View Full Version : [Request] Free Assistance On Habbo Websites

08-10-2014, 05:12 PM
Hello All,

I used to play Habbo quite alot and created quite a few habbo fansites back in the day, Running radios ect.. now i'm older and can design and develop websites. I was just wondering would anyone like me to assist them in producing a website for them ?, I will do the following:
Provide Hosting,
Provide Shoutcast,
Design/Develop the layout,
Code the DJ Panel (Custom to you)
Code the news feed.

I will implement that all into one, So basically all you need to do is purchase the Domain Name (Of your choice), amd provide your team (DJ's, News Staff ect...)

I will maintain the website for you.

So if anyone is up for it my skype is - CheekyTrooper


Thread moved by lRhyss (Trilaist Forum Moderator): From Designing and Development, as feel it is more suited here

19-03-2015, 10:38 PM
I may possibly be interested.

Thread closed by Richie (Forum Moderator); Due to bump

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