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View Full Version : How the Twin Towers Collapsed

08-09-2005, 05:48 PM
We all remember the saddening day of the 9th September 2002. We remember all the lives lost and what a saddening day it was all over the world. We are still living in fear today, over the worry that terrorists will strike again, which came true with the London bombings. But now, I begin my explanation of how the Twin Towers collapsed.

When the plane collided with the tower, It would have damaged a few floors. After the collision, one floor dropped, colliding with the next. This continued until it reached the bottom floor. The tower could manage the weight of the few remaining top floors, until it could stand no more. The tower then collapsed downwards, causing an uproar of smoke.

The reason for the floors dropping was the lack of beams between the floors. More steel gurders should have been placed so the floors could withstand a lot more. The tower would have still collapsed, although, however, it would have given the occupants a larger time to evacuate to safety. Those positioned where the impact happened, and those above, would have had no chance. However, the people underneath could have probably escaped. Obviously, the floors were sturdy with people, because they would not have been manufactured to withstand the impact of a jet aeroplane.

Today, we still remember all those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attack, along with the London Bombings. We also remember those whose lives were lost in terrorism in other countries too.

I don't see why we have soldiers in Iraq. We achieved the main thing, Saddam Heussein. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place. We should stop the gassing, the shootings, the violence in Iraq, and let them live in a country with peace and without violence.


:: ::

What also freaks me out, is on one camera angle, a face appears in the smoke.
I was thinking it was photoshopped, but it is on the CNN video.

08-09-2005, 05:50 PM
Wheres the face then?

08-09-2005, 05:50 PM
9th september?? it was the 11th, 9/11 is usa date ;)

08-09-2005, 05:52 PM
Yeh it was the 11th, 9th is my mates birthday, i would of known if it was on the 9th.

08-09-2005, 05:53 PM
also, the towers collapsed due to the steel melting on the beams holding it up..

08-09-2005, 05:57 PM
But... on a lighter note, nice try, but id prefer to keep my mind blank of that day, i know we should remember the firemen's bravery and the people who died, but that day was awfull and id like to forget a good bit of it. Memorial day is this sunday isnt it?

08-09-2005, 05:59 PM
No, actually, the towers were built to fall like that. So that it wouldn't cause as much damage if it fell sideways. It was actually built to never collapse atall, but something went wrong their.

Just imagine if they fell to the side. Also, the towers dropped about an hour after the planes crashed into them.

Edit: It was also in 2001, wasn't it?

08-09-2005, 06:00 PM
We all remember the saddening day of the 9th September 2002.

It was 11th September 2001.

08-09-2005, 06:00 PM
Actaly the story your getting from them is a sligly influced, as to say pretty made up, its easly shown the slight lacks in certain arias of insultion (the stuff wich was missing if u check your socres) had no real impact, take the size of the building and the size of the plains that crashed in to them, its abosulty increcible they stayed up at all. Nevelown with the massive esplosions resulting "/
The bulding only did stay up as long as it did due to speacalist designs made due to the possibiblty of such an attack, wich the building had in part been designed to withstand temporaly (within the bugets it would be immposiblec to make it indestrcuable, wich is would realy have needed to be to withsatnd it)

The real problem is, is that the us govement had had warnings of this very attack, deleived to them almost 2 years previos to them yet took no actaion, they even were in postion of the very date it was happening, since it had been exstracted from a terroist suspect of the same group appernined quite some time previosly, along with plans to hit in to almost 5 possiblke targets.

08-09-2005, 06:00 PM
No, actually, the towers were built to fall like that. So that it wouldn't cause as much damage if it fell sideways. It was actually built to never collapse atall, but something went wrong their.

Just imagine if they fell to the side. Also, the towers dropped about an hour after the planes crashed into them.

Edit: It was also in 2001, wasn't it?
Yup I remember that day.

08-09-2005, 06:02 PM
The face in the smoke freaks me out now, type it in on google images and one pic says it's Satan.

08-09-2005, 06:03 PM
Actaly the story your getting from them is a sligly influced, as to say pretty made up, its easly shown the slight lacks in certain arias of insultion (the stuff wich was missing if u check your socres) had no real impact, take the size of the building and the size of the plains that crashed in to them, its abosulty increcible they stayed up at all. Nevelown with the massive esplosions resulting "/
The bulding only did stay up as long as it did due to speacalist designs made due to the possibiblty of such an attack, wich the building had in part been designed to withstand temporaly (within the bugets it would be immposiblec to make it indestrcuable, wich is would realy have needed to be to withsatnd it)

The real problem is, is that the us govement had had warnings of this very attack, deleived to them almost 2 years previos to them yet took no actaion, they even were in postion of the very date it was happening, since it had been exstracted from a terroist suspect of the same group appernined quite some time previosly, along with plans to hit in to almost 5 possiblke targets.

Indeed, and as I have said, they were built to collapse like that too.

What would strike me is. If you worked at the twin towers. And you were supposed to work on the day of the attack, but you missed your train. And as you were on your next train, you heard the news. If you got the first train you would of been dead, injured or VERY LUCKY!

EDIT: Oh my god I see the face, that is freaky. But looks fake as it IS facing directly at the camera.

08-09-2005, 06:07 PM
Whatever happened to the planes, I never heard anything of that.

And, 2001 right?

Edit: The face, where?

08-09-2005, 06:09 PM
also, the towers collapsed due to the steel melting on the beams holding it up..
What he said, more steel in there would just make it fall slower, which may be a good idea but it wasn't thought of at the time.

PS. Where is this face, circle it please :D

08-09-2005, 06:11 PM
I'll post a pic of the face because I found it hard to see at first..
It hasn't been made as it is on a actual video.

08-09-2005, 06:14 PM
the face is coinsdenve, theres alot of smoke, moveing constantlyu, if u serched fraim by fraime u could make many other images from it "/

08-09-2005, 06:23 PM
How come there are pics of the plane just before it goes into the towers? Do they keep a eye on the towers or something?

08-09-2005, 06:23 PM
I've circled two possible identities as the face -


Even if it is fake, the people who made it like that are sick.

08-09-2005, 06:24 PM
becuse one plain hit, and the camras started filming that, then the next plain hit, wich was therefor caugt on camra "/

08-09-2005, 06:25 PM
Urgh what could drive people to do something so horrible. Allah will not send them to heaven as they think he will, they will all hopefully go to hell (the terrorists)

I hope something like this NEVER happens again.

08-09-2005, 06:26 PM
becuse one plain hit, and the camras started filming that, then the next plain hit, wich was therefor caugt on camra "/
There were two planes? Makes sense seen as though there were 2 towers, but didn't think they both got hit :/, what are they now? rebuilding them or what?

08-09-2005, 06:27 PM
yeh...i think i know where this came from but don't take my word for it. A christian website was watching through videos of the attack and paused the video and this appeared. If a video was paused and this image was seen, it cnt be a fake. I'll try and find the vid for u all.

08-09-2005, 06:27 PM
Plz dont show tht, I haf plane phobia, and I'm about to fly on holidai =( I feel so sorry, Cos im being a bridesmaid there, so my auntie 'to be' and my uncle are flying in earlier, they flying on sundai =( and also, my best mates cousins live in new york right near the twin towers, there home was destroyed but luckily they were away AT my mates house so they survived

08-09-2005, 06:35 PM
http://tinypic.com/dhbhbp.pngThere's another face for you all to feast on. I think that face is most definetely fake.

08-09-2005, 06:36 PM
http://tinypic.com/dhbhbp.pngThere's another face for you all to feast on. I think that face is most definetely fake.

That face looks likes it has a tongue sticking out.

08-09-2005, 06:41 PM
Theirs two faces in that photo. Look to the left of the first face, and it's nose is the side of the first face.

08-09-2005, 06:41 PM
If that is altered, whoever did that is totally sick. Sick, I tell you. Making an alteration over a terrible tragedy and claiming they saw Satan.. Sheesh.

08-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Theirs two faces in that photo. Look to the left of the first face, and it's nose is the side of the first face.
Do you mean to the right? And it's not fake the videos actually have it on them, so far I've seen 2 faces with a possible 3.

08-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Apologies for incorrect date. The face is on the bottom image.

08-09-2005, 07:20 PM
Do you mean to the right? And it's not fake the videos actually have it on them, so far I've seen 2 faces with a possible 3.

Nope I mean to the left.. :P

08-09-2005, 07:34 PM
Ive been looking at it and i spot that the face also has a body and tie also the bigger circle shows binladen's face from side view or is it just me :S

08-09-2005, 07:42 PM
There were two planes? Makes sense seen as though there were 2 towers, but didn't think they both got hit :/, what are they now? rebuilding them or what?
They are building something called the "Freedom Tower" and it's gonna be 1776 feet high (1776 the year USA broke away from Britain, so they chose that height) and it's gona have offices and stuff but not as high, and like 20 or something of the top stories in the building will have power generators and stuff for electricity or something..

08-09-2005, 07:47 PM
I remember 9/11 was at primary school and teachers were like omg heard about the twin towers, got sent home and see it on tv

08-09-2005, 07:53 PM
Ive been looking at it and i spot that the face also has a body and tie also the bigger circle shows binladen's face from side view or is it just me :S
I see it, there are soo many faces you can see, I've counted atleast 5 maybe 6 even :/ they all creep me out because they look like people that were related to it.

08-09-2005, 07:55 PM
I see it, there are soo many faces you can see, I've counted atleast 5 maybe 6 even :/ they all creep me out because they look like people that were related to it.
Ye same those 2 gimmie shivers as they are very creepy

08-09-2005, 09:56 PM
becuse one plain hit, and the camras started filming that, then the next plain hit, wich was therefor caugt on camra "/
Nope, they were both recorded. Someone was filming their friend and then moved to a plane, and to their shock it crashed into the tower.

08-09-2005, 11:13 PM
Yeh, but it was obvious the were going to.

08-09-2005, 11:17 PM
I've circled two possible identities as the face -


Even if it is fake, the people who made it like that are sick.
Kind of looks like an old man

09-09-2005, 02:06 AM
It's a shame that something like this had to happen.

Btw it's September the 11th isn't it? :P

09-09-2005, 02:12 AM
I remember 9/11 was at primary school and teachers were like omg heard about the twin towers, got sent home and see it on tv
and that was on TV for like 3 straight weeks, nothing else!

09-09-2005, 06:11 AM
I Remember That Day

09-09-2005, 10:50 AM
They are building something called the "Freedom Tower" and it's gonna be 1776 feet high (1776 the year USA broke away from Britain, so they chose that height) and it's gona have offices and stuff but not as high, and like 20 or something of the top stories in the building will have power generators and stuff for electricity or something..

No, that was the year we wrote the constitution, thus making the country official. We broke off from britain years before that.

09-09-2005, 12:25 PM
Is it just me or are more people concerned about the faces in the smoke than the actual event...

If you look hard enough you will see what you want to see, either that or they are edited in.

Also im still sceptical about the planes managing to fly off course for so long without being intercepted, and also the "plane" that crashed into the Pentagon and made a tiny hole and no debris around the crash site.

And i am by no means taking anything away from what a tragedy it was, there are just a few things that dont add up.

Also Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks we are warring them for oil only, we arent even sure if Bin Laden was related to it, and also seeing as we have given up looking and are warring Iraq rather than Afghanistan.

Mike Hunt
09-09-2005, 07:18 PM
We all remember the saddening day of the 9th September 2002.
I don't... I remember September 11th 2001, though... :rolleyes:

09-09-2005, 07:24 PM
the plane crashed on floor 44 i think for the floors to fall down each 44 floors is not correct. in truth the metal beams bent and snapped

and also they havent given up looking, many secret missions are still tracking down bin laden, it just comes out how nespapers or cnn wants to betray it...

09-09-2005, 07:27 PM
Is it just me or are more people concerned about the faces in the smoke than the actual event...

If you look hard enough you will see what you want to see, either that or they are edited in.

Also im still sceptical about the planes managing to fly off course for so long without being intercepted, and also the "plane" that crashed into the Pentagon and made a tiny hole and no debris around the crash site.

And i am by no means taking anything away from what a tragedy it was, there are just a few things that dont add up.

Also Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks we are warring them for oil only, we arent even sure if Bin Laden was related to it, and also seeing as we have given up looking and are warring Iraq rather than Afghanistan.

the one heading for the pentagon, never hit it, some of the passenegers, on it had brains, relised they were going to die anyway if they did nothing, so rather than killing a few more inncent people with them, they attacks the hijackers, and the plain if i rember rigtly crash landed else where, im not sure if any of them survived or not thogh, was ages ago that was on news etc

09-09-2005, 09:01 PM
it was the day after my m8s bday.
She was opposite the towers when it happend.
She has pics aswel :s

09-09-2005, 09:05 PM
Also im still sceptical about the planes managing to fly off course for so long without being intercepted, and also the "plane" that crashed into the Pentagon and made a tiny hole and no debris around the crash site.
Air traffic control were aware of the planes going off course and were aware that the pilots were attacked, but no one could do nothing, the planes were set to land in/ near New york anyway I believe and so It's not like the planes were travelling half way around the world going in any direction to get to the towers. No one would have had enough time to contact somone to do something about the plane, and they couldn't shoot the plane down with people on it.

And i am by no means taking anything away from what a tragedy it was, there are just a few things that dont add up.

Also Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks we are warring them for oil only, we arent even sure if Bin Laden was related to it, and also seeing as we have given up looking and are warring Iraq rather than Afghanistan.
America immedietaly scapegoated and blamed everything on them, America couldn't tell their country and the rest of the world that they don't know who did this. Everyone would live in fear that it would happen again without warning.
America did the same with Norman Osbourne in the John F. Kennedy incident.

09-09-2005, 09:11 PM
its really sad and sick what happened :(

09-09-2005, 09:13 PM
is it just me who is amazed by how like black the smoke is, and the color of the explosions,ect?

09-09-2005, 09:15 PM
It is pretty cool and surreal, gives the special effects team at WB a run for their money =D (Ignore that). I remember 9/11, I came from home and it was all on Tv, it showed a man running away with his skin hanging off his face ='[.

09-09-2005, 09:33 PM
^^^ hahaha thats kinda a bummer :( its special effects?? that reminds me of a tv show i watched once (yes i watch the boring old war movies n stuff) this guy from pearl harbor, was running around helping hurt people, and this one guy, went to grab his hand and when he tried to help, the skin came right off the injured man. its pretty disturbing

09-09-2005, 10:13 PM
the plane crashed on floor 44 i think for the floors to fall down each 44 floors is not correct. in truth the metal beams bent and snapped

and also they havent given up looking, many secret missions are still tracking down bin laden, it just comes out how nespapers or cnn wants to betray it...

Make that the 88th. It would be only a few hundred feet from the ground if it was that low, they wouldnt be able to go that far down.

09-09-2005, 10:40 PM
That was a sad day :(

09-09-2005, 10:51 PM
I agree. I got in the car, and my mother said 'There's been a terrorist attack in New York'. I thought not much of it until I found out how devastating it was when I saw it on the TV.

Omg, it's even more devastating when you look at the videos (http://ftp.die.net/mirror/wtc/movies/) again.

10-09-2005, 01:02 AM
We all remember the saddening day of the 9th September 2002. We remember all the lives lost and what a saddening day it was all over the world. We are still living in fear today, over the worry that terrorists will strike again, which came true with the London bombings. But now, I begin my explanation of how the Twin Towers collapsed.

When the plane collided with the tower, It would have damaged a few floors. After the collision, one floor dropped, colliding with the next. This continued until it reached the bottom floor. The tower could manage the weight of the few remaining top floors, until it could stand no more. The tower then collapsed downwards, causing an uproar of smoke.

The reason for the floors dropping was the lack of beams between the floors. More steel gurders should have been placed so the floors could withstand a lot more. The tower would have still collapsed, although, however, it would have given the occupants a larger time to evacuate to safety. Those positioned where the impact happened, and those above, would have had no chance. However, the people underneath could have probably escaped. Obviously, the floors were sturdy with people, because they would not have been manufactured to withstand the impact of a jet aeroplane.

Today, we still remember all those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attack, along with the London Bombings. We also remember those whose lives were lost in terrorism in other countries too.

I don't see why we have soldiers in Iraq. We achieved the main thing, Saddam Heussein. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place. We should stop the gassing, the shootings, the violence in Iraq, and let them live in a country with peace and without violence.


:: ::

What also freaks me out, is on one camera angle, a face appears in the smoke.
I was thinking it was photoshopped, but it is on the CNN video.

Thats nice.
You messed the dates up.
Spetember 11, 2001.
Its to saddening for me to read.
I live in NewYork.

11-09-2005, 04:25 PM
Thats nice.
You messed the dates up.
Spetember 11, 2001.
Its to saddening for me to read.
I live in NewYork.
oh, sorry. ;_;

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