View Full Version : Daisy, Ione, Jibbi, Callie or Lost_Witness - Who was your most/least favorite?

31-10-2013, 03:08 PM
Never was around when Daisy was Hotel Manager, was around when Ione was there but never knew much of her but I was very into Jibbi as Hotel Manager because I went to her grotto in 2004 and my little young-self was so happy when she said 'Hello' to me and gave me a christmas tree and took a picture. I still have it somewhere but obviously they cant be seen.

I hated Callie, that ginger-hoodie wearing jaffacake little noob ;) I should of been Habblympics 2005 champion yet she said to me 'Sorry I did not see' and she told me to redo it and when I won again she said 'Early start' when it clearly was not early. Then when I re-did for a third time, I messed up and came fourth :'( but she never liked me I swear because one time in 2005 I was at Dionysus Soapbox and she was guest and Dionysus chose me to talk and I asked her a question, and she said ' next question ' and moved on... lol, back in 2005 I was I think like 12 cause I am 20 now but damn I was raging at her.

Glad she is gone, but my favorite has to be Jibbi and least is Callie. Chris was quality, but I have to go with nostalgia.

31-10-2013, 03:14 PM
Lost_Witness was the best, he was active with the community, and most importantly he was fair.

Jibbi was probably the worst, in her last year she pretty much did nothing at all. At least Callie was entertaining.

31-10-2013, 03:15 PM
Ah Kardan, that is a name I actually recognize from back in the day.

31-10-2013, 03:16 PM
Oh, and I got a 3rd place in the Habbowealth Games (Pretty sure it was called that and not HabbOlympics?), but Callie put the badge on the account Karden... Emailed her and got it sorted :P

31-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Habbowealth! thats it haha, sorry it's been a long time - getting older, my memory is going already :P

31-10-2013, 03:29 PM
Imo, Lost_Witness was the best.. I used to do mazes with him sometimes haha

31-10-2013, 03:29 PM
I was Pyroka, still am Pyroka on Habbo. I'd say L_W was the best, Callie was also good at getting involved in the community though I think it was good for the wrong reasons, like you'd always come on and there'd be some gossip or something. Going to be in her room around the people who knew her was considered cool, and I mean you see that from time to time on the hotel, but not a lot now.

I loved Lost_Witness from the RAF4U campaign (was in his team JENOVA brap) so I mean I knew he'd be a good hotel manager, despite people saying he wasn't, think he actually did a lot for the hotel before it was merged. After it was merged, I guess he lost all responsibility though tbh I cant remember whether he left before or after. But he was fair like Aiden said, and he did try to get involved with fansites as he used to DJ at quite a few of them himself (NamnistaiFM, HotelViewFM and probs another).

Actually brings up a point, you never hear of staff DJing on the radio anymore. A real shame, it generated so much popularity for fansites.

31-10-2013, 03:40 PM
Ione was my favourite but then again she is the only one I actually spoke to directly ever so could be bias there. Totally fab gurl and of course without her there wouldn't have been Ione's Gifts :P

31-10-2013, 03:41 PM
I loved Lostie. I won the Childline Party Comp back in like 08, 09, some time then and he came to my room and spoke to everyone, so nice!!

31-10-2013, 03:42 PM
Can only remember Callie and Lost_Witness so I'm gonna go with Lostie coz I won his fireman race and also got a trophy from him(which I still have!!)

31-10-2013, 03:48 PM
do people forget l_w met a girl many years younger than him and slept with her or doesnt that alter your opinion of him, terrible professional

it does for me so im going with callie - if she liked you, it was fine

31-10-2013, 03:49 PM
lov u Callie


but i luv the other side of callie


31-10-2013, 04:20 PM
Daisy was never a hotel manager, that is just a habbo legend which noobs believe and then repeat to others to make themselves look good. Why isn't Dionysus on your list? He was HM for a bit.

Lost_Witness was the worst, he ruined badges. They used to be extremely rare and very good prizes... he made them common as muck. He ruined the popular room list and he ruined room comps (he hardly ever did them and the prizes were utter crap). As for him being fair... he really wasn't, he wasn't as open about his bias as Callie was but he sure as hell favoured a special few. I know this because I saw it.

Callie was obviously the best hotel manager because there was always something worthwhile happening with her around.

31-10-2013, 04:37 PM
do people forget l_w met a girl many years younger than him and slept with her or doesnt that alter your opinion of him, terrible professional

it does for me so im going with callie - if she liked you, it was fine

lol I remember it was Boxiel's lass wasn't it

31-10-2013, 04:43 PM
Oh, back when I was a noob in 2004, I invited people to come to my party room where you would dance on the top of the wall border in the room (That was one of the most epic things you could do back in the day :P), and moonglowgirl came and invited her friend, Lost_Witness. So I spoke to him for a good hour or so... Only afterwards did I realise he was a Hobba.

31-10-2013, 04:43 PM
i liked callie because she was just always doing something, i know lostie was the same, but i just preferred callie overall for some reason - maybe because of her addiction for jaffas

31-10-2013, 05:43 PM
I loved ione, Jibbi and Callie but I got on most with Lost_Witness, he was more chatty, but HelKat was my most favourite!

31-10-2013, 10:29 PM
i never got the hate for callie at the time, but i wasn't into the community side of things back then. only really got onboard when l_w became hm. does bucho6 count? he's probably my favourite staff.

31-10-2013, 11:46 PM
Daisy was always hassling me. :Slant:

01-11-2013, 06:23 AM
I can't remember any apart from Lost_Witness, so it will be him. I always remember him being active, doing competitions etc. and he was for the community unlike some.

01-11-2013, 09:55 AM
only remember Callie Lost_Witness and Bucho6 from years ago, Callie was the best tho she was really nice and entertaining

03-11-2013, 05:25 PM
Daisy was never a hotel manager, that is just a habbo legend which noobs believe and then repeat to others to make themselves look good.

Daisy was more than just a manager, she founded and had ownership of habbo and sold her stock. Before the concept of the hotel of managers as we know them today she was very much the 'face' of habbo offices/management for a good while. She isn't just a legend shes the reason habbo exists.

I imagine there are very few on this forum who can give a true answer since most were not on for Daisy/Ione and even Jibbi.

Tbh I would say Ione purely because without her presents I wouldn't have all my habbo moolah. :D

07-11-2013, 01:49 AM
Daisy was more than just a manager, she founded and had ownership of habbo and sold her stock. Before the concept of the hotel of managers as we know them today she was very much the 'face' of habbo offices/management for a good while. She isn't just a legend shes the reason habbo exists.

I imagine there are very few on this forum who can give a true answer since most were not on for Daisy/Ione and even Jibbi.

Tbh I would say Ione purely because without her presents I wouldn't have all my habbo moolah. :D

I repeat, she was never the hotel manager. She had nothing to do with the running of the hotel or its community. Most people didn't even realize she existed until years after she left.

07-11-2013, 04:21 AM
I didn't like Callie but on the other hand, the hotel was most fun under her - with all the anti-Callie protests, anger at her giving out unreleased rares to her friends. Good times. :P

I think I joined the hotel at the very end of Jibbi's reign.

10-11-2013, 06:01 PM
I repeat, she was never the hotel manager. She had nothing to do with the running of the hotel or its community. Most people didn't even realize she existed until years after she left.

I think you have been misinformed. While she never had the 'hotel manager' title she visited regularly (UK hotel) and would appear at events to which people where happy to see her (maybe only a small selection knew she was the creator of habbo) but this got less and less as she sold her 3rd of habbo and left eventually.

A lot of the Habbo community respect her (but likely do not remember her) purely because she and 2 others founded habbo.

I should know how much she was online in the early days. I've been on habbo since 2001 on and off. You are obviously quoting others that do not know what they are talking about.

10-11-2013, 06:06 PM
Callie most likely

15-11-2013, 02:58 AM
Fave: Callie - Simply because of all the drama

Least fave: Ummm, Lost_Witness

19-11-2013, 11:57 PM
I liked Ione :-) I was so happy when I opened up my hand to find a Holoboy from her.

20-11-2013, 07:03 PM
Ione was manager when I joined and in the few times I got to speak to her she was sound, can't fault her, so I'll go with ione. I don't think anything like the ione gifts has been done since, and look at the impact the throne has had on Habbo.

Special mention for Jibbi though as her excellent Furni Shopping Centre room acted as inspiration for the museum I later made.

Daisy was a pain though, always hassling me...

20-11-2013, 09:28 PM
Never met any of them!
joined in 2010 and hardly ever went on habbo

20-11-2013, 09:52 PM
Never met any of them!
joined in 2010 and hardly ever went on habbo

dont worry, you're not the only 2010er. nearly everyone in this thread who has claimed to been around when ione was here is lying. habbos like to exaggerate a lot.

26-01-2014, 04:49 PM
I hear the Lostie never left Habbo, is that true?

05-02-2014, 12:23 AM
Jibbi! After her reign I spotted her in a room and got her to re-open 'Jibbi Jabbers' haha! We chatted in there for a while.
I did not like Callie. She was very unprofessional and extremely rude.

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