View Full Version : Campaigner: Muslim schools act as barrier to integration

02-01-2015, 12:41 PM

Campaigner: Muslim Schools Least Diverse in UK and Act as Barrier to Integration


An equality campaigner has singled out Muslim faith schools in Britain as the worst culprits for encouraging division and failing integration, amid new research that shows the British are increasingly rejecting multiculturalism and choosing to socialise only with people like themselves.

Matthew Taylor, the chairman of the Social Integration Commission and a former advisor to Tony Blair, cited the exceptionally homogeneous nature of student intake at Muslim faith schools as a stumbling block towards integration. The Independent newspaper reports the cost of all the people of Britain failing to get along perfectly is some £6 billion a year.

Taylor’s comments appear to match the experiences of the Department for Education, which spent much of 2014 dealing with the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ scandal, in which a number of British schools were found to have been ‘taken over’ from the inside by Islamist school governors, who were in the process of forcing out Christian or moderate Muslim members of staff.

While the department has tackled many of the identified ‘Trojan Horse’ Muslim schools, it has gone much farther, targeting previously rated ‘Good’ Christian schools and criticising them for failing to welcome foreign cultures into the classroom. Some church schools have had their OFSTED report scores damaged for failing to invite an Imam into the classroom to lead assemblies or lessons, an essential part of what the department believes is necessary to prepare children for “modern Britain”.

As well as criticising Muslim schools for purposefully recruiting a homogenous student body, Taylor also scorned children themselves for naturally forming social groups of similar children, even within schools that were superficially otherwise diverse. He said it was the responsibility of staff to break up these social groups and to force children to play with others unlike themselves.

Taylor told the Independent: “even when the kids do arrive in the school, very often the schools don’t pay sufficient attention to the fact that there are very, very different groups in the playground and they don’t attend to the need to bring them together.

“One of the ways in which we should be preparing young people for the world in which they’re going to live is getting them used to and relaxed about mixing with people from different classes, different ages and different ethnicities.

“Britain’s becoming more diverse and if we don’t think about this and we’re not willing to act on it, the danger is that we’ll become more separate”.

“We have to recognise that Muslim faith schools seem to be much more monocultural than Catholic faith schools or Church of England faith schools.

“It’s a very difficult policy because if you have Catholic and Church of England faith schools you can’t really deny the need for Muslim faith schools, but there is a different character, they tend to be much less diverse”.

He added: “I think schools should be asked to report on their level of integration and their strategies for integration… I think it’d be a great question to ask school governors: what are you doing to make sure the pupils in your school are mixing with a broader cross-section of society?”

HAHHAHAHAHHA so in other words, they've only just realise multiculturalism doesn't work. A decade too late. :clap: But their solution? Force children to play with other children in which they share NOTHING in common with! Genius. That's really going to work.

If you don't have a shared culture in a nation (after all, a nation is people of the same culture: an organic construct rather than an artificial one) then you end up with divided local areas who all speak different languages, can't communicate with one another and who live completely different lives. Anybody who knows the history of multicultural 'countries' or states like the former British Raj, southern Russia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Spain, the Sudan, the Ukraine, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, China, Austria-Hungary Empire and others knows exactly where it all ends: in tears and often blood.

In the words of the late Sir Patrick Moore, "I haven't the slightest wish to integrate with anybody." If there's any integration to take place (and it must) then it ought and will be immigrants integrating with this country. Not vice versa.


02-01-2015, 01:14 PM
children should certainly be encouraged to socialise outside of homogeneous racial groups if they are not currently in the habit of doing so. suggesting that teachers and staff should force children to integrate makes the notion of multiculturalism seem further beyond reach than it actually is.

catholic schools are less monocultural because people are more willing to adopt practices relating to catholicism to be accepted and integrated into that particular school's community than they would be for a more radical muslim faith school. Britain will never be successfully multicultural if the desire to cater every facet of superdiversity is continuously pushed because it only serves to separate us further. parents should be the ones responsible for educating their children about their derivative culture, not schools :S

02-01-2015, 01:27 PM
I'd have thought people who are home schooled would be the least diverse since there's only like 1 or 2 people in a class then

But yeah forcing children away from their friends is stupid and Matthew Taylor is clearly not worth his wages if he thinks that doing so would harbour anything other than resentment

02-01-2015, 05:08 PM
I agree with a lot of what you said but just wanted to pick up on the wording/add a bit that I have watched since.

children should certainly be encouraged to socialise outside of homogeneous racial groups if they are not currently in the habit of doing so. suggesting that teachers and staff should force children to integrate makes the notion of multiculturalism seem further beyond reach than it actually is.

catholic schools are less monocultural because people are more willing to adopt practices relating to catholicism to be accepted and integrated into that particular school's community than they would be for a more radical muslim faith school. Britain will never be successfully multicultural if the desire to cater every facet of superdiversity is continuously pushed because it only serves to separate us further. parents should be the ones responsible for educating their children about their derivative culture, not schools :S

But that's what multiculturalism is, the opposite of a monoculture (the very notion of a Britain, a British people and shared values).


I agree with German Chancellor Merkel, anyone who comes to this country should be expected to become a part of the British nation/people, with time. The problem is with this debate I always think: it's all about numbers. Allow too many people in and they are under no obligation to integrate as they get along fine living in their own groups, allow less in and they're forced by sheer numbers to assimilate into the host culture.

02-01-2015, 05:44 PM
When have we actually ever had a monoculture? If this mythical creature existed then we wouldn't have political parties that represent (or once represented) wildly different cultural and moral ideals. Even within a small group of friends people don't have a magical set of shared British values, and it certainly has never happened on a national scale

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