View Full Version : Naughty Habbo Stories (Ex-Hobbas/PopHabbos/Ex-Staff)

10-10-2013, 07:56 AM
Hey ya'll, you might remember me for posting alot about 'Old Skool' Habbo & and all the controversy that goes with it.

This time i'm bringing you some old stories, but I may need your help!

As all the stories maybe 6 - 7 years old I am sure they wont mind being exposed. (if not exposed already)

If this thread is popular I want it to be stickied in 'Habbo in general' so EVERYONE can see the thread & all the stories

I want replies from the following nature:

Habbo users meeting outside of Habbo (I know this happened & iv'e been told loads of Hobbas used to do this but I haven't had any names so if you know please expose with a nice story to go along with it) SCREENIES WELCOME

Corrupt Hobba's in the Hobba scheme? (They were loads of controversy with the Hobba scheme from 2001 - 2004, I want to know the stories like why Rareboy was fired and if you know other stories about other hobbas then elaborate, alot were corrupt) Example: ChelseaBoy picking up furniture, Callie selling rares on eBay, PsychoLlama fireing, GlitterKat being a B) SCREENIES WELCOME

Hackings Staff/Rich/Popular Habbo (Krews were popular in Habbo, Krew's like DdK, VoD, Finch-HIMself & SonicMouse. ALOT of Staff/Hobbas & Habbos got hacked. If you know any stories please elaborate) Example: The time Beau03 (The Habbo X) got hacked by Dlox in 2006 & the Hobba JOKERRRR. Also when FINCH hacked loads of MOD's in 2006/7 & posted about it on forums with screenies. SCREENIES WELCOME

Habbo's Passing Away I know this is a touchy topic but still there is only a few I know which is the Hobbas - Y0RKIE, Snoopstar & Lilduckie if anymore please share and R.I.P us Habbo's miss you!

Hobba/Staff/Habbo X Emails from Staff Print Screens of E-Mails either accepting you into the scheme or letting you go. SCREENIES WELCOME

Who didn't like who & WHY (Staff/Hobbas/X's/Habbos) Just usual dirt, you know the drill

Let's face it, us guys who browse forums are NOSEY about inside dirt! so don't be flaming me! I did this for the whole Habbox community!

& Please thake this seriously, Thank You

PlERO, Cruiserz

10-10-2013, 11:27 AM
A bunch of Habbo eXperts met up, including a few team leaders. This was frowned upon, and if staff ever found out they would've been 'fired' :P

As for emails from being an eXpert, I have many. I'll post them in a few mins :)

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:31 PM ----------

I was in the eXpert team from when it started in November 2005, to when it ended in summer 2008. I became team leader in January 2008. Only me and Mystique! ere there from start to beginning.

Here is a bunch of emails if you're really that bothered:

1st Mar 06
Hi Team!!

This is a joint email from your Team Leaders Tyche and AuntyFrog

Ok, we would like to hold team meetings this week on Thursday 2nd March
at 9pm and
Friday 3rd March 9pm.

Team Xtreme to meet in your team room password Xyeti
Team XGen to meet in your team room password fr0gex

We will be discussing an X giveaway provisionally planned for 10th March
as well
as anything else you wish to discuss.

If you have any items for the agenda please PM them to your Team Leader,
on the
forum, before the meeting, even if you will not be able to attend.

Before the meeting can you please creat an X donation room, if you don't
have one and message your friends list about the forthcoming event but
please dont
confirm the date. Just say it is coming very soon.

Hopefully most of you will be able to make one of the meetings but if
you can't
please PM your team leader through the forum so we can make sure you are kept
fully informed of the details that we resolve at the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Onward and upwards peeps!LOL

Love Emma and Jan

7th Mar 06
Hi all :)

I just wanted to drop you a mail to let you know that Version 9 of Habbo
Hotel is here!

Expect lots of questions, and please do make some time to be in the
Welcome Lounge so that you can help people out :)

Thanks all and enjoy Version 9!


9th Mar 06:
A message from Jan:

Hi Team

I'm afraid I have some bad news. Due to CiskOne's ban, he has indeed been debadged. Heidi is sorting out removing him from the forum too.
He made a silly mistake but I'm sure we wish him well and thank him for the work he has done as an X.

This is the second team member we have lost like this. We must take this as a lesson in how careful we must be, as X's, to ensure that we follow the Habbo Way constantly, even when we are not 'on duty' or wearing our badges.

With the priviledge of being an X there also comes the responsibility to maintain the stringently high standards that you met to be selected in the first place.
People will always be monitoring our behaviour closely and waiting for just the mome nt when they can either trip us up or report us.

I am proud of you peeps and all the hard work you do.
I don't want to lose any more of my team this way so come on guys, lets be careful out there!!!

On a brighter note Heidi has confirmed that we have all been given a further two months HC and she has made a note of when it expires.

So, onwards and upwards team and good luck for Friday!!

Much Love

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:33 PM ----------

12th Apr 06
Hi there lovely X's!

I haven't been in touch for a couple of weeks because I was away on my

I wanted to check in and make sure you are all ok, if you have any issues
you need bringing up with myself or Emma, can you please get in touch with
your lovely TL, and they will pass along your comments to myself and Em,
and between us we will do our best to help you out.

I don't have any specific news for you all, as I only got back from my
jollies on Monday morning, and I am still jet lagged!

I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Easter, enjoy all your choccy, and
please accept my sincere thanks for all you do to help new Habbos :)


21st Apr 06
Hello Lovely X's!

How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well and having fun!

I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things today :)

X's and Events in the Hotel
X's are special, you all know that, and as such you are more than welcome at our events , in fact we wouldn't like it if you didn't turn up to them! Please bear in mind that your ability to be in rooms that are full is a very potent power. It works like this: If you enter a room before it is full, then you take up a normal space..if you enter when the room is full you don't. So, as was the case for Shayne visiting the hotel this week (and it was really him - I had my pic taken with him - and he had his arm around me *blush*!), a lot of you rushed in and stopped the regular Habbos from getting in. Can I ask you ALL to in future wait til you see a room is full before you try and get in. If there is more than one session, can you only attend one and not them all - it's not really fair if normal Habbos who have to queue can't get in because you have taken up spaces.

I am sure some of you were surprised to be kicked from the second and third Shayne sessions this week - you weren't in trouble, but I wanted to give the room space to someone who had been queuing.

If you can all show a bit of restraint, that would be fantastic :)

Italian Habbo Party
I hear all who attended had a lovely time :) I shall be writing to my colleagues at the Italian Hotel to thank them on your behalf :) I know there was an issue of a bit of an intruder - I am investigating that at the moment. We should offer a reciprocal event - get your thinking caps on and let your fabulous team Leaders know your ideas ok?

Keep safe, have a lovely weekend, and have fun!


27th Apr 06
Hi Teams!!

We will be having another joint meeting, to discuss holding a party/gathering for the HabboHotel.IT X's and anything else you would like to raise.

Details as follows:-

Tuesday May 2nd 9pm
Wednesday May 3rd 9pm

Both meetings in Team Xgen room password fr0gex

If you have anything you'd like included in the agenda or if you can't make it but would like something brought up at the meeting please pm or message your team leader.

Hope to see as many of you there as can make it.


Jan and Emma

28th Apr 06
Hello X'ers!

I've increased the room capacity for the Welcome Lounge to 50. Obviously
this means that the room is going to be a lot busier - all the more reason
that it is VERY important for you to be in there meeting and greeting and
helping out during those important 15 minutes or more.

Can you send me feedback (via your TL's) about how you think it is going
during this experiment please?

I am going to review the situation on 1st June.

Thanks all :)


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:36 PM ----------

28th Apr 06
Hey all :)

I want to pick your brains please!

If you have any ideas with regard to improving communication to new users.

If you can send me some ideas I will pass them along to the relevant
people and if your ideas get chosen we will reward you!

Many thanks have a great weekend :)


4th May 06
Hi there X'ers!

Thanks for all your ideas! There are some great ideas in there! I've passed them along, and they will be looked at closely :) I really appreciated the time you spent replying to me :)

I'd like to remind you of a few things today, and also have an announcement.

The moderators have a set list of priorities. These priorities include making sure Habbos are safe, not being harmed, or being put in a position where their enjoyment of Habbo can be disrupted. Habbos who have been scammed, hacked, or have credit issues are NOT in their list of priorities.As I am sure you all know when you hit the big blue question mark, you get a list of radio buttons, and they list common questions about scamming, credits etc.

If you choose one of the two bottom options, your question will be passed to a moderator. Please note that moderators are instructed to ignore calls for help which are covered either in the radio buttons above or in the FAQ, so they can concentrate on emergency calls for help from Habbos who really need their help.

There have been a couple of cases reported to me recently of X's not paying attention to the information given to them in the call for help tool, and asking Habbos to send multiple calls for help about subjects which Mods have been asked specifically not to deal with (by me), and thus slowing the whole system down for those who really need help.

It is NOT the job of X's to deal with hackers, hackees, stolen furniture, missing credits or anything of that nature. Please do no take it upon yourself to do that kind of thing, you will not get backup from the Moderators, as much as you think that you are helping the Habbo, you aren't because telling them a mod will help them is a false statement. Advise the Habbo of the proper procedure they need to follow, and they will get help. We have ways to do things for reasons, and I know you were all chosen because you have a deep desire to help, but in order to do that you need to follow the rules :)

Also, I've had some reports of X's discussing the way Mods do their jobs..I am going to include a clip with the all names removed, you know who you are!

X:mod-flaxy said to this guy
X:dont forget ignore
X:thats hardly helping

Now the X didn't know everything that was going on, and most importantly - they really shouldn't be saying these types of things in a room. If you see something that a mod does that troubles you - I want to know! Mail Your team Leader, or me if you are worried that it is serious that it need attention straight away. Please don't talk about mods, or anyone else connected with Habbo in a room, you would hate it if anyone did it about you.

We are all part of the big Habbo family - lets be nice to our siblings eh?

Finally, and most regretfully, I have to announce that we have lost Xelibri from the X's. I wish him all the best in the future.

Now some good news! I am really pleased we appear to be making contacts with worldwide X's .. all who are helping with this, thank you!

Have a good week, all .. be good, keep safe, and have fun!


8th May 06
Hi all :)

Just to let you know that I have extended your HC for 3 more months :)

Thanks :)


15th May 06
Hi all =)

I'm dropping you all an email to announce some changes to the Team and
some exciting news.

Firstly we've invited two of you to become Team Leaders so we can split
the teams down again into the 10 Xs per Team Leader we first envisaged.
We're also going to be piloting a program in the UK which will mean Team
Leaders get some added powers and responsibilities. Once our two new
Team Leaders are on board I'll be going through these changes with all
the Team Leaders and getting them trained. They will then tell you about
their new powers in their Team Meetings.

On to the next piece of news; I'm in the process of putting the building
blocks into place for a team of Safety Xs. These will have exactly the
same badge and abilities you all do with the difference that their
activities will be centered on educating Habbos about personal and
account safety rather than giving hints and tips about playing generally
on the hotel. Once the structure of that team is set up we'll be
recruiting for it. This information is *confidential* for now so if we
suddenly get an influx of Habbo email in our inbox with the first line
"We've heard that..." we'll be asking some questions around!

As we'll have two more Team Leaders we will be shuffling people around
and we hope to get out an announcement towards the end of this week
detailing who is on what team.

Many thanks all!

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager
[email protected]

16th May 06
Hi all!

Firstly I'd like to give a big welcome to our two new X Team Leaders;
Politefairy and TotallyMental! I'm sure you'll all help them in their
new role.

As we've now got 4 Team Leaders, we obviously had to reshuffle you all
to make 4 teams. This has been done totally randomly so you should read
below to see which team you are now in. Politefairy and Totallymental
will be starting up threads in the X Forum to poll their teams for a
team name so be sure to check in to the message board to get involved in

So, without further ado, the teams are:

AuntyFrog's Team (Team Xgen)

Politefairy's Team

TotallyMental's Team

Tyche's Team (Team Xtreme)

Remember to keep up-to-date with your Team Leaders and their Team
Meetings via the forum guys! =)

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager
[email protected]

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:38 PM ----------

22nd May 06
Hi all :)

This is a bit of a team update, so please make sure you read to the

Firstly I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Anitar well; she's
resigned from the X team as she other commitments and issues in
real-life she needs to attend to. She's been great and has mine and
Heidi's heart-felt thanks for her help in the X Team.

Next up is a full X Team meeting for May. I'm going to schedule this for
this coming Sunday (28th May) at 6pm UK time in the Xcave and hope to
see lots of you there.

This weekend I met with 3 of the X Team Leaders (the last I'm meeting
Wednesday) and talked through the pilot scheme we're running for them,
so now it's your turn for an explanation! In recent months we've noticed
that there's been lots of complaints from Xs about niggling things such
as door-blockers and flooders in the Welcome Lounge and, as those things
are very low priority for our Moderators, we wanted to try and tackle
that issue some other way. It's been suggested on a number of occasions
that Xs be given the power to mute and kick, however we've always
resisted this as it fundamentally changes the spirit of the program and
basically turns you into a team of Silver Hobbas. Not only were we
worried about the increased workload to office staff with the extra
Habbo complaints having such powers would generate *and* having up to 50
extra activity logs to check every month, we were also concerned that if
all Xs had the ability to remove people from rooms, the Habbo community
at large would start to perceive you as a moderation team (like the
Hobbas), rather than a friendly team of experts who are on the same
level as themselves. That we didn't want as, putting it bluntly, if we'd
wanted a volunteer group of moderator types we'd simply have found some
way to keep the Hobbas going.

So given all the above, we decided to pilot a compromise and that was
Team Leaders having the ability to mute and kick (or alert and kick as
it turns out) and for the X Team as a whole to be able to ask for the
aid of a Team Leader if they felt they were really getting bogged down
in a public room and Moderators were busy. This means that if a public
room you're Xing in is being hugely disrupted by someone blocking the
door or flooding the room out, you can find a Team Leader on your
console (it doesn't have to be YOUR team's leader) and they can come and
help restore calm. They will also be able to help with 'crowd control'
during X Team events and events run by the HM, Heidi or myself.

These tools DO NOT mean that the Team Leaders are now 'running the
Welcome Lounge' and they DO NOT mean that they are changing their focus
to moderating. It simply means that if you're having a lot of trouble
with disruptive elements in the Welcome Lounge, you can ask for their
help rather than wait for a Moderator who will be a long time coming as
disruption is not a priority issue. Team Leaders are ONLY allowed to use
their tools in public rooms unless specifically given permission by
management to use them in certain guest rooms during hotel events or X

Now I have heard mutterings that some think it's not fair that Team
Leaders get these abilities and not the rest of the team. Well, apart
from the reasons I've already stated I will point out that Team Leaders
ALSO have extra responsibilities. They have to run team meetings *at
least* twice a month and report back to management, they have to monitor
who is active and who isn't and they have to act as a conduit for
information up and down. We're now doing this pilot which, whilst it
gives them an extra way to help their teams, ALSO puts more
responsibility on them since it'll be their X badge on the line if they
abuse the tools or make a lot of mistakes. Team Leaders' new abilities
are there to assist YOU so I'd encourage everyone to support their Team
Leaders in this as it's for your own benefit.

The last item in this update is about X Call for Help. Becs talked about
this some months ago and said that it MAY happen (not WILL happen). I'm
afraid there are no updates to this at present; it's still an idea which
is being kicked around at high levels and may happen, or may not.
If/when we get any further information on this we'll let you all know.

Many thanks and hope to see a good bunch of you on Sunday! :)

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager
[email protected]

2nd Jun 06
Hi all!

Right - one of the ideas discussed at the big team meeting was a regular
X Workshop for new Habbos (see the meeting run-down posting on the forum
if you weren't there). Coolmandan6 did a preliminary poll on the forum
about possible venues for a workshop and the consensus was that a guest
room would be best. As a result of that you'll find a room called
Workshop owned by Redtiz so please give Coolmandan6 a yell for the
password if you want to take a look (I can't remember it! Lol).

So what is the aim of an X Workshop? Well it's to give new Habbos an
opportunity to learn about Hotel basics with practical demonstrations!

How is that done? You'll see the Workshop contains some items that
knowledgeable Habbos take for granted - fridges, cameras, pets, gates,
mocha and teleports. During the Workshop session the Xs involved will
explain where to get these things, how they work and allow the new
Habbos to have a go themselves. The Xs will also do walk-throughs of
some common things such as how to use the purse, the console or the
navigator during the session. There'll also be an opportunity to explain
what Xs are. Not all these things have to be done in all sessions and,
in fact, we can add a bit of variety by changing items or even using
part of the workshop time to take Habbos on a tour of some of the public
rooms so they can be shown first hand how to do such things as pull a
carrot in the picnic area, order a burger in Habburgers or get changed
in the Lido.

The workshop will be run every week and will probably last an hour
(possibly 2 x 30 minutes). Although it's focused at new Habbos, others
are welcome (it'd be hard to stop them!) as long as they don't disrupt
and they realise that the topics covered will be very basic! It will be
publicised on the homepage and the plan is to co-ordinate an hour's (3 x
20 minutes) session in the Infobus for the same day where I'll run
quizzes aimed at new habbos with the help of an X. Why aim to have both
on the same day? Because we can then advertise it as a regular 'New
Habbo Day' on the homepage of course!

Right - so the next step on getting the workshop going is to have a
meeting ONLY for those interested in helping out. If you're not
interested in helping out then you don't need to read further. If you
ARE interested in helping out then please come to the Xcave this
Saturday (2nd June) at 5pm UK time.

Many thanks all and many thanks to coolmandan6 for his sterling work on
this so far!

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager

9th Jun 06
Hi Team XGen!!

Thank you for your responses to possible meeting times.

I think we will try for next Wednesday 14th July at 7:30pm GMT, in our
Team Room, password fr00gle.

Looking at the times you say you might be available I think this should
catch the majority of you. Can you pleasepm me on the forum to let me
know whether you can attend or not and also with anything you want on
the agenda.
If lots of you can't make it then we will just throw a six and start

Look forward to hearing from you all!


10th Jun 06
Hi all :)

Just a quick word about the NSPCC events going on in the hotel tomorrow.
These are *extremely* restricted events; not many Habbos will be able to
get into them. It's therefore absolutely ESSENTIAL that if you're
intending to go to these events, you enter the room AFTER the event has
started. Why? Because if you go in before the room is full your presence
will count as a place and another Habbo won't be able to get in. If you
go in after the event has started and the room is full, your badges will
allow you in without kicking out other Habbos or taking their place.

Please be warned that if you ARE seen to be entering the NSPCC event
rooms before the room is full, you'll be removed by staff.



12th Jun 06
Hi all :)

Right - as we're coming in to festival season I thought we could have an
X Fest! This will be a week of events involving you, the Xs with the
emphasis on fun and learning. I'm thinking the first week of July would
be a good (1st to 7th) and it's obviously going to need some organising!
So here's what I have so far and any ideas for fun games where you can
get involved with other Habbos would be most welcome (I'll start a
thread in the forum):


1. Habbo Workshop - we have almost got this organised. We'll do a
run-through with those interested in doing this on Sunday 18th at 5pm
BST (ie UK time). Please come to X Cave

2. Quest - I have a quest for Habbos worked out. The idea is that
they will be searching for a special item (you'll find out what that is
when the competition is announced) which is hidden in a room. To start
the quest, the Habbo has to get a photo of themselves with a Habbo X and
they must then put their Habbo name, along with yours, on to the photo
caption. Once they have done this you, the X, will tell them where to go
(you'll be told nearer the time). The Habbo's first stop will be to give
a certain secret phrase to a particular bot. That bot will give them a
clue to which bot they need to talk to next. The Habbo will be led
through half a dozen public rooms by the clues bots give until a final
bot gives them a clue to a guest room and the password to that guest
room. The guest room contains several dozen teleports, but only one will
take them to the secret room where the special item is. When the Habbo
finds their way through, they must pin their the photo of them and the X
to the wall to prove they were there. When the comp is over there will
be two prizes given out. The first prize will be for the Habbo who
appears in a photo I pick at random and the 2nd prize will be for the X
who appears in the most photos. In short - there's a bit of incentive
for you all to help those Habbos out with this quest! ;-)

3. Capture the Carrot. This will be a relay game with a quiz
element held in the picnic area. We'll have 5 Xs heading up a relay team
of 5 people. Those 5 Xs can choose their team from the Habbos who turn
up and want to be involved and each team will have to wear some clothing
item to identify them (identical hats or shirt colours). Each team will
have to line up on the waterside pavement and work out in what order
they will run. When the starting alert goes off, the first runners of
each team will have to race across the BBQ area to the carrot patch,
pick a carrot and run back to their team to 'tag' the next runner who'll
then run off to get their own carrot. The first team to complete the
relay will win a prize. We have have 2 sessions of 5 teams doing the
relay and the winners then do a play off to win a grand prize.

4. Habbo 101 in the infobus. This will be a session which I run
with a guest X. We'll be running quizzes on basic hotel knowledge and
the guest X can answer questions about the X program.

So...what ideas for games do you have? The aim is to have one or two
activities on each day of the festival. Those activities can involve all
of you, or if one or two of you have a game you'd like to run in a guest
room, that'll be fine too. We'll have a timetable of all events on the
homepage - the only must is that if you commit yourself to running an
event, you MUST turn up for it or you'll be letting Habbos down!

Anyway, let's get the ideas going in the forum :)

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager
[email protected]

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:42 PM ----------

23rd Jun 06
Hi there :)

The following people have been invited to become Habbo X. They have been
requested to attend one of two meetings scheduled in X Cave (details
below) and if you'd like to come along and meet those who take up the
challenge of Xing, please do come along!

Sunday 25th June at 8pm BST (UK Time)
Monday 26th June at 5pm BST (UK Time)

What follows is a list of names of those who have been invited. They
were chosen on several factors:

1. They applied and passed the criteria as laid out on the
homepage's FAQs about Habbo X
2. The reason given for wanting to be Habbo X was good
3. Their accounts show good activity
4. Their names were passed by your Team Leaders and we received no
adverse comments

Invitations sent to:

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager
[email protected]

26th Jun 06
Hi all :)

I'm afraid that I'm going to have to postpone tonight's meeting as
something unforeseen has come up.

There was a great turn-out of new Xs last night and there are only 2 who
I've not had a chance to meet yet. So, rather than have a big meeting to
greet 2 people, what I suggest is that we have a big meet on Friday
evening to make sure that everyone's happy with what they're doing
during the X Fest (1st July to 7th July remember!).

We'll have the meeting at 8pm in the Xcave. Password will be: BestX

Thanks! :)

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager

26th Jun 06
Hi all :)

A couple of updates here.

1. UK X go to SG
Bigbutsound has organised a meet-up between UK Xs and those Xs of
Singapore. This will take place this Saturday at 2pm (UK Time) over on
www.habbohotel.sg in a room called Doelee's Basement. The password to
the room is: UKHabboX

2. New Xs
Just a reminder. All new Xs with the exception of XRF and iDrew are now
badged (as you're not a Habbo X until you're badged, they are not
included in this email). The teams they have been placed in are as

AuntyFrog's Team Xgen:

Tyche's Team eXtreme:

PoliteFairy's Team effeX:

TotallyMental's Team Xtra:

Many thanks all!

Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager

30th Jun 06
Hi all :)

Soon you'll be seeing a front page promotion on the UK hotel for the X
Fest, linking to a content section under community. Later this afternoon
a new floor of the navigation tool will open with links to all your
event rooms.

What does this mean? Well if you're running an event you need to decide
whether you're going to keep the door locked until the day, or allow
people to wander round in the days prior to the event. If you decide to
allow people to wander around, you should make sure your room is
finished and is named correctly. The homepage contains an X Fest
timetable with room names so if you can't remember what you were going
to call it, look there :)

Just a reminder that we've got a meeting tonight at 8pm in Xcave
(password: BestX) just to make sure everyone knows what they are doing
and are ready.

As the page is going up today (there's nobody in the offices on
Saturdays to upload) you may get Habbos asking to take photos of you to
start the Grail Quest competition. That's fine, they can do that if they


Emma Monks (Redtiz)
Assistant Community Manager

10th Jul 06:
Hi all :)

Message from AuntyFrog:

Hi peeps!! Can you all reply to this email plz telling me which
days/times you are available for a meeting in the next two weeks.

Please tell me all the times you are available specifically then I will
try to arrange as many meetings as necessary to cover you all.

Many thanks!


14th Jul 06:
Hi guys

The Italians are having a party for a few of the Euro Xs. Details are
below - if you are going to go, please give your name to your Team
Leader (or if you're in PoliteFairy's team, please give your name to
Tyche). Team Leaders - if you could please send along your lists of
attendees by Monday afternoon. Many thanks!

Date: 20th June
Time: 19.30 (the Italian CM didn't specify the timezone for this and
hasn't responded to my query yet, so I'd *assume* it's BST+1 - if any of
you know any of the Italian Xs, I'd check that's right).

Room: proie91
Password: partyx



15th Jul 06:
Hi all :)

Some news for you all. As you all know, we had problems with photos not
loading during the Quest comp last week and the techs in Finland have
been working away at a solution. They've found one and photos are
working again HOWEVER, photos taken during the 'problem' period couldn't
be retrieved and have been deleted.

What does this mean? Well it means that we'll have to run the Habbo
Quest comp again! I have cut out the 'quest' part and have opened up my
Teleports room. Habbos will now simply need to get a photo of themselves
with you, put both Habbos names on the photo, go to the Teleport room
and from there into the Grail room and put the photo on the wall. You've
all been given 5 films to help out with this.

The next news is that in the next hour you'll see a new area under the
Help & Safety section of the homepage. That area is called Habbo eXperts
and, as you can probably guess, is about Habbo X and Safety X! This will
be a permanent area which we'll be using to add news of events,
competitions and recruitment drives. We'll also add your articles on
there and perhaps some interviews with you on what it's like Xing.

You'll also find the winners of the Safety Mission Comp announced in
this new area as well as all the details of the Habbo Quest re-run.



10-10-2013, 11:44 AM
21st Jul 06:
Hi all

Ok, this email is going to address a few issues I've picked up on and
Team Leaders have notified me of.

1. Team Leader Tools
The TLs have told me that there's still discontent amongst some Xs that
TLs have the ability to kick and alert, but not *all* Xs. I've been into
the reasons for TLs only having these tools a number of times now and
I'd have hoped that the Xfest highlighted the main reason for TLs having
those tools; they were able to help crowd control events. We are *not*
extending these to all Xs because you are not Hobbas nor Moderators and
we don't want your focus to shift from giving friendly help to policing.
Now I will lay it straight on the line on this topic because it really
has been done to death. If anyone out there can't live with the fact
that TLs have a few more tools, those people need to reconsider their
position on the Team. I'm not having this subject raised over and over
again ad-nauseumn and I'm not having every positive thing the Team does
(Xfest for example) spoiled by a few moaning because they feel they're
entitled to tools they don't have.

So....I hope that particular subject is done and dusted for good.

2. Team Stucture
Again, I've been told by the TLs that some have low morale because they
don't like being in 4 teams and would prefer to go back to two. It was
stated from Day 1 of the X program that we were aiming to have 50 Xs in
teams of 10, each with a Team Leader. As the Team has grown we've done
exactly what we stated so it really should be no surprise. We are not
going back to having one huge team or 2 big teams. Why? For a number of

* Two Team Leaders is not enough; it would put unfair pressure on
them to be online a lot.
* A team of around 25 is too large, it makes for team meetings
with everyone talking over each other which means the quieter ones may
not get a word in edgeways. It's also harder for a Team Leader to handle
and, again, puts unfair pressure on them to be around a lot to support
25 people.

3. Team Leaders
There still appears to be some opposition to the choice of some Team
Leaders for no particular reason that I can see and mutterings that some
feel they would have been a better choice than some who were picked.
I'll state this bluntly; if I see *anyone* say "I think I'd be a better
Team Leader than XXX" I can guarantee two things - 1. you will *never*
be a Team Leader and 2. you will be asked why you're not supporting Team
Leaders and you'll be invited to either give concrete reasons for why
you feel someone isn't up to the job and, if you can't, you'll be given
the options of putting a sock in it and starting to support that Team
Leader or, if you can't, of leaving the Team.

4. Absences
All of us have time away; whether it's holidays, exams, illness, family
issues etc. However if you're on the X Team and know you're going to be
unable to X for more than a week or two you MUST contact us. If you feel
it's something you don't want your Team Leader to know, you can email us
directly. Increasingly I'm seeing people disappear for extended periods
with no word to their Team Leaders or us and, in some cases, I've heard
of resignations via my own trawlings on the forum. That isn't
acceptable. It's a matter of basic courtesy that, if you know you're
going to be away for a long time, you TELL us. People disappearing for
long periods unannounced creates bad feeling as other Xs start to think
they're doing all the work whilst others aren't pulling their weight.

5. Don't take Xing for granted
The people who've caused Team Leaders to raise the concerns I've tackled
in points 1 to 3 really need to step back and think about what they have
rather than what they don't have. You're in a Team which several
*thousand* others wanted to get on to and still want to get onto, so
your inclusion is a privilege, not a right. You get free HC and a badge
which gives you VIP entry into full rooms. You get a platform to raise
ideas straight to staff which no other Habbo has. You get to create and
take part in events which no other Habbo gets to do. A lot of your ideas
which have been practical have been implemented and you now even have
your own area on the homepage for YOU to populate with articles,
interviews and news on events you want to run. If you're not satisified
with all of that then, for heaven's sake, take a step out of the Team
and give someone else a chance who'll enjoy the experience more.

Now, we don't usually encourage this but, if any of you feel you want to
raise issues (NOT about Team Leader tools!) then for the next week you
can email us direct and we'll address them.

Many thanks!


22nd Jul 07:
Hi all :)

Just a quick note with some updates to the Habbo X Team:

1. We bid welcome back and farewell to .:sky.angel:. Who has
returned but will now be known as GlowingSpirit on the team, having
moved her badge to another of her accounts.

2. We say a sad goodbye to Feddy who resigned due to time
constraints and timezone difficulties.

3. Lastly we bid farewell to Avadakedavra and nuttygirl77 who have
found they no longer have time to X.

We wish all three the best of luck and thanks for all their help with
the team.

Many thanks!


2nd Aug 06:
Hi Team!!

Dates for your diary!

Our August meetings will be as follows:-

Thurs 10th at 8:30pm

Thurs 24th at 8:30pm

Both meetings in Team XGen room, password fr00gle

It is essential that you let me know if you can't attend a meeting.
Please inform me either by a PM on the forum or by email via redtiz.

I will post these details on the forum.

Please let me know if you have anything you want included on the agenda
and also after the meeting how about a session of Bingo, my treat? Or
maybe we could all choose a room to go to and have some fun?

Take care peeps!!
Lots of love
aka AuntyFrog

14th Aug 06
Hi Habbo and Safety Xs!

Just a quick update email which contains information both teams need to

1. Confidentiality.
May I suggest that everyone read their Mission again and make sure they
understand it? I had a Habbo message me today with the passwords to
*both* X meeting rooms which, of course, means that a couple of Xs have
been giving out this information. So just in case there is any doubt
includes emails from us, room passwords and any information we give you
UNLESS we explicitly state it can be passed on. If we have proof of
people ignoring this and giving out room passwords etc, we will simply
remove your badge because it'll be obvious to us that we can't trust

So, the passwords have now been changed and your Team Leaders will be
notified of the new ones.

2. Ignore Campaign

Sulake is about to embark on a campaign to educate Habbos about the use
of the Ignore button. At present, many of the Calls we receive are about
low-level swearing or flooding which can be dealt with by Habbos simply
clicking on the culprit and selecting the 'Ignore' button so they can't
see what the culprit is saying. However, it does seem that many Habbos
don't use this option for whatever reason. So, if you see
flooding/swearing in rooms you're in, please advise the Habbos to use
the Ignore button. Habbos who send in calls about low-level swearing or
flooding will also receive messages from the Moderators to use the
Ignore button. The Moderators will however, still be checking the chat
logs to make sure that nothing more serious went on in the background
and, if it did, they'll take action. In the near future you'll see
promotion on the homepage about the Ignore campaign.



---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:47 PM ----------

17th Aug 06:
Calling all Xs!

We had a suggestion in from a Habbo for a profile from each X on the
eXperts section of the homepage. We'll do one profile a week and I'll
stress that this ISN'T compulsary. If you don't want a profile, that's
fine. If you DO want a profile, please answer the questions below and
return to me along with a screenshot of your Habbo (if you know how to
do it, please crop down a full screenshot to just show your Habbo).

Habbo name

Why did you choose that name?

How long have you been an X?

What made you want to be an X?

The good parts of Xing?

The bad parts of Xing?

Favourite room on Habbo?

What's your iPod playing?

Which reality TV show would you be on and why?

Number 1 food to make you barf?

Top tip for those wanting to be an X?

Any last thoughts?

22nd Aug 06:
Hi Team!

Just to remind you that our second August meeting is this Thursday at
8:30pm BST, Team XGen room password fr00gle.

Please let me know if you can't attend or if there is anything you would
like included on the agenda.

Love Jan

23rd Aug 06:
Hello Xs!

As you'll all know from the forum, PoliteFairy is stepping down from
Team Leadership due to lots of real-life commitments. She will however,
be remaining a loyal member of the effeX team. I'm sure Team effeX will
agree that she's done a sterling job as Team Leader and we're all glad
she has the time to stay around and X with us.

I am pleased to announce however, that Team effeX has a new leader and
that person is...


I hope Team effeX welcome him with open arms and I'm sure he'll do a
fantastic job.

Well done!


4th Sep 06:
The meetings for September will be as follows:-

Thurs 8th at 8:30pm
Friday 22nd at 9pm
Team Xgen room password fr00gle

Now, I am aware that some of you are going back to school soon so if
these dates are really unworkable for the majority of you then please pm
me and we will throw a six and start again. Please also tell me of the
dates/times that you ARE available if you cant make these and I will
either change the dates/times OR hold extra meetings.
Just to remind you that I am on holiday from 8th-17th September so if
you have any problems please contact Kokey or ardl.

Love Jan

5th Sep 06:
Hi all!

As we all know, Mark has left the X program and that leaves a spot open
for the leadership of Team Xtra. However, this time I have no
announcement of a replacement.


Well we've had a number of people realise they don't have the time for
Xing anymore and have moved on. This has left all teams below 10 members
and Team Xtra only has 6 members! As we're not in a position to put up
applications at the moment, what I'm going to do is disband Team Xtra
for the time being and move its members to make 3 full teams rather than
have 4 small teams. When we finally get a new application form and are
able to recruit again, we'll get another 10 people to make a new Team
Xtra and when they're bedded in, another 10 members for the fifth and
final team.

I've assigned Team Xtra members randomly to the other teams as I want
teams to be as equal as possible. You will be staying on these teams
from now on, so I'd ask the existing team members to welcome them with
open arms:

Moving to Team Xgen (AuntyFrog):

Moving to Team Xtreme (Kokey):

Moving to Team effeX (Ardl):

I will be making the appropriate changes to the forum so you'll have
access to the correct areas. Please do check in with your new Team
Leaders who'll tell you about their meetings planned for this month.

Many thanks!


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:53 PM ----------

5th Sep 06
Hi all :)

Just dropping a quick email with some news which will be of benefit to

In short I'd like to get a lot more events going, but I'm aware that I
don't have a great deal of time to co-ordinate organisation, sort out
furni requests etc which are associated with events. I definitely need
help in that area.

So! Bigbutsound is going to help me out as an event co-ordinator for
both teams and here's what he'll be doing:

1. He'll be using an account called XEvents which I've registered
for him to create an X Store. The Store will hold a pool of furni which
any X can call upon when they wish to run an X event and need help with

2. He'll be keeping an inventory of what's in that store which
he'll post to the shared discussion folder on the forum so Xs can see at
a glance what's in the furni pool.

3. He'll be keeping a list of what furni is leant out to which X
and will be responsible for chasing up that X after events to make sure
it's returned to the X Store.

4. If the X Store doesn't have the furni needed for an event, an X
can send a list to Bigbutsound via the forum and he'll collate the lists
and give them to me. I'll then dump the required furni on to the Xevents
account where Bigbutsound will add it to the inventory and dish it out
to those who requested.

5. When running events, Bigbutsound will send me the final details
for publication on the homepage - event name, date, time, location, host
and any prizes. So when you're deciding on an event, please leave him
these details when you've finalised them.

6. If you want to run an event but don't want the room on your
account, let Bigbutsound know what room you want and he can create it on
Xevents and give you rights.

He will be getting Team Leader rights so he can also lend a hand with
crowd control during events if required, but he will not be directly
leading a team nor will teams or Team Leaders be reporting to him. All
remains as usual on that front and Bigbutsound will remain in his
current team and report to his current Team Leader for anything bar
event requests (when he'll come directly to me). He will simply be the
'keeper' of the X Store and a great hub for all your event requests and

Any questions or queries, please let me know.

Many thanks!


8th Sep 06:
Hi all :)

For those of you who may not have read the thread on the forum (although
I hope everyone is keeping up with the forums!), we're launching a
fortnightly Safety Mission Comp from today.

Every Fortnight an X Team (both Habbo X and Safety X) will come up with
a safety-related topic for a mission. Habbos have to come up with the
best Missions under that topic and Xs will post the ones they spot on
the forum and vote on the best when the fortnight is up. This obviously
depends on you clicking on Habbos you see around to check Missions!

This comp is being publicised on the eXpert area and the details are as

Mission topic for Friday 8th September to Friday 22nd September is: "WHY

The competition will end on Friday 22nd September and the Xs will then
be voting for the best Missions.

1st Prize will be 25 credits and the twinkly rare gold trophy
2 runners-up will receive 2 random HC rares each



22nd Sep 06:
Hi peeps!

Just a quick reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow night, 22nd Sept,
Team XGen Room, password fr00gle

Please let me know if you cant attend.

Love Jan

19th Oct 06
Greetings Habbo and Safety Xs!

This is an email going out to all Xs with some important information on
changes which effect *all* Xs in *all* countries, so please ensure you
have a good read.

Whilst I was on hols, a couple of decisions were made in Helsinki HQ
which I've found out about on my return, they are:

A) Team Leader tools have been scrapped globally.
B) Free HC for Xs has been scrapped globally.

These decisions have been made because HQ want to avoid Xs having any
powers or gifts which other Habbos can't have. I'll stress now that the
Team Leader tools are not being scrapped due to any wrong-doing on
behalf of the TLs; all their actions are checked and each and every one
of them, past and present, has used their tools with absolute
responsibility and professionalism.

So, what will these changes mean for you?

Loss of Team Leader Tools:
This will mean that your Team Leader will no longer be able to supply
help with blockers or with crowd control in events where they do not
have rights in the rooms. In practice this will mean that we'll probably
steer away from holding X events in public rooms unless we can guarantee
staff or Mod coverage and lean more towards events in private rooms
where we can give rights to all involved. Team Leaders will continue
with all the other aspects of their roles however, it's simply they'll
no longer have the ability to mute, send alerts or kick.

Loss of free HC:
Now this is not a total disaster for you since your X badge does give
certain HC powers; namely the ability to get into HC rooms. You'll also
still retain the ability to room over-ride in public and private rooms
(which, despite what some fansites say, ALL Xs have globally). What it
does mean is that you won't get HC gifts or, I believe, clothes unless
you 'top up' your HC with your own credits. As I credited HC on a 3
monthly basis, you should all have a little while left until the change
effects you.

The upside to both these changes is that we won't get people applying to
be an X because they think they'll get free HC or perhaps get to use
tools nobody else has.

Now we've got a busy month ahead as the Safety Xs are having a Habboween
week starting 30th October and the Habbo X are having a cowboy themed
week in November (date to be arranged). We're also planning to have a
multi-team week of events over Christmas so please get your thinking
caps on with ideas! I know the Safety Xs were talking about having a
panto in the theatredrome and that's a great idea - we could, perhaps,
work it into a competition where we ask for Habbos to write a script for
the panto and the winning one is the one that's played!

I'll also be arranging a couple of days for a big, team-wide (Habbo and
Safety X) meeting where we can all catch up and raise any issues/ideas
we have. You'll find the eXpert area updated a wee bit but remember, the
more input on that the better! Lastly, I'm hoping to do the
rejections/invites for the new Habbo Xs by the end of October.

Thanks all! If you have any queries about any of this, please have a
word with your respective Team Leaders who'll collate the comments and
pass them on :)


30th Oct 06
Hi all! :)

Just a couple of pieces of information for you all.

1. The new Habbo Xs have been chosen and notified and you can find
a list of their names in the eXpert area of the website. There will be
two meetings to badge them at 7pm this Saturday and 6pm on Tuesday so if
you'd like to meet them, feel free to pop along.

2. With the arrival of new Xs we'll be creating the final 2 Habbo X
teams and I'm delighted to say that MissAlice and Nymrod have both
accepted the challenge of being Team Leader. They'll be assigned their
band of sparkly new Xs in due course.

That's it for now - if you see a new X around, please do give them a
warm welcome!


1st Nov 06
Hi all :)

Just a little news about the Habbo X forum for you all.

DJ (Dave) has done a fantastic and much appreciated job of hosting and
running the forum this past year but now his time is very limited and he
feels it's time to pass on the responsibility. As this was the case, we
felt it was the time to move the forum on a step and bring it under
Sulake's wing. So to that end we're in the process of backing up the
data and moving the domain and forum to hosting we've organised and
handing over the technical management to Sulake staff. Going forward,
the plan is to allow X groups from other countries to have a home on the
forum and for all admin-type work on it to be done by Sulake staff.

The process of moving the forum may well mean that it's down for a week
whilst we sort things out, but we think the time out will be worth
securing a bigger, brighter future for the forum as a whole.

Many thanks!


6th Nov 06
Hi all :)

We had a great turn-out last night and were able to badge 27 of the 32
new Xs. Congratulations and welcome all! Those who have not already
registered to xhabbo.co.uk - please do so and you'll be approved and
placed in your team group.

Talking of teams; at the bottom of this email are the new team listings,
so please scroll down and see who your Team Leader is. Please ensure
that you add Team Leaders to your console as they are your first port of
call if you have a problem.

New Xs - you've come at an exciting time as we're going to have a week
of events for Habbo Xs from Monday 20th November on a cowboy theme. The
aim of Habbo X events is to get Habbos involved in the fun side of the
Hotel, giving them ideas for games and get-togethers. Have a good read
of the ideas forum where you'll see the discussion which has been had so
far on this week of events. If you have an idea, please feel free to
wade in and it'll get discussed.

Here's the teams!


AuntyFrog (Team Xgen)



Kokey (Team Xtreme)




Ardl (Team effeX)




MissAlice (team to be named)



Nymrod (team to be named)


27th Nov 06
Hey there :)

Here's what I sent the other gang leaders - thanks so much for offering to do this, I've updated the gang leader's page and your gang is comprised of:

Genovian Affreux

Hello Gang leaders!

Right - TeXas Week is here. First of, as we all know, BBS has an emergency situation this week and can't come on Habbo at all. This means we're one gang leader short - if another can't be found by this evening I'm afraid I'll have to let that gang know they're disbanded (and drop them a trophy or something).

Below you'll find passwords to all the gang event rooms. You'll need to get your team into the event room 5-10 minutes BEFORE a team event goes ahead so we know they're in there and we can get a chance to explain the rules of the game. At the scheduled time the room will be opened up for the spectators to come in and watch.

Now for a word about the line dancing! That is played in teams of 4 and, as you all probably know, line dancing is synchronised which means that the team you pick for it are going to have to find some time to practice! Remember the room is the one with the island in the middle so it's best to practice in the same type of room so you can fit your dance to the island. I'll be 'filming' these dances to put on the eXpert area. The judges are going to give extra kudos to teams who select a song to do the dance to and get one of the official sites to play it during the event so the spectators can see/hear you dancing in time to something. Food for thought! ;-)

At the end of the week's team events, the team who won the most events will win overall. What will they win? Well every member will get:

A trophy to commemorate the win
A complete set of bird baths
2 thrones

Feel free to share all the above with your gangs EXCEPT the passwords which, as stated, you should hand out before each event. If you have any questions at all, please do give me a shout!

MissAlice Sheriff's Gold Rush
Password: saXet

Room: Elimination
Password: Quiztest

Room: Crafty Coyote Chase
Password: Wildchase

Room: Sundown Saloon Relay
Password: s0up

Room: Line Dancing Championship
Password: s0up

5th Dec 06
Hello Team Xtreme, XGen, Xplore, roleX and effeX,

Team Leaders would like you all to attend a *Joint Team Meeting*. Details are below. This meeting will count as attending one of the two monthly meetings normally held by your own Team Leader, one of which you must attend. Team Leaders will still hold at least one Team Meeting for their own teams, so if you can't attend this meeting please inform your own Leader.

Date: Saturday, 9th of December @ 5pm GMT (12pm EST)
Room: Be Happy! owned by MissAlice
password: elite

12th Dec 06
Greetings to All Habbo X's and Safety X's!!

Please find below a copy of the minutes for the Joint Meeting that was held on 9th December.

It is important that you read it as many important points were covered and there are some important dates for your diary.

X Teams Joint Meeting Minutes





Team roleX

Team effeX

Team XGen

Team Xtreme

Team Xplore

Safety X’s

1. Welcome and Meeting Protocols – Ecoutez

Ecoutez covered the following:-
Welcome to the first joint X meeting with both, Safety Xs & Habbo Xs. This meeting will cover quite a lot of subjects and should last between 1-2 hours. This meeting will count towards your 1 of 2 meetings this month. So your Team Leader should still have 1 more for you this month.

First item this evening is protocol.

During this meeting we will be using meeting protocols. The Habbo Xs are already aware what this is, but I don't think the Safety Xs know. So for the benefit of the Safety Xs and for any Habbo Xs who have forgotten I'll explain what meeting protocols are.

While in X meetings, when a TL or another X is speaking you must stay quiet. When someone is talking/explaining something and you have a question, please could you shout "?" and this will be noted. Once the person has finished what they are saying they will say "G/A <name here>" and that means you are free to speak. This also applies to comments, if you have a comment about the topic someone is covering, please shout "!", and again it will be noted and you will be told to speak when finished. It is also good if you say "g/a" once you have finished talking, so the TL knows to continue.
So that's ? = question ! = comment /GA = go ahead.

This protocol should be used in all X meetings as it helps it run faster and if you have a question it may be answered shortly after. Also, we can't have everyone shouting and talking at once, can we? ;) Just think of it as a real life meeting – you wouldn't exactly shout out while someone is talking.

2. Leave of Absence length – AuntyFrog

There will be a new edition of your mission and Redtiz will be sending out new copies of this as soon as they are prepared. If you need to take a lengthy leave of absence from X’ing the maximum length of any one period allowed will be one month. Any longer and you will need to leave the team. This is to ensure that the team is kept as up to date as possible and we don’t have inactive X badges when there is a long queue to join. This period counts as one period, not all the time you take off in total.
The question was raised;
“What if you have one month off then come back for one day then have another month off can you keep your badge then?”
AuntyFrog replied that it was highly unlikely that Redtiz would view this as acceptable behaviour.
Speak to your TL if you have any concerns

3. Help Desks – MissAlice

You are not allowed to man Help Desks with your X badge showing. X's are seen as giving help in Public rooms, and we don’t want to be seen as having official approved X Help Desk workers. To quote redtiz the X Team is not a breeding ground for Help Desk helpers. The X program isn't and never will be 'help desk' based, so if your main aim is to be part of a help desk, then X'ing isn't for you. New Habbos wouldn't know how to find them.
Anyone seen to be putting in the bare minimum in to X'ing and all their efforts into help desks is at risk of losing their badge. Older Habbos get to know who we are, so if you spend any time at a help desk it's probably wise to keep your badge off. Try to remember whether your badge is on or off, we are still X's.

4. Badges, taking part in events, hosting official games & events – Ardl
The next item is about Badges and Events; this will apply to both Safety and Habbo Xs.

* We are not to compete in official Habbo X Events that are for other Habbos. When we enter an event we have to remember that we are taking the space of an ordinary Habbo in any kind of event. We have learnt that unfortunately we will have to suffer a bit as Xs and sometimes miss out on little things like these, whether it is a Hotel event or an X event.

* What brings me onto the next segment - A few NON Xs have been asking me about events that are still being planned. Meaning someone has shared information to other Habbos. Remember that a lot of trust has been put into you as an X, and we should not be sharing any information with NON Xs regarding events. When planning and running an OFFICIAL, we cannot allow any NON Xs to help you out. If you are giving out inside information, this will certainly put your place on the team at risk.

* We’ve been told that we must NOT wear our badges when hosting your own personal game as these are NOT an OFFICIAL X event.

* Redtiz has said Saftey Xs are not allowed to wear their badges in the Welcome Lounge. So equally Habbo Xs shouldn't be wearing their X badge in the safety X centre as our roles are different, and it will only confuse Habbos. Please bare this in mind.

* Lastly, we should remember, the badge glitch still isn't fixed, so we should bare this in mind when entering a room and ensure we have the correct badge.

5. Communicating with and through your TL & taking notice of your TL – MissAlice

We are always your first port of call. If you have a question or a query that needs answering, then firstly try and ask your own Team Leader, if it can't wait then please go to one of the other TL's. We now have seven TL's so plenty of us to speak to. Please don't go to yet another TL once you've been given an answer in the hope of obtaining a different answer, and then contacting redtiz too. Team Leaders do communicate with each other, and will be aware you've asked.
The only time you are allowed to contact redtiz with a problem, is if it's of a personal nature and you can't possibly talk with any of the Team Leaders. So please listen to what a TL tells you.
When a TL is with you in your event room and asks/tells you something please do not ignore or kick the TL from the room as happened during X Week.

6. Having X’s on your console/spamming and respecting each other & spam on forum – Ecoutez

As an X, you should have all the other Xs from your type on your console. This is very useful so if someone needs help in the Welcome Lounge or Safety X Centre, you can just message another X of the same type on your console. If you don't have all the Xs on your console then please do make sure you f/r them. You shouldn't really have a problem with space on your
console, we all have a limit of 500 (unless it's been removed? :P)

Another thing is spamming. There has been an issue recently of Xs sending out lots of spam/mass messages which aren't very important. This has been raised and TL’s have agreed that they also get spam from some Xs. This spam can be VERY annoying. For instance, if you're in the Welcome Lounge helping another habbo and an X sends a console message then another and another and another within in the space of 5/10 minutes it will really peeve the other X. We don't need all those spam messages whether we're busy or not. So please try and stop the spam. This also applies to the forum; recently there have been a lot of threads created which aren't important at all. Please think before you post.. Do the other Xs really need to know about Fruit
Pastilles or what you're having for tea? ;)

Another issue to do with consoles, if you have a small disagreement about another X over nothing important, please just IGNORE it and don't bother starting an argument or even remove the other X. This has happened before and someone removed another X because they had a disagreement over something
small, so come on guys…. We're a team! We should ALL respect each other.

7. Reminder to use Forum – Aitken

Some X’s don’t seem to use the forum a lot or even view its contents. It has been set up for our benefit and whilst it is not compulsory it is a very good form of communication so please let’s make the best use of it.

8. Number of X’s in WL – MissAlice

The Golden 15 Minutes. As a Habbo X and Safety X, we must spend at least 15 minutes of each visit to the hotel with your badge alight. For Habbo X's they must firstly visit the Welcome Lounge. Please take the time to go there and check that it is well covered by your fellow X's, use your judgement as to whether enough cover is there, and if that is the case, then go to another Public room, perhaps try the Lido, Sun Terrace or even one of the Gardens.

9. Reminder of the trust held in X’s – AuntyFrog

A strong reminder of the trust held in us as X’s – being an X is a privilege not a right and we should be aware that any infringement of that trust will not be tolerated. It has been brought to our attention that information given to X’s is being passed on to habbo’s and even access to the forum. Redtiz will be informed of this and it will be investigated. The culprit will be debadged.

10. WinterFest – AuntyFrog

This event will be held w/c 15th January 2007 and has been approved by Redtiz. It will be a joint event run by Habbo X’s and Safety X’s, organised by the TL’s, for the Habbos in the hotel.
Your TL’s will start a thread in your team forums for your ideas for events and then the TL’s will co-ordinate those ideas so we can have a spectacular event for the Hotel. Please get those ideas rolling in as time is short and we need to get moving on this

11. Xmas X Fun Week – AuntyFrog

This will take place w/c 17th December and will be a week Xmas fun for habbo’s run by both lots of X’s.
As there are 7 days and 7 teams it was thought best for each team to take a day and run an event on it. As time is short the TL’s have drawn up a list of events as follows:-
Aitken’s Team – Sunday – Xmas Tree Trap
Team effeX – Monday – Avalanche Relay Races
Protone’s Team – Tuesday – event to be confirmed
Team Rolex – Wednesday - Habbo Wheel of Fortune (name to be confirmed)
Team Xplore – Thursday – Musical Chairs
Team Xtreme – Friday – Game to be confirmed
Team XGen – Bingo – Saturday (this would have been the weekly game anyway so just combined the two)

We will be asking Bigbutsound to get prizes of lit Xmas trees.

12. X’s End of Year Ball/Do – 29th December – AuntyFrog

Your TL’s will be throwing a party for you on 29th of December!!

This will be for all UK X’s as a thank you from us and will have dancing and games!! Watch this space!LOL

13. Training in the New Year – AuntyFrog

The TL’s will be organising some fun training/refresher sessions hopefully starting at the end of January. By then we should have a lot of lovely new Safety X’s so it will be a good time to start them.

14. AOB – MissAlice

15. Thanks to Alice and Team roleX - AuntyFrog

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 12:58 PM ----------

26th Dec 06
Hi Xs,
This is a test. For some reason my eyes were broken and I couldn't find the Send Email to Users option but here it is!

Please be sure to:

1_ keep your current email address up to date in your Habbo X forum profile

2_ keep up with the International X forum announcements and your local X forum announcements

3_ Have a whole lotta fun!

4_ Spread this YouTube vid around, for Habbo Rasta Claus - via console or any thing that doesn't break the Habbo Way of course. No spamming!


Happy Holidays to each of you and here's to an amazing 2007!


8th Feb 07:
Hi all :)

Firstly, as you've probably seen, the X Forum is down at the moment. This is unplanned and we've been on to the hosting company so hopefully it'll be back up again soon!

As the forum's down, I'm resorting to email to let you know about a last-minute eventette which any of you are welcome to come along to.

This evening there will be a presentation in the Theatredrome at 9pm with Becs. She'll be giving trophies to the people who won the FOMO Fansite Competition last year (the ceremony has been delayed a few times!).

I've invited the winners to have a special VIP Viewing of the XVilla (the Safety X team room) and meet some of the X team. This will take place at 8.30pm and I'll be putting the room on doorbell to allow them (and you) in.

If you'd like to pop along then and meet the winners, please do. The more the merrier! You are welcome to tell anyone about the presentation at 9pm (a Hotel Alert will be sent out shortly before) but please DON'T tell people about the winners' visit to XVilla as that'll simply been we get flooded with doorbell rings. I'll be passwording the room at 8.35 so if you arrive after that, you'll need a pass to get in. That pass will be: 5carwash5

Look forward to seeing some of you later this evening =)


16th Feb 07
Hi all!

I know this is short notice (I've been off the last two days), but we're going to have a meeting of both Habbo X and Safety X tonight at 6pm GMT in the Xcave (password = t0mat05). This meeting will count as one of your team monthly meetings.

At this meeting we're going to go through the following topics and we'll be having a question and answer session on Xing for anyone who has any queries and concerns.

Topics to discuss:

* Badges: when to wear, when not to
* Events: rules on creating/hosting events under the 'X umbrella'
* Team Meetings: Reminder that attending one is manditory & importance of sending apologies
* Confidentiality: What can be passed on, what can't be
* Fansites: Dos and Don'ts
* Contacts: Who to contact for what

I look forward to seeing you there!


20th Feb 07:
Hi all :)

Many thanks to those who were able to attend the all-X meeting on Friday. Below are some notes of what was discussed. Please read them as there are some clarification of dos and don'ts.

- Safety Xs should not wear their badge in the Welcome Lounge.
- Habbo X should not wear their badge in the Safety X Centre.
- No X should wear their badge in help desk rooms (with the exception of Safety Xs in the Safety X Centre).
- When hosting games or events, you may ONLY wear your badge if the game or event is an official X Team event.
- Please remember there is a glitch with badges which means that other players cannot see any changes you make to your badges once in a room. Therefore if you want your badge to be OFF in a room, you must set it off BEFORE entering the room. Likewise if you want your badge ON in a room, you must set it on BEFORE entering the room.

- If anyone wishes to run an X game or event they MUST seek permission first from a Team Leader or Redtiz.
- Xs must NOT use official X Team rooms for anything other than official X events UNLESS they have got prior permission from a Team Leader or Redtiz.
- Official X events are a team effort so please use the X forums to post your ideas for games/events so other team members can get involved. We're a team, not a group of individuals who all happen to have the same badge!

A reminder that to retain your badge you must attend one Team Meeting a month or, if a serious situation prevents you from doing so, you must let your Team Leader know IN ADVANCE that you cannot attend. Xs who fail to attend Team Meetings for over a month without good reason will have their badges removed. Team Meetings are important for team spirit, for ideas and for getting information.

A reminder that Xs must NOT pass on information from the forums or staff emails UNLESS they have been specifically told by Team Leaders or Redtiz that the information is fine to be passed on to other players.

- It's fine for Xs to help with running a fansite or for them to own a fansite.
- No X may perform official X activities on fansites (including radio shows). Xing is done in the Hotel only. It is fine for people on fansites to know you are an X, but you should not agree to man 'Ask an X' areas.
- It's fine to give interviews on what it's like to be an X but PLEASE make sure you check with Team Leaders or Redtiz if you are asked any question you are not 100% sure of.

- If you have any issue to do with Xing you should contact a Team Leader or Redtiz.
- Please do not contact Moderators on the forums with any account issues or queries about Habbo. Moderators deal with safety issues in-game ONLY and all account issues (including ban queries) are dealt with by Player Support who are NOT on the forums and can ONLY be reached by the Help Tool.
- Please do not send email directly to Habbo staff whose emails you may have with questions about Xing or any other aspect of Habbo. If you have a query which absolutely cannot be answered through the Help Tool, please use the [email protected] address.

All the items above will be worked into an updated Mission for both Habbo X and Safety X.


- Idea raised of having an 'X Meet and Greet'. That can be done and will be discussed on the forum.
- A query was raised over when players can apply to be either a Habbo X or Safety X. Habbos may only apply when the expert section says applications are open and there's a link to the application details. Any applications received outside of these recruitment times are routinely deleted.
- There was a query over whether safety sessions with Xs can be run in the Infobus. The Infobus requires a staff member to run the quizzes and it's not possible to allow Xs to jump the queue to enter the bus without giving them special Infobus access which has tools they're not allowed to have access to. The Infobus will have periodic safety sessions run by staff, but safety sessions with Xs will need to take place in a guest or public room.
- There was a query raised over when the UK will get Gaming Xs. We have no plans for them at the moment, but if it's a global decision that Gaming Xs must be brought in all Hotels, then obviously that position will change.
- There were concerns that the Welcome Lounge limit had been raised to 60 recently. Redtiz will query why that was done.
- There was some discussion over what to send a Call for Help on. In short, the Call for Help is for *emergencies* and that means something which effects personal safety (i.e cam2cam, giving out email/msn, racism, scamsite URLs, password scams, extreme harassment and anything sexually inappropriate). Minor issues like flooding and the odd swearword which isn't being used to abuse anyone can simply be dealt with by using Ignore.
- Redtiz reminded Xs that sometimes it is ok to avoid the filter. For instance it is impossible to teach Habbos how to avoid password scams without avoiding the filter to say 'password'. The word is not filtered because it is a bad word, it is filtered to help prevent password scams. Therefore using the word when giving help is fine. This also applies to words like 'MSN' - that is not a swearword, it is filtered to prevent people swapping their MSN contacts. There is nothing wrong with avoiding the filter to say "Remember not to share your MSN details!". Just remember that some filtered words are filtered to prevent them being used in certain situations.

Many thanks to Protone who made some great notes on this meeting. We will have these regularly and they will count towards one of your team meetings so please do try to come to the next one :)


14th May 07
Hi Habbo Xs!

Firstly, please find attached an updated Mission. Please do read and ensure you understand it. If you have any questions, please ask a Team Leader.

Next thing - as you'll have seen, the Safety Xs now have a public room dedicated to safety from which they'll be doing their Golden 15 minutes. Just as we ask Safety Xs to turn their badges off in the Welcome Lounge, we're going to ask that you all turn your badges off when in the Safety Spa. This is simply to avoid confusion about who is a Habbo X and who's a Safety X.


4th Jun 07
Morning Xs!

As you've probably all gathered over the weekend, there have been some issues with the Trax machines.

If you get questions from any players on this, please let them know that Sulake Techs are working on solving the problem and all Trax Machines will be returned as soon as they're fixed.

Many thanks!


15th Jun 07
Hello Habbo Xs!

You will all have seen the new X badges on the forums and some have possibly seen these in action on the Australian Hotel. So.. now is the time for some change in the UK!

For those who don't know, we now have the following badges for Xs at our disposal:

Our current X badge
Habbo X Host
Habbo X Gamer
Safety X
Tech Safety X
...plus gold versions of all the above for Team Leaders


As the current X badge will be used for new Xs from this day onwards the time has come for all you current Xs to select a specialisation out of Habbo X Host, Habbo X Gamer, Safety X and Tech Safety X. FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF THESE SPECIALISATIONS IS IN THE HANDBOOK.

When deciding upon your specialisation you should consider what you are good at NOT just what you fancy doing. You will be expected to be an eXpert on ALL ASPECTS of that specialisation! What I need EVERYONE to do is give their Team Leader their top TWO choices of specialisation. Why? Because we need to have a good balance amongst the specialisations so we don't get 45 people as Gamer Xs and 1 person as a Host X.

I'll add here that team structures will remain the same. Protone and Aitken will be leading up their teams of mixed Tech Safety X and Safety X whilst Barmi, Envieux, Auntyfrog, Ardl and Missalice will be leading mixed teams of Habbo X Host and Habbo X Gamers.

Another new aspect which we're bringing into the UK is the idea of the Mentor. Again, this is explained in the Handbook and if you are interested in becoming a Mentor to a new X then you should contact your Team Leader. I hope you'll all agree that the Mentoring process gives you all a great chance to get more involved and acquire some responsibilities.

I will be holding an all-X meeting about this, the details of which will be posted to the forum.

Thanks all!

24th Jul 07
Hello Xs!

You're all used to being spammed with all-X email with team news, but this is a very rare occasion because you're being spammed with news about me ;-)

During the last month I've had to put X tasks on the back-burner and you'll have noticed that I've not been as active as usual on the forum and quite as quick about updating the X pages. The reason for this is that I actually started a new job on 1st July and have been slowly shedding the duties of my old job at Sulake. The 31st July is my final day doing *any* of my old duties and from 1st August, everything I do will pass over to Heidster. That includes the management of the X Team.

I'm very sad to leave you all and move on. Since I started up the X team in the UK I've watched it grow and evolve, with those shaky legged Xs of the first day growing in confidence, taking on new roles or using their experiences on the X team to spread their wings and take on new challenges outside of Habbo. I've also watched the UK X Team become a benchmark for Xs round the globe for your enthusiasm and high standards.

So, as I move on I want to thank each and every one of you for the great times and for your unending loyalty and dedication to making the UK X team as good as it can be.

I like to celebrate beginnings rather than endings though, so I'd like to invite you all to an X Party on my last evening on the X team. You will all still see me around as I'll still be dabbling in the X forum when needed and you guys who are Safety and Tech Xs will have me knocking on your virtual door at times to help out in safety campaigns. However from 1st August it will be Heidster who's on the end of the X mail boxes and who'll be taking the reins and working with X Team Leaders to steer the good ship X!

I look forward to seeing you all at the party:

Date: Tuesday 31st July
Time: 7pm (UK time)
Place: XCave (pass will be: 5c00by)

Emma (Redtiz)

10th Aug 07
Hi All :)

Happy Friday to you all!

OK, so this is a quick email to say hello, wield the old stick a bit, and generally lay out some ground rules for us all to follow :)

This email isn't about me laying down the law, it's about what we need to do in order to be able to function cohesively and well as a team. You are all mature young adults, and I am placing my trust in you to be able to carry yourselves in that manner :)

We're a big family now, and you guys all need to understand that my time is extremely limited. It's really important that you make good and proper use of your TL's - they are TL's for a reason - they know their stuff, they can help an awful lot, they are nice people, they don't bite, and they know when to talk to me about any issues.

Please go to them in the first instance. Emailing me may well get you short shrift - not because I am mean and nasty - but simply because we have processes in place to help you in the first instance, and they don't include me - not straight away anyway.

I've been hearing a few unpleasant things about X behaviour recently. I don't know if this is high jinks, testing boundaries, or the fact that Emma is gone and some individuals feel that they can now get away with more as I am busy a lot of the time and cannot give you the time you all need.

Less time means that if you do something silly, or malicious, or just plan bad, then the chances of you getting another chance are greatly diminished. I will remove people who break our guidelines, and it will be swift. I don't have the time to reason with you, and give you another chance. As I said earlier - you are all mature young adults, and you know if you are doing something that is wrong.

So I am not going to recap on what you can and can't do. If you are about to do something and are not sure if it will get you removed from the programme - ask your TL. You all KNOW what is right and wrong. Don't try it on.

I know that the majority of you are committed, talented and great X's - and for your enthusiasm I salute and respect you greatly :)

Give me a few months to work on my prioritisation skills and you will get me being more involved. In the meantime, bear with me ok?

I also want to take a few minutes of your time to pay tribute to the lovely AuntyFrog who has hung up her TL hat, and X hat altogether. She's an inspiration to me, and I will miss her greatly - almost as much as Her Emmaness - and that's saying something.

I have a new TL in mind, and will let you guys know about that in due course. Aunty is graciously helping out while I get my extra pairs of hands - so several trillion brownie points to her for her neverending patience :)

So... do you X duties, have fun, don't muck about, and we will get on fine :)

I look forward to working with you all :)


Yup, that was the one and only email from Heidster whilst she was in charge.

10-10-2013, 12:01 PM
21st Dec 07:
Hi Everyone,

We wanted to send you a big thank you for all of your hard work through 2007. Although we have recently come on board we do know all the efforts that you have all made and they have not gone unnoticed. You have all coped eXtremely well under pressure. I would also like to say thank you to the TLs who have looked after you all this year and have been an inspiration. The TLs have shown that the right people for the teams were picked and they have shown some fantastic leadership skills.

I have attached the Handbook with a small bit added to it under the Forum section. This is just a small piece to request that the forum is read on a regular basis and must include 'announcements' and 'your team' forum. We know some do not like to go in, but this is a must from now on. You do not need to post if you do not wish, but we do ask that you read the relevant threads to you and the team.

That aside we want to wish you a VERY MERRY Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you all get what you wish for.

We look forward to a wonderful 2008.

Bexy & Colm

2nd Jan 08:
Hi Aiden,

Congrats on becoming a new TL. I have attached the TL handbook for you.


31st Jan 08
Hey Kardan,

Thank you for your email.

First off Jessalil - I had a feeling exams were on their way and we have decided to let X's have an education break if they need one - more will be posted about this today. So yes it is fine for her to do this, this is why I was asking about exams :)

Onaedo is way too late to come back so will need to re-apply next time :)

With regards to the Kanakai-D situation, thanks for sending us the pm. We already are aware of the situation with regards to her feelings, and have it under control :)

Thanks again for emailing us.


4th Mar 08
All Sent :)


This was sent in reply to me asking for furniture for a meeting room.

31st Mar 08
Thanks, I have mailed him :)


dbgtz; got a warning from management :P

15th Apr 08

He has been sent a final warning. If you do not hear anything by the end of this month with regards to organising a meeting, he will more than likely be removed.


And a final warning.

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 01:02 PM ----------

2nd May 08

We need info about your Xlings ASAP as we are sorting them today and they are going to miss the boat unless we have some info. Sooo If you could email us as soon as you can that would be great.



The end - 5th Jul 08
Dear Xs,

I'm writing to let you know about some impending changes to the Habbo eXpert program.

Over the last few years we’ve had pleasure in watching the Habbo eXpert program grow from its small start into a strong, happy and enthusiastic band of people who live their Habbo lives to provide help and guidance to those less knowledgeable.

During this time you’ve met and conquered many challenges, from initial suspicions about the program amongst some players, to heckling in the Welcome Lounges and even unfair comparisons with the old Hobba team. Purely because of the efforts, good grace and sunny outlook of the Xs, the program has grown into something players aspire to be part of and our recruitment drives regularly draw thousands of applications for very limited places as a result.

Evolution is an on-going process and just as the Hobba team made way for a new breed of helpers, it’s my sad duty to inform you that the time has come for the eXpert team as we know it to join the halls of Habbo history and be replaced by the next stage in Habbo’s development.

The one disappointment of staff and players alike with the Habbo eXperts program was that it could not expand to a size where it could encompass all those who wanted to participate. Every recruitment drive ended with hundreds of disappointed players wondering why someone else got accepted and not them.

Sulake has thought long and hard about ways to allow more players to greet new Habbos and be recognized for guiding them through the game without being constrained by the time and resources staff have available to manage such teams. The solution comes in the form of the revamped and much improved Welcome Party system which allows eligible Habbos to act as Guides to new players and be recognized easily within the Hotel by the badge they wear. The more experienced a Welcome Party Guide becomes and the more players they successfully help, the higher ranked badge they can earn to reflect their success. This new feature will be launched during the next Hotel update, which is coming very soon!

We hope that, just as you’ve made the Habbo eXperts program a success, you’ll help to make the Welcome Party Guide feature a success by joining up and sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Habbo with others. We know that you will all make wonderful Guides, and with your wonderful depth of knowledge and passion for helping, you can show the Habbo community a whole new way of coming together.

Obviously, as you may have guessed, we only found out this was ready for launch quite late yesterday. We were hoping to let you know yesterday, but until all details were confirmed we couldn't make an announcement. We've been working all this morning to try and make sure you knew as soon as was possible.

Next week we will be organising a special event that will celebrate the X program, and be awarding some very special mometos. Along with a special surprise, all currently serving X's will also be awarded a special commemorative badge that will be a permanent reminder of all the time and effort that you have put into the program. So please watch your mail boxes for news of what happens next!

We will be announcing this development on the hotel this coming week, but we wanted you to have this weekend to let the news sink in. Unfortunately, this news will undoubtedly appear on fansites before the official announcement, and we hope that should you feel the need to comment on any posts or claims made, you will do it as you always do - in a way the represents what the spirit of the X team is, and always will be, about. The eXpert program will cease on Wednesday the 9th of July, and the new Guide program will launch when the next Habbo update is performed.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply to this email address. We will be checking it at various stages over the weekend, and will do our best to answer any questions you may have. We've also set up a thread on the X forum at http://xhabbo.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8118, where you can discuss this with each other.

Colm and Bexy

10-10-2013, 01:22 PM

p.s you have any screnies of meetings?

13-10-2013, 12:45 PM
"Callie selling Thrones on Ebay" - What? Is that for the sake of example or a legit rumour?

Also, those emails are great Kardan, they at least are worth a sticky alone, any official correspondence from Habbo is always interesting.

13-10-2013, 01:10 PM
"Callie selling Thrones on Ebay" - What? Is that for the sake of example or a legit rumour?

Also, those emails are great Kardan, they at least are worth a sticky alone, any official correspondence from Habbo is always interesting.

Yeah it's true, it's old news thought just bringing it back up

17-10-2013, 04:49 PM

p.s you have any screnies of meetings?

Not quite, but I have these:


This was the first Habbo eXpert meeting ever, back in November 2005. I'm number 13, Callie is 14, redtiz is 5, Becs is 21 and toadbex is 23. You might recognise other people :)


This was the only screenshot I took of the private X forums where we had contact with staff. This was the final day, a few minutes before we all got banned :P


This is a screenshot showing how HC worked for X's after they removed the free HC for us. We didn't get HC commands, since I can only dance normally - but I had HC clothes.


The original 25 X's all got one of these.


Habbo eXperts around the world had an international meeting, pretty sure this is the most amount of Habbos in one room up to that point at least, pretty sure I was held on the Canadian hotel, and we all got VIP badges. Was great fun going around afterwards in kick wars, and other events and not be kicked.


My original meeting room, look at the epic waterfall.


The last meeting room.


Abusing X override to get into locked public rooms.


We had to do workshops with moderators.


Not really X related, but there used to be a time when you could list all badges on every hotel. Nowadays there must be thousands.

That's all I have.

18-10-2013, 05:49 AM
Not quite, but I have these:


This was the first Habbo eXpert meeting ever, back in November 2005. I'm number 13, Callie is 14, redtiz is 5, Becs is 21 and toadbex is 23. You might recognise other people :)


This was the only screenshot I took of the private X forums where we had contact with staff. This was the final day, a few minutes before we all got banned :P


This is a screenshot showing how HC worked for X's after they removed the free HC for us. We didn't get HC commands, since I can only dance normally - but I had HC clothes.


The original 25 X's all got one of these.


Habbo eXperts around the world had an international meeting, pretty sure this is the most amount of Habbos in one room up to that point at least, pretty sure I was held on the Canadian hotel, and we all got VIP badges. Was great fun going around afterwards in kick wars, and other events and not be kicked.


My original meeting room, look at the epic waterfall.


The last meeting room.


Abusing X override to get into locked public rooms.


We had to do workshops with moderators.


Not really X related, but there used to be a time when you could list all badges on every hotel. Nowadays there must be thousands.

That's all I have.

thanks karden

19-10-2013, 09:47 PM
I have lots of Dutch emails but I guess you probably don't understand Dutch. I'll post some screenies of times the .NL / Dutch Hotel was the pilot Hotel and staff came here to test SnowStorm and other things. Give me a day.

22-10-2013, 10:41 PM
I have lots of Dutch emails but I guess you probably don't understand Dutch. I'll post some screenies of times the .NL / Dutch Hotel was the pilot Hotel and staff came here to test SnowStorm and other things. Give me a day.

Waiting for this! Sounds like great content Laurensh1

23-10-2013, 02:11 PM
Dlox.. there is a name I haven't heard in a long time. Brings me back to disembodied's dino pyramid haha.

Hachette's main room after he quit was his full story of how he became the richest on Habbo. It's probably still there.

I remember having a room favourited before the merge in 09 which had furni in the wall and a tele. When you went in the tele it'd teleport you to another room with a load of furniture (including the tele) in the black. Before the name deletion maybe a year after I last visited the room all the furniture in the room had disappeared and the user hadn't logged on in years. So who picked the furniture!?

I actually think I remember his name .. Fut_Fut1209 I think it was.. it was something like that

edit: found this old thread http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=686379

23-10-2013, 05:15 PM
Hey guys. Sadly, not too many interesting screenies to show. But I do have something else...

This page dedicated to the mistakes from Habbo: http://www.habborator.org/whoops/

Some screenies I found.

This is the Sulake User Experience Forum. I doubt anyone besides Staff knows of its existence.

Brojo 'threatening' users that visit one of the test hotels that was open around that time.

The Finnish HabboXs also had a special Finnish forum which they used. I asked to be allowed to join and they let me in. Didn't understand a thing. But it looked very nice.

I don't really have much more and that screen that showed Sulake staff playing SnowStorm on the .NL Hotel, I lost. Besides regular office staff playing with the Mods and Xs but that's of no use I think because the names wouldn't mean anything to you.

Actually I found it. Dunno how it came to this but it's just showing Sulake and Office staff played SnowStorm on .NL before it was released.

13-07-2022, 05:55 PM
21st Dec 07:
Hi Everyone,

We wanted to send you a big thank you for all of your hard work through 2007. Although we have recently come on board we do know all the efforts that you have all made and they have not gone unnoticed. You have all coped eXtremely well under pressure. I would also like to say thank you to the TLs who have looked after you all this year and have been an inspiration. The TLs have shown that the right people for the teams were picked and they have shown some fantastic leadership skills.

I have attached the Handbook with a small bit added to it under the Forum section. This is just a small piece to request that the forum is read on a regular basis and must include 'announcements' and 'your team' forum. We know some do not like to go in, but this is a must from now on. You do not need to post if you do not wish, but we do ask that you read the relevant threads to you and the team.

That aside we want to wish you a VERY MERRY Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you all get what you wish for.

We look forward to a wonderful 2008.

Bexy & Colm

2nd Jan 08:
Hi Aiden,

Congrats on becoming a new TL. I have attached the TL handbook for you.


31st Jan 08
Hey Kardan,

Thank you for your email.

First off Jessalil - I had a feeling exams were on their way and we have decided to let X's have an education break if they need one - more will be posted about this today. So yes it is fine for her to do this, this is why I was asking about exams :)

Onaedo is way too late to come back so will need to re-apply next time :)

With regards to the Kanakai-D situation, thanks for sending us the pm. We already are aware of the situation with regards to her feelings, and have it under control :)

Thanks again for emailing us.


4th Mar 08
All Sent :)


This was sent in reply to me asking for furniture for a meeting room.

31st Mar 08
Thanks, I have mailed him :)


@dbgtz (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=28789); got a warning from management :P

15th Apr 08

He has been sent a final warning. If you do not hear anything by the end of this month with regards to organising a meeting, he will more than likely be removed.


And a final warning.

---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 01:02 PM ----------

2nd May 08

We need info about your Xlings ASAP as we are sorting them today and they are going to miss the boat unless we have some info. Sooo If you could email us as soon as you can that would be great.



The end - 5th Jul 08
Dear Xs,

I'm writing to let you know about some impending changes to the Habbo eXpert program.

Over the last few years we’ve had pleasure in watching the Habbo eXpert program grow from its small start into a strong, happy and enthusiastic band of people who live their Habbo lives to provide help and guidance to those less knowledgeable.

During this time you’ve met and conquered many challenges, from initial suspicions about the program amongst some players, to heckling in the Welcome Lounges and even unfair comparisons with the old Hobba team. Purely because of the efforts, good grace and sunny outlook of the Xs, the program has grown into something players aspire to be part of and our recruitment drives regularly draw thousands of applications for very limited places as a result.

Evolution is an on-going process and just as the Hobba team made way for a new breed of helpers, it’s my sad duty to inform you that the time has come for the eXpert team as we know it to join the halls of Habbo history and be replaced by the next stage in Habbo’s development.

The one disappointment of staff and players alike with the Habbo eXperts program was that it could not expand to a size where it could encompass all those who wanted to participate. Every recruitment drive ended with hundreds of disappointed players wondering why someone else got accepted and not them.

Sulake has thought long and hard about ways to allow more players to greet new Habbos and be recognized for guiding them through the game without being constrained by the time and resources staff have available to manage such teams. The solution comes in the form of the revamped and much improved Welcome Party system which allows eligible Habbos to act as Guides to new players and be recognized easily within the Hotel by the badge they wear. The more experienced a Welcome Party Guide becomes and the more players they successfully help, the higher ranked badge they can earn to reflect their success. This new feature will be launched during the next Hotel update, which is coming very soon!

We hope that, just as you’ve made the Habbo eXperts program a success, you’ll help to make the Welcome Party Guide feature a success by joining up and sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Habbo with others. We know that you will all make wonderful Guides, and with your wonderful depth of knowledge and passion for helping, you can show the Habbo community a whole new way of coming together.

Obviously, as you may have guessed, we only found out this was ready for launch quite late yesterday. We were hoping to let you know yesterday, but until all details were confirmed we couldn't make an announcement. We've been working all this morning to try and make sure you knew as soon as was possible.

Next week we will be organising a special event that will celebrate the X program, and be awarding some very special mometos. Along with a special surprise, all currently serving X's will also be awarded a special commemorative badge that will be a permanent reminder of all the time and effort that you have put into the program. So please watch your mail boxes for news of what happens next!

We will be announcing this development on the hotel this coming week, but we wanted you to have this weekend to let the news sink in. Unfortunately, this news will undoubtedly appear on fansites before the official announcement, and we hope that should you feel the need to comment on any posts or claims made, you will do it as you always do - in a way the represents what the spirit of the X team is, and always will be, about. The eXpert program will cease on Wednesday the 9th of July, and the new Guide program will launch when the next Habbo update is performed.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply to this email address. We will be checking it at various stages over the weekend, and will do our best to answer any questions you may have. We've also set up a thread on the X forum at http://xhabbo.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8118, where you can discuss this with each other.

Colm and Bexy

Thank you for sharing ! I was an eXpert on the French hotel, and a lot less was going on there !
Do you think it would be possible to share the TL handbook ?

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