View Full Version : Xbox or PS3

24-03-2014, 11:43 PM
So.. My xbox is basically broken.. and I don't know if I should buy a new xbox or get a ps3.

Help pls


25-03-2014, 12:03 AM
Well I have both, so I can speak without being a fanboy over one.

Personally, I would recommend the PS3. I say that because you essentially get everything you do on the Xbox but without the Monthly/Yearly fee Netflix/Youtube/Multiplayer/Etc. Plus the Playstation has better storage options, there is a model out there that has 500 GB

25-03-2014, 12:09 AM
Yeah, you make a good point (:
Alot of my friends are on xbox though, I'd be a lonely little girl on ps3 xD

25-03-2014, 12:13 AM
Umm, doesn't playstation now charge for online multiplayer? Or is that only for PS4s?

The Xbox360 has free access to YouTube and apps anyway.

I have both and I would pick the 360 any day.

25-03-2014, 12:20 AM
Umm, doesn't playstation now charge for online multiplayer? Or is that only for PS4s?

The Xbox360 has free access to YouTube and apps anyway.

I have both and I would pick the 360 any day.

Only PS4.

Would make sense to replace your xbox considering you have games for it already unless there's some PS3 exclusive games you want to play.

25-03-2014, 12:35 AM
Yeah I guess so, I could get on first and then get the other too

25-03-2014, 11:57 AM
Stick with xbox. It would be a waste of time to swap all of your games over, and to be honest there isn't a large difference between the two consoles anyway. :P

25-03-2014, 12:58 PM
When i was younger i had a ps1, then ps2 now i have a ps3, although we actually bought an xbox before the ps3 because my dad wanted a ps3 but i don't play it anymore since we've had an xbox because i cant get used to ps3 controllers anymore they are so skinny to me. And as Chris said you would have to buy your games again

25-03-2014, 03:49 PM
Yeah I suppose
I agree with the comment about the controller size, the ps controllers are far too small

25-03-2014, 05:43 PM
definitely xbox if all of your friends are on it

29-03-2014, 02:06 PM
It basically depends on what your friends have which is what will play a big key factor. If you're lonely... Then the PS3.

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