View Full Version : Wisdom tooth problem :(

18-06-2014, 07:24 PM
I am in absolute pain right now with my wisdom tooth, to the point where I've realised I will have to go to the dentist. I am completely terrified of the dentist due to a less than gentle one with an injection, even though they could see I was beside myself due to injections. I was reading how they could sort my tooth out without injections and it said about fillings needing to have one and I literally had tears in my eyes, that's how bad it is.

It's not even the work that goes on, it really is just the injection. I'm not a fan of them normally but I can tolerate them where I won't avoid going to have them done, but with the dentist I've literally just not gone in years [Opps] and now I have a terrible pain with this wisdom tooth. I'm almost hoping they say they have to take the tooth out and able to use a general anesthetic[sp].

Is anybody else the same with dentists or am I just a wuss? :(

18-06-2014, 07:38 PM
i dont mind dentists i had a tooth pulled out before (i think it was a milk tooth idk) but yh i aws fine with it and the needle really isnt that bad. im not gonna lie 2 u its a pretty big needle and it does look terrifying. you can feel it but it doesnt hurt and it last like 2 secs. but i think the patient has a choice whether or not they want to be put to sleep during it or if they want the needle to numb it. i might be wrong but i know my mum is put to sleep most of the time because she is terrified of the dentist so yh

18-06-2014, 07:46 PM
I so would love to be put to sleep if possible....

18-06-2014, 08:00 PM
Awww :( My dentist is great so I have never had a fear. Only had to get 1 filling when I was younger though. My wisdom teeth coming through now too, they been at the surface for years!! but I've had no real pain thankfully.

18-06-2014, 08:12 PM
At my dentist, if you're scared of injections, they refer you to a dentist where they use general anaesthetic instead. Just mention your fear of needles and maybe they'll arrange that for you. That's what happened for my sister anyway, she had toothache but it did mean she had to put up with it for another month or two to be transferred. I'd rather just take the needle.

18-06-2014, 08:22 PM
Ozzinator; hun, if your wisdom teeth need to come out, due to being an adult and tearing out an adult tooth it will be under general anaesthetic.

It would hurt far too much if you were awake.

18-06-2014, 08:51 PM
oh god

i had 1 tooth out when i was like 6/7
then last yr i had 4 teeth out

18-06-2014, 08:54 PM
I've had like 2 baby teeth pulled out and they put numbing gel on it bcos they were loose anyway and then i swallowed the numbing gel and it made my tongue and throat all numb ew cri

Good luck though :DD

18-06-2014, 09:25 PM
As wisdom teeth are such big teeth it'd be highly irresponsible of your dentist to keep you awake to remove it as it'd cause too much pain and no amount of injections will get rid if it completely so you'd be put under general anaesthetic for them to be removed. You might not even have to have them out, generally they will remove them if there isn't any room for them in your mouth or they are impacted (haven't grown in the right direction). I think you can ask to have them out but if after they grow there isn't any problems I don't really see it being worth the pain you get after the operation happens to have them removed. I have one wisdom tooth growing at the moment but my dentist hasn't said anything about removal and it hurts like a ***** but you'll probably have to deal with it if there isn't any risk to your health leaving them to grow

18-06-2014, 10:35 PM
When I was rather young I didn't mind the dentist at all, extractions meant I got £2 yay! Then I went through a fear, and I think that's because I then had to go to an orthodontist as well and he was completely horrible - he'd tell you one thing then when you did it he'd tell you not to the next time you went, but he told you to? He also told me I would need to have braces, by the time I finished going to him we had to go to another, better orthodontist and he said I didn't need them as they'd straightened up.

One of the final times I went to the mean one I got told I would need to have 4 teeth removed and a cyst removed under my gums which would mean I'd need to be put to sleep - that was fine. I then got crowns as my front teeth were heavily filled. They then kept falling out, so I needed a palette - I have 3 false teeth on the front now, but because I had crowns I needed the caps taking out which were in my gums. I was really scared about the needles as I knew I'd need the one in the roof of my mouth that kills, my dentist can't put you to sleep or use sedation, so I got referred to the hospital. I waited ages to get in, luckily they weren't painful and then the day came. That went from bad to worse, they had no numbing gel for my wrists or anything so I had to feel the needle go in - they couldn't find a vein, screamed every time and they have the CHEEK to go "Do you mind if we just numb you normally?" If I wanted that I would have had it done at the dentist... luckily they tried one more time and did it. My dentist is lovely though, and after that (when I began to pay for my treatment), it got a lot less scary - I usually have to have fillings and I just bear it. Yeah it hurts, one of my eyes waters every time, but they get a lot less scary when you realise it's pain for around 10 seconds.

I actually went to the dentist today, they cleaned my teeth which absolutely killed, but I don't need any work done woo!

18-06-2014, 10:58 PM
I am in absolute pain right now with my wisdom tooth, to the point where I've realised I will have to go to the dentist. I am completely terrified of the dentist due to a less than gentle one with an injection, even though they could see I was beside myself due to injections. I was reading how they could sort my tooth out without injections and it said about fillings needing to have one and I literally had tears in my eyes, that's how bad it is.

It's not even the work that goes on, it really is just the injection. I'm not a fan of them normally but I can tolerate them where I won't avoid going to have them done, but with the dentist I've literally just not gone in years [Opps] and now I have a terrible pain with this wisdom tooth. I'm almost hoping they say they have to take the tooth out and able to use a general anesthetic[sp].

Is anybody else the same with dentists or am I just a wuss? :(

But to have general anaesthetic administered you'll need a needle, so it's a needle either way...

18-06-2014, 11:20 PM
But to have general anaesthetic administered you'll need a needle, so it's a needle either way...

you can have gas, then i think they put a needle in you. when i was younger they gave me gas that tasted like bubblegum and i went.

i had loads of teeth out when i was younger and they would stick this pole into your tooth and it would crunch and they just pulled it out. horrible experience but it never hurt once not even when the anaesthetic wore off.

itll be fine!!!


19-06-2014, 02:29 PM
I had 4 of them ;/ I got them all pulled at once and it hurt just a bit tho ( Because the drugs they gave me didnt fully put me asleep ) but the drugs they gave me after for it were amazing

23-06-2014, 07:57 AM
you can have gas, then i think they put a needle in you. when i was younger they gave me gas that tasted like bubblegum and i went.

i had loads of teeth out when i was younger and they would stick this pole into your tooth and it would crunch and they just pulled it out. horrible experience but it never hurt once not even when the anaesthetic wore off.

itll be fine!!!


They do put a needle in your hand, if I remember rightly it's before the anaesthetic, but you may be drugged up with something else before then.

Talking about wisdom teeth, mine keep bleedin, such a nuisance

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