View Full Version : HabboShire.com - Small but beautiful and fruitful

23-10-2014, 09:37 AM


We are currently developing a new fan site experience. Our website will have the latest information about current in-game events and updates, as well as an advanced user system where you can gather points, create a personal page, play with each other in our arcade, etc.

We are very excited to release our work to the public, but lots must be done! If you're interested in being a part of the shire feel free to apply today, we have plenty of positions open.

Open Positions

Events Manager
News Manager
Radio Manager

* All management positions are international.

Events Host
Habbo eXpert - creates useful guides, finds and posts new updates, reports about rumors, etc.
News Reporter
Radio DJ


What makes you different?

Obviously our fansite will have all of the necessities, but will also have unique features like our multi-player arcade, pet system, etc. We're constantly thinking of unique features. - example of arcade game below.


Will you have a forum?

Ideally we would like to have a forum in the future. Our focus is on the main site.

When are you opening?

I don't have an opening date yet, I hate rushing things.

The preview above is a work in progress, parts of it will change once the site is ready for opening. Thanks for reading! :)

23-10-2014, 04:05 PM
It looks like every other new fansite being made and I wish you good luck with it xx.

23-10-2014, 04:11 PM
It looks like every other new fansite being made and I wish you good luck with it xx.

Thank you :) We're working on some unique features to add, which i'll post about later. :¬:

23-10-2014, 04:26 PM
Seems like you have some pretty good ideas.

I don't really like how one of the potential jobs for your fansite is "Habbo eXpert" though. The Habbo X program (Habbo eXpert program) was something completely different on Habbo that had already been thought up by the Habbo staff. By capitalizing the X in eXpert the same way the Habbo staff did, it seems like you are trying to copy the Xs or something. Changing the job title to "Habbo Expert" might help clear up the confusion... or changing the title to something completely different an original.

23-10-2014, 04:28 PM
Seems like you have some pretty good ideas.

I don't really like how one of the potential jobs for your fansite is "Habbo eXpert" though. The Habbo X program (Habbo eXpert program) was something completely different on Habbo that had already been thought up by the Habbo staff. By capitalizing the X in eXpert the same way the Habbo staff did, it seems like you are trying to copy the Xs or something. Changing the job title to "Habbo Expert" might help clear up the confusion... or changing the title to something completely different an original.

Yeah, I agree. It'll be changed to something more original. :) Thanks for the feedback.

23-10-2014, 09:31 PM
I have to say your coming soon launch page is pretty sleek.

I have one big tip though - I've said it time and time again but don't do versions. Too many fansites put a launch page up and then when they launch have 1 page and a forum with the rest if the site coming soon for version 2, sometimes version 2 being a tiny update with other versions coming later.

Generally people don't like that. It's much better to work on your site and launch it fully with all the pages and everything working, all the content live so your visitors get to see the full working site rather than just part of it.

23-10-2014, 10:34 PM
OMG sorry Mob; I rlly meant to create this thread today cuz I was busy ystd... :l

24-10-2014, 12:19 AM
I have to say your coming soon launch page is pretty sleek.

I have one big tip though - I've said it time and time again but don't do versions. Too many fansites put a launch page up and then when they launch have 1 page and a forum with the rest if the site coming soon for version 2, sometimes version 2 being a tiny update with other versions coming later.

Generally people don't like that. It's much better to work on your site and launch it fully with all the pages and everything working, all the content live so your visitors get to see the full working site rather than just part of it.


Once the website is ready to launch, we'll launch it. We're not going to open a forum before the website. The site has been in development for quite some time now, I have no intention releasing it unfinished. ^^

24-10-2014, 01:25 PM
A new maintenance, ooo!
Nice work, good luck and i'll be looking forward to the site opening to see what it's like. :}

24-10-2014, 03:11 PM
A new maintenance, ooo!
Nice work, good luck and i'll be looking forward to the site opening to see what it's like. :}

Thank you! Sounds good, see you there!

24-10-2014, 07:42 PM
I actually like the look of the landing page - it's something different to just having a header, content box, radio and stats. Very impressed, will probably join :)

27-10-2014, 10:50 AM

Once the website is ready to launch, we'll launch it. We're not going to open a forum before the website. The site has been in development for quite some time now, I have no intention releasing it unfinished. ^^

Good. It's good to see a fansite trying to do it differently - you'd think when fansites failed people would realise but instead they try to copy what didn't work

27-10-2014, 09:33 PM
I like the moving hot air balloon at the side, it adds to the unique way that you've made the landing page. As someone else said- not your standard radio, stats, content etc which is something else that I really like about it. Wish you well with this! :)

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