View Full Version : Habbosphere fansite drama

17-06-2014, 10:38 PM
Hey Guys! I was wondering why the HS pinic room was closed early and I stumbled onto (see link)
habboquest comment section you will see a uproar of upset users about how habbosphere fansite reps particulary user proms has dealt with the premature closure of her picnic event. Apparently users complained that the event was too difficult, glitchy ect and she apparently laughed in their face. After this went on for a while she decided to just pick up the room entirely and only let her friends recieve the badge.

do you think the situation was handled properly?
have staff been informed?
Is proms really 25? (nothing wrong with that but you would expect a less childish response than :pickall)

17-06-2014, 11:00 PM
Wrong on so many levels. Fansite owners and reps owe a duty to the community to run these events properly. I hope she is reprimanded and habbo sphere is relieved from fansite status. Sulake should have 0 tolerance for this sort of attitude when people are in a position of authority.

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18-06-2014, 02:12 AM
it was a really annoying maze

18-06-2014, 02:31 AM
why are you surprised? proms has always behaved like this. she regularly gives out the answers to her friends and she has no tolerance for people finding fault with her work/ideas.

18-06-2014, 03:19 AM
Apparently this image is being shared around..


Edited by e5 (Forum Super Moderator) - Please don't post pictures of others without their permission, thanks!

18-06-2014, 04:10 AM
Apparently this image is being shared around..


That's an awkward picture..

18-06-2014, 06:29 AM
They shouldn't of posted that picture...

18-06-2014, 06:58 AM
Both sites should be removed. Simples.

18-06-2014, 07:44 AM
Proms has one hell of a bad attitude and acts as if she owns habbo.

18-06-2014, 08:34 AM
Not surprised, don't get why her image is posted here tho. Not really an 'expose' considering half of Habbo have saw her or can easily find her snog or something... childish.

18-06-2014, 09:05 AM
yeah posting pics here is totally unnecessary. sad if this did happen, taking criticism can be hard but shying away or ignoring it is one of the worst actions you can take (e.g recent feedback threads). i was doing the maze a couple of days ago and the teleport leading to room 2 got me stuck, went back to hopefully try again and was sent back to the start!

thought someone would tell her and it'd be sorted quick and easy, but never got a chance to try again. i thought the first room looked nice and wasn't too difficult, but i can't comment on the later levels.

can totally see how some bits of the room could be blocked mind.

18-06-2014, 10:35 AM
I've always seen Proms to be the same since she became somewhat 'known'. While you can do nothing about her attitude and behaviour, you can report it. Not that the staff would do anything, but in the chance they did I'm sure that'd be a shock to the system.

18-06-2014, 01:14 PM
i find that their mazes are somewhat similar and long but yeah my friend told me someone made a clone and was adding/advertising that link.

18-06-2014, 04:23 PM
i agree, most of them have the same kind of feeling from it

is she really 25 wtf? she told this girl tht she was 19 and them two was quite close-ish?

18-06-2014, 05:24 PM
i agree, most of them have the same kind of feeling from it

is she really 25 wtf? she told this girl tht she was 19 and them two was quite close-ish?

definately 25 of age, but the way she was behaving you'd think otherwise. user: vets i believe has screenshots ofproms telling users to drink bleach on several different occasions. Then theres something else about her sending nudes. I think she should just take a break from habbo not looking good

18-06-2014, 05:52 PM
definately 25 of age, but the way she was behaving you'd think otherwise. user: vets i believe has screenshots ofproms telling users to drink bleach on several different occasions. Then theres something else about her sending nudes. I think she should just take a break from habbo not looking good

However, it is extremely easy to manipulate images like that. There isn't really any proof there.

18-06-2014, 07:26 PM
However, it is extremely easy to manipulate images like that. There isn't really any proof there.

well shes a mean person in general and i dont think she wouldnt say that tbh

19-06-2014, 09:33 AM
well shes a mean person in general and i dont think she wouldnt say that tbh

Oh I know, but what I'm saying is she has made enough people dislike her enough to forge a few images. :}

19-06-2014, 11:52 PM
well shes a mean person in general and i dont think she wouldnt say that tbh

exactly, plus can send in room id/date + time to confirm the chatlogs
Anyways she hasnt logged in for 48 hours lets hope shes come to realise that the best thing she can do is take a break from habbo or quit all together. As a 25 year old woman she really shouldnt be putting her herself in such situations so if she has quit/taken a break I applaud her only way its the only way to prevent this esculating further e.g offline. Thats only assuming she isnt just hiding on a clone continuing to harass users on the down low then

20-06-2014, 01:20 AM
exactly, plus can send in room id/date + time to confirm the chatlogs
Anyways she hasnt logged in for 48 hours lets hope shes come to realise that the best thing she can do is take a break from habbo or quit all together. As a 25 year old woman she really shouldnt be putting her herself in such situations so if she has quit/taken a break I applaud her only way its the only way to prevent this esculating further e.g offline. Thats only assuming she isnt just hiding on a clone continuing to harass users on the down low then

I too hope she is taking a break. Not to be mean or anything just for the sake of her mental health.

20-06-2014, 08:02 AM
Oh I know, but what I'm saying is she has made enough people dislike her enough to forge a few images. :}
She is 25 haha, I thought this was common knowledge?

20-06-2014, 09:37 AM
This is pathetic, they should screen the users who own/run the site for ''quality'' purposes.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!1111111one111!!!!!!111one1!!!

20-06-2014, 02:18 PM
She is 25 haha, I thought this was common knowledge?

I wasn't referring to her age.

20-06-2014, 08:37 PM
who cares if its too hard? aren't mazes meant to be?
People complain when they are too easy.

20-06-2014, 08:51 PM
People complain when things are too hard and they aren't even hard, her mazes have been the same since she started making them haven't you learned how to do them by now?

20-06-2014, 10:12 PM
People complain when things are too hard and they aren't even hard, her mazes have been the same since she started making them haven't you learned how to do them by now?

This discussion has less to do with the difficulty of the maze and more to do with how badly proms reacted when faced with anyone's opinion that didn't match hers. Her response was childish, pathetic and frankly embarrassing. The reason why this discussion has continued onto other fansite forums, in client forums and rooms within the client is because people are now discussing their general personal experiences with proms outside this maze event and its now all coming out that this is not the first time she has acted so badly. People have talked about experiences of being harassed, bullied and humiliated by this user and it is unacceptable, especially someone who has been given a sense of responsibility as a fansite rep and it doesn't help that she's 25 of age behaving this way. (I hope this has been passed onto staff because I think its worrying someone like this is a rep). I'm happy this is all coming out because it gives Proms an opportunity to step away from habbo, take a long break and re-evaluate herself. Like @Daltron said its not to be mean, it's for her mental health and considering the information coming out about her now is better than later.

I too hope she is taking a break. Not to be mean or anything just for the sake of her mental health.

21-06-2014, 08:48 AM
I was just further commenting on what was posted above me, yeah she probably did handle t badly from what I've saw her host before. She isn't taking a break she's on a clone lol

21-06-2014, 09:27 AM
I first met proms 8 years ago when she went by a different habbo name. She always got involved with community events, we had a strong circle of friends and everybody got along. Sure there were a few qualms but nothing too serious. We were all happy. Now we're all older and a few of us still play and get involved with fansites, events and stuff. With age comes, for some, intolerance. Proms is mid-twenties and still tries to get involved where she can but every time she does and every time other people do the same they're met with direct criticism that just wouldn't happen all those years ago. Obviously it's going to affect her attitude.

I remember when if you owned a fansite you were a celebrated member of the community. If you won a room comp you were met with friend requests from people that wanted to congratulate you. If you were lucky enough to be allowed to host an official event for the community, they'd all rock up and just enjoy it. It's not like that any more and it bugs me. The slightest thing out of place and people nosedive into negativity. Didn't win a room comp but someone you deem worse than you did? hmm, let's tell them how bad they are. See a less-than-appealing fansite make it onto the official fansite list? 'your fansite sucks and it should be removed'. Can't complete a deliberately difficult maze and see that a select few users are being given preferential treatment (as has always been the case)? well whoever made the maze better watch out, cos they're getting exposed.

The culture of full on harassment when we don't always get what we want needs to stop. I don't know why people are posting pictures of her everywhere and I don't know the full story on what she might have done to others, but why can't we just rise above it and let her fade into obscurity like so many others? Why do we need to promote negativity as a response to negativity? Just stop? It's pathetic.

21-06-2014, 11:38 AM
I was just further commenting on what was posted above me, yeah she probably did handle t badly from what I've saw her host before. She isn't taking a break she's on a clone lol

Really? ffs lol thats just sad. Then I take back saying I applaud her for taking a break/quitting you'd think your priorities would be a bit more straightened out at her age.

21-06-2014, 12:56 PM
I first met proms 8 years ago when she went by a different habbo name. She always got involved with community events, we had a strong circle of friends and everybody got along. Sure there were a few qualms but nothing too serious. We were all happy. Now we're all older and a few of us still play and get involved with fansites, events and stuff. With age comes, for some, intolerance. Proms is mid-twenties and still tries to get involved where she can but every time she does and every time other people do the same they're met with direct criticism that just wouldn't happen all those years ago. Obviously it's going to affect her attitude.

I remember when if you owned a fansite you were a celebrated member of the community. If you won a room comp you were met with friend requests from people that wanted to congratulate you. If you were lucky enough to be allowed to host an official event for the community, they'd all rock up and just enjoy it. It's not like that any more and it bugs me. The slightest thing out of place and people nosedive into negativity. Didn't win a room comp but someone you deem worse than you did? hmm, let's tell them how bad they are. See a less-than-appealing fansite make it onto the official fansite list? 'your fansite sucks and it should be removed'. Can't complete a deliberately difficult maze and see that a select few users are being given preferential treatment (as has always been the case)? well whoever made the maze better watch out, cos they're getting exposed.

The culture of full on harassment when we don't always get what we want needs to stop. I don't know why people are posting pictures of her everywhere and I don't know the full story on what she might have done to others, but why can't we just rise above it and let her fade into obscurity like so many others? Why do we need to promote negativity as a response to negativity? Just stop? It's pathetic.

come off it kyle, in the last few years she has changed big time - i dont agree with molf's harassment campaign but lets not pretend proms hasn't done similar things to other people, or worse. i dont really care about this event or any event she's done (although it does bother me that she is aways letting looran and richy skip). personally id like to go back to the days when fansite reps did not make events.

21-06-2014, 02:22 PM
come off it kyle, in the last few years she has changed big time - i dont agree with molf's harassment campaign but lets not pretend proms hasn't done similar things to other people, or worse. i dont really care about this event or any event she's done (although it does bother me that she is aways letting looran and richy skip). personally id like to go back to the days when fansite reps did not make events.
I just want to point out that I'm not defending any of her actions but I can plainly see some clear influences on her behaviour and the behaviour of those like her.

I don't personally like the girl, we aren't friends - we haven't spoken for years - and her attitude knocks me sick. I just don't think a hate campaign designed to harass her is necessary, especially one of this scale where I'm seeing accounts about her visit the helpdesk daily with images of her in their mottos. It's just a bit lame, don't you think? My post was about meeting negativity with negativity rather than just dealing appropriately, not about defending what she does or how she acts.

21-06-2014, 02:56 PM
i hope this will improve the standard of community events thru fear of a habbo-wide hate campaign against u if u step a foot wrong

21-06-2014, 03:15 PM
I just want to point out that I'm not defending any of her actions but I can plainly see some clear influences on her behaviour and the behaviour of those like her.

I don't personally like the girl, we aren't friends - we haven't spoken for years - and her attitude knocks me sick. I just don't think a hate campaign designed to harass her is necessary, especially one of this scale where I'm seeing accounts about her visit the helpdesk daily with images of her in their mottos. It's just a bit lame, don't you think? My post was about meeting negativity with negativity rather than just dealing appropriately, not about defending what she does or how she acts.

people are just getting their own back at her for what shes done to other people, i dont think thats wrong tbh

21-06-2014, 04:17 PM
people are just getting their own back at her for what shes done to other people, i dont think thats wrong tbh
its a bit wrong

21-06-2014, 04:26 PM
I just want to point out that I'm not defending any of her actions but I can plainly see some clear influences on her behaviour and the behaviour of those like her.

I don't personally like the girl, we aren't friends - we haven't spoken for years - and her attitude knocks me sick. I just don't think a hate campaign designed to harass her is necessary, especially one of this scale where I'm seeing accounts about her visit the helpdesk daily with images of her in their mottos. It's just a bit lame, don't you think? My post was about meeting negativity with negativity rather than just dealing appropriately, not about defending what she does or how she acts.

i agree but as i said, shes done worse to others so i really have no sympathy for her. umut says shes quit anyway... not sure i believe it.

21-06-2014, 04:51 PM
She is actually 24, not that it makes a difference.
You can say what you want about her, but getting someone's personal information and editing them is way worse than anything you claim she has done.

As for her being "exposed" can you expose someone when her pics were widely available to anyone? Editing them is just childish, and I wouldn't expect anything less from someone like Molf.

I know some people don't like her due to competitions and badges and stuff, but that doesn't excuse this situation where people are turning on her.

As for her room being picked up, not too sure why, might have something to do with the fact she is being constantly harassed.

21-06-2014, 07:09 PM
I totally agree with you Kyle. Everybody knows I don't post in the forum because I'm a total noob when it comes to forums but I had to post about this matter. Honestly, two wrongs never have made a right. Why are we bothering with this? Be the bigger person and let go of the hate because it's really just a waste of your time. There's people spending hours on fake accounts on habbo posting hateful things about her. Do you realize you're spending time letting out huge amounts of negativity and hate? Karma will catch up with you, that's all I have to say.

22-06-2014, 12:37 AM
*nonsense written by proms online boyfriend*

I just got informed that you are her online boyfriend? Not in any position to be reading anything you write its clearly bias.
I would however like to say that if she has actually quit I applaud her because like I mentioned before this will give her an opportunity to re-evaluate herself and realise what's important in life and as a twenty-five year old woman habbo shouldn't be a top priority, and I don't mean that in a condescending or belittling way. I also really hope the rumours about her hiding on a clone isn't true, that's just beyond sad.

people are just getting their own back at her for what shes done to other people, i dont think thats wrong tbh

Agreed. Karma got Proms good but she can learn from this and focus on her life outside of habbo and use her mistakes made online to better herself offline, I wish her good luck in the future!

22-06-2014, 08:44 PM
Is habbosphere offline? I almost was at the badge, but i lost and gave up. I was sad to see it was gone. I actually enjoyed the challenge. Badges seem too easy to get now. I like that there was finally one hard to get. Maybe a chance that rare badges might be returning a bit.

23-06-2014, 04:23 PM
i really have no sympathy for her. umut says shes quit anyway... not sure i believe it.

I too hope she is taking a break. Not to be mean or anything just for the sake of her mental health.

I was just further commenting on what was posted above me, yeah she probably did handle t badly from what I've saw her host before. She isn't taking a break she's on a clone lol

Looks like you were right she couldnt even stay off habbo for a week. I take back saying I appalud her for quitiing since she can't even do that and at 25 years od age? lol her priorities are all messed up and she deserves everything she gets

23-06-2014, 04:46 PM
Looks like you were right she couldnt even stay off habbo for a week. I take back saying I appalud her for quitiing since she can't even do that and at 25 years od age? lol her priorities are all messed up and she deserves everything she gets
she was playing on Jaffy anyway, wasn't exactly a break.

23-06-2014, 04:57 PM
How old are you KetchupLover? I mean you keep saying she's 25 years old but you sure have wasted a lot of time caring about what someone else is doing!

23-06-2014, 05:05 PM
How old are you KetchupLover? I mean you keep saying she's 25 years old but you sure have wasted a lot of time caring about what someone else is doing!

He clearly cares more about her age than anything else, not that it really has any relevance. There is one post in this thread where he hasn't mentioned in one way or another that she is 25. It appears that her age is effecting him more than anything else she is doing, but I cannot think of any reason other than a guilty conscience.

23-06-2014, 05:05 PM
KetchupLover; I wonder what your idea of a suitable age to quit and 'get your priorities straight' is? As far as I'm aware proms doesn't work, so what exactly should her priority be other than spending time on something she seems to enjoy?

23-06-2014, 05:13 PM
KetchupLover; I wonder what your idea of a suitable age to quit and 'get your priorities straight' is? As far as I'm aware proms doesn't work, so what exactly should her priority be other than spending time on something she seems to enjoy?

she's a teacher iirc

23-06-2014, 05:15 PM
she's a teacher iirc
surely then playing a game for children is perfect :)!

23-06-2014, 05:52 PM
I already said in the OP that her age isnt the reason why so many people have strong negative opinions and if you read the comments by myself and others you would know that. What I am referencing is that it makes it worse that someone who is 25 is acting this way. I know those around that age are going to become very defensive but thats your problem not mine.

she's a teacher iirc

Nope shes unemployed and going by the fact shes training to work with children and the report people are sending in to people who attended/attend her university about how she has treated young teens via the internet shes most likely going to stay that way.

23-06-2014, 05:54 PM
I'm 24, i play habbo.. ive played habbo since 02/03 more of a right to be on there imo than alot of people because ive played for so long.

Leave Kimi alone.. ;s

23-06-2014, 06:19 PM
I'm 24, i play habbo.. ive played habbo since 02/03 more of a right to be on there imo than alot of people because ive played for so long.

Leave Kimi alone.. ;s

not sure why playing for long gives you more of a "right" to be there

and im also not sure how this ties into anything that is being said? Ketchup already said theyre mentioning her age...

What I am referencing is that it makes it worse that someone who is 25 is acting this way.

23-06-2014, 06:45 PM
not sure why playing for long gives you more of a "right" to be there

and im also not sure how this ties into anything that is being said? Ketchup already said theyre mentioning her age...

Don't worry the majority of people who are involved are siding with reporting her behaviour to those who know her offline because she clearly hasn't learnt from her mistakes. I've been informed she wants to work with children ect and I've now decided to weigh up the arguments and have decided to help with the report against her. The best thing she could of done for herself is quit, failing that I see no other way.

23-06-2014, 08:45 PM
age isn't important in habbo

but people should be nice and respect others

23-06-2014, 10:21 PM
I think the whole age thing is an issue because it's just odd to see a person acting how she does in general. The fact that she is 25 doesn't really matter I guess we all just expect a bit more maturity than a 12 year old user for example.

You can be 40 and play habbo with me as long as you're respectful I wouldn't really care.

As mentioned she clearly has mental health issues or something wrong with handling criticism and critique when in a position of power. I do think she needs help or a break but eh it's her choice I suppose. I'd be extending the same words to anyone of similar actions regardless of age.

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23-06-2014, 10:28 PM
proms is back

thread closed

23-06-2014, 11:34 PM
proms is back

thread closed

like @Hidden said she never left was hidings on clones, even went as far to force the few friends she has left to lie and say she quit. I saw her in welcome lounge still harassing people and being genuinely unpleasant.

I think the whole age thing is an issue because it's just odd to see a person acting how she does in general. The fact that she is 25 doesn't really matter I guess we all just expect a bit more maturity than a 12 year old user for example.

You can be 40 and play habbo with me as long as you're respectful I wouldn't really care.

As mentioned she clearly has mental health issues or something wrong with handling criticism and critique when in a position of power. I do think she needs help or a break but eh it's her choice I suppose. I'd be extending the same words to anyone of similar actions regardless of age.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lol I love you daltron! :Content: - I agree with everything you said.

24-06-2014, 02:05 AM
Honestly this thread is completely out of context now. We are now moving onto what the "age maximum" is on Habbo. What does it truly matter? Some people are making a living off this game. (The coders, etc.) Honestly, what does it really matter? I know personally myself, I am 19, and I still play. I mainly play because I met some AMAZING people on this game and it helped me through my extremely difficult childhood. I was always the "quiet child" in school and could never be myself. However, on Habbo, I could be myself -- hell I could be whoever I wanted to be. I agree some people take it too far, but honestly there's no age maximum for this game and it shouldn't matter how old you are. However, what does matter is how you carry yourself in the game. Being a troll or an ass all the time isn't acceptable. Making yourself out to be better than everyone else also isn't acceptable behavior. I think how Proms has carried herself isn't appropriate, yes. But what the hell does it matter? Why are you attacking her and making yourselves look stupid in the process? You're no better than her if you're harassing her. Just leave it alone. Be the bigger person.

25-06-2014, 08:44 PM
Proms is a really horrible person

27-06-2014, 09:07 PM
doesn't matter don't stoop to her level

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