View Full Version : Are you sensible with money?

21-08-2014, 06:21 PM
I've just finished calculating how much I've spent over the past 16 months of my own earned money (my mum and dad don't actually ever give me money... ever) and it's come to roughly £4260 give or take a couple of hundred on days I skived work. Honestly I don't know what to say to myself lol I'm just ashamed idk

It's gone on clothes and just absolute **** (mostly food) and make up I don't actually use because I don't wear it :S

To be fair, I did buy a new TV and my bed but idk can't think how to justify this to anyone I can't be trusted with my own money

21-08-2014, 06:25 PM
I am terrible at money and i always manage to lose track of how i spend it and its safe to say ive probably spent nearly five grand this year alone and im not too ******* sure how. I need to get so much better and ive legit promised myself starting tomorrow (pay dayyy) im going to try bloody hard.

it is a shame how much i easily waste sigh

21-08-2014, 06:26 PM
For the most part yes.

21-08-2014, 06:29 PM
Yeah I'm really good with money, but generally there's nothing I really want to buy. I should earn around £4800 a year (lol how rubbish), and I have around £1000 in my bank account. Over the year I've bought a Wii U, a new laptop, tonnes of games, presents and I've been on holiday too - although £3000 might seem a lot, I've got a lot to show for it too. Plus I spent a bit too much on people for Christmas :P.

I also give money to m parents if they need it/pay board etc.

21-08-2014, 06:30 PM
yeh am gud wiv monneh onli reeli spend moneh on creditz n furneh n sumtimez clothes hardli eva tho safe loadz up :]x

21-08-2014, 08:20 PM
not at all but I do stuff I want to do, went to New Orleans this year, will be going to California and New York next year.

21-08-2014, 08:33 PM
I've been working for 6 years and have probs blown in excess of 80k on sex, drugs rock and roll. Haven't put any money towards a house.. Nothing lol. Only thing I've ever paid towards is phone bill. Nothing to be proud of when I look back.

21-08-2014, 08:50 PM
im good with money in some ways cos i can make money last a long time. for instance i last got paid in may and im still living off that. on the other hand what I do spend it on is mostly junk food (chocolate, mcdonalds, coke) and the odd day out or cinema trip here and there so it lasts me a long time cos that stuff is pretty cheap but got nothing to show for it when it has gone.

21-08-2014, 08:52 PM
I'm alright. I know when to save but i have spent a lot of money on clothes this year, as i never seem to have anything good. so like every new season it seems to be me buying stuff to fit the weather. i did buy a new bed too but that was pretty cheap.

i've got a savings account though, and i've got £500 or something to put into driving lessons when i book them.

i'm having to save atm for when i go off to LA, so that's encouraging me to be better

21-08-2014, 09:20 PM
I'm great because I have hardly any money so I always have to make it last as long as possible

21-08-2014, 09:21 PM
Yeah I'm fairly sensible. I'm basically on minimum wage in my main job but I manage to make it stretch, plus my freelancing stuff so I get a decent amount in each month. I live quite frugally, in a shared house with cheaper but decent food and try not to blow too much. I have a tendency to buy way too many shoes and I do like clothes but I'll try and restrain myself and set a budget.

But yeah I'm 21 and have 2 ISAs, own shares and have a pension. So yeah. Fairly sensible.

21-08-2014, 09:39 PM
nopenot at all i usually spend most of it sigh gotta get used to saving up

21-08-2014, 10:07 PM
i don't know really. i don't get a lot of money because i don't have a job but i get like £10 a week because i'm still in education or something which my mum gives me and i'm sensible in the sense that i make it last or get my moneys worth. like i usually use it for days out with friends, alcohol, clothes, shoes. but i wouldn't say that doesn't make me sensible with money because it's stuff i want/need. there's no point me saving up for anything because i'll be getting my student loan soon so yolo. i'm usually cheap with clothes nd stuff anyway. i mainly shop in vintage places in town. i managed to buy a hugo boss shirt for £2 the other day lmao

my problem is just that i have a lack of money x

22-08-2014, 06:54 AM
£4000 over 16 months isn't really that much.

I probably spend around £600-800 a month. Some months may be quieter but not many. I spend my money on booze, clothes, other drinks, meals out, petrol and a few direct debits for a camera and laptop go out.

Although it probably alot, it's too easy to spend and the cost of living is rising. I do however, think I'm usually quite good at saving money as £600-800 isn't all that much out of my wage and I feel that just goes out on normal stuff and the rest I save. I paid off the holiday this month and that was £600+ and still had to live so I spent a fair bit with month, but I just make up for it next month by not spending very much.

22-08-2014, 09:30 AM
Id like to think I'm good with money. When I had my job for 2 years I saved up $11k and it's still there! I like to save money and it makes me feel good that I know I have some money in my bank. My brother is the complete opposite though lmao. He can't have it longer than like a week.

22-08-2014, 11:03 AM
I'm terrible with money! I've got some saved from last year when I was working part-time, and I get a little extra money from freelancing now and then, but it's not a lot. I tend to overspend, especially on sneakers and entertainment, but I'm slowly working towards a more frugal lifestyle (a)

22-08-2014, 11:34 AM
I'm no better at saving money than North Korea is at following through a nuclear bomb threat.

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