View Full Version : My experience on Habbo Brazil

29-09-2013, 12:16 AM
During my time on Habbo Brazil, which was an hour or two, I had a pleasant time. There were many english speakers with a large community of 16,000 users active at that very time.

Most of what we call casinos and arcades were called 'Paradise' of which there were no dice, but wheels of fortunes. 95% of the casinos on the hotel were in fact wheel of fortunes.

Unfortunately, I met some unpleasant people who were being very prejudiced, racist and also calling me 'Noobo'
The values of furniture on the hotel is very good, with items such as HC Sofas being 9c, which may have the potential to raise higher.

I'm sure you don't care about my experience on the hotel but it was rather fun lol.

Feel free to add me on it: Lewis7

29-09-2013, 12:18 AM
Lmao, I occasionally go on the Spanish hotel, I love their quests and stuff and it actually helped me learn a bit of Spanish as I never learnt it in school. I often use Spanish fansites as sources for news reports and the like too. I might look on Habbo Brazil at some point :P.

29-09-2013, 12:27 AM
bringing us english speakers together was only ever going to be a bad thing.
canadians and brits and australians usually get on well
i know loads of canadians that hate americans ofc pretty much all brits do australians are pretty easy going
americans hate every1
dont have a******* clue why singapore people are here

but anyway brazil looks fun if only i could speak portuguese :)

29-09-2013, 10:33 AM
I like visiting habbo.nl as they have really good room designers

29-09-2013, 10:37 AM
i love going on habbo france to practise my french (h)

29-09-2013, 11:57 AM
"americans hate everyone" "canadians and brits get along well"

speak for yourself, i have met loads of americans i found even more friendly than canadians or british people


people are the same everywhere really but I guess Habbo BR would be more fun as there are like 5 times active players there than on habbo.com

29-09-2013, 12:01 PM
Canadians and the Germans are such cuties on habbo I swear. I went on es before and I met a few nice people there also :P

29-09-2013, 12:38 PM
okay i've been on for about twenty minutes. could not find any english speakers at all! checked out a paradise and it seemed to be an auction. will go back on later.

29-09-2013, 12:41 PM
yeah .com.br is nice hotel

30-09-2013, 11:11 AM
I used to go on the French hotel. Very confusing.

30-09-2013, 03:50 PM
I used to go on .SG a lot before the merge, that was a great hotel. They had a much tighter community, with some of the most amazing room designs - nothing like on the UK hotel at the time. I remember one room designer (Fire something, FumeFire maybe? If anyone knows please PM me) who was like a .SG Rakker. And a great fansite, (again, I forget: Habbo lime? Something green themed...) - Which had a really good site design and eye on hotel history. Now I never see/hear of any SG players or rooms post-merge, so sad.

30-09-2013, 03:57 PM
I remember a few months ago when I was HxHD staff, I got talking to a group of people (can't for the life of me remember what hotel they used - but at the time theirs was on maintenance for quite a while, if anyone remembers I'd love to know what one :P) Anyway, from talking to them I realised that like 2-3 out of the group were actually British and lived in Britain too, but just preferred to use the other foreign hotel, that was where all their furni was, had HC etc. I just found it so strange that they'd rather be on another hotel with majority non-English speakers. These people were in their mid-to-late 20s. I suppose it shows how much our hotel must suck :P

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