View Full Version : Super Smash Bros

23-03-2014, 06:16 PM
Hey Guys and Girls,

What was your favourite version of Super Smash Bros? N64, Game Cube, or Wii?

It is definitely a hard choice. I remember playing N64 Super Smash growing up and being Pikachu :) haha!
In Game Cube, I was either Link, or Marth
And in the Wii one, I stuck with Link

What was your characters?

27-03-2014, 10:27 PM
The only one I've ever owned was 'Brawl' on the Wii and I think it's fab!

30-03-2014, 12:45 PM
I've played all three.
I played as Link mainly though.

31-03-2014, 02:18 PM
I still have Super Smash Bros on the N64.. and my Gamecube.

I prefer Super Smash Bros.. simply because me and my friends used to play it for hours when I was younger. I liked being Kirby because it was easier to get back on the stage and you could brick on people :P

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