terms below, and put them into plain English.

Cardiovascular surgery
Lilium buliferum

Prize: 2 points, 5 credits + 15 rep

26-09-2013, 07:57 PM
Shaking off the news about Bolt660's death, xxMATTGxx headed down to the safe. He had to get on this before he lost anyone else - soon noone would be left to run Habbox. He was frantically trying to call everyone - Sierk hadn't been replying all day, after Jin's disappearance he'd heard nothing, and Foregetfuhl's phone would just go to Voicemail.

As he got to the door of the main Habbox safe, he noticed that the door was slightly broken. He had no idea what that meant - but the streaks of blood made it look like some sort of struggle. He put his ear up to the door, trying to hear if anyone was inside. Nothing. Testing the door, he saw that it was locked - maybe the credits inside were safe after all.

He punched in the code and swung the door open. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw infront of him - ironic, he thought, considering the horrors he'd seen over the last 24 hours.

All the community managers were in the safe. Not as he'd have liked to find them - alive and well, but the complete opposite. Grig, still blue from the drowning, was in the middle of the pile, Sierk laid on top and Jin propped up against him. Half of one of of Jin's ears looked like it had been bitten off and laid on the ground beside them. The blood, staining the measly amount of credits left, was a disgusting sight and smell xxMATTGxx felt sure he'd never get out of his memory.

Looking round, back towards the door, he saw .Cymru. push herself up and open her mouth, like she was about to make a noise. He rushed over to her quickly, using his arm sling to stop the flow of blood from her head.

"Matt - no time - you need to"

"Rest, Shoned. Tell me later"

"I can feel it draining from me... I'm not gonna make it..."

"No! I can't lose another one!"

"Matt... I..."

"Who did this to you!" .Cymru. mumbled in response. "Come on, speak up!" xxMATTGxx was shaking her now to keep her conscious.

"gwareiddiad.. a.. wnaeth" she finally breathed, before closing her eyes and giving in to Death's sweet slumber.

"NO" xxMATTGxx shouted. Noone was around, noone could hear him, but he lauched into a full-scale rage at the universe itself. "This is so unfair! We've finally started to do well, and now what! Look at us! This is so not fair! What has everyone got against me?" he kicked the credits until they rearranged themsevles into a small, bloody pile by the door, which he went over to. Seeing the blood soaked through the front where the struggle was, he started to punch it, until his knuckles were raw. He sunk down to the floor, put his head in his hands and cried.

A good ten minutes later, his head jerked up in recognition. What did she say? Gwareiddiad a wnaeth? What did that mean?

Once you've figured it out, send your entries to HabboxComps (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=66405). You have one hour to get your entries in before the winners are chosen. Good luck!

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