View Full Version : [Bobba] Motto that changes when Habbo is clicked

30-06-2014, 09:27 PM
If you change your motto in-client then you can only type certain characters: the alphabet, integers, punctuation and a selection of alt codes. But if you go to https://www.habbo.com/profile then in the motto box there you can enter any alt code and it'll let you type it. When you 'Save Changes' instead of displaying the exotic alt code on the client, a random letter gets generated: a, B, c, D, e

But every time your habbo is clicked in the client (by you or by anyone else) a new letter from the 5 above gets generated in your motto instead of the exotic character.

So if your motto was entirely made up of exotic characters then in client you might see this:


But then every time you click your habbo or someone else clicks your habbo then it changes entirely so even though your actual motto is the exact same you might see something like this displayed:


Amusingly enough, if you make your motto
 unt  unt  unt  unt  unt  unt (where the exotic character is an Em Space but you can use plenty of others) and you appreciate that the chance of the displayed letter being "c" is 1/5 then you end up with a ~75% chance of your motto containing the c-word somewhere.

When you enter a room it initially displays normally and the special characters are ignored entirely:


But then after that first click the exotic characters stop getting ignored when your habbo is clicked again. Now they are displayed as one of the random 5. Leading to such mottos as:



Along with a very small probability that your motto shows nothing but the c-word repeated multiple times.

30-06-2014, 09:30 PM
this is interesting might do this x

01-07-2014, 09:10 AM
An interesting find lmao

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