View Full Version : Queen's new Diamond Jubilee State Coach unveiled

04-06-2014, 11:44 AM

The Queen's new palace on wheels: Wood from Newton's tree. A Waterloo bullet. Metal from a Dambuster. Unveiled for the opening of parliament today, carriage that's a mobile museum of our history

- The Queen's new Diamond Jubilee State Coach is only the second new royal carriage to be built in a century
- It contains relics of key moments and incidents from more than a thousand years of British history
- Designed by Australian Jim Frecklington, 64, it is to be unveiled today when the Queen goes to Parliament

Dry run: The carriage rolls past the Palace of Westminster in a rehearsal of the State Opening of Parliament, set to take place today

With the latest in 21st-century technology — plus quite a bit from the 19th — it is unique.

And despite having travelled by Concorde, Royal Yacht, elephant and South Sea canoe, the Queen has never been carried in anything quite like the transport which will take her to today’s State Opening of Parliament.

Unveiled for the first time, the new Diamond Jubilee State Coach is only the second royal carriage to be built in a century and joins the unrivalled royal collection of coaches, phaetons, landaus, broughams and barouches.

None of the others, however, features a 360-degree ‘coachcam’ offering a monarch’s-eye view of the procession, gold-plated hydraulics, motor-racing technology and a dazzling museum.


The Queen arrives for 2013's State Opening of Parliament in the Irish State Coach, which had been her traditional carriage for the procession from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament. This year she will use the new Diamond Jubilee State Coach.

In 2012, the State of Opening of Parliament saw the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh use the Australian State Coach for the procession. It was then the newest in the Palace's collection, having been presented to mark Australia's bicentennial in 1988.

Relics: Woods from various celebrated buildings and vessels have been used to inlay the doors

For this palace-on-wheels is much more than the ultimate horse-drawn limousine. Open a diamond-clad door handle and, inside, we find a time capsule of 1,000 years of history.

Surmounted by a crown made from the timbers of HMS Victory, which houses the royal website’s ‘coachcam’, the new state coach contains relics of all those key moments sacred to Britain and so much of the Commonwealth.

The panelling includes slivers of Scott’s Antarctic sled, Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree, Hut Six at codebreaking centre Bletchley Park, one of Sir Edmund Hillary’s Everest ladders and the beams of most of our great cathedrals.

As she is drawn behind six horses, the Queen will be sitting on a piece of Scotland’s Stone of Destiny, upon which monarchs are traditionally crowned, and surrounded by a bolt from a Spitfire, a musket ball from Waterloo, a bolt and rivets from the Flying Scotsman and a button from Gallipoli.

There’s even a fragment of the bronze cannon from which every Victoria Cross is cast, and a piece of metal from the wreckage of a 617 Squadron Dambuster.

Little wonder this three-ton coach — 18ft long — has taken 50 people more than ten years to assemble. And it is all the idea of one remarkable Australian.

Jim Frecklington, 64, worked in the Royal Mews as a young man before returning home to help organise the Queen’s Silver Jubilee exhibition in Australia.

Having repaired carriages on the family farm in his youth, he set about building a replica of the 1902 State Landau.

This led to something even more ambitious and, in 1986, he built the Australian State Coach, a gift from the people of Australia to the Queen to mark the country’s bicentenary. It proved a very popular addition to the Royal Mews, not least because it was the first state coach with heating.

But Mr Frecklington, whose family emigrated from Britain to New South Wales in the 1850s, was not finished.

‘I wanted to make something in honour of Her Majesty’s great reign and something which represents our extraordinary history,’ he explains as he shows me his spotless creation in its new home behind the Palace.

So, he set about building something even larger than the Australian State Coach at his workshop near Sydney.

The construction was a labour of love. All the springs, for example, were hand-forged, while the wheels were cast in aircraft-strength aluminium and made by one of Australia’s leading racing car designers.

Mr Frecklington wanted to use the finest craftsmen and women from all over the Commonwealth. So, all the leather is English, as is the gold silk brocade upholstery (from Sudbury).

The lamps are glazed with the finest lead crystal from Edinburgh. The intricate heraldic paintwork has been hand-painted by Irish-born Australian Paula Church. The door handles are from New Zealand — each is gold-plated and inlaid with 24 diamonds and 130 Australian sapphires by Kiwi master jeweller Mike Baker.

Even the bolts which fix the gold-plated hand supports to the bodywork have been finished using the same guilloche enamel as a Faberge egg. And so it goes on.

Mr Frecklington has applied the same mind-boggling attention to detail to the historical artefacts which give the Diamond Jubilee State Coach its special status.

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Wow, absolutely stunning.. well done to Mr Frecklington.

It certainly looks by far the best coach in terms of what it uses (woods and pieces of history in the inside of the carriage) and it's nice to see a thousnd years of our rich history as well as that of the imperial family (Commonwealth) all come together in one. There's more pictures of the inside if you click the link above, it's well worth a look.

It's nice to see we can still make nice things that fit well with our history rather than the modern tasteless and bland garbage we're usually treated to when it comes to buildings, memorials and statues. The 2012 build of the RAF memorial in London took me back aswell, they built it in a nice classical style rather than building some post-modern hideous thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Bomber_Command_Memorial

I haven't seen the news so I don't know whether they used the new coach today.


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