View Full Version : Is Habbo Mutes Getting More Common?

04-02-2014, 07:58 PM
Recently a table shows habbo muting has been happening more often then usual and more users are being muted, ive been asking habbo users if they want to muting programme to be more active they all said "NO"
here are some of there reply's:

Kayy65: habbo muting is annoying you get muted for saying some words that don't even mean or have contacting details for example "habbook" which is stupid.

muppet: the muting system is ******ed it needs to go.

habbomonkey: its stupid how people can not say most words im sure there meant to say BOBBA not MUTE!

Well get in your opinions by commenting them below!

05-02-2014, 01:46 AM
I agree. If Habbo wants to mute, they need to have manual mute system. Where a Mod actually gets into the logs and checks through the system. If they think it is a justified mute, they execute it ;)

06-02-2014, 05:56 PM
Ya it's getting out of hand there's no more 10min mutes. i get 2 hours or 24 hours

06-02-2014, 06:11 PM
Mutes are indeed getting quite excessive, I was muted 3 times yesterday and I have no idea what for :S

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