View Full Version : [Bobba] Why is nothing happening ?

03-02-2014, 12:12 AM
I think I've been hacked. I fell for the Habbo of the Month trick, and logged in to see if it was true. Immediately kicked to the Habbo Log-In page, but couldn't get back in, and still can't 5 days later. I've reported it, and got a ticket, but How long does it usually take for them to sort out something like this, and do I stand a chance of getting my account back ? I'm desperate to know what's happened, if I've lost everything. I can't get into Habbo, I can't find anyone to give me any advice or help, I'm getting desperate. Is it normal to be shut out like this when you've been hacked ?

03-02-2014, 12:57 AM
I know of several people who have had their accounts hacked by this scam. It's unlikely you'll get your account back anytime soon, I'm sorry. Remember; "If it's too good to be true, it probably is". Sorry that this happened to you though.

03-02-2014, 02:01 AM
Thanks for telling me the grim truth, Ailurus ! Do you think it's pssible for me to get back on Habbo with another account ? At the moment, it's rejecting every new Habbo I create.

03-02-2014, 02:43 AM
Habbo has probably banned your IP. So you'd have to create a new account using a different IP.

03-02-2014, 04:59 AM
Habbo has probably banned your IP. So you'd have to create a new account using a different IP.

Pretty much this!

03-02-2014, 01:30 PM
Can you log in to habbo but can't get on the client? Maybe your flash ID got banned. There's a way to change that. Google would help you out.

03-02-2014, 01:46 PM
Tysm, Ailurus and Dalton...unfortunately I haven't a clue what an IP is or how to change it. Why would they punish me for being hacked ? I think I'll just have to abandon Habbo, and go to one of the retros. My only regret is leaving my dear friend Bone_crusher. I still haven't been able to tell him what happened, and wondered if some kind person could tell him, or maybe get him to sign up with this site so he can see for himself. If you look under Rooms and Search Bone_crusher, you'll find our Coin Shop (with thumbs up) or his 1c Grabber..he's usually there after 8 pm GMT. I'd be so grateful if you could tell him, because he will have been worried~ one minute I was there..the next, gone forever! Also half the stuff in the shop is mine,( if the hacker hasn't taken it.) so neither of us can sell it now. Please tell Bone_crusher, somebody... Thank you so much xx

03-02-2014, 01:50 PM
An IP is an internet protocol address. Every household will have a unique IP address and if they banned your IP you don't have much chance of getting back onto the client unless you follow what GrandpaJoe said.

Have you tried making a new email ID? All I can see you saying is that you couldn't make a new character. Try making a completely new ID with a different email as I didn't know they gave out IP bans for this?
I've added your friend, but I don't get on the client much these days. If I ever happen to see him I will tell him about your situation.

03-02-2014, 01:58 PM
Dear Grandpa Joe and Hayden..thanks so much for your help. I have tried making a new Habbo with a different e-mail address but the same thing happened. It may be what Grandpa Joe described, because I can get past the Log In and reach the page with my Habbo's picture and account details etc..but when I try to Enter Hotel it just goes to the black screen, and won't load. How could Google help ? Who and What should I ask them ? Sorry..you can tell I'm completely clueless, and very grateful for your help. xx

03-02-2014, 02:00 PM
Oh what I genuinely didnt know they gave out IP bans for this ok.

www.google.com just type in "how to change flash ID" or something, grandpajoe can prob help 10 x more than me

03-02-2014, 02:24 PM
Thanks, dear Hayden...I asked Google but it looks so terrifying, and I have no idea what they're talking about ! I'm beginning to give up hope...but thanks for adding Bone_crusher..that is now my main concern, to somehow let him know what has happened to me. This is such a nightmare !

03-02-2014, 03:52 PM
Does anyone have influence with Mods..cos it could be them. After I was hacked and kicked out of Habbo, I reported it to the Customer Services helpline and got a Request ticket. About 8 hours later, I created a new Habbo .Ming-Ting. (with dots before and after). I got into the game with this, and noticed that my main account (Ming-Ting) had logged on 4 hours earlier, so someone was operating it. I called the helpline emergency and reported this, and got a message saying they were looking into it. But maybe they mistakenly investigated, and banned, .Ming-Ting. instead of Ming-Ting ? because the next time I tried to get in, I was banned. BTW it says /**************_ok?reason=banned&token=eee02da435 when it kicks me, does this mean anything ? I just can't see why I would be banned for being hacked, unless they thought I was the hacker.

03-02-2014, 03:58 PM
Does anyone have influence with Mods..cos it could be them. After I was hacked and kicked out of Habbo, I reported it to the Customer Services helpline and got a Request ticket. About 8 hours later, I created a new Habbo .Ming-Ting. (with dots before and after). I got into the game with this, and noticed that my main account (Ming-Ting) had logged on 4 hours earlier, so someone was operating it. I called the helpline emergency and reported this, and got a message saying they were looking into it. But maybe they mistakenly investigated, and banned, .Ming-Ting. instead of Ming-Ting ? because the next time I tried to get in, I was banned. BTW it says /**************_ok?reason=banned&token=eee02da435 when it kicks me, does this mean anything ? I just can't see why I would be banned for being hacked, unless they thought I was the hacker.

That sucks about your account- I've added Bone_Crusher and I'll try and talk to him later if I see him around :)

Remember very few Sulake (Habbo) staff speak English as their first language so it's possible that they didn't understand what you were trying to say. If they closed your last ticket I suggest sending another one using small words and making yourself as easy to understand as possible. Also, remember it's not worth getting angry or anything because they just close your case and ignore you..

For now, it's best to follow what other people said about changing your IP (I know it looks daunting but it's your best chance of getting back on the hotel) and hoping for the best.

Still, I'll pass your message on to Bone_Crusher. Hope it works out :)

03-02-2014, 06:34 PM
OhEmpired..bless you :) I'd be SO grateful if you'd tell Bone_Crusher what's happened. Tbh, I've pretty much given up hope of ever getting back into Habbo, and it does seem that the Habbo staff have decided to ignore me (altho' I wasn't rude or angry).
The person dealing with me was called Kate, and seemed to operate out of a huge Customer Services company in California called zendesk, which handles lots of companies. I honestly dare not meddle with the IP thing..I'm too scared of doing serious damage to my computer ! I just have to let go and leave :( but I still can't understand why they punished me instead of helping me !).
Thank you so much for your kindness...a ray of light in the darkness :) Plz give my love to Bone...I shall miss him so much.

03-02-2014, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't really think they'd flash ban you though. Might be a problem with your cache. Try clearing up your browser's cache and logging in on the client again.

03-02-2014, 07:43 PM
OhEmpired..bless you :) I'd be SO grateful if you'd tell Bone_Crusher what's happened. Tbh, I've pretty much given up hope of ever getting back into Habbo, and it does seem that the Habbo staff have decided to ignore me (altho' I wasn't rude or angry).
The person dealing with me was called Kate, and seemed to operate out of a huge Customer Services company in California called zendesk, which handles lots of companies. I honestly dare not meddle with the IP thing..I'm too scared of doing serious damage to my computer ! I just have to let go and leave :( but I still can't understand why they punished me instead of helping me !).
Thank you so much for your kindness...a ray of light in the darkness :) Plz give my love to Bone...I shall miss him so much.
Ah that might be a problem in itself. I've had Kate "help" me before and all she did was answer a question I didn't ask and close my call for help..

Maybe try applying for help again and hope that Kate doesn't get to you first again :P

03-02-2014, 11:52 PM
Lol Empired ...I'm beginning to suspect that Kate's the only person there :D The only other time I contacted them to query being muted I eventually got a useless reply 1 week later...from Kate ! No wonder there's such a delay in getting any response !
And yes, Grandpa Joe, I have tried that...didn't work I'm afraid :(

04-02-2014, 12:20 AM

Have you tried accessing habbo from a different browser, or uninstalling flash and reinstalling it? Create a new email address at www.googlemail.com (you can try any) and sign up again after using the above tips. See if that works. If habbo have flash banned you, they may have assumed you're the hacker and become confused or 'safety banned' you whilst they resolve the case.

Feel free to PM me on here if you need anymore help and I'll try get a quick response to you :)

04-02-2014, 02:20 AM
I hope you get it back with everything!

04-02-2014, 03:30 AM
I wasn't contacting about my account being banned then Kate answers this:


Thanks for contacting Habbo.

This Habbo account is banned because we believe it went against the Habbo way. Your Habbo has accessed another Habbos account, and taken some furni from it that wasn't theirs to take. Because this is very distressing for the Habbo involved, and it goes against the Habbo way, we have decided to permanently ban this account.

When an account is created on Habbo, users agree to follow our terms and conditions to make Habbo a safe and fun place for everyone to gather and play. If you would like some more information about the Habbo Way, please click on the following link. https://help.habbo.com/entries/25201138-Habbo-Way

Customer Support - http://www.habbo.com

04-02-2014, 08:25 AM
I wasn't contacting about my account being banned then Kate answers this:

One thing habbo really need to improve is customer support. I never use it but I expect when the time comes that I need to, it's quick and efficient and resolves my problem. It's really dreadful the way it is run now.

04-02-2014, 09:02 AM
hi ming-ting!

sorry to hear your account has been banned, however it is a safety procedure to ensure that your account can't be used to trick others like you have been, it's a very common scam at the moment and one that is catching on very quickly, however i'm surprised your account has been IP banned.

it is very likely your furni has been taken, but there is still a chance you can get your account back, and it would probably be best to hold the customer service rep by the hand and explain what happened clearly and be able to prove that it is you, hopefully you remember the details you signed up with, i'd also have a change of email handy just in case.

something along the lines of:

Hi there,

Recently my account was banned (name of your account), I believe that the cause of this was falling for the recent Habbo of the month scam, regrettably I wasn't aware of the recent safety tips and ended up losing my account and furni because of this. I've learned my lesson about being wary of unofficial fansites, though it would be great to access my account again. I'm sure the recent activity on my account will show it coming from a different IP address and I can prove that this is me making this request:

Habbo name:
Habbo email:
Date of birth:
Names of 5 Habbo friends on the account:
Other accounts linked to the email:

I understand that there are lots of requests like this at the moment, however it would be amazing to be able to log back on Habbo!

Thanks for your time,
(Your name)/(Your Habbo name)

if you feel that is too different than your previous help ticket, then maybe claim it is written by your parent and change some of the terms to make it sound like its coming from a parents point of view. hope this might help, and good luck! it's a tough battle.

04-02-2014, 03:53 PM
if you feel that is too different than your previous help ticket, then maybe claim it is written by your parent and change some of the terms to make it sound like its coming from a parents point of view. hope this might help, and good luck! it's a tough battle.
Hey that was a really useful PM but I wouldn't suggest pretending to be a parent. I've sent a help request pretending to be a parent before and they just closed my ticket off and refused to answer as they thought (correctly, in all fairness :P) that I was lying :(

04-02-2014, 05:02 PM
Thank you all so much for your help and sympathy.
E5...I thought you may have solved it with the Flash suggestion, because I get as far as loading, then it gives me the 403 Forbidden page; however, I uninstalled and installed Flash, tried it with 3 different browsers, and a different e-mail address, but it still won't let me in. I still get 'banned&token'. I did spot somewhere it said csrf-token 58a40f769c does that mean anything to anybody? :D
Plebings, tysm for that detailed advice, the thing is I've already told them all that and the ticket isn't yet closed, so it may annoy them if I start another ticket before they've finished with this one. Do they tell you when they close it, or just leave it unresolved forever ?
And Grandpa Joe !! Horror story ! When was this, and what did you do ?? That seems to be what they've done to me...how did you persuade them you were innocent ?
Thanks again everyone, your kindness and support is all that's keeping me from giving up completely :)

04-02-2014, 05:26 PM
they will get to your ticket eventually, don't worry - worst scenario is that you send too many tickets and they ban you from the help tool. if they decline your current ticket then wait a couple of weeks/a month and try again.
Empired; clearly you were not parent enough!! i'll happily pose as an angry parent if you need, works well if you have bought credit before as well.

05-02-2014, 02:40 PM
After reading !Landon's thread (under Bobba) about his treatment by Kate, I'm beginning to realise that she may indeed be the cause of my difficulties. She seems to act as Receptionist of all the Tickets, and decides what to do with them, depending on her whim !
After my Hacking, I successfully got back on by making another account, but then thought I should tell Customer Services, because I'd already told them that there were no other accounts with that e-mail address. As soon as I'd done that, the ban was slapped on anything coming from my laptop.
I still hadn't understood the Ticket system exactly, and had sent 2 more e-mails (unwittingly creating 2 more tickets :/) begging to know what was happening,etc., and got a ticking off for them, and one got closed followed by the 'We'd love to know what you think of our Customer Services' (lol)..so I told them how unhappy I was with it. That seems to have been deleted, and since then I've been ignored. Kate seems to be a capricious diva, and you annoy her at your peril ! When Subo, (in !Landon's thread) complained about her, it was immediately deleted, presumably by her. It's alarming really, this deranged woman is causing so much harm..already she has driven me into the arms of the retros, where within an hour I met another friend from Habbo with a similar tale of woe. I now doubt that anything will be done to help me..but I will try again in a few weeks as suggested by Plebings.

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