View Full Version : I give up -.-

06-11-2013, 05:55 PM
I've always loved Nintendo. My first console was Nintendo. Every console I have EVER HAD has been Nintendo (I've had around 8-10 consoles). But that's all going to change in December, cause I'm getting a PS4.
I give up -.-
People are always hating on Nintendo because they don't play Black Ops in 1080p. That's not what Nintendo consoles are FOR. They're for the exclusives, and they are amazing. But people don't even care anymore. The only consoles they buy are the 3DS consoles, and even THEIR sales are going down. This is a brief history of Nintendo in the last 10 years:
2003 - Rich
2004 - Rich
2005 - Slightly less rich (Xbox 360)
2006 - More money loss (PS3), but slightly more gain as well? (Wii)
2007 - -.-
2008 - Some more much-needed money
2009 - Rich
2010 - Rich
2011 - Bitofaloss
2012 - Epic fail
2013 - That old company who made that game? What was it called, Mafio? Oh no, they didn't do violent games (hate) o.o

Now listen, I didn't research anything at any point, so don't throw facts in my face. But we all know its true. Who has a Wii U? Hmm? Answer me that...
This was a rant btw, don't throw hate please.

06-11-2013, 06:52 PM
I don't understand your point?

Why do you 'give up'?

06-11-2013, 06:54 PM
Pokemon X and Y have brought up sales a lot.

I bet they have something planned.

06-11-2013, 08:21 PM
If there was a half decent game of Pokémon for the Wii U, I'd buy it so fast.

06-11-2013, 08:22 PM
So, Nintendo hasn't done well this year with the release of top named games such as Mario, Pokémon and Zelda? How about the 2DS that many people may want for Christmas?

I would like to buy a Wii U, I want the games such as Luigi Brothers U and Wii Party U.

06-11-2013, 08:26 PM
having a kind of loyalty to any console at all is stupid, just buy what you want lmao

imo nintendo haven't released anything worth buying since the original wii and the DS lite
the only reason I'd have for buying the 3DS is to play the new pokemon game but I'm not gonna' do that

if I was going to get a console of this gen it'd be the PS4 mainly because it's vastly superior imo

06-11-2013, 09:13 PM
Yet they still profit 7.2bill a year.

Wii sold 100.3million consoles (including Wii, Wii Family and Wii Mini)
Wii U sold 3.91million consoles (Wii U Basic and Deluxe/Premium)

DS sold 153.96 million consoles
3DS sold 34.98 million consoles

So they're still doing well for themselves.

07-11-2013, 12:02 PM
From what I've read 3DS sales have always been good. I do agree the lack of games for Wii-U has put me off big time, and there whole digital/Virtual arcade is a joke

07-11-2013, 06:17 PM
I'm not so angry that I made a point that was wrong, I'm angry because you missed my main point. I don't really care about how good Nintendo's sales actually are - I mentioned that. I'm just sick of the constant abuse Nintendo gets for being original with their ideas that people find ****.

07-11-2013, 06:47 PM
i don't get it. you dislike nintendo or the people who criticise nintendo? if your distaste is for nintendo i'd take a look at the 3ds launch, which in my opinion is just a mirror of the current wii u status. poor launch line up, no advertising, public confused that this is a new console and not an upgrade. i remember when the 3ds launched and people were going 'nintendo is over!!!!', all it took was for the games to pick up, and when it comes to games, nintendo always deliver. from now until 2014 i'm looking forward to mario 3d world, x, mario kart, super smash bros, bayonetta 2, a hat in time and a few others. nintendo consoles have always been the 2nd console of choice for the majority, what's the point of having both a ps4 and xbox one, they're pretty much the same console with a different controller. least nintendo shake it up once in a while.

07-11-2013, 06:47 PM
Thing about Nintendo is (in my opinion) they are trying to target and tap into the family market, hence why the Wii is so good for playing in groups and thats why the games are built for that audience.

If you want hardcore gaming then go for the XBOX or Playstation and play the games you want on the Wii as well.

07-11-2013, 10:07 PM
What was the last original IP Nintendo made?

10-11-2013, 07:51 AM
i don't get it. you dislike nintendo or the people who criticise nintendo? if your distaste is for nintendo i'd take a look at the 3ds launch, which in my opinion is just a mirror of the current wii u status. poor launch line up, no advertising, public confused that this is a new console and not an upgrade. i remember when the 3ds launched and people were going 'nintendo is over!!!!', all it took was for the games to pick up, and when it comes to games, nintendo always deliver. from now until 2014 i'm looking forward to mario 3d world, x, mario kart, super smash bros, bayonetta 2, a hat in time and a few others. nintendo consoles have always been the 2nd console of choice for the majority, what's the point of having both a ps4 and xbox one, they're pretty much the same console with a different controller. least nintendo shake it up once in a while.

Again, you don't understand. Nintendo are a great company. They produce great games, great consoles etc. What I don't like is that people criticise the company for being original. I don't have anything against Nintendo - like I have said I do love them, but people are too hard on them, even developers.

10-11-2013, 04:11 PM
What was the last original IP Nintendo made?

ah, the IP argument! honestly nintendo might not have a large IP rooster, but atleast their licenses tend to vary in gameplay styles from time to time. look at the fps world, no-one would bat an eyelid if someone took another series and made it a sequel to an already existing game. looking at games like zelda: wind waker and super mario sunshine, sure they're from a long running series, but you've got yourself a rather unique pirate game and a platformer-shooter, nintendo tend to add their characters and worlds to ensure the game sells. kirby's epic yarn was supposed to be a new IP until it was decided that the game might not sell that well, so they added the kirby characters to increase interest.

- - - Updated - - -

Again, you don't understand. Nintendo are a great company. They produce great games, great consoles etc. What I don't like is that people criticise the company for being original. I don't have anything against Nintendo - like I have said I do love them, but people are too hard on them, even developers.

sorry, i guess i did misunderstand, but the way you said
Every console I have EVER HAD has been Nintendo (I've had around 8-10 consoles). But that's all going to change in December, cause I'm getting a PS4. got me a bit confused. though i'm sure what i said you mostly agree with since i'm clearly a nintendo fanboy.

10-11-2013, 06:21 PM
In my opinion.. Nintendo games are always the same with a few tweeks or added gimmicks.

They need something new and not just a sequel with a few changes, CoD does it and gets alot of grief and nintendo does it aswell with there games. And just for the record i hate CoD and I'm not to keen on FPSs.

10-11-2013, 06:31 PM
In my opinion.. Nintendo games are always the same with a few tweeks or added gimmicks.

They need something new and not just a sequel with a few changes, CoD does it and gets alot of grief and nintendo does it aswell with there games. And just for the record i hate CoD and I'm not to keen on FPSs.

Aren't most sport games the same each year? And wrestling games? Tons of games do it, but if they get sales, they won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

10-11-2013, 07:35 PM
Aren't most sport games the same each year? And wrestling games? Tons of games do it, but if they get sales, they won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Yup why I don't usually play games like that, I don't like CoD nor FIFA, and as for wrestling i got WWE13 for free last year so bought 14 this year. Also yet to play any Assassins Creed since Brotherhood.

17-11-2013, 09:28 PM
Wonderful 101 is apparently a really good game, it got quite a lot of attention of reddit a few weeks ago and my brother played it a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's so quirky and weird.

18-11-2013, 04:36 AM
But Animal Crossing and Pokemon???

18-11-2013, 05:01 AM
Wonderful 101 is apparently a really good game, it got quite a lot of attention of reddit a few weeks ago and my brother played it a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's so quirky and weird.

maybe if it wasn't released around the time of pikmin 3 they would have sold more, it seemed quite an interesting game, but seeing the reviews didn't make it out as an urgent must have (i mean 70%~ is pretty mediocre in gaming journalism). i'm sure i'll purchase it one day, but I've got a pretty big want list as it stands anyway.

nintendo do get a lot of flack as a publisher, but honestly there is no other publisher like them, their current rooster spreads across so many different genres, and while i'd absolutely love to see a new ip, their lineup is still ahead of most of the competition.

they can stop making lazy 2d games though.

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