View Full Version : BBC Three proposals are unveiled

10-12-2014, 03:31 PM
The channel will move from nine hours a day to a 24-hour, always-on service
Programmes like Snog, Marry, Avoid and Don't Tell The Bride are likely to be jettisoned in favour of harder-hitting content
80% of budget will be spent on long-form programmes like Murdered by My Boyfriend and Bad Education
20% of budget will go on non-traditional content - such as micro-videos, listicles and gifs
A daily news service will be created in conjunction with Radio 1's Newsbeat
Programmes will not just live on iPlayer, but will be distributed on third party sites including YouTube and Facebook
Traditional genres like drama and comedy will be replaced by the strands "Make Me Think" and "Make Me Laugh"
Moving BBC Three to online will allow CBBC to broadcast for an extra two hours in the evening
It will also allow for a BBC One+1 channel to be launched


Actually re-reading it, I realised I only liked 2 of the points listed. I don't see the point in a few of those at all.

The Don
10-12-2014, 03:58 PM
Not sure what to think, part of the charm of bbc 3 was all the non serious programmes like snog, mary, avoid, young dumb and living off mum etc. The proposals sound like they're turning it into another bbc 2 or something

10-12-2014, 04:05 PM
Not sure what to think, part of the charm of bbc 3 was all the non serious programmes like snog, mary, avoid, young dumb and living off mum etc. The proposals sound like they're turning it into another bbc 2 or something

agreed. its those type of programmes I enjoy watching on bbc3
bbc plus 1 sounds good though. We don't have sky plus so will be handy for me, and I watch all my bbc3 shows on iplayer anyway.

10-12-2014, 05:00 PM
I assume the shows that are being "jettisoned" will just move to other channels already full of crappy tv. If it allows well written shows more air time and has perks for other channels (though not a fan of cbbc going on longer, children watch enough tv) then it seems like a good move on all accounts. I hear that it doesn't look good for late night shows like family guy but it's not like they're not available elsewhere.

~~from phone

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