View Full Version : FAILED EDUCATION!!!!!

19-12-2013, 08:43 PM
Hi everyone, do you feel as if you got let down in school, or college? Check out my new video and tell me if you can relate, tell me what how you felt in high school, comment on here, or on the video, cheers :)


Moved by Dilusionate (Acting Forum Super Moderator): From "Discuss Anything" as it is better suited here

19-12-2013, 09:20 PM
Bill gates , Steve Jobs .. pretty sure they never passed high school

what have i failed ??
math once
religion twice
and Art :P

19-12-2013, 10:12 PM
branson declared bankrupt 22 times before becoming successful.

i failed all my exams at school because i was never bothered. kind of regret it now though, working in a call centre

19-12-2013, 10:30 PM
Bill gates , Steve Jobs .. pretty sure they never passed high school

what have i failed ??
math once
religion twice
and Art :P

Bill Gates dropped out having most of the skills he needed, developed most before he started.

Steve Jobs once dropped out still attended a lot of courses that he found interesting unofficially.

19-12-2013, 10:36 PM
Slow the **** down when speaking PLEASE.

Alan Sugar hasn't been the chairman of Tottenham for 12 years. It is true, some people are successful having flunked at school - but realistically, very few are lucky. Alan Sugar certainly isn't anywhere near being one of the most powerful men on the planet.

Also Bill Gates and Steve Jobs weren't high school drop outs !x!dude!x!2 - in fact Bill gates even got in to Harvard, he just chose to drop out of there. Both Jobs and Gates are incredibly intelligent people.

19-12-2013, 10:56 PM
Slow the **** down when speaking PLEASE.

Alan Sugar hasn't been the chairman of Tottenham for 12 years. It is true, some people are successful having flunked at school - but realistically, very few are lucky. Alan Sugar certainly isn't anywhere near being one of the most powerful men on the planet.

Also Bill Gates and Steve Jobs weren't high school drop outs !x!dude!x!2 - in fact Bill gates even got in to Harvard, he just chose to drop out of there. Both Jobs and Gates are incredibly intelligent people.

i was just answering your question :S

19-12-2013, 11:15 PM
i was just answering your question :S

My question? :L

19-12-2013, 11:21 PM
My question? :L

" what classes did you fail "

19-12-2013, 11:37 PM
" what classes did you fail "

You might want to check who started the thread |-)

20-12-2013, 12:28 AM
Lord Sugar got a GCSE in French? There were no GCSEs back in those days.

Probably also worth pointing out that you can't do anything if you put your mind to it and that education is important for certain things.

20-12-2013, 11:17 AM
Lord Sugar got a GCSE in French? There were no GCSEs back in those days.

Probably also worth pointing out that you can't do anything if you put your mind to it and that education is important for certain things.

Try becoming a doctor... :L

20-12-2013, 03:44 PM
I'd say education is very important... it's too bad I've only just noticed that.

20-12-2013, 04:27 PM
If you get inspired by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates becoming so successful without getting degrees then sure whatever suits you but please stop throwing this excuse everywhere to demotivate people from working and making them lazy?? if you think 2 examples work for you, you also need to consider that most successful people do come from harvard, cambridge etc.

20-12-2013, 04:49 PM
I remember when he lied to everyone about doing an internship at Sulake, from watching that video it is clear that he is just as foolish as he used to be.

Some people who do badly at school go on to do well in life. However the overwhelming majority do not and are left in dead-end office jobs or working as unskilled labourers. Is that a risk you really want to take? Instead of trying to justify failure perhaps you should encourage more people to work hard in school.

20-12-2013, 05:06 PM
You're still in education so I'd hardly say it's too late for you :L
I'd say education is very important... it's too bad I've only just noticed that.

20-12-2013, 05:32 PM
I'd say education is very important... it's too bad I've only just noticed that.

Aren't you only 14 or something?

20-12-2013, 05:53 PM
You're still in education so I'd hardly say it's too late for you :L

im really fair behind and i couldnt take any good lessons
im doing mainly btec and i need gcse for after school

Aren't you only 14 or something?


20-12-2013, 09:08 PM
Can go to college if you fail though?

im really fair behind and i couldnt take any good lessons
im doing mainly btec and i need gcse for after school


20-12-2013, 09:10 PM
Can go to college if you fail though?

thats extra work in college though :( so if i just knew how important it was in the first place i'd be dapper

20-12-2013, 09:13 PM
It's worth it. What do you plan on doing after school?

thats extra work in college though :( so if i just knew how important it was in the first place i'd be dapper

20-12-2013, 09:16 PM
It's worth it. What do you plan on doing after school?

I either want to be an actor or journalist. I have unrealistic hopes. So college or sixth form.

20-12-2013, 09:24 PM
You may aswell do college or sixth form then to pass the time and achieve something in the mean time whilst thinking about your future. I always think people are too young to decide what they want to be in high school. Although you should be choosing, I don't think I was old enough to choose in year 10 or 11
I either want to be an actor or journalist. I have unrealistic hopes. So college or sixth form.

20-12-2013, 09:26 PM
You may aswell do college or sixth form then to pass the time and achieve something in the mean time whilst thinking about your future. I always think people are too young to decide what they want to be in high school. Although you should be choosing, I don't think I was old enough to choose in year 10 or 11

How can you be too young? Like at 15/16 you only have a few years until you start it all.

20-12-2013, 09:37 PM
How can you be too young? Like at 15/16 you only have a few years until you start it all.

Yeah but mentally I think it's too young to start thinking about it. You can decide what you wanna do at 15 for the rest of your life. You start off earning a bit of money somewhere once you leave school, build up life experiences and then look for your dream job. Some people are lucky to get their dream job at a young age.

20-12-2013, 09:39 PM
Yeah but mentally I think it's too young to start thinking about it. You can decide what you wanna do at 15 for the rest of your life. You start off earning a bit of money somewhere once you leave school, build up life experiences and then look for your dream job. Some people are lucky to get their dream job at a young age.

I guess I haven't't really thought about it... I wouldn't be impressed having a job I don't like.

20-12-2013, 10:05 PM
You don't just start work in your dream job. You start at the bottom and work your way up.
I guess I haven't't really thought about it... I wouldn't be impressed having a job I don't like.

20-12-2013, 10:06 PM
You don't just start work in your dream job. You start at the bottom and work your way up.

Working as a shop assistant won't help me get my job I want. It's not my dream job btw.

21-12-2013, 07:03 AM
Working as a shop assistant won't help me get my job I want. It's not my dream job btw.

Gaining any work experience will help. What do you want to do? Working somewhere is a job will teach you skills such as communication, customer service. There's a whole load of things. If won't necessarily get you your dream job but from that job, you move up and so on into different jobs to eventually, hopefully get where you want to be. If your job requires qualifications, consider Uni.

21-12-2013, 11:13 PM
You may aswell do college or sixth form then to pass the time and achieve something in the mean time whilst thinking about your future. I always think people are too young to decide what they want to be in high school. Although you should be choosing, I don't think I was old enough to choose in year 10 or 11

In fairness, my ideas haven't changed since I was about 11.

22-12-2013, 08:49 AM
In fairness, my ideas haven't changed since I was about 11.

My dream hasn't changed either but Im 100% wouldn't have got it at 15

22-12-2013, 11:43 AM
I think Education and School in general is important.
Agree or disagree that's fine... However, you need some sort of education to get the ground basics.

Those people you're relating to are SOME people, how many people in the UK without any GCSE's are living off benefits?
Didn't mention that...

22-12-2013, 04:05 PM
Never failed a subject, but I didn't do well in Maths.

Also: Education is important, anyone who visits Habbo is reminded of this, as most of the people who use Habbo seem to be lacking one.

22-12-2013, 07:27 PM
Failed a few things over time, more recently failed an essay in university when I got 20%. Was an absolute disaster. :P

22-12-2013, 08:06 PM
Failed a few things over time, more recently failed an essay in university when I got 20%. Was an absolute disaster. :P

You're never going to do well on an exam on the benefits of the EU, in fairness! :L

23-12-2013, 01:09 AM
I got 7 GCSE's not including English, got kicked out of college (blackmailed), haven't got a single AS Level, nor A level. In university now, 2nd year and I'm 18. I'll be 19 when I graduate, and I've achieved so much! My teachers always told me I was going to be a fail, I wasn't smart enough etc. I'm on top of my class atm, done work for BBC and Mozilla, I like to think I've had the last laugh so far!

Never let someone else tell you what you can or can't do!

23-12-2013, 01:18 AM
I got 7 GCSE's not including English, got kicked out of college (blackmailed), haven't got a single AS Level, nor A level. In university now, 2nd year and I'm 18. I'll be 19 when I graduate, and I've achieved so much! My teachers always told me I was going to be a fail, I wasn't smart enough etc. I'm on top of my class atm, done work for BBC and Mozilla, I like to think I've had the last laugh so far!

Never let someone else tell you what you can or can't do!

This basically. Think I left school with less than 5 GCSE's only managed to get C's purely because I messed around and didn't take anything seriously. Did a BTEC after school what got me nowhere then decided I needed to do something with my life. Went back to college for a year and did an access course in nursing+midwifery and a year later I'm on a hugely oversubscribed degree programme in midwifery. Most privileged job in the world imo and what's better, more or less guaranteed a career once I've qualified with my NHS trust where I do my placements. Oh and no ridiculous 9k uni fees :)

26-12-2013, 05:12 PM
I got 7 GCSE's not including English, got kicked out of college (blackmailed), haven't got a single AS Level, nor A level. In university now, 2nd year and I'm 18. I'll be 19 when I graduate, and I've achieved so much! My teachers always told me I was going to be a fail, I wasn't smart enough etc. I'm on top of my class atm, done work for BBC and Mozilla, I like to think I've had the last laugh so far!

Never let someone else tell you what you can or can't do!

You are in your second year of uni and you're only 18? You're BSing. I can't think of a single university which would accept a student who hasn't even got a GCSE in English, it must be a terrible uni and a god-awful course. :rolleyes:

26-12-2013, 07:20 PM
Yay, let's go ahead and try to persuade naive minds to quit school because they definitely don't need an education to become successful... :rolleyes:

27-12-2013, 09:57 PM
I'm at University Studying Computer Science, after getting A*, A*, A and a D at A levels :P (D was in English language, but you can probably guess that from my god awful grammar/spelling). Personally without a "High School education" I wouldn't have gotten this far in life considering I live in one of the most rural places in England where you NEED an education to be a bloody butcher.

27-12-2013, 10:00 PM
Lmfao you can't even get onto a foundation course at any university without at least a C or higher in GCSE Maths, Science and English...

You also have no A Levels?

And you got kicked out of college?

All of that must have looked great on your UCAS... Just sounds like bull poo to me...

o/t: I'm at University Studying Computer Science, after getting A*, A*, A and a D at A levels :P (D was in English language, but you can probably guess that from my god awful grammar/spelling). Personally without a "High School education" I wouldn't have gotten this far in life considering I live in one of the most rural places in England where you NEED an education to be a bloody butcher.

What? Where did I mention getting kicked out of college? Never happened. Also have my gcses in maths and English, didn't say I didn't. No alevels but they're not necessarily needed for university. Read up on access courses because I can't be bothered to explain.

27-12-2013, 10:02 PM
What? Where did I mention getting kicked out of college? Never happened. Also have my gcses in maths and English, didn't say I didn't. No alevels but they're not necessarily needed for university. Read up on access courses because I can't be bothered to explain.

Oh I do apologise I quoted the wrong person in my post :(

27-12-2013, 10:03 PM
Oh I do apologise I quoted the wrong person in my post :(

Lol I thought your reply was strange... No worries

27-12-2013, 10:03 PM
Sorry but people can stick boasting about their a*'s and a's up theirs. Hard work, determination and focus gets you places as well, not just grades.

28-12-2013, 11:48 AM
most ridiculous video ive ever watched

delete it immediately it sends a terrible message and i didnt understand wat u were saying in the 1st half

28-12-2013, 03:18 PM
most ridiculous video ive ever watched

delete it immediately it sends a terrible message and i didnt understand wat u were saying in the 1st half

Well firstly your opinion is invalid as I'm not going to take some trolls advice to stop something I enjoy doing. Secondly, most people could understand me considering it started a 5-page debate. Keep your opinions to yourself.

28-12-2013, 03:55 PM
Well firstly your opinion is invalid as I'm not going to take some trolls advice to stop something I enjoy doing. Secondly, most people could understand me considering it started a 5-page debate. Keep your opinions to yourself.

Firstly, your video did not trigger a debate because nobody agrees with you. Secondly, you specifically asked for comments - you can not dismiss someones opinion simply because you don't agree with it. How can you hope to start a debate if that is your attitude? Personally I find it quite sad that you are trying to legitimize your own failures by telling people education isn't important. Go back to college instead of whinging on YouTube.

29-12-2013, 10:22 PM
Sorry but people can stick boasting about their a*'s and a's up theirs. Hard work, determination and focus gets you places as well, not just grades.
Experience too, it's not all about letters on a piece of paper.

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