View Full Version : The value of friendship.

07-04-2014, 09:56 PM
How important is friendship to you?

Do you have a friend who you trust wholly, who you would do anything for, who you care for, who you always enjoy spending time with and so on?

As I got older I found all these things disappeared. Now there isn't a person outside of my immediate family who I'd put my trust in, who I'd do ANYTHING for, who I'd particularly go out of my way for, or who I particularly want to spend any time with.

Those things were lovely in high school, but I soon learned everyone was just out for themselves :P And I learned the importance of family.

But I was lucky enough to be brought into a great family, I know many people who have friends who are more like family because they care more than the person's actually family does. If that makes sense.

So, does friendship hold any value for you?

07-04-2014, 10:04 PM
completely opposite of u, i trust people more as ive gotten older and have better friendships than i used to but then again im more selective of who im friends with now and only go for mature people who bring positive values to my life, not drama and ********
yes i value friendship (which only brings good stuff), i had decent family and boyfriend but still felt incomplete and lonely because i didnt have friends to talk to on a daily basis but i do now and wouldn't go back to being alone again
yeah i have a best friend who i place over my family n boys, i trust her 100% n know we will always be friends no matter what. i think we are just really similar and honest with each other and both put effort into the friendship so it works

07-04-2014, 10:07 PM
completely opposite of u, i trust people more as ive gotten older and have better friendships than i used to but then again im more selective of who im friends with now and only go for mature people who bring positive values to my life, not drama and ********
yes i value friendship (which only brings good stuff), i had decent family and boyfriend but still felt incomplete and lonely because i didnt have friends to talk to on a daily basis but i do now and wouldn't go back to being alone again
yeah i have a best friend who i place over my family n boys, i trust her 100% n know we will always be friends no matter what. i think we are just really similar and honest with each other and both put effort into the friendship so it works

Ahhh you see as I got older it was ALL about drama and ********** (it was so immature all the time!) so I really just lost faith in the idea.

I do wonder if I miss out having a girlfriend to tell everything to, but I already tell Aiden everything. And I can't think of anything I'd sooner tell a friend over telling him :P

I guess I'm just strange :P

07-04-2014, 10:29 PM
Yeah I'd trust Claire with anything. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I was actually thinking today that if she needed transplant and I was the only immediate match I'd probably give her what she needed if I could haha, spose that just shows how much I value her in my life.

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07-04-2014, 10:30 PM
Yeah I'd trust Claire with anything. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I was actually thinking today that if she needed transplant and I was the only immediate match I'd probably give her what she needed if I could haha, spose that just shows how much I value her in my life.

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That is so amazing :')

07-04-2014, 10:35 PM
i definitely value friendship a lot for me, though unfortunately i have quite big trust issues with a lot of my friends anyway, but that was improved massively when i came out to my close friends and started telling them more of my secrets and i realised they did care etc. i find my friends are so important to me really though cause of how my family only = my mum and my dad, where my dad i never really see and my mum i hate and she hates me so they are the only people i really have tbh

08-04-2014, 12:16 AM
very important to have someone to talk about absolutely anything with and that just isn't possible in a romantic relationship as sometimes the things u want to vent about might be about the other person! so long as u find someone that will love u no matter what and tell u when u are clearly wrong then it doesnt matter if they are family or a friend.

I give full trust to very few of my friends. Each person has aspects of their own personality that I love and some that I don't love so much but I still really value their friendships and don't know where Iwould be without them.

10-04-2014, 11:13 PM
I have a best friend and we can go for ages just sitting or walking in silence.

Also, yes friends are important to me - out of all of us i'm the one who keeps the contact up the most.

12-04-2014, 04:01 PM
Yes, i value true friendships, any kinds of friendship. I think a true friend is someone who would support you through thick and thin, someone who gives unconditional support and gives honest opinions, and any positive personalities a friend could have that you could think of. I'd only give my full trust to a friend like that but unfortunately, i have none, mostly friends who are just there for a couple of casual conversations. I don't know if i'm picky or what but people tend to avoid me cause i have a totally different personality irl, like how they usually leave me out when they went for a drink or when they're having a boys night, or they ignore most of my invitations to go somewhere or do something else, some of friends are ok but i don't hang out with them a lot cause they have all kinds of excuses not to hang out but i know my friends and they are actually all just a bunch of jerks. usually their conversations are all about stuff that i have completely no interest whatsoever. so i'm kinda used to it. however as i grow older i'm becoming more open-minded and i think a true friendship means each person can be independent on each other and can accept for who you are. and i know a true friend is hard to find so i'm taking my time and i'm blessed with friends that i've made in my life even if it was just a short friendship. nonetheless i still value my family more than friends

12-04-2014, 05:43 PM
I value all friendships but I have about 7 friends I can really trust, we're a tight knit group of friends and they're the friendships that are really invaluable

When I meet new people and I get to know them, I slowly start to trust them with things that aren't all that bad if you broke it but if someone does **** me over, or if they have a track record of being snakes, it's rare I'll ever trust them

it's hard to find real mofos in this world, everyones out to **** each other over

12-04-2014, 06:06 PM
I value friendship more than anything in the world, even if it doesn't seem that way.

12-04-2014, 06:17 PM
I have various friends and I'd say we care for each other in our own little ways, not much lmao. I don't really need to trust or care for someone very much for them to be my friend, and there's few I actually do.

12-04-2014, 10:40 PM
Hell no. I have a friendship group but I wouldn't feel comfortable telling them anything, but I do have good reason for that. Basically I'm the person in our friendship group who everyone goes to (because I'm pretty much the only person who doesn't gossip) and the things they sometimes say about each other is so horrible! I wouldn't want to give them anything to ***** about with me so I just keep myself to myself.

Don't get me wrong, they're nice people but they're just not very good at knowing what should be said and what should be kept to themselves...

13-04-2014, 04:57 PM
Now im in college, i dont really have a friendship group because everyone on my course bar 2 people are little *****.
One of them i don't really talk to & wouldn't tell him anything
the other i love to pieces & tell her most things

22-04-2014, 10:58 AM
Yeah, college really separated me and my friends. I have friends who I talk to, but I wouldn't tell them anything secretive or awkward. I also lost my best friend to her boyfriend sooo.. Yeah. :P I don't have many close friends at all!

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22-04-2014, 03:15 PM
I don't really have many really close friends - but the really close friends I do have I feel I trust them with everything and can tell them whatever I want without being judged.

I find it really hard to trust people hence why I only have 3 really close friends.

So yeah their friendship is extremely important to me :)

22-04-2014, 09:24 PM
When I make friends I usually make friends that I know will stick around no matter what. I have a few close friends that I would trust with anything.

24-04-2014, 04:37 AM
I have had my fair share of "friends", and those who called me friend. It comes down to when you are in a situation and you need them. If they follow thru and it benefits you- you've got a true friend. If it benefits them, then you may need to see if they'd actually be considered a friend.

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24-04-2014, 10:10 AM
Everyone needs a friend, someone they can go to tbh, but honestly sometimes I just cant be ******.

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