View Full Version : Work Experience

01-12-2013, 08:53 PM
I'm doing it tomorrow and just wondered how much people enjoyed it when they did it, cos I'm not particularly nervous I'm just worried that it'll be a bit boring and ****! :P

1-10 scale :P

01-12-2013, 09:08 PM
I did it two years ago in summer and it was boring as hell. Just smile and do whatever they tell you to do and you'll be fine though

01-12-2013, 09:11 PM
I did it in May 2009 I believe and it would have been better if they had told me I'd be dealing with nursery kids as opposed to actual school children. However, it was fine, I got to play with play doh, clay etc. I got good dinners, didn't have to work weekend and finished early due to the school term ending. In reality, I wish I could do it now as I was shy back then, but I'm more confident now, so it would be better.

01-12-2013, 09:19 PM
i did it like 3 years ago and it was during my 'i wanna work in an office' phase

i worked at some customer service centre on computers sorting out mandates?? idek what they are but it was so boring

i since changed my outlook on life completely and decided i wanted to be a creative soul xx

01-12-2013, 09:44 PM
I did mine in the summer at JPMorgan.. met some good people but it was pretty boring :P

Definitely worth it for the CV though!

01-12-2013, 09:49 PM
Did my school work experience in February 2009, was the most boring week of my life. I applied for tons of media related work experience and got quite alot saying I was too young at the time and that they weren't insured etc. School forced me to go to a work experience place at a claims office as a admin assistant which for them was basically the office ***** for the week because they have alot of work experience people in. Sorted through files at the back of the office and had to log them on their database. My last two days weren't too bad because the receptionist was off sick so I was asked to go on to answer calls and direct them through to the right place, let people in the offices and meet and greet etc. What I learned for that week was is I now know I don't want to be a admin assistant. :)

As Empired said, just smile, nod and do what they tell you especially if your school work experience, they'll think your just a kid. :)

01-12-2013, 10:15 PM
In year 12 I had a week's work experience in a primary school back in February 2010, I worked with the Year 6 classes all week, just did general teaching assisting - also worked 1 on 1 with certain kids that were struggling. Also went and helped out at break times. Was pretty good, learnt a lot and decided I didn't want to teach kids at primary age.

Then this summer I volunteered as a teaching assistant for a community college for 2 weeks, worked with Years 10 - 14, was amazingly helpful. Once again, just went around helping kids, took a group of 8 out and went through a past paper with them on the board. Also marked a lot of mock papers, and did a few lessons with digital keypads. Also went with a fellow teacher to the other school on campus that teachers Years 7-9 and had to go and ask kids what they were learning, what their target grades were etc. Was great fun, and would do it again, I'm thinking of volunteering again for another 2 weeks in the summer :) Got a reference from it, all good :)

01-12-2013, 10:15 PM
What are you doing?

Did mine at a Leisure Centre, learned nothing (not what I have any intention of doing), but was great fun.

01-12-2013, 10:19 PM
am doing mine in september for a weeeek
no clue where am going to do it thoughhh

02-12-2013, 12:38 AM
I did mine in 2008 at M&S. It was a good learning experience as it showed me that I do not really enjoy working in retail.

02-12-2013, 08:28 AM
am doing mine in september for a weeeek
no clue where am going to do it thoughhh

The duck sanctuary...!
But no I did mine at Tesco ;o was boring but did it and offered me something if I was still interested after I left school and in college

03-12-2013, 07:55 PM
am doing mine in september for a weeeek
no clue where am going to do it thoughhh

Something to do with ducks for you I expect! :D

03-12-2013, 08:27 PM
did work experience in like easter of this year, worked with my dad in accountancy for local council for a week.

was quite fun tbh and it made me realise how much i love the idea of working in an office when i'm older, and got a great reference and stuff from it :)

04-12-2013, 12:58 PM
I did it for 2 weeks in November this year actually. I was at a construction company assisting the tradesmen in fixouts, putting up fences, installing door handles etc. It was bloody hot so that kinda turned me of it (although i live in a warm country) I really got sick of it at the end but goes towards my CV i guess and i have realised how much easier school is!

04-12-2013, 10:13 PM
Surprised so many people didn't enjoy theirs! I did a week at Santander when I was in year 10 and I really enjoyed it :D. Gl with yours!

05-12-2013, 08:16 PM
This has been the best week for a while. I am so sad to be leaving tomorrow, hopefully WhSmiths will be good, but apparently it's **** there.

06-12-2013, 06:23 PM
This has been the best week for a while. I am so sad to be leaving tomorrow, hopefully WhSmiths will be good, but apparently it's **** there.

Where are you this week? I don't think you've actually said :L

I am not sure Smith's would be very exciting lol

23-12-2013, 12:08 PM
I worked at the library for the first week and for the second week I was at WhSmiths... Or at least that was the plan!

I ended up only working at WhSmiths for 3 days because they basically just put me in a room for the whole day and told me to tidy up a store room so I ended up just sitting on my phone or reading cos it was the most boring thing, so the school changed my placement and I went back to the library! :D

23-12-2013, 03:30 PM
Did mine 5 years ago in '08 at Clarks lol boring and wasn't even allowed on the shop floor...

23-12-2013, 04:31 PM
Mine was a bit boring I worked in a DVD/game shop. Learnt a bit of people skills and how it works in the real world but it was no real shock.

26-12-2013, 11:34 AM
I lied and didn't actually do work experience and spent the whole week at my friends house.

We pretended we were at her Dad's business. Fake address and everything.

26-12-2013, 12:06 PM
I done my work experience in 2010 in Boots, which I didn't particularly like. I then later did 3 months of LSA/One-to-One Literacy tutor and taking a few lessons myself in my school. I loved that. I've worked in retail since leaving college and partway through - I hated it in a pub/grill, but I'm now doing foreign currency exchange and I love it.

My work experience in Boots taught me nothing, but I learned a lot in the latter experiences.

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