View Full Version : Where did your habbo username come from?

13-07-2014, 04:42 AM
mine is so dumb I googled "good habbo names" and found this LOL

https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100313141645AASn6XP (https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100313141645AASn6XP)

13-07-2014, 06:23 AM
One day I felt like I wanted to go through a list of name choices.

And my brain thought of Bikini and it was available.

13-07-2014, 08:31 AM
My Habbo name is my name in real life and I got it from the name deletion in 2011. Simples.

13-07-2014, 08:47 AM
zitrone - means lemon in german

13-07-2014, 09:05 AM
my habbo user name was randomly chosen in January this year as my old acc was hacked (i was rich:'( ) so because it was so random i decided to put random but then random was taken so habbo suggested me !:random!:! lol. but my old acc dannythecole. comes from when i was little :P danny being my favorite boy name and cole being me not knowing how to spell cool :/ lol 2 great storys for you all to read.

13-07-2014, 09:22 AM
mine is a combination of my first and last name :)

13-07-2014, 09:44 AM
I thought bamitsnick was cool :'(

13-07-2014, 09:45 AM
A name suggestion hehe :]

13-07-2014, 09:48 AM
I thought bamitsnick was cool :'(

we all hate typing your name into a habbo imager

ot; i googled

13-07-2014, 09:56 AM
I have no idea. It was just a word that I tried as I wanted a real word name.
After many attempts of searching random words on the console, I found Shortages was available.
Hanimal was more a play on words which was available on most sites. xD

13-07-2014, 10:13 AM
honestly pls i don't know. i was just trying to mix my name and random words together to see what went but i regret it now

13-07-2014, 10:30 AM
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT

I initially tried for dbzgt but that was taken. I'm glad it was taken as dbgtz is a far superior Habbo name.

13-07-2014, 10:38 AM
after having I_Luv_Beyonce for a good few years I decided to change my name and It took my a few seconds to look at the telephone on my desk and saw
"Re-Dial" and I that sounded nasty so I just changed it to Re-Call

13-07-2014, 11:05 AM
my name is called HiPeepzTheHabbo
hi -i say hi
peepz -its like saying hi peepz
the -habbo told me too have this
habbo -habbo told me too have this and i had it becouse im a habbo but when i made my name i was not a habbo but wonted too be 1 and know i am

i have got 1 more name its called HiPeepzTheMutes
it got the first bit of my name but then mutes for when im not aloud too talk

13-07-2014, 11:49 AM
iUniversal bc i'd just got back from Universal Orlando and wanted to make a new acc
Derrener bc Derren Brown fandom = derrener

Was thinking of having a new acc for the Infamous Tour buh decided not to. Might change it for next yr tho.

13-07-2014, 12:24 PM
wanted to make a new account so just experimented and made up a word

i made the account like a couple months before the deletion too i think?? so annoying

13-07-2014, 01:52 PM
idk what my 10 year old thoughts were, I guess it was cool to bring a random colour and object together to make a habbo name back then :p

13-07-2014, 02:11 PM
My name was taken so I added an l at the beginning.

When Volter was the hotel font, you couldn't tell it was an l so it just looked like a line

13-07-2014, 02:19 PM


13-07-2014, 02:22 PM
When I was younger I used to read a lot of soppy romances (not much has changed) and I came across the word absently a lot, so used that :P

13-07-2014, 02:37 PM
I actually just opened the dictionary on a random page n it came up with empire, but it was obviously taken but empired looked fine so i nabbed that

13-07-2014, 05:14 PM
i wanted to make a new account so i googled japanese words or something n found seikou lol

13-07-2014, 05:40 PM
Had an old account and it got hacked so I made a new one until I could get access to the account. I was watching television and the Gillette Fusion advert came on so I put my nickname Mikey together with Fusion.. pmsl. I liked the name that when I got the other account back I just kept this one and transfered over what was kept haha.

Hate the name now... so cringeworthy. :(

The Don
13-07-2014, 05:55 PM
Back in 2004 I was listening to the song My Band by Eminem & D12. Some of the lyrics in it are:

"Yeah I know man find himself taking on a flick
Hey I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue
([Em:] No, I had an interview, not you two)"

I thought he said DJ Clune, not DJ Clue. So I basically named my account after some incorrect Eminem lyrics.

13-07-2014, 06:16 PM
made a bunch and it was my fave
my old name was because I had tried everything else and seen an ad for poptarts in a magazine on my table!!

13-07-2014, 07:38 PM
When the merge happened and usernames were freed up I wanted something with 3 or 4 letters haha so put in Jssy and it was available, unfortunately I wasn't quick enough for Jess or Jessica

13-07-2014, 07:54 PM
My first account snapple1 I got from the drink.. my second account Jjinks1 and current account.. Idk were I got it from Lol

13-07-2014, 08:00 PM
typed in three letters (vls) and it let me have it xxxx
not 2 be confused with runescape

13-07-2014, 08:50 PM
I didn't know what name to pick and my sister was like, well you like money and magic so why not moneymagic and I chose to do it in caps xD

13-07-2014, 10:45 PM


Shame, I own Thomas.

13-07-2014, 10:59 PM
Shame, I own Thomas.

is that u offering to give me it for free zak??? ur such a kind person, i accept

14-07-2014, 02:36 AM
I created my habbo account only to check new additions to the game, I didn't even know english that time, I didn't choose the name, habbo gave me this probably because of my e-mail.

14-07-2014, 03:00 AM
My Habbo name comes from my real life name

14-07-2014, 06:58 AM
It came from my name, where else?

Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

14-07-2014, 09:08 AM
is that u offering to give me it for free zak??? ur such a kind person, i accept

I ruined your dream :P to be fair, if not me then someone else would have taken it :P

I had to wait 8 years to get my rl name :(

14-07-2014, 09:33 AM
My username is named after my favourite band (at the time) when i was a teenager.

14-07-2014, 11:08 AM
iwys, my current account, came from the show rizzoli and isles but one of the actresses relative spelt isles wrong and spelt it as 'iwys'.

14-07-2014, 04:18 PM
I used to watch a TV show back in the day called Roger & The Rottentrolls on CITV. Used to leg it home from school so I'd make it in time to watch it.

I'd be surprised if anyone remembers it as I don't think it was all that popular and wasn't on air for very long.

14-07-2014, 04:25 PM
I used to watch a TV show back in the day called Roger & The Rottentrolls on CITV. Used to leg it home from school so I'd make it in time to watch it.

I'd be surprised if anyone remembers it as I don't think it was all that popular and wasn't on air for very long.

I remember watching this haha

16-07-2014, 04:04 PM
I was 10 and it was like 2 am and my friend was over. so we were being stupid and now im stuck with "!x!dude!x!2"

17-07-2014, 08:31 AM
From the following URLs:



17-07-2014, 10:07 AM
When i was younger i was actually 2 years too young for the game nd my habbo Spy0.2 was banned because of it.
Then when it came to making a new one 2bonic popped in my head and i can't believe i came up with it hehe. Annoying thing is someone must hae met me on it long ago as someone nicked it for twitter and instagram -.- where can i copyright it? lol kidding.

17-07-2014, 05:13 PM
I stole mine from an inactive account by guessing the password and then moved it to one of my own accounts with a cool creation date to make myself look super cool and feel special.

17-07-2014, 05:29 PM
Mine came from smushing Laura and rawr into one.

and then I made the first letter lower case because I don't like capitals.

19-07-2014, 10:25 AM
My name came from my mind.

On the subject of names on Habbo Names, I think people are just pathetic for buying names because they want to look cool on a game designed for kids. Why hasn't Pokemon been permed yet for selling habbo names?

23-07-2014, 12:54 PM
I've always been ediootti. It's derived from the word "idiootti", which I'm sure you can decipher, even without mastering the witchcraft that is the Finnish language. :)

It's probs a peculiar pick for international circles (I also use it as my Twitter account name etc.), but I haven't bothered to come up with an alternative. :)

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