View Full Version : Which Decade do you actually belong in?

30-01-2014, 01:12 PM

You got: You belong in the ‘70s!


You’re all about the nightlife and getting groovy. You’re a social butterfly and are always out with friends. You love disco and soul music and can’t imagine a world without Saturday Night Fever.

You? :P

30-01-2014, 01:20 PM

Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the future!

You’re a forward-thinker and your head is stuck in the iCloud

Though to be fair I think that's soso wrong :P

30-01-2014, 01:25 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!
Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images
You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.

Haha yeah sounds about right!

30-01-2014, 01:30 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘80s!

Tetris, Beetlejuice, Saved By The Bell, shoulder pads, synthpop and Sega gave (and still continue to give) you LIFE. You would be a different person without them.

30-01-2014, 01:33 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the ‘90s!
Brenda Chase / Getty Images
Help! You’re stuck in the ‘90s. You need to be immediately transported to the jiggy era of the walkman, Genesis, Fresh Prince, AOL chatrooms, and hair nubbins (waaaay before Miley donned them). Like, immediately.

30-01-2014, 01:53 PM
Help! You’re stuck in the ‘90s. You need to be immediately transported to the jiggy era of the walkman, Genesis, Fresh Prince, AOL chatrooms, and hair nubbins (waaaay before Miley donned them). Like, immediately.

This is what I was expecting

30-01-2014, 01:53 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!
You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.
no thanks

30-01-2014, 01:57 PM
You got: You belong in the future!
http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2014-01/enhanced/webdr06/21/15/enhanced-buzz-12391-1390335507-0.jpgWarner Bros. / Via tvtropes.org (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheJetsons?from=Main.TheJetsons)
You’re a forward-thinker and your head is stuck in the iCloud.
​Don't quite know why but sure.

30-01-2014, 01:57 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the future!
Warner Bros. / Via tvtropes.org
You’re a forward-thinker and your head is stuck in the iCloud.

wasn't expecting that

30-01-2014, 02:10 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘70s!
Paramount Pictures / Via riffraf.net
You’re all about the nightlife and getting groovy. You’re a social butterfly and are always out with friends. You love disco and soul music and can’t imagine a world without Saturday Night Fever.

What the heck.

30-01-2014, 02:39 PM
90s which isn't really that shocking

30-01-2014, 02:43 PM
I belong in the 00's, too. I was born in 1993. So uh...

30-01-2014, 03:06 PM
I got the 60s and then changed one of my answers and got the 50s hahah
Two of my fave eras and I always say I wish I had of been alive then!!

30-01-2014, 03:15 PM
wow such an oldie at heart :'(

You got: You belong in the ‘50s!
You yearn for a simpler time when people were polite, curt, and followed the rules. Maybe people say you’re a conformist, but you know you just like things to stay a certain way. Home is where the heart is.

30-01-2014, 03:16 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘70s!

You’re all about the nightlife and getting groovy. You’re a social butterfly and are always out with friends. You love disco and soul music and can’t imagine a world without Saturday Night Fever.

30-01-2014, 03:33 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘20s!
Ugh, what you would give to live in the golden age of jazz, flapper fashion, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and all-around sexy ambiances.



30-01-2014, 03:49 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘60s!
http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2014-01/enhanced/webdr03/21/11/enhanced-buzz-9576-1390321942-20.jpgWikimedia Commons / Via commons.wikimedia.org (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22Arrive_Stoned%22,_Ozark_Music_Festival,_19 74.jpg)
What you would give to experience Woodstock back when. But seriously, if you could throw sexy, psychedelic parties in tribalistic communes your whole life, you would. Oh, wait

30-01-2014, 04:04 PM
i belong in the 70's :L

30-01-2014, 04:06 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the ‘60s!
http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/2014-01/enhanced/webdr03/21/11/enhanced-buzz-9576-1390321942-20.jpg Wikimedia Commons / Via commons.wikimedia.org (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22Arrive_Stoned%22,_Ozark_Music_Festival,_19 74.jpg)
What you would give to experience Woodstock back when. But seriously, if you could throw sexy, psychedelic parties in tribalistic communes your whole life, you would. Oh, wait…

30-01-2014, 08:41 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘90s!

Help! You’re stuck in the ‘90s. You need to be immediately transported to the jiggy era of the walkman, Genesis, Fresh Prince, AOL chatrooms, and hair nubbins (waaaay before Miley donned them). Like, immediately.

30-01-2014, 09:05 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘90s!

30-01-2014, 09:26 PM

30-01-2014, 09:57 PM
'50s apparently. How that is possible when choosing the Mean Girls clique is beyond me, but hey ho :P

30-01-2014, 10:02 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the future!
You’re a forward-thinker and your head is stuck in the iCloud.

30-01-2014, 10:16 PM
I belong in the 80's

I had a feeling that would happen.

30-01-2014, 10:33 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!
Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images
You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.

happy with that
apple woo

30-01-2014, 11:08 PM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!
Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images
You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.

30-01-2014, 11:55 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the ‘50s!

30-01-2014, 11:56 PM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong in the ‘80s!

Tetris, Beetlejuice, Saved By The Bell, shoulder pads, synthpop and Sega gave (and still continue to give) you LIFE. You would be a different person without them

31-01-2014, 12:06 AM
Which Decade Do You Actually Belong In?

You got: You belong somewhere in the classical and romantic era!
Wikimedia Commons / Via commons.wikimedia.org
You classy *REMOVED*

Classy but not old...

Edited by iPhil (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not avoid the forum filter, thanks!

31-01-2014, 12:07 AM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!

You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.

31-01-2014, 03:22 AM
You got: You belong in the ‘00s!

You are right where you need to be because you could never live without selfies, photo filters or your faithful family of Apple products.

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