View Full Version : Big Brother Audition Tape 2014

12-01-2014, 12:10 PM
No doubt I'll have a lot of people trolling, criticizing my audition tape, it wasn't suposed to be public, but I made it public regardless to see what the opinion of people is, enjoy...


12-01-2014, 12:36 PM
Way too confident.

12-01-2014, 12:48 PM
you are brave


12-01-2014, 12:59 PM
you didnt come out of that looking much smarter than joey essex

12-01-2014, 01:02 PM
Hmm very negative vibes :S
Do they cast specifically stuck up people? Maybe you should try make a more positive video and sell yourself a bit better :)

12-01-2014, 01:04 PM
you cant afford 2 be stuck up no offense =)

12-01-2014, 01:09 PM
Ummm good luck

12-01-2014, 01:26 PM
i just dont think ur what theyre looking 4 :/

12-01-2014, 03:05 PM
ngl your too boring

12-01-2014, 03:54 PM
hope you get in

12-01-2014, 04:13 PM
You annoy me.

12-01-2014, 04:22 PM
Lol why is everyone hating this guy... I bet you 99.9% of all Big Brother applicants lie or act overly confident to get in. I'd imagine Big Brother are looking for people with big egos anyway so that they clash and ultimately make good tv.
Best of luck!

12-01-2014, 05:21 PM

u r trying rly hard to sell this "im better than u" vibe but it isnt even remotely convincing
and u dont have anything else going for u sorry (which is probably y its not convincing)

12-01-2014, 07:42 PM

u r trying rly hard to sell this "im better than u" vibe but it isnt even remotely convincing
and u dont have anything else going for u sorry (which is probably y its not convincing)

Oh I'm sorry what life accomplishments have you achieved so far, apart from a ridiculous GIF of Justin Bieber in your HabboxForum sig? Lmao, douche.

12-01-2014, 07:49 PM
Oh I'm sorry what life accomplishments have you achieved so far, apart from a ridiculous GIF of Justin Bieber in your HabboxForum sig? Lmao, douche.

wtf did i hit a nerve. u have a bong eye as well

12-01-2014, 07:52 PM
i couldn't stop looking at your bad teeth

12-01-2014, 08:10 PM
i couldn't stop looking at your bad teeth

Couldn't notice your terrible view on life.

12-01-2014, 08:17 PM
Couldn't notice your terrible view on life.

but ur vid just proved u to be a horrible person (even tho we know u r being fake)

12-01-2014, 08:24 PM
annoying voice

12-01-2014, 08:25 PM
TBH you just made yourself out to be a giant, uninteresting try-hard. They don't want people to stare at a camera with limited movement implying that they are smarter than the majority of Britain when they quite clearly aren't.

They want egos and entertainment, not anti-climax.

12-01-2014, 09:46 PM
delete this vid and try again, they havent watched it yet so it wont matter

12-01-2014, 10:04 PM
The personality felt too fake.

12-01-2014, 10:53 PM
if you were on big brother i'd complain to ofcom

12-01-2014, 10:56 PM
your tooth really annoys me
i think u gave me ocd

13-01-2014, 01:28 AM
You guys ripped this poor boy up, I feel bad.

I don't know if I'm feeling it either, I am sorry.

13-01-2014, 02:26 AM
The lighting was a bit poo, such a bad set up like all your other vlogs,

13-01-2014, 05:26 AM
i think you're a ****

13-01-2014, 05:32 AM
please make a new one

13-01-2014, 05:33 AM
please make a new one
please don't, i'd rather drink bleach than watch another attempt of him trying to be a cocky *******

13-01-2014, 05:34 AM
please don't, i'd rather drink bleach than watch another attempt of him trying to be a cocky *******

LMAO OH GOD, you heard the man tuex!

13-01-2014, 06:54 AM
I didn't realize we had so many Big Brother casting agents on this forum?!?
Would nice to see some of you Big Brother experts post in the BB thread...

13-01-2014, 06:57 AM
I didn't realize we had so many Big Brother casting agents on this forum?!?
Would nice to see some of you Big Brother experts post in the BB thread...
what if u dont watch bb tho lol

13-01-2014, 07:41 AM
I don't usually reply to responses on here, because they are not worth it but why not, you always do it so here goes....

I could sit here all day and reply individually to everyone with their nasty comments. However, I have a life so I'm going to give a general response...

Firstly, don't criticize my appearance, no doubt everyone has parts of their body they would like to change... I have a chipped tooth, I can get that fixed.... you can't fix your attitudes, unless you go through some severe councilling. I don't criticise your looks either, so why do it to me... it's bullying.

Secondly, don't be jealous - Just because I'm doing something I want to do, don't criticize, appreciate the fact I'm trying to make something of myself, try doing the same, grow up a bit. If one of you lot was to achieve something, I'd congratulate you.

Thirdly, don't act like you're better than me, stop talking as if you have lots to offer, you sit on a Habbo Forum the majority of the day, and you criticize others for having a life... And don't throw the 'You applied for Big Brother' how can you say you have a life... I have a life because I know how to turn my computer off once in a while.

Fourth and finally, just grow up in general, you realise life is too short to criticize others, because you haven't got long yourself to prove an existance on this planet, this Forum won't be here forever.... No doubt a lot of you still play Habbo or come on this Forum for some blanket of comfort because you're insecure in real life, and have the audacity to start 'bullying' and that is what it is... you wouldn't do it in real life, so why do it on here? A lot of you have some serious growing up to do.

I am not 'playing up' to the Habbox Forum Community may I add... I am simply sick of people on here thinking they have something on me, when you haven't - Also, no doubt this comment will attract more trolls, but I have said my view now, so if you do reply with something sarcastic, then do one, because I'm not going to lose sleep over these comments, and no doubt if I was to be in the Big Brother House, I would recieve criticism from the public. However, a lot of you will argue, I can't handle you lot criticising me... Well actually I can, I just want you lot aware that I find it really pathetic, and usually I don't read the comments as they are usually negative.

The biggest problem I've noticed on here is comformity, stop following the sheep. Don't comment on the grounds of others, because a lot of you are insecure you feel the need to 'fit in' so you will agree with the good majority of other comments. If most of the comments on this thread were positive, you would write something positive. It's childs play on this Forum, and the majority of you are 18 and over, regardless, you're teenagers, so just grow up?


13-01-2014, 01:02 PM
I don't usually reply to responses on here, because they are not worth it but why not, you always do it so here goes....

I could sit here all day and reply individually to everyone with their nasty comments. However, I have a life so I'm going to give a general response...

Firstly, don't criticize my appearance, no doubt everyone has parts of their body they would like to change... I have a chipped tooth, I can get that fixed.... you can't fix your attitudes, unless you go through some severe councilling. I don't criticise your looks either, so why do it to me... it's bullying.

Secondly, don't be jealous - Just because I'm doing something I want to do, don't criticize, appreciate the fact I'm trying to make something of myself, try doing the same, grow up a bit. If one of you lot was to achieve something, I'd congratulate you.

Thirdly, don't act like you're better than me, stop talking as if you have lots to offer, you sit on a Habbo Forum the majority of the day, and you criticize others for having a life... And don't throw the 'You applied for Big Brother' how can you say you have a life... I have a life because I know how to turn my computer off once in a while.

Fourth and finally, just grow up in general, you realise life is too short to criticize others, because you haven't got long yourself to prove an existance on this planet, this Forum won't be here forever.... No doubt a lot of you still play Habbo or come on this Forum for some blanket of comfort because you're insecure in real life, and have the audacity to start 'bullying' and that is what it is... you wouldn't do it in real life, so why do it on here? A lot of you have some serious growing up to do.

I am not 'playing up' to the Habbox Forum Community may I add... I am simply sick of people on here thinking they have something on me, when you haven't - Also, no doubt this comment will attract more trolls, but I have said my view now, so if you do reply with something sarcastic, then do one, because I'm not going to lose sleep over these comments, and no doubt if I was to be in the Big Brother House, I would recieve criticism from the public. However, a lot of you will argue, I can't handle you lot criticising me... Well actually I can, I just want you lot aware that I find it really pathetic, and usually I don't read the comments as they are usually negative.

The biggest problem I've noticed on here is comformity, stop following the sheep. Don't comment on the grounds of others, because a lot of you are insecure you feel the need to 'fit in' so you will agree with the good majority of other comments. If most of the comments on this thread were positive, you would write something positive. It's childs play on this Forum, and the majority of you are 18 and over, regardless, you're teenagers, so just grow up?


First of all, not all of the posts were troll posts. Some people (myself included) were giving proper criticism. You even said in your original post that you expect to be criticised, so telling people not to do so now seems a bit silly to me.

It's also worth noting that just because people are criticising, it doesn't mean they are immature. I also don't think people are jealous for you recording an audition tape - the majority of people on the forum could do that.

13-01-2014, 01:10 PM
you didnt come out of that looking much smarter than joey essex

That was said in a better way than I was going to say it

13-01-2014, 01:19 PM
I don't usually reply to responses on here, because they are not worth it but why not, you always do it so here goes....

I could sit here all day and reply individually to everyone with their nasty comments. However, I have a life so I'm going to give a general response...

Firstly, don't criticize my appearance, no doubt everyone has parts of their body they would like to change... I have a chipped tooth, I can get that fixed.... you can't fix your attitudes, unless you go through some severe councilling. I don't criticise your looks either, so why do it to me... it's bullying.

Secondly, don't be jealous - Just because I'm doing something I want to do, don't criticize, appreciate the fact I'm trying to make something of myself, try doing the same, grow up a bit. If one of you lot was to achieve something, I'd congratulate you.

Thirdly, don't act like you're better than me, stop talking as if you have lots to offer, you sit on a Habbo Forum the majority of the day, and you criticize others for having a life... And don't throw the 'You applied for Big Brother' how can you say you have a life... I have a life because I know how to turn my computer off once in a while.

Fourth and finally, just grow up in general, you realise life is too short to criticize others, because you haven't got long yourself to prove an existance on this planet, this Forum won't be here forever.... No doubt a lot of you still play Habbo or come on this Forum for some blanket of comfort because you're insecure in real life, and have the audacity to start 'bullying' and that is what it is... you wouldn't do it in real life, so why do it on here? A lot of you have some serious growing up to do.

I am not 'playing up' to the Habbox Forum Community may I add... I am simply sick of people on here thinking they have something on me, when you haven't - Also, no doubt this comment will attract more trolls, but I have said my view now, so if you do reply with something sarcastic, then do one, because I'm not going to lose sleep over these comments, and no doubt if I was to be in the Big Brother House, I would recieve criticism from the public. However, a lot of you will argue, I can't handle you lot criticising me... Well actually I can, I just want you lot aware that I find it really pathetic, and usually I don't read the comments as they are usually negative.

The biggest problem I've noticed on here is comformity, stop following the sheep. Don't comment on the grounds of others, because a lot of you are insecure you feel the need to 'fit in' so you will agree with the good majority of other comments. If most of the comments on this thread were positive, you would write something positive. It's childs play on this Forum, and the majority of you are 18 and over, regardless, you're teenagers, so just grow up?


what exactly were you expecting from posting this video? People to bow down to you and give you a rimjob?

Na mate, you're a tool

13-01-2014, 01:41 PM
you made an app that promotes bullying? you're an idiot

13-01-2014, 02:18 PM
tuex i wouldnt have said u had a bong eye if u didnt snap at me ok
u r trying to provoke ppl and be controversial by being an ass in ur tape so at least embrace it rather than crying cos no1 likes u.
i dont think u should try for bb cos if u went into the house (and a strong emphasis on IF) how would u cope with the entire country hating u when u start acting the way u do? u cant even handle the forum not liking u and ur contrived personality

13-01-2014, 02:58 PM
On the one hand, you might be just what they are looking for as many BB contestants have that loud, excited, enthusiastic and arrogant air about them. I think if that's what you're going for, it doesn't seem too fake and you've pulled it off okay.

But on the other hand, they might want someone a bit different to the usual stereotypes, and people here have said they can see through you, so no doubt the professionals will too.

If you're being true to yourself and that's what you want to go for, I'd say keep that loud, enthusiastic vibe, but calm down a bit, the urgency of it all makes you seem a bit nervous and in a rush to get it over and done with.

Good luck.

14-01-2014, 05:59 AM
I didn't think your audition vid was entirely awful something like that would probably get you in the house.
However the fact you have posted your audition online ruins any chance you have at getting in. These shows want to keep everything confidential.

tuex i wouldnt have said u had a bong eye if u didnt snap at me ok
u r trying to provoke ppl and be controversial by being an ass in ur tape so at least embrace it rather than crying cos no1 likes u.
i dont think u should try for bb cos if u went into the house (and a strong emphasis on IF) how would u cope with the entire country hating u when u start acting the way u do? u cant even handle the forum not liking u and ur contrived personality

SuBo has a good point here. I watch BB and whenever there is an cocky unattractive male they get absolutely destroyed and hated by the public.

14-01-2014, 07:10 AM
Thirdly, don't act like you're better than me, stop talking as if you have lots to offer, you sit on a Habbo Forum the majority of the day, and you criticize others for having a life... And don't throw the 'You applied for Big Brother' how can you say you have a life... I have a life because I know how to turn my computer off once in a while.

Dude no offence but isn't that what you are doing in the video. Acting like you are better than everyone and then posting it on a Habbo Forum, what do you expect? Just basic common sense man come on.

Fourth and finally, just grow up in general, you realise life is too short to criticize others, because you haven't got long yourself to prove an existance on this planet, this Forum won't be here forever.... No doubt a lot of you still play Habbo or come on this Forum for some blanket of comfort because you're insecure in real life, and have the audacity to start 'bullying' and that is what it is... you wouldn't do it in real life, so why do it on

Please rewatch your video and get back to me, what are you doing most the time?

- - - Updated - - -

This guy would surely have to go through basic psychological tests anyway if he was short listed at some point? There is no way they would allow him on the show if he is blowing up over a few comments he pretty much asked for on a Habbo forum. Imagine him in the public sphere getting criticisms from mass amounts of people, it would be a mess and not good for his health.


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