26-09-2014, 08:11 PM
With comparing a book to a film, there will be a vast amount of detail that they may not be able to cover while producing the film. But then, I take a look at what was actually missing from the film that happened in the book could of been produced. I know that I actually enjoyed many aspects of this film. Things being who they casted as each of the 18 people to go into the games. When I pictured Katniss, they picked a young woman who looked very similar to the one they described in the book. I actually was so impressed with Foxface, the book and the film had her down pat.
One of the main things that I didn't expect from the film was the person who played Peeta. In the book they described him as someone not as slender and on the larger size. Noting his father owned a bakery, it sort of seemed to make sense that he would be larger. Though, the film allowed Peeta's character to fulfill the book throughout the games. (Especially when they described about his strength during the training time).
The next thing that I felt that was a bit of a stretch from the film to the book was the whole fight with Marvel and the tragidy of Rue's death. I still remember sitting in my room in college after reading that part. I had to put the book down so I could actually cry. The way that it had all happened in the film was not how it happened in the book. I know I shouldn't be nitpicking the way of a death, but I thought that during this book it was very symbolic. It builds the story and it allows the story to build together.
If there was one thing that I felt was best represented in the film as it was written in the book was the ceremony where Peeta and Katniss came in on fire. When I read that part- I had so many emotons; Pride, Envy and Joy. The way to described their outfits was vivid and you could almost imagine it. I think that is one of the reasons why it was so easy to replicate that on the actualy film because it gave such strong detail.
Hunger games, I would have to say is one of those triology books that was hard to put down, I mean- who doesn't want to read about a group of people going into an arena only to kill people for their districts? It kind of seems crazy that if the World came to something like this, that we who have lived in peace may have to learn to fight.
So what do you think of the Hunger Games? Did you read the books before the film? Which did you prefer?
With comparing a book to a film, there will be a vast amount of detail that they may not be able to cover while producing the film. But then, I take a look at what was actually missing from the film that happened in the book could of been produced. I know that I actually enjoyed many aspects of this film. Things being who they casted as each of the 18 people to go into the games. When I pictured Katniss, they picked a young woman who looked very similar to the one they described in the book. I actually was so impressed with Foxface, the book and the film had her down pat.
One of the main things that I didn't expect from the film was the person who played Peeta. In the book they described him as someone not as slender and on the larger size. Noting his father owned a bakery, it sort of seemed to make sense that he would be larger. Though, the film allowed Peeta's character to fulfill the book throughout the games. (Especially when they described about his strength during the training time).
The next thing that I felt that was a bit of a stretch from the film to the book was the whole fight with Marvel and the tragidy of Rue's death. I still remember sitting in my room in college after reading that part. I had to put the book down so I could actually cry. The way that it had all happened in the film was not how it happened in the book. I know I shouldn't be nitpicking the way of a death, but I thought that during this book it was very symbolic. It builds the story and it allows the story to build together.
If there was one thing that I felt was best represented in the film as it was written in the book was the ceremony where Peeta and Katniss came in on fire. When I read that part- I had so many emotons; Pride, Envy and Joy. The way to described their outfits was vivid and you could almost imagine it. I think that is one of the reasons why it was so easy to replicate that on the actualy film because it gave such strong detail.
Hunger games, I would have to say is one of those triology books that was hard to put down, I mean- who doesn't want to read about a group of people going into an arena only to kill people for their districts? It kind of seems crazy that if the World came to something like this, that we who have lived in peace may have to learn to fight.
So what do you think of the Hunger Games? Did you read the books before the film? Which did you prefer?