View Full Version : Do Habbox rare values still have any influence?

18-04-2015, 11:07 AM
So, I was a member of the Habbox rare values team a while back, back when there was no marketplace on Habbo and coins hadn't really come out / were just coming out. The Habbox values were followed loyally by everyone - whenever you went into a shop the owner would clearly look stuff up quickly on Habbox.

HCs were the standard currency rather than coins.

So my question is, to what extend is Habbox still influential in RV space?

18-04-2015, 12:13 PM
Yes. Still quite.

Probably not as much as before but I still have people coming in to my shop and ask me for values and be like habbox values this ___c.

18-04-2015, 12:18 PM
I haven't seen anyone reference Habbox values at all in about 3 years tbh, it's always just mp-1 with anything really expensive or specialist being known automatically by the rich folk who actually trade them

18-04-2015, 12:46 PM
Much of the highlly valued items are kept track of via habbox amongst traders that use the forum. "Influence" isn't the right word but yes it is still checked for items that are subject to manipulation and is a useful archive when the economy drastically changes as is the case with the current double credit hyperinflation on some items.

18-04-2015, 01:16 PM
I find rare values to be especially useful with teleports and I do generally find the prices for them are what is on Habbox.

18-04-2015, 02:28 PM
The thing I love about habbox rares is the shopping list thing, so you can like see how much a room is gonna cost!

Also with the MP it's not always definite something's been rigged to go up or down a lot really - plus if you're in a shop someone cold theoretically give you any price if something's not in the MP for any reason, then there's your value!

They may not be as central to the entire Habbo trading scene as they used to be but definitely still used, yes

18-04-2015, 04:40 PM
Obviously not as they used to be, but still used as a backup as others have said whenever you have rares that aren't listed in the MP, have been manipulated and so on. I prefer it [trading] pre-MP of course, but it was kinda scary/amazing just how much influence Habbox and only Habbox had: I don't think people understand how much power over the whole hotel economy the deparment had, and especially in the earlier days specifically the Rare Values Manager.

It was amazing actually how seemingly non-corrupt the department/individual managers were. If they were clever enough, they could have made a fortune.

18-04-2015, 05:11 PM
To me it's more of a reference point and being able to look at history (hopefully v7 doesn't reset the history for rv like I think it was originally going to?). But as for influence, very little if any for most items - the marketplace is often the first place people will look, largely for convenience.

18-04-2015, 05:12 PM
Think the marketplace prices change so much that Habbox can't keep up with it. Usually I just check the marketplace and if I'm trading with someone I take a coin off the mp price.

18-04-2015, 05:17 PM
Obviously not as they used to be, but still used as a backup as others have said whenever you have rares that aren't listed in the MP, have been manipulated and so on. I prefer it [trading] pre-MP of course, but it was kinda scary/amazing just how much influence Habbox and only Habbox had: I don't think people understand how much power over the whole hotel economy the deparment had, and especially in the earlier days specifically the Rare Values Manager.

It was amazing actually how seemingly non-corrupt the department/individual managers were. If they were clever enough, they could have made a fortune.

It was scary how much power Habbox had. I think you and I are both thinking of the same situation that spiralled out of control!

18-04-2015, 05:21 PM
It was scary how much power Habbox had. I think you and I are both thinking of the same situation that spiralled out of control!

That's the extreme example of course, but that was something that ran on rumours which upped the price naturally although was still something due to Habbox. I am thinking more of the many examples of when Rare Values Managers accidently put the wrong value in for an item (so say the Eid Mubarak from 7 CS to 17 CS), they'd go to bed and the next day when they came home from school and logged on the hotel, trading was going insane with people selling them for 17 CS.

A simple mistake yet it had a big impact. :P Could it have been manipulated if you were clever and subtle enough? aye.

18-04-2015, 05:41 PM
That's the extreme example of course, but that was something that ran on rumours which upped the price naturally although was still something due to Habbox. I am thinking more of the many examples of when Rare Values Managers accidently put the wrong value in for an item (so say the Eid Mubarak from 7 CS to 17 CS), they'd go to bed and the next day when they came home from school and logged on the hotel, trading was going insane with people selling them for 17 CS.

A simple mistake yet it had a big impact. :P Could it have been manipulated if you were clever and subtle enough? aye.

I loved stuff like that, I remember back in the day selling my Amber Floor Rug for an Orange Tree (both worth 14 CS back then), and as soon as we traded that the Orange Tree value jumped up to 18CS. It was a great day for me and it was always the place I went for to look at values.

I don't use the Market Place too often, I always use Habbox for Teleport values and then I find out I'm majorly under charging for mine :P. However, the values aren't just there to see how much something is, Habbox is great in terms of finding furniture you need an image or motto of as well!

18-04-2015, 07:16 PM
Obviously not as they used to be, but still used as a backup as others have said whenever you have rares that aren't listed in the MP, have been manipulated and so on. I prefer it [trading] pre-MP of course, but it was kinda scary/amazing just how much influence Habbox and only Habbox had: I don't think people understand how much power over the whole hotel economy the deparment had, and especially in the earlier days specifically the Rare Values Manager.

It was amazing actually how seemingly non-corrupt the department/individual managers were. If they were clever enough, they could have made a fortune.

:nrrussiansamovar: :nrrussiansamovar: :nrrussiansamovar:

I personally don't think Habbox has that much influence anymore.

23-04-2015, 04:06 AM
its a useful guide for teleporters and rarely traded items or no mp avg. still has importance in that area as well.

23-04-2015, 12:20 PM
Maybe it because I don't really use Habbo too much anymore but I've not noticed Habbox being used in conversation in relation to values for years. I do remember back in the day when it was like the bible though. Everyone seems to go by the market place these days... I guess it's different for proper rares.

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