View Full Version : What Mics do most Habbox DJs use?

16-12-2014, 08:10 PM
Might be the wrong section but I'm curious, because some DJs sound so much better than others (quality of mic) and I've just paid for an expensive mic so I can send in a good quality sample audio file when I apply for one of the DJ applications

16-12-2014, 10:37 PM
Bad ones from my experience in testing my browser plugins the past few days.

I personally (Although I don't DJ), use an Audio-Technica BPHS1 and a Behringer USB sound interface.

16-12-2014, 10:51 PM
most djs dont have massive amounts to spend on headsets and stuff

i have my main mic set up but most the time i use my cheap headset


it works well, good quality and its cheap

16-12-2014, 11:09 PM
wow and I thought I was mad for buying this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002VA464S?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00 haha what do you use your mic for most

16-12-2014, 11:14 PM
If you're going for a Blue mic, go for a Snowball, half the price of the one you linked. That's what myself and welshcake use.

16-12-2014, 11:14 PM
Both Zealoux and myself use a blue snowball. Different ones like. They aren't bad at all really.

- - - Updated - - -

If you're going for a Blue mic, go for a Snowball, half the price of the one you linked. That's what myself and welshcake use.


16-12-2014, 11:15 PM
dam theyre pretty nice for microphones, how much did you pay if you dont mind me asking?

16-12-2014, 11:16 PM
ive been using a £4 one from wilko for last like 6-8 months lmao

rly picky tho cos i HATE headsets
ive had 1 headset before and i broke the microphone off so i could use tht instead of th headphones n stuff lmao

16-12-2014, 11:17 PM
dam theyre pretty nice for microphones, how much did you pay if you dont mind me asking?

I bought them both ;) on average £40 each, one was a little more, one was a little less.
I use them for degree stuff too though, so it's useful if you're willing to spend a bit more.

16-12-2014, 11:43 PM
ive been using a £4 one from wilko for last like 6-8 months lmao

rly picky tho cos i HATE headsets
ive had 1 headset before and i broke the microphone off so i could use tht instead of th headphones n stuff lmao
I'm sure I used to listen to your old shows and they sounded awesome

I bought them both ;) on average £40 each, one was a little more, one was a little less.
I use them for degree stuff too though, so it's useful if you're willing to spend a bit more.

can't go wrong really, that's all I need - a good all rounder, saying that it'd be nice to add it to my nice little setup (excuse the wall it wasn't me) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/1186303_348172308650408_1327263848_n.jpg?oh=9deedb ffc89ded101218a1bcbee45f86&oe=553F4539&__gda__=1430694982_0d543c17e40a62ac537617f82c533a7 f

17-12-2014, 12:32 AM
turtle beaches

17-12-2014, 12:56 AM
turtle beaches
Now that's a name that brings back memories

17-12-2014, 01:44 AM
I use these


17-12-2014, 02:15 PM
im currently using a Turtle Beach PLA Headset for XB360 PS3 PC XB1 and PS4 - works on them all but im upgrading in a weeks time (Christmas) to the Blue Snowball or Yeti mic

17-12-2014, 06:16 PM
This is probably the terrible part lmao, I use an internal mic and it's worked fine for the time I've been a DJ. Sometimes it doesn't connect to my laptop, so I will use an xbox microphone or something similar to that, you may think oh my god thats terrible, but they're quite good quality and I don't get any complaints!

17-12-2014, 06:50 PM
Most people probably use their built in mics from some of the quality I hear!! Lol jks, that was me back in the day I used to DJ :x

17-12-2014, 07:37 PM
http://store.hp.com/UKStore/Merch/Product.aspx?id=XA490AA&opt=ABB&sel=BACC&jumpID=ps_xeuz482n9f/sf:_sku:XA490AA&k_clickid=EMEA%7C609b1bfc-356f-49a1-a80b-ef2d7dfe3763&kpid=XA490AA&kpid=XA490AA#ABB&gclid=Cj0KEQiA8MSkBRCP5LaRlcOAusMBEiQAiqldksbsTziq TR-IaMcIMV5nKu7ZLnfr8cNWVPIhLSf1jtwaAnE88P8HAQ

I use this one.

17-12-2014, 11:44 PM
I used the ones Kyle (Shockwave) suggested, Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000.

Good quality and not bad price.

http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/pc-accessories/pc-gaming-accessories/headsets/microsoft-lifechat-lx-3000-headset-07207958-pdt.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiA8MSkBRCP5LaRlcOAusMBEiQAiql dkgnqKZeeeS06G_Peibu9aX5Zt7IOirmd2Bc5ZxOZ6XEaAqKP8 P8HAQ&srcid=198&cmpid=ppc~gg~~~Exact&mctag=gg_goog_7904&s_kwcid=AL!3391!3!54854374700!!!g!64482907271!&ef_id=VG6D-AAABahLTHnH:20141217234236:s


18-12-2014, 01:38 AM
I use my built in laptop mic lmao have done in all the years I've djed

Sent from my XT1021 using Tapatalk

18-12-2014, 07:14 PM
Never worked on a Habbo station but ran my own online radio station and used a Rode NT1-A Condenser microphone which is a really good microphone and compared to some pro microphones it's not too expensive and you can get packages for them. Only problem is it requires phantom power input e.g. through a mixer. I used a Behringer: XENYX 1002B but it didn't have a usb output.


I used to run my station from a small office space with basic equipment mostly from ebay and similar sites. Here's a picture of our setup

28-12-2014, 11:18 PM
Never worked on a Habbo station but ran my own online radio station and used a Rode NT1-A Condenser microphone which is a really good microphone and compared to some pro microphones it's not too expensive and you can get packages for them. Only problem is it requires phantom power input e.g. through a mixer. I used a Behringer: XENYX 1002B but it didn't have a usb output.


I used to run my station from a small office space with basic equipment mostly from ebay and similar sites. Here's a picture of our setup

Aw, it's the baby version of my mixer :8 I'm guessing the thing in the back of the picture is a compressor limiter? I might look into getting one of those mics for my recording studio, I'm only using a C-1 Condenser mic for £30 at the moment

28-12-2014, 11:20 PM
I've used an MXL990 for a while now :)

28-12-2014, 11:38 PM
Aw, it's the baby version of my mixer :8 I'm guessing the thing in the back of the picture is a compressor limiter? I might look into getting one of those mics for my recording studio, I'm only using a C-1 Condenser mic for £30 at the moment

Yeah it's a compressor/limiter but I got it from a second hand shop to find it was partly faulty but lost the receipt

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