View Full Version : R-O-M?

30-01-2014, 01:26 PM
By now you’ve probably read your local article discussing the game center leaving Habbo. We opened the game center in October 2012 for game developers, and boy did we have a big amount of interest!

Regular Habbos and up-and-coming game studios started working hard to polish their games and have them published onto the game center for all you Habbos to play. We’d like to thank all those who took the opportunity to create a game for our Habbos.

This decision has come because ultimately we want to improve our user experience. Plus the graphics of some of the games simply did not fit with Habbo. We want to provide the best service to you guys and we know that keeping in tone with Habbos pixelated graphic style is important, so we’re going to stick to what we know best!

The game center will continue to be operational until March 31st, so if you have credits left to spend in a game, make sure you do before that date. Of course, Habbo Stories will continue to be available after this date. (We’ve got some exciting campaigns coming soon from Habbo Stories!)

So, what’s this number verification thing?

A few of you investigative types have delved into the client, found references to a new number verification feature, and have concerns about the security of your number should you opt to provide it. I’m here to put those concerns to bed.

If a player gives us their number through this service, an SMS containing a verification code will be sent to their phone, then they simply enter this code into the client window. Afterwards we store the number in such a way that means even we don’t know what it is, similar to how passwords are stored.

This new feature comes hand in hand with some upcoming changes we’re making to new user registration – we’re not going to force anybody to give us their number and we’re certainly not looking to spam your phones! After the SMS verification, you won’t receive another SMS from us.

On the plus side, being able to verify numbers is a good thing! If we can verify that an account is authentic, then we can offer that account better prices and exclusive deals! There’s even something for you old schoolers.. what was that thing’s name.. the R-O-M?

30-01-2014, 02:43 PM
Room-O-Matic? Probably not.

30-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Room-O-Matic is the first thing I thought of also. I struggle to see the relevance of the Room-O-Matic when discussing this SMS option though. This is a screenie for those of you who didn't play when this feature was active:

They were found in public rooms and when you double clicked them you could make one of your own rooms. Maybe, this room-o-matic is linked with customised rooms (any shape and size you want) that could work... but yeah I doubt it because it has no relevance to the SMS security option that is discussed in the blog.

Obvious issues about SMS authorisation: can presumably only on one account, loads of people are active on more than one account.

30-01-2014, 05:18 PM
I don't think it is Room O Matic, there's no need for it and no place to even put it?

30-01-2014, 06:04 PM
Room-O-Matic but has something to do with :floor .. is my guess.

30-01-2014, 06:09 PM
More modern Room o Matic is my guess? Aswell as saying for the old schoolers so leems legit

30-01-2014, 07:39 PM


Thank you, thank you. Ya'll so kind.

30-01-2014, 07:58 PM
wow ! i never expected this

30-01-2014, 08:42 PM
Yeah I'd bet on the Room-O-Matic coming back. Probably with some scheme for money behind it:
"Upgrade your Builders Club subscription for access to the brand new Room-O-Matic! Impress your friends with custom rooms in the click of a button!!" (only builders club furniture allowed in these rooms)

I think they've lost sight of their free to play model. What happened to Talents? A "Builder" could be a talent, right? Seems they would rather put out new options with a price tag these days. Maybe if Habbo created an experience around their game it's numbers would stop plummeting. :D

31-01-2014, 10:04 AM
Habbo's almost dead.

01-02-2014, 01:04 AM
Interesting, so this is for account security?

01-02-2014, 04:48 PM
I really miss using them :( I guess they could just place them in the Welcome Lounge, like they did with the televisions?

Partly-functional Room-O-Matic (Habborator):


01-02-2014, 08:42 PM
The days when Habbo used to require a phone number on registration.

03-02-2014, 08:49 PM
I remember back in 01/02 when you could send someone an SMS via the console if they had linked their number to Habbo. Cost 1c per message I think. Could possibly be related to that.

05-02-2014, 07:43 PM
I remember back in 01/02 when you could send someone an SMS via the console if they had linked their number to Habbo. Cost 1c per message I think. Could possibly be related to that.

Can't remember ever being charged for doing it? Was a great feature though that was.


Fair enough if it is Room-O-Matic, but I'm not sure I see the benefit of readding it, aside from a very short term nostalgia fix for the oldies.

06-02-2014, 01:19 PM
I think someone already said this but...

Maybe they're bringing back the ROM with a twist? To build your on room shapes through the Room-O-Matic.

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