View Full Version : Crystal ball

13-05-2015, 12:43 AM
So you stumble across a crystal ball and are reliably informed that it's legitimately magical and can tell you anything about the past, present or future with absolute certainty.


You have just two opportunities to consult the ball before it shatters. What do you want to know?

13-05-2015, 03:22 PM
Will I see my family again when I'm dead? - future

I can't really think of another

13-05-2015, 03:53 PM
Nothing. There's nothing I need to know about the past; I can't change it. I can't really think of any uses for the present and knowing the future takes out all the fun of not knowing.

I'd give it to someone else and they can find out two things if they want, but keep that thing away from me.

13-05-2015, 04:17 PM
1) How to make the most money of out this situation
2) Nothing because the answer to the above would probably be "sell this thing"

17-05-2015, 03:30 AM
I would ask it two questions about the future. I would first of all ask it to tell me the wining lotto numbers for the next Day
i would buy a ticket with them numbers.
Then i would come back and ask it one question i have always wondered and that is will i ever find True love someone i will spend the rest of my
life with (i would only want a yes or no answer for this one)

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