View Full Version : Memory loss

27-03-2015, 09:28 PM
Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?

Why would you pick that one?

27-03-2015, 09:31 PM
There's a lot of times where I wish I could forget certain people or things because of various emotions they evoke so I guess I would pick that one.

I have kind of already forgotten who I was previously, since starting a new chapter and becoming more confident with myself and my abilities just recently so that's one hurdle down, just wish some of the other memories would fade away now as to stop them hurting. :P

27-03-2015, 09:34 PM
There's a lot of times where I wish I could forget certain people or things because of various emotions they evoke so I guess I would pick that one.

I have kind of already forgotten who I was previously, since starting a new chapter and becoming more confident with myself and my abilities just recently so that's one hurdle down, just wish some of the other memories would fade away now as to stop them hurting. :P

It wouldn't be a matter of picking and choosing though.

It would be a) everyone b) you.

27-03-2015, 09:41 PM
I would rather forget everyone else besides myself because techniquely if you know yourself you know who your true friends are ;)

27-03-2015, 10:15 PM
It wouldn't be a matter of picking and choosing though.

It would be a) everyone b) you.

If you forgot who you were though, would you not then forget everyone/everything associated with you too? Since the people around you contribute a lot to who you are; e.g your friends etc. If you forgot who you were it would basically be like forgetting a lot more.

27-03-2015, 10:35 PM
My Grandma has dementia and it really upsets me how some days I can visit her, and she'll know who I am. Other days however, she calls me different (e.g. calls me my dads name, or her nephews). I know they can't help it and all that, but its just heart breaking seeing one of the people you love slowly forgetting you.

OT: I would rather forget who I was than my friends/family.

27-03-2015, 11:13 PM
Who I was, at least I know everyone else. Kind of a confusing question tbh

27-03-2015, 11:15 PM
forget who i was tbh, then again there's some ppl i'd like to forget.... hi scott

28-03-2015, 12:32 AM
I'd rather forget who I was, definitely.

28-03-2015, 12:36 AM
this question is stupid rly, the people around you influence you and forgetting them would make you a diff person anyway lmao

28-03-2015, 12:38 AM
Would I know my relationship to the people? I'd choose myself whatever the case tbh

28-03-2015, 01:42 AM
Probably myself as I wouldn't feel sadness at what I have lost.

Then again with a choice like that death is better.

29-03-2015, 02:50 PM
as long as I maintain memories other than who I am then I'd choose to forget myself.

29-03-2015, 03:14 PM
I don't understand. Surely if you forget you who are you also forget the people around you? They influence so much of your life they are part of your life. Don't understand how to answer this question...

29-03-2015, 10:02 PM

30-03-2015, 01:09 PM
very odd question :P

I would say myself as others around me would cause me to eventually remember myself again?

30-03-2015, 01:36 PM
Myself I think, but only if I remembered those who are close to me.

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