View Full Version : Official Big Brother Canada Discussion

24-02-2014, 03:12 PM
Premieres March 5th. Who will be watching it?

It mimics the Big Brother US format which is stellar. I watch 6 or 7 Big Brother's around the world..

What are your opinions on the reality show of Big Brother? Do you enjoy the UK/AU or US/CA version?(Although Canada seems like a cheaper version, and has too many twists for my taste.)

Do you not watch it at all, or do you want it taken off the air?

I'm American, so I always stay loyal with Big Brother US (Favorite HG is Janelle) and I buy the feeds, and during the summer I live in Big Brother land.

Okay.. xo, I'd like to hear your opinions :)

This thread is for the ongoing discussion of events in the Big Brother Canada house, as they happen. Feel free to discuss favorite houseguests, alliances, what is currently happening inside of the house, or any thoughts or views about Season 2 of Big Brother Canada.

24-02-2014, 03:14 PM
me of course!!!!!!!!! and ihatehash;

also Francis; tune into habboxlive.com there is a professional dj from new york he is good!!!

24-02-2014, 03:15 PM
me of course!!!!!!!!! and ihatehash;

also Francis; tune into habboxlive.com there is a professional dj from new york he is good!!!

I'm at Uni, and I did not bring my earphones with my today, although I should have haha.

24-02-2014, 03:29 PM
I am also a huge BBUS fan. I have been waiting for Big Brother Canada to come along my whole life so that I could audition.

I auditioned for Season 2 and it was such a cool experience getting to meet the casting producers from LA, etc.

I'm looking forward to March 5th :)

25-02-2014, 12:58 AM
Ok so I have watched 5 Big Brothers and this is my preference

I personally enjoyed last years BB Canada so much more than BBUS 15 so I am excited for a new season (in a new house too)
I think BB Canada needs to define it's self a bit more as I think people see it as the same format as BBUS but I personally view as a show loosely based on BBUS with a BBUK influence.
One thing I liked about the twists in BBCA is that they didn't really favour anyone like what we see in BBUS (um when the producers rigged it so Rachel could stay in the house in BB13 anyone?)
Looking forward to this season of BBCA, we should do a sweepstake or something. Might be a bit of fun.

25-02-2014, 04:56 PM

looks pretty boring but its soooooooooooooo big


28-02-2014, 12:08 PM
OMG that BB house poos all over the BBAU house. That house is amazing compared to the house here.

I have always wanted to be on BB, I love it .

06-03-2014, 01:28 PM
Did anyone watch it last night? I thought it was quite boring

Full episode here


The HOH comp looked hard!

07-03-2014, 01:52 AM
lemons Yes I watched last night's episode and I loved it!

I think that on average, the cast this year is much more entertaining and interesting than last year's cast. I can't stand Kyle, but I really like Jon.

The HoH competition looked really hard, but I was kind of disappointed with how the competition ended (I can't believe that many people just "gave up"). Can't wait to watch tonight's episode and see who gets the boot!

09-03-2014, 08:51 PM
I'm a big fan of Kenny! He seems like he could go far! Not too keen on either kyle or jon, they will probably go soon.
I'm just going to make a ruling now that this is a spoiler free thread, so if you watch the live feeds please don't spoil!

10-03-2014, 12:33 AM
I'm a big fan of Kenny! He seems like he could go far! Not too keen on either kyle or jon, they will probably go soon.
I'm just going to make a ruling now that this is a spoiler free thread, so if you watch the live feeds please don't spoil!

I agree with ihatehash, if anybody wants to post spoilers, please make sure to put them in [SPOILER] tags.

Also... only 30 minutes until the next episode! I know who won HoH, but I can't wait to see who they nominate and the footage of the Mystery HGs in the War Room when the screens were first turned on.. so funny.

10-03-2014, 12:36 AM
i already quit watching

let me know when the mix raced girl is evicted

10-03-2014, 11:07 AM
Great episode!!!!!! I love the first 5 alliance, it has all my favourites. Paul can **** right off, he is so awful. I love how everyone stood up for andrew rather than going quiet or being polite (which is what would happen in the BB USA house)
I hope he goes this week!

10-03-2014, 11:19 AM
ewww all these suck

the voice
got talent

no no no

jersey shore

american stuff


fgs why cant we just keep real actors on tv and keep the tramps out

Edited by Nick (Forum Super Moderator): Please stay on topic.

14-03-2014, 02:16 AM
It annoyed me how they tried to make Paul look all nice and sweet last night. Like wow ******* done you conquered your fear of climbing up a ladder. I'm sorry but I don't care how scared you were that does not deserve applause.

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