View Full Version : discussing topics with ur parents

07-04-2014, 08:31 PM
can you easily talk about feelings/relationships/love/sex etc with ur parents?

relationships yes, if i like someone etc i don't really mind telling my mum bout it because we're close enough. she will ask about the person im seeing often now even tho im pretty sure she doesn't like him lol

dad doesn't really care as far as i know because he's just too laidback but apparently he had a talk with mum and told her to talk to me about safe sex lol... this is the second time now

mum always seems to ***** my choices off though lol!!!

07-04-2014, 08:34 PM
not at all

my family tell each other too many things and I don't like that so I avoid those conversations as much as I can

07-04-2014, 08:37 PM
I can't even ask to borrow money off of my parents, let alone talk about other stuff rofl. I have my girlfriend to talk to things like too though so it doesn't really bother me.

07-04-2014, 08:38 PM
no i'm a private person so typically won't share anything with them.

parents will ask stuff about jen though but not sex/love etc lol

07-04-2014, 08:50 PM
i can with my mum, not with my dad, at all.

07-04-2014, 08:51 PM
Everytime i am single i get the safe sex talk

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07-04-2014, 08:51 PM
no not rly. my friends know more than my more ... i think lmao.
tbh i think my mum knows everythin, she just won't talk to me

07-04-2014, 08:53 PM

we've never discussed sex, never discussed bfs, never discussed lovelife

just not a close family

07-04-2014, 08:57 PM
I could, they've both often said that I can if I want, but I've never needed to

07-04-2014, 09:24 PM
I could if I wanted do, and occasionally do. But I generally keep my feelings to myself and just share them with my SO.

07-04-2014, 09:25 PM
I know that I could if I needed or wanted to, but I don't generally discuss those topics with them that much. I just find it awkward.

07-04-2014, 09:26 PM
Very rarely I discuss anything like that with them really. I like to keep things to myself :P

07-04-2014, 09:27 PM
would never choose to discuss such a thing with them, think it would change the dynamic of our relationship. they're fairly open and there if I do need/want to discuss it tho.

08-04-2014, 06:06 AM
I can talk to my mum about most things.. I wouldn't inform her about things she didn't need to know. :P
My dad, I can't maintain a conversation with him because I stutter and get nervous because he's so opinionated and huffy.

I can talk to my sister, my best friend and boyfriend about those things better though.

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08-04-2014, 10:17 AM
my family passes on information really easily to extended family members. If i were to talk about personal things like relationships etc I'd tell mum and then let her tell dad lol. Although I don't have the need to talk about relationships, love or sex because there is none happening at the moment lmao.

08-04-2014, 10:26 AM
oh god no i keep all that private

anything else though i can easily speak to my mum

08-04-2014, 10:29 AM
i cant they make fun of me

08-04-2014, 11:01 AM
My mum's spoke about sex with me countless times, and she stopped that ages ago when I was with Max as she understood and she knew Max wasn't an idiot. I managed to tell her that Max had always said that he'd rather wait or use protection himself than let me go on the pill and potentially ruin my body in the future. She found that sweet at least.

I remember she used to ask me if I'd kissed my ex and for ages I kept saying no because I couldn't face saying yes as he was my first proper boyfriend and that was my business.

Now though, she asks near enough every day if me and Max is going to get back together, but it's so annoying and sometimes she doesn't realise that I need some things kept to myself, especially the ones I can't answer either.

Whenever I got a boyfriend I would text my mum and tell her, I randomly told her I had a boyfriend once and I got the third degree as he was a family friend or in part of a feud. That didn't work out, bit it wasn't until Max that I managed to tell her properly and everything which I was proud about. Usually, I tell my mum and she will tell my dad, they then assume I've already told my sister then she's just surprised lmao.

Over the years though, I've realised my mum will probably tell other family members, my dad will always make a joke about it, and the only people I can talk to are my sister, Max or lawrawrrr;.

That's longer than I thought, I know my parents are there if I need them.

08-04-2014, 11:29 AM
I can't talk to my dad because he's never around and my grandma can't actually hear what I'm saying to her because she's really deaf so that would be a waste of time :(

But I know if I talk to my mum about things she immediately goes and tells her sister and sometimes her aunts and then they spread it on and spread it on and then suddenly the whole family knows. So I don't tell her things anymore because it's already caused some disputes between me and my aunt...

08-04-2014, 01:49 PM
i talk to my mum about sex all the time and things to do with relationships, even my dad within reason of course
i spoke to my mum once about being upset, but i had just had the implant done and it gives you mood swings so...

i can't openly tell them my thoughts and feelings because i have a different mindset to them but i'm hardly private with them

08-04-2014, 01:50 PM
Nope I feel like I can't talk to my parents about anything anymore. Whenever I do open up they treat me really bad for it, yet they still expect me to talk...:l

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08-04-2014, 02:02 PM
Can't really speak to my mum and dad about much because they throw it back in my face or something like that

Like I told them something a while ago and they bring it up everytime I do something wrong :P

08-04-2014, 02:40 PM
never speak to my parents about stuff at all, i literally like plan to never come out to them at all in my whole life, and like anything i'm feeling sad about i just tell my friends instead, cause they are more of a family to me then my parents are

08-04-2014, 05:51 PM
literally never. especially now they know i'm gay, too.

my mum and dad are weird about sex and are like no no you're too young must be 18! and it's exhausting and i wouldn't wanna talk about it with them anyway but when i was in a relationship my mum never wanted my girlfriend to stay round because she thought we'd get up to stuff. (H) i feel my parents TRIED to take an interest into my relationship (purely because of the gay thing, they didn't wanna just ignore it - so instead of being upfront about being curious and asking me questions, they'd also slip in questions about the relationship) but my mum seems a lot happier now i'm out of my relationship. she was never supportive of it and that was made very clear. feelings and my family don't go: they don't know about me and that's how it's always been. if i ever tried to tell them anything, well atleast my mum, she'd either say "people have it worse" or relate it to something else, aka blame my sadness on college, blame me being gay on college, blame me being sad on a failing relationship, blame me being [....] on a person, etc. she'd never see the bigger picture, so it's not worth it. wouldn't bring up love with my mum because no doubt she'd be like "you're too young"

08-04-2014, 06:37 PM
literally never. especially now they know i'm gay, too.

my mum and dad are weird about sex and are like no no you're too young must be 18! and it's exhausting and i wouldn't wanna talk about it with them anyway but when i was in a relationship my mum never wanted my girlfriend to stay round because she thought we'd get up to stuff. (H) i feel my parents TRIED to take an interest into my relationship (purely because of the gay thing, they didn't wanna just ignore it - so instead of being upfront about being curious and asking me questions, they'd also slip in questions about the relationship) but my mum seems a lot happier now i'm out of my relationship. she was never supportive of it and that was made very clear. feelings and my family don't go: they don't know about me and that's how it's always been. if i ever tried to tell them anything, well atleast my mum, she'd either say "people have it worse" or relate it to something else, aka blame my sadness on college, blame me being gay on college, blame me being sad on a failing relationship, blame me being [....] on a person, etc. she'd never see the bigger picture, so it's not worth it. wouldn't bring up love with my mum because no doubt she'd be like "you're too young"

i'm sorry your mum has that attitude geo <3 some people will just never fully understand if they're not in the situation themselves

i'm here if you ever wanna talk boo

08-04-2014, 07:29 PM
it's easy to talk to about anything with my mum nowadays. but anything with my dad is generally a no, he just doesn't accept a lot of things and always turns everything into an argument/debate. even though he had 'accepted' my partner he still isn't too keen on her tbh.

09-04-2014, 06:14 AM
I don't really talk to my parents about anything personal.

As far as they are concerned I am a stable, happy law student not struggling at all : -))))))))))

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