View Full Version : Exclusiveness In Client at all time HIGH

12-06-2014, 10:26 AM
Plebings; made a very good post in an in client forum module box which I think should be discussed here too.

Seems to be (possibly) at an all time low. just what is going on behind the scenes that it can't be advertised or open?

There are so many secret projects where staff bring in other habbos to help give ideas, make events/rooms or god knows. i'm all for player contributions but not when there isn't any means to find out how to contribute.

I think the recent football tournament is the first time where an ingame event hasn't been publicised at all, the only mention of it from habbo is an article saying when teams are going to play. not where or how you can apply to be on a team (bad news, teams are already full and handpicked by the habbo/s organising it), there wasn't even any information on it starting. did you even know this event was a thing?

The new builders at work team has been criticised for lack of transparency on how members are selected, though they have proven to do a good job i presume some are still sceptical over the process (especially with the info that the leader doesn't really have much of a say on who is included).

A new habbo stories advisory board has just been curated, which i presume was also handpicked.

The recent poll asking for people to help with the world cup campaign showed some good progress, but it's a shame that the only noticable result from that so far turns out to shun the people not in the know.

I'm all for user contributions, but atleast make them open and known. some of the best quests have been created by users, it's just a shame that staff seem unwilling to open up their list of contributors and won't say why certain people are picked.

There are so many people on here who want to help and make an impact on habbo, and it's nothing against the users who do help out (since why wouldn't they?), just make it fair and open!

Doubt this will get anywhere, but just wanted to comment on the recent football event.

Do you think i'm just butthurt? did you know there was a football tournament going on? if you are one of the regular helpers do you think it's fair as it is, and how do you go about getting involved?


I really appreciate everything noted here. The latest football campaign is literally being shoved down our throats and there was 0 indication about how to register into a team. The process of BAW membership is obviously flawed (I have withdrawn myself from BAW for a string of reasons which other members have been made aware of and acknowledge as reasonable, however I still agree it needs a major overhaul in application process) and there was 0 indication about how to register for the chance to partake in the stories advisory board.

What are your thoughts?

Thread moved by e5 (Forum Super Moderator) from 'Habbo News and Rumours' as this is not news or rumours.

12-06-2014, 10:50 AM

12-06-2014, 11:22 AM
Wow, Plebings; you you didn't miss anything out!

That was well structured and had a lot of thought behind it. She is totally right and I feel habbo hasn't been fair at all. I do know there's a lot of people who just want to contribute to the client as a whole and to try to make an impact as much as the next habbo.

12-06-2014, 11:24 AM
Seems all very valid to me. What do the stories advisory board do?

12-06-2014, 11:29 AM
what there's a story advisory board? wtf

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12-06-2014, 12:13 PM

glad this is getting some traction, and i think the responses do prove a point.

what do the stories board do?
there is one?
how did you apply to be in the football team?

i don't blame anyone really, players want to be involved around the hotel so we shouldn't really criticise them for taking advantage of the situation (i did manage to get on a football team luckily, doesn't mean that i'm not pissed off with how they went about it). i don't think staff do it purposefully either, they have built up relations with players and know who they can trust to do an alright job, however sticking to the same user pool doesn't boost creativity and has a negative effect on habbos out of the loop.

when the same habbos win competitions unless their entry is below par i'm not bothered, but when we are unable to see evidence or hear feedback thats when the doubt kicks in.

and sorry to hear that Daltron; understand if it's a private matter but would love to know what you were unhappy with.

12-06-2014, 12:27 PM
A great post Alex, I wonder if you'll get a reply or if staff will even acknowledge it. I agree with it 100% and think Habbo just keeps throwing things into the works without explaining any of it.

12-06-2014, 02:53 PM
Hardly staffs fault if you fail to read the /me page.

For the football event, there was a quick-read article on the /me page advertising the the time and date of which you could go along to this guys room and apply, they also broadcasted a hotel message when the applications opened. You had to give the guy who is hosting it the country you wish to play for, 7 player names and one manager in which he checked if that country was already filled in on his stickies.

The stories advisory board has been about since stories first opened, you get a chance to join the board if you actively partake in the Habbo stories application through its competitions and by giving ideas. Obviously this wasn't going to be advertised because they won't want people deliberately pretending they're interested in the application when really they just want to be part of the advisory board for the free golden badge. You have to attend meetings fortnightly which go on for around an hour in which you discuss campaign ideas and activities that could be added.

BAW also has been advertised quite a bit!

12-06-2014, 03:04 PM
Hardly staffs fault if you fail to read the /me page.

For the football event, there was a quick-read article on the /me page advertising the the time and date of which you could go along to this guys room and apply, they also broadcasted a hotel message when the applications opened. You had to give the guy who is hosting it the country you wish to play for, 7 player names and one manager in which he checked if that country was already filled in on his stickies.

The stories advisory board has been about since stories first opened, you get a chance to join the board if you actively partake in the Habbo stories application through its competitions and by giving ideas. Obviously this wasn't going to be advertised because they won't want people deliberately pretending they're interested in the application when really they just want to be part of the advisory board for the free golden badge. You have to attend meetings fortnightly which go on for around an hour in which you discuss campaign ideas and activities that could be added.

BAW also has been advertised quite a bit!

Which group are you apart of a football team or the advisory board?

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12-06-2014, 03:05 PM
I was apart of the Stories Advisory Board, I was asked by Sheba if I wanted to join because apparently I had the most poems written about me for the friendship poem competition. I've never used Stories, but I joined to give my opinions on why I didn't use it and how it could attract players like me who don't really care about it - unfortunately the meetings were on at 3am my time and they never changed them so I just withdrew myself from it as I only ever attended one meeting. Again, there is no application for it, staff just select who they think are suitable for the team. It's is really flawed process since Staff don't really spend a lot of time on this game to know people individually as it leaves out those who aren't really in the spotlight.

Stories Advisory Board is basically a group of Habbo's who are selected by QueenOfSheba, and have to attend fortnightly meetings to discuss how to improve Stories, new competition ideas, new furniture designs for the Stories range, feedback on features such as 'selfies' and if they're too expensive etc - so basically it's just focused on improving Stories through group discussion and sharing of ideas.

For the football campaign, it could of had so much potential but it's turned into something really rushed and poorly planned out. I also had no idea about the application process and how to enter a team. Thankfully, I had a friend who was selected as manager of a team so I contacted him and joined the team - but again, the games are at 3am for me so it's hard for me to even be on for a game as I won't stay awake just to play a game of soccer on Habbo when I have to wake up early the next day.

Staff really need to take control and start hosting events themselves and becoming more involved with the public, and also promoting competitions and events so every one has a chance to join in.

12-06-2014, 03:44 PM
I worried bout this from the beginning. It seems you practically have to stalk Habbo staff and suck up at every available possibility to get any chance of being involved in the inner circle. I attended a few fansite meetings and saw it in action. Getting users involved is I think a good idea but there needs to be a better mechanism for it.

12-06-2014, 07:59 PM
Advisory board was basically Jonas (Stories-J) who started asking me lots of questions about stories and how to improve it then he slowly started to add more members which then grew into a larger group which Sheba then joined the client and started to run it officially. It just discussed things which they added and opinions and possible new features or ideas to add to the future of stories and furniture ranges. It was meant to be changing people every so often which got me removed from it a while after being a part of it then being re-asked to join by Sheba. Nothing is gained from it other than possible ideas being taken into consideration.

The stories team were possibly still are a great team as Jonas helped me get feedback on real life work from a writer that he knew which was great and helped me a lot.

12-06-2014, 10:34 PM
not sure why undercover is in it... wasn't she in the last one? *shifty eyes* to be honest i'll be quite glad when the current community staff leave - powertoo is nice but the rest from what i can see are not very engaged with the community at large.

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