View Full Version : The Average Day...

20-10-2013, 01:09 PM
The Average Day... That's weird. Name one or more things that you or a family member in your house do that's absolutely weird and something you'd never really tell anyone.

Well, I eat my food on the floor... on a plate of course. Sometimes the couch. Our kitchen and living room is too small for a table.
I'm pretty sure you'd class that as weird, I don't know lol

20-10-2013, 09:18 PM
i'm not sure if there's anything too weird i do other than like sitting on my bed but my backs on the floor n my feet r on the bed
although i do that less because my back hurts and im tired and it's not rly ideal for sleeping

i used to sit on the floor n eat my food what is wrong with that!!!!! it was comfy and my family never ate together so

20-10-2013, 09:19 PM
omfg i actually gallop round the house sometimes and walk around like a dog yes am admitting it crying

21-10-2013, 01:39 AM
I spend most of my time alone in my room pretending I don't exist

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