View Full Version : Other peoples impressions

22-01-2015, 10:03 PM
Do you really care what other people think of you?

Do you typically care what people think of you more irl, than online? or vice versa? or equally?

22-01-2015, 10:10 PM
I do care. I know people think wtf when they see or hear me and it does make me sad. Haha. cry.
I care about what people think online and irl equally.

22-01-2015, 10:12 PM
Not that I get called names and get judged 24/7 I brush them of and try not to care really..

22-01-2015, 10:14 PM
less so now but I did a few years ago, understandable when you're like 13 wanting to fit in

likelihood is that if someone hates me they're twice as stupid and i hate them anyway so it doesn't matter

22-01-2015, 10:15 PM
Yes and I think anyone who says no is a liar or sociopath. The opinions of strangers might mean less than those of close friends and confidants but they can still sting no matter how "strong" or independent anyone pretends to be

22-01-2015, 10:27 PM
I think I care more about rl opinions, but I'm constantly cautious of the impression I'm making and it's horrible.

22-01-2015, 10:31 PM
i would say so seeing as i have social anxiety.... but i never really think about what people say about me like behind my back or anything? irl and online... i kinda just assume no one thinks about me so don't worry too much lol
i worry more about being perceived as the weird girl more than anything else.

i care more irl i guess.. cause they've actually had interactions with me but at the same time i'm more myself here, so people might have a more informed opinion? tbh i'm just happy if you and my best friend like me.

22-01-2015, 10:37 PM
Irl ~ Yeah sometimes.
Online ~ Used to, now only people I care 'bout which is very few.

22-01-2015, 10:37 PM
I'd say online I couldn't care less, but care a bit more irl.

22-01-2015, 10:43 PM
I used to really care what people thought about me online and in real life. I absolutely hated myself back in year 7 - year 10 and assumed everyone else did too. And i guess that was partly true (but it was no opinion rather than hatred) because i find if you have no respect for yourself then no one even really notices your existence.

Now I definitely still care about how people perceive me but think more about how my actions will directly affect what they think rather than "oh god i'd better not do anything in case they hate me". So instead of just doing nothing and assuming no one likes me, it's easier to do things and then just hope that people do like me. I'm rambling i'll stop.
Online now? I care but not much at all. I don't think i could cope if everyone started mass hating me but i couldn't care less if one or two individuals decide they don't like me based on some weird little thing they heard about me from somewhere.

22-01-2015, 11:04 PM
I care when it's something I don't particularly care about, but not too fussed when I care about it. For example, I have started to care about my physical appearance because people do judge, but when it comes to say my opinion on something I feel strongly about, I don't care what they think.

22-01-2015, 11:16 PM
i would say so seeing as i have social anxiety.... but i never really think about what people say about me like behind my back or anything? irl and online... i kinda just assume no one thinks about me so don't worry too much lol
i worry more about being perceived as the weird girl more than anything else.

i care more irl i guess.. cause they've actually had interactions with me but at the same time i'm more myself here, so people might have a more informed opinion? tbh i'm just happy if you and my best friend like me.

this lmao. it's really liberating rather than depressing though.
i try not to care too much. strangers comments tend to bounce off but family know how to go for the emotional punch right to the gut. that can hurt sometimes

22-01-2015, 11:25 PM
Over the past year or two I've gone from a resounding yes to a firm not really. I don't care if people like me or dislike me, that's their prerogative, and since I don't think I give anybody any real reason to dislike me I'm not arsed if they decide to. Looks-wise not bothered. Wear what I'm comfortable wearing but do make sure I'm presentable if I'm having to actually interact with human beings and not just popping to the shop to exchange 5 words with old ladies in morrisons asking what a dragonfruit is.

On the internet it's similar except when I find that people dislike me without having spoken to me directly it does annoy me a little. I've had countless people tell me that they thought I was like X but once they've had a conversation with me realised that I'm like Y and that bothers me because judgements are made on such isolated and unrepresentative interactions. Keep my appearance relatively private online not because I'm ugly or wheelchair bound or have no hair but as a form of impression management so judgements can be made on what I say alone.

23-01-2015, 12:39 AM
I do but less than I used to I think

23-01-2015, 06:46 AM
idc what people think about me online and offline it really depends, sometimes i go through fazes were I care, then others I'm like


23-01-2015, 06:52 AM
Ermm I don't really get called names etc as I don't have around with 12 year olds but I don't really take offence to anyone and tbh no one has really offended me for a while, at my age, if someone offends someone it usually ends up I a scrap so people try to be nice lmao. And online i dont care what people generally

23-01-2015, 08:52 AM
I do - less than I used to but still quite a lot.

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23-01-2015, 09:46 AM
As I get older I care less and less.

If it's an issue I know I am right on then I couldn't care in the slightest.

29-01-2015, 04:53 PM
I care way too much about what people think of me irl.

Anything online I couldn't care less.

29-01-2015, 05:01 PM
I care and then I don't care it depends what it's about. I don't care about what people think about the way I look or dress but if someone criticises me as a person or my abilities then I do care.

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