View Full Version : [Building] Airplane..

30-10-2013, 07:40 PM
Made this about a month ago..
Good/Bad? Improvements?


30-10-2013, 07:48 PM
Looks nothing like a aeroplane.

30-10-2013, 08:03 PM
Looks nothing like a aeroplane.
This, sadly. :(

Perhaps try to focus on either the interior or the exterior. I think it's pretty much impossible to try and do both in one room!

30-10-2013, 09:21 PM
interesting how buildings r small scale but octopus is v big. it really doesn't look like an airplane. ^agree w above, concentrate on interior or exterior

30-10-2013, 11:51 PM
Pretty poor tbh

31-10-2013, 07:19 PM
I think some people are brutally harsh. My opinion is it's not as good as it could be it has heaps of potential I love your use of hotel memorials and clouds I agree with Empired about the interior/outside the interior is excellent it really reminds me of a plane but I think you could improve on the outside. I would say mabye try and make the wings wider? they look to narrow.

01-11-2013, 05:18 AM
Sorry, but I cannot see an aeroplane in that. Scale is just farrr to wrong and probably to difficult.

01-11-2013, 09:21 AM
Yeah I don't see it in all honesty.. tbh was pulled towards the thread because of the spelling of Airplane in the title :P

01-11-2013, 11:07 AM
It's a really good effort! Sweet design.

Maybe these points could improve it a little more!

Possibly try raising it off the group a bit, using a stack magic
Take out the grass sand and water and just paint the ground blue and make it match the background
Place 2 or 3 fans instead of one, maybe stacked on top of each other


01-11-2013, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
I knew this was a tough one when I was making it and thanks to your feedback i'll try and improve it and make it a better and more realistic room. :)

11-11-2013, 12:02 PM
This room is hilarious. Nothing like a plane but good try?

11-11-2013, 12:10 PM
very nice!

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