View Full Version : Would you like SNQ to be replaced?

14-05-2015, 11:13 AM
I know some people are immediately going to hate the idea of replacing SNQ, but please read the entire thread before making your reply!

We all know that SNQ is a classic Habbox event and one that has been surrounded by many disagreements over the years. It occurred to me over the past couple of weeks that SNQ may have become stale and boring for players, so I thought now may be a good time to start thinking whether or not SNQ should to be replaced with something new and a bit more exciting.

What I would like from this thread is some feedback on whether or not you would like SNQ to be replaced and the reasons for your answer. I would also like your suggestions for a replacement if you do want to see it replaced.

It SNQ was to be replaced then that would mean that a new event would take the primetime Saturday slot that it is currently in, however that does not necessarily mean SNQ would have to end all together. It could continue to run on any other day of the week under a different name, or it could alternate days each week.

What are your thoughts? Would you like to see a refreshing new weekly event replace SNQ?

14-05-2015, 12:11 PM
No I wouldn't like to see it replaced. However, for years now the prize has been a bit limited to those who already use Habbox and it's forum. An alternative Habbo prize should be available for those who win, even if it's say a Sack or alternates each week. Perhaps more themed ones could be done as well say once a month.

In room designs though, I think the event part could make a comeback so there's stuff to do in the week as well.

14-05-2015, 12:13 PM
I'd like to see something similar to Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway

14-05-2015, 12:13 PM
Yes. I no longer attend SNQ (or I turn up and leave halfway through) because it's boring, it's usually the same people who win every time, and often it's badly hosted if we have trialists attempting to ask questions. Also, that new rule about no one else being allowed to be behind the desk during SNQ is absolutely ridiculous. Does that mean that if people come in during SNQ asking for help then they're just to be ignored? You can try and argue that staff will help them even if they aren't behind the desk but we know that that's ******** unless dbgtz or Absently are around to tell them off if they don't.

I'll just include everything about HxHD events here I think.

Mini Quizzes. There's so much potential for little events to be run in HxHD but nothing ever seems to happen. To partially replace SNQ I'd like to see mini quizzes run throughout the week with a small prize (maybe something like 5c for one winner OR a piece of furni per question answered right) that wouldn't need to be regular but would need to be frequent. Maybe they wouldn't even need to be prebooked, but if a member of HxHD staff sees the Help Desk is particularly active at one point they just pop an announcement in the CNB and alert the manager. And maybe make it a requirement that each member of staff has to host a mini quiz at least every X (month?). And to stop the excuse "I can't because I don't have any furni/coins", fund one quiz per month per member of staff.
Mini Events can be run in HxHD as well. The other night @Zealoux (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=121240); @welshcake (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=91945); @Ripieno (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=121601); @lesbon (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=75795); @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515); and I were playing tag where we were just running about HxHD tagging each other. Can be played with an item as well and doesn't even require a prize necessarily, but keeps people active in the room instead of just parking themselves on the AFK seats and buggering off to do something else. Afterwards a few of us played Hide and Seek where we can hide in any of the public rooms and one person has to come and find us. You can delete the finder or turn off stalk to stop cheating.
Ball. Bring back a ball or something similar because that always gets people moving during hours of boredom.
Truth/dare. You could bring back that spin the bottle thing. That was super popular and I never understood why it isn't used more. Plus it increases forum activity.
DJ area. It's been suggested time and time again and most people, including management I believe, seem to think it's a good idea each time it's brough up. So where is it?

What kind of events would you suggest replace SNQ? I don't want anything that the Events dept host as it should be something unique.

14-05-2015, 12:14 PM
Replaced by what? We already have other weekly events don't we

14-05-2015, 12:19 PM
no but the choice of questions needs to be looked at because most of the time it's a competition of who can google fastest

however something could be done in the snq hour because it only lasts 15-20 mins so maybe some of empired's ideas

14-05-2015, 12:24 PM
Back when I was manager, we had a few threads about working with Saturday Night Quiz and changing it up. One of our main ideas was to have it different events each week on a rota. I'll just copy and paste from one of the threads our main ideas:

Book Club/Current Affairs Discussion
We could have users discussing a book (or an old classic that most will have previously read) or discuss about current affairs. If reading a book the most contributed can win VIP. Have a set area for them to discuss their opinions on news items that have happened during the week. Or come up with the *funniest* news they heard of during that week. Funniest/Most contributed wins VIP.

Event Marathon
A daily event that somebody hosts and at the end of each week all the winners would be added into a raffle where they can win 500 tokens, 1 month of VIP, credit prize. Each win would = x amount of tokens. The event would be the same event everyday (could also be done weekly) x amount of staff host the game. This could be something like a Carnival perhaps? Have several different same events and one takes place each week? (pre-made rooms)

Scavenger Hunt
Each week there could be different tasks that need to be completed in the help desk or in other rooms. You could find that specific question for that week in the Help Desk and you need to find a specific furni on the hotel, or what room we're referring to, etc.

Pub Quiz
A mix-up of Saturday Night Quiz would be a teamed-quiz with x amount of questions and the winning team can win VIP, prize, tokens etc.As far as I know, the Book Club/Current Affairs was really, REALLY, really disliked :P Obviously, they still need ironing out.

14-05-2015, 12:29 PM
i like empired's ideas and absently's scavenger hunt one, obviously it'd be better switching it up weekly because SNQ every week can be a bit of a snooze especially if you just want to hang out in the help desk and it's overtaken by everyone spamming answers/questions/snq related stuff

14-05-2015, 01:12 PM
"It occurred to me over the last few weeks that SNQ may have become stale..." hahaha oh chris you really do have your eye on the ball don't you? SNQ has been stale for the past couple of years :P

Should it be replaced? Nope - it should be tweaked! The prizes are stale, there is no accumulation for those who win more than once, and pretty much everybody on the forum has won the forum award. It's very rare for me to talk zebbadi up but I must say that his alteration of snq to include an additional credit prize was one that I think would be welcomed back and would encourage more casual habbo-based hxhd visitors (i.e. not just the forum lurkers complaining here) to participate.

The team aspect is an exciting prospect that works to bring together real life quiz teams on a regular basis that I can see working well for this quiz. Logistical nightmare though considering googling and time limits but properly thought through would be fabulous. I think I recall Mathew having a regular pub quiz back in the day that was very enjoyable?

The questions have already been mentioned, they're bloody horrific. Usually it's honor-branch sat there asking siri what the answers are and garnering the lion's share of the points. Is there any way we can counter this? Can we have more habbo and habbox questions again? It used to be about 1/2 habbo/habbox and 1/2 GK - bring that back. Also - PC? Most modern habbo quizes have questions created based on topics of the players' choosing - Perhaps a couple of PC questions to change things around.

Empired mentioned mini quizzes - Hopeless (immenseman) did lots of these when he was staff and a good few of us found them enjoyable and stimulating. If any staff are struggling to fund small prizes for events like this either do them for fun or ask me for furniture.

14-05-2015, 03:21 PM
Should it be replaced? No.

Does it need improving? Yes.

You talk of disagreements, but all the disagreements come down to one thing. Bad hosting. Disagreements on who answered first? Bad hosting. Disagreements on the correct answer? Bad hosting. Disagreements on questions being too easy/hard/fast/slow? Bad hosting.

Do new SNQ hosts still sit in on previous SNQs before they can host? Personally I'm not a fan of half/half Habbo(x)/General Knowledge questions, since you could say it alienates those outside of Habbox and they would never have a chance of winning - but hey, when does someone outside of Habbox ever take part in SNQ anyway?

We also need to get rid of stupid questions that are ambiguous such as 'How many colours are there in the German flag? 2. Gold and Red, since Black isn't a colour' and classic wrong answers that people don't bother to check such as 'Largest desert in the world? Sahara'.

Some questions are ridiculously hard which turns the competition into fastest typer, but likewise, so do ridiculously easy questions. A good balance is needed.

Some sort of cumulative reward system needs setting up where repeat winners get something other than a month of VIP.

I agree that we could do something after the 15/20 minute quiz, basically an 'SNQ event' linked from the help desk. Kick wars? Hide and seek?

Not sure why people would want SNQ to be replaced when it's only taking up 20 minutes of a 7 day week. There's plenty of time to have other regular weekly events.

14-05-2015, 03:32 PM
I'd also like to add that it's a major difficulty to find hosts to host Saturday Night Quiz as they find a lot of users to be intimidating and if they accidentally muck up all hell breaks lose. There's rewards in place for hosts to host Saturday Night Quiz, but still nobody wants to do it. It's generally very last minute (after a week of consistently nagging for someone to host), management and seniors end up having to come up with the questions every week and hosting it themselves as nobody is really willing to do it.

14-05-2015, 03:37 PM
I'd also like to add that it's a major difficulty to find hosts to host Saturday Night Quiz as they find a lot of users to be intimidating and if they accidentally muck up all hell breaks lose. There's rewards in place for hosts to host Saturday Night Quiz, but still nobody wants to do it. It's generally very last minute (after a week of consistently nagging for someone to host), management and seniors end up having to come up with the questions every week and hosting it themselves as nobody is really willing to do it.

Are new hosts getting the training they need? They should at least watch a senior+ host it before they can. The other week we had a host that didn't even let the room know a question was coming so that caught a lot of people off guard. If it becomes a major issue, let staff members other than HxHD volunteer.

14-05-2015, 03:50 PM
Are new hosts getting the training they need? They should at least watch a senior+ host it before they can. The other week we had a host that didn't even let the room know a question was coming so that caught a lot of people off guard. If it becomes a major issue, let staff members other than HxHD volunteer.We always recommend that hosts watch somebody host before they do and normally, it's also explained exactly what to do and how to do it. It is required each time someone hosts a senior+ (or if none are available, an experienced member of staff is asked in advance to supervise) is in the room supervising in case of any issues.

I'm all up for letting other departments host, but I do like the idea of HxHD staff hosting to give them that something different for the department. If that makes any sense :P

14-05-2015, 03:59 PM
When I was management, we had so many people wanting it we had to introduce a calendar. What incentives are they getting now? We used to offer an hour added onto their time. I find the rule of staff not being able to get hours up during snq ridiculous and have seen people come in needing help during the quiz. I just think it is too short and would like to see more questions but looks like people struggle to get 20.

14-05-2015, 04:11 PM
When I was management, we had so many people wanting it we had to introduce a calendar. What incentives are they getting now? We used to offer an hour added onto their time. I find the rule of staff not being able to get hours up during snq ridiculous and have seen people come in needing help during the quiz. I just think it is too short and would like to see more questions but looks like people struggle to get 20.

You still get the hour and you also get 125 points, which can be exchanged at the end of the month for prizes like credits, vip etc.

14-05-2015, 04:18 PM
You add an hour to their time but you make them turn their report note off lmao so basically they get less time added the longer they are in there. Reverse incentive to make them rush and not enjoy it? :O Whenever I hosted I kept it on and there were always people behidn the desk on hand to offer help. Not that people need help anymore but hey... different thread for a different day.

Ban users from the next week's quiz if they are being disruptive.

14-05-2015, 04:23 PM
You add an hour to their time but you make them turn their report note off lmao so basically they get less time added the longer they are in there. Reverse incentive to make them rush and not enjoy it? :O Whenever I hosted I kept it on and there were always people behidn the desk on hand to offer help. Not that people need help anymore but hey... different thread for a different day.

Ban users from the next week's quiz if they are being disruptive.
Tbh, I don't think anyone has ever been told to turn off their report note whilst they're behind there and hosting. Seems just like a users choice and I don't think something was ever voiced on that during my time.

Also, like I've said above a senior+ is always on the sidelines watching, so if any help is needed they can be answered. Also, points are rewarded and time for answering a question whilst in front of the desk ;) Anyway, not the topic on hand, haha

14-05-2015, 04:27 PM
Why are people turning their RN off though? They basically arn't getting any additional time if that's the case.

14-05-2015, 05:23 PM
If you're struggling to find staff so much, introduce a guest SNQ host opportunity where anyone can PM whoever with the upcoming weeks they could host, sort out a week, and then they can write/be given their own questions.

At the very least it'll show others how hard the quiz is to host.

But I seriously am all up for it being scrapped entirely and replaced. Or at the very least we need other things to accompany it throughout the week. Simply having a Help Desk is no longer working for Habbox-- we need to combine the Help Desk with a lounge area new AND old users actually want to visit and return to.

14-05-2015, 05:51 PM
That's what it is Charlie. A lounge area for the old users and a place of help for newer users. It would be stupid to turn it into a lounge (or have two seperate rooms of a help desk and a lounge) when it's already used that way but has the added function of bringing people in. I will agree though that we do need more Habbo presence.

As for SNQ, if someone's turning off their RN, that's their own fault and not mandated by management. I liked the idea of a scavenger hunt but I agree with Charlie that we should have this as an 'and' rather than an either SNQ or... scenario. In short, more weekly events.

Kirst, Habbox is dying. The struggle to find staff to host has little to do with lack of incentive and more to do with the sense of meh around the place.

14-05-2015, 06:19 PM
I think if we had several weekly events from HxHD running in one week, it may be even more of a struggle to find hosts :P As people do truly find it daunting and I guess they moreso join HxHD for what it is rather than events. I do know other departments are looking into bringing their own weekly events too.

14-05-2015, 07:12 PM
If only we had a department that could help and organise weekly events...

14-05-2015, 07:24 PM
If only we had a department that could help and organise weekly events...
Events tries to push Weekly Events quite a bit and I know they're working on a few ATM :P

14-05-2015, 07:30 PM
That's what it is Charlie. A lounge area for the old users and a place of help for newer users. It would be stupid to turn it into a lounge (or have two seperate rooms of a help desk and a lounge) when it's already used that way but has the added function of bringing people in. I will agree though that we do need more Habbo presence.
It needs to become a lounge for new AND old users though. I'm not saying let's scrap the Help Desk, I'm saying let's add to it because helping a user once every couple of hours isn't going to reel in the new members.

What entices brand new users into Habbox rooms? Fun, fast-paced games with good prizes and nice people.
What keeps them coming back? More of these games that are well planned and laid out over a long period of time rather than a manic week jam packed full of activities and then nothing for the other 51 weeks of the year.

There are other things that I'd like to add (for example yes, Habbox IS dying and we're letting it. And yes, we do need more Habbo presence. You know what would be a nice? A General Manager that comes on Habbo to do something else that sit in an event for 5 minutes and then idle, or come and doss about on the AFK chairs in HxHD) but TBBT is on like NOW so I'll talk about them later.

14-05-2015, 07:34 PM
It needs to become a lounge for new AND old users though. I'm not saying let's scrap the Help Desk, I'm saying let's add to it because helping a user once every couple of hours isn't going to reel in the new members.

What entices brand new users into Habbox rooms? Fun, fast-paced games with good prizes and nice people.
What keeps them coming back? More of these games that are well planned and laid out over a long period of time rather than a manic week jam packed full of activities and then nothing for the other 51 weeks of the year.

There are other things that I'd like to add (for example yes, Habbox IS dying and we're letting it. And yes, we do need more Habbo presence. You know what would be a nice? A General Manager that comes on Habbo to do something else that sit in an event for 5 minutes and then idle, or come and doss about on the AFK chairs in HxHD) but TBBT is on like NOW so I'll talk about them later.

When Kellie and I were managers we discussed having some sort of run type thing running through the help desk, or a mini wired game on the side but the idea was kind of scrapped as we were worried about lag. Thinking back to the Hogwarts event and how much lag that room alone provided.

14-05-2015, 07:50 PM
Oh I see what you meant now, sorry. Well, I agree with that but essentially, a lounge is just somewhere to sit and chill so the help desk can still do that. It would mean not ignoring new people, talking to them in a friendly and non-trollish way and gently persuading them to join Habbox. It doesn't work all the time but I think this sort of simple approach is much more effective than flashy events and whatever. Then again, HxHD is also fairly boring most of the time so I think adding a little game or something would be a good idea that's been done before (with fairly minimal interruption).

14-05-2015, 08:34 PM
You should add an automatic game in the help desk, something such as Ping Pong. It won't actually take up much room and it'd bring in more people and give people a reason to stick around :)

14-05-2015, 08:37 PM
You should add an automatic game in the help desk, something such as Ping Pong. It won't actually take up much room and it'd bring in more people and give people a reason to stick around :)

When Kellie and I were managers we discussed having some sort of run type thing running through the help desk, or a mini wired game on the side but the idea was kind of scrapped as we were worried about lag. Thinking back to the Hogwarts event and how much lag that room alone provided.


I would just seriously worry that it'd just lag people out far too much.

14-05-2015, 08:39 PM

I would just seriously worry that it'd just lag people out far too much.

I don't think it'd really give off that much lag, or at least i've never experienced any in a ping pong game :P

I don't remember any Hogwarts lag either, what room was that?

One thing I know is that lag from wired is mainly generated from moving items, ping pong will only have one moving item really

14-05-2015, 08:41 PM
I don't think it'd really give off that much lag, or at least i've never experienced any in a ping pong game :P

I don't remember any Hogwarts lag either :O, what room was that?
It was the Great Hall layout for HxHD, if I remember correctly quite a few users complained it was too laggy. I imagine the room would have to be quite big and quite a lot of furni! I mean, it's always worth a try though!

14-05-2015, 09:18 PM
I would be against the idea of setting up an automatic game in HxHD. Edit (oops, forgot to justify myself): basically because I have a terrible internet connection as it is and automatic wired games would probably tip my internet over the edge. Also I only think it would be used on the first day and then the novelty would wear out and no one would play.

Hell, I'd be up for organising some mini quizzes and a few games of tag or hide and seek in HxHD as the main argument seems to be you can't find anyone who wants to do that stuff.
But my argument for that is that I don't think HxHD can just be a Help Desk anymore. By no means am I saying scrap the desk (I don't think we should), but it's kinda like when News went to being Articles. It was no longer enough to just write a few hundred words on Habbo news for the department; they needed to bring something new to the dept. And now I think that needs to happen with HxHD.

14-05-2015, 09:32 PM
Nice to see so many opinions so far. I would just like to say that this thread is not about the help desk, it is about SNQ and a possible replacement for it. SNQ could be replaced by an event run by another department entirely, it is not limited in any sort of way.

14-05-2015, 09:45 PM
I'd like to see something similar to Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway

I'll just go get Merf and Lerf brb

Yes. I no longer attend SNQ (or I turn up and leave halfway through) because it's boring, it's usually the same people who win every time, and often it's badly hosted if we have trialists attempting to ask questions. Also, that new rule about no one else being allowed to be behind the desk during SNQ is absolutely ridiculous. Does that mean that if people come in during SNQ asking for help then they're just to be ignored? You can try and argue that staff will help them even if they aren't behind the desk but we know that that's ******** unless dbgtz or Absently are around to tell them off if they don't.

I'll just include everything about HxHD events here I think.

Mini Quizzes. There's so much potential for little events to be run in HxHD but nothing ever seems to happen. To partially replace SNQ I'd like to see mini quizzes run throughout the week with a small prize (maybe something like 5c for one winner OR a piece of furni per question answered right) that wouldn't need to be regular but would need to be frequent. Maybe they wouldn't even need to be prebooked, but if a member of HxHD staff sees the Help Desk is particularly active at one point they just pop an announcement in the CNB and alert the manager. And maybe make it a requirement that each member of staff has to host a mini quiz at least every X (month?). And to stop the excuse "I can't because I don't have any furni/coins", fund one quiz per month per member of staff.
Mini Events can be run in HxHD as well. The other night @Zealoux (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=121240); @welshcake (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=91945); @Ripieno (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=121601); @lesbon (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=75795); @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515); and I were playing tag where we were just running about HxHD tagging each other. Can be played with an item as well and doesn't even require a prize necessarily, but keeps people active in the room instead of just parking themselves on the AFK seats and buggering off to do something else. Afterwards a few of us played Hide and Seek where we can hide in any of the public rooms and one person has to come and find us. You can delete the finder or turn off stalk to stop cheating.
Ball. Bring back a ball or something similar because that always gets people moving during hours of boredom.
Truth/dare. You could bring back that spin the bottle thing. That was super popular and I never understood why it isn't used more. Plus it increases forum activity.
DJ area. It's been suggested time and time again and most people, including management I believe, seem to think it's a good idea each time it's brough up. So where is it?

What kind of events would you suggest replace SNQ? I don't want anything that the Events dept host as it should be something unique.

Mini quizzes like that would probably be abused and would probably have far more complaints than SNQ currently does as questions wouldn't be vetted, so I don't see that ending well. I don't think people would be overly more likely to host random quizzes as they would SNQ either.
Mini events like you just described doesn't sound overly inclusive and wouldn't able to be done without some kind of instant communication (Skype/TS etc.). The last idea seems more suitable for the radio to do (and actually used to be a very common competition).
Ball is generally dependent on the layout. Will consider this for the next layout if it's suitable.
I enjoyed the spin the bottle and as above, will consider it next time.
Anyone who makes a layout can add a DJ area.

"It occurred to me over the last few weeks that SNQ may have become stale..." hahaha oh chris you really do have your eye on the ball don't you? SNQ has been stale for the past couple of years :P

Should it be replaced? Nope - it should be tweaked! The prizes are stale, there is no accumulation for those who win more than once, and pretty much everybody on the forum has won the forum award. It's very rare for me to talk zebbadi up but I must say that his alteration of snq to include an additional credit prize was one that I think would be welcomed back and would encourage more casual habbo-based hxhd visitors (i.e. not just the forum lurkers complaining here) to participate.

The team aspect is an exciting prospect that works to bring together real life quiz teams on a regular basis that I can see working well for this quiz. Logistical nightmare though considering googling and time limits but properly thought through would be fabulous. I think I recall Mathew having a regular pub quiz back in the day that was very enjoyable?

The questions have already been mentioned, they're bloody horrific. Usually it's honor-branch sat there asking siri what the answers are and garnering the lion's share of the points. Is there any way we can counter this? Can we have more habbo and habbox questions again? It used to be about 1/2 habbo/habbox and 1/2 GK - bring that back. Also - PC? Most modern habbo quizes have questions created based on topics of the players' choosing - Perhaps a couple of PC questions to change things around.

Empired mentioned mini quizzes - Hopeless (immenseman) did lots of these when he was staff and a good few of us found them enjoyable and stimulating. If any staff are struggling to fund small prizes for events like this either do them for fun or ask me for furniture.

To be honest, people seem to complain about VIP and it wouldn't be that unfeasible right now for a credit prize to be introduced. Personally, if it were to be a credit prize I'd like to see it be 1c a question or something along those lines.

I think I was the one who suggested the pub quiz because of Mathews :P Could just make it multiple choice and first answer by a team goes? I don't know I'm just chatting ideas here.

Should it be replaced? No.

Does it need improving? Yes.

You talk of disagreements, but all the disagreements come down to one thing. Bad hosting. Disagreements on who answered first? Bad hosting. Disagreements on the correct answer? Bad hosting. Disagreements on questions being too easy/hard/fast/slow? Bad hosting.

Do new SNQ hosts still sit in on previous SNQs before they can host? Personally I'm not a fan of half/half Habbo(x)/General Knowledge questions, since you could say it alienates those outside of Habbox and they would never have a chance of winning - but hey, when does someone outside of Habbox ever take part in SNQ anyway?

We also need to get rid of stupid questions that are ambiguous such as 'How many colours are there in the German flag? 2. Gold and Red, since Black isn't a colour' and classic wrong answers that people don't bother to check such as 'Largest desert in the world? Sahara'.

Some questions are ridiculously hard which turns the competition into fastest typer, but likewise, so do ridiculously easy questions. A good balance is needed.

Some sort of cumulative reward system needs setting up where repeat winners get something other than a month of VIP.

I agree that we could do something after the 15/20 minute quiz, basically an 'SNQ event' linked from the help desk. Kick wars? Hide and seek?

Not sure why people would want SNQ to be replaced when it's only taking up 20 minutes of a 7 day week. There's plenty of time to have other regular weekly events.

In all honesty when you talk about bad hosting, it seems more like you're using it as an excuse than it actually being bad hosting. Surprisingly, it's not always the hosts fault when something messes up and the people attending can be pretty bad sometimes that they will just complain about anything.

I don't see the issue with the desert one. If it comes up that much people should have learnt the answer by now and to SNQ shouldn't just be about fitting into what people are comfortable with. I like to throw in a few questions I know people won't know here and there as it means they might actually learn something. Plus it's hard to come up with something most people/everyone will probably know 20 times a week.

I remember last year some time, SNQ hosts would host an event after the quiz but this doesn't tend to happen as there isn't really an area suitable to host anything.

If you're struggling to find staff so much, introduce a guest SNQ host opportunity where anyone can PM whoever with the upcoming weeks they could host, sort out a week, and then they can write/be given their own questions.

At the very least it'll show others how hard the quiz is to host.

But I seriously am all up for it being scrapped entirely and replaced. Or at the very least we need other things to accompany it throughout the week. Simply having a Help Desk is no longer working for Habbox-- we need to combine the Help Desk with a lounge area new AND old users actually want to visit and return to.

Personally, I think having a guest host isn't a particularly bad idea in theory, but it's more a question of is the demand there? I'm not sure it is.

Oh I see what you meant now, sorry. Well, I agree with that but essentially, a lounge is just somewhere to sit and chill so the help desk can still do that. It would mean not ignoring new people, talking to them in a friendly and non-trollish way and gently persuading them to join Habbox. It doesn't work all the time but I think this sort of simple approach is much more effective than flashy events and whatever. Then again, HxHD is also fairly boring most of the time so I think adding a little game or something would be a good idea that's been done before (with fairly minimal interruption).

I don't think there's a problem with getting new members to join Habbox. I know plenty of people sign up and plenty apply for HxHD but then just vanish. So the bigger challenge is getting them to stay which I don't think is really down to HxHD/SNQ since these people tend to either just stop using Habbo or move to other parts of the hotel like militaries. Maybe HxHD should become HxHQ.

I don't think it'd really give off that much lag, or at least i've never experienced any in a ping pong game :P

I don't remember any Hogwarts lag either, what room was that?

One thing I know is that lag from wired is mainly generated from moving items, ping pong will only have one moving item really

Make a layout with it and post it in the relevant thread ;)

14-05-2015, 09:50 PM
That used to be the case. I'm not convinced it is anymore but I don't have any stats to confirm or deny these suspicions. Someone will have to go clarify and see. I used to think the 'Habbox is dying' argument was just scaremongering because there are two sides to Habbox: the Habbo (usually younger) and forum (usually older) community are different and the Habbo community usually stayed strong. Now, not so much.

Although it's certainly true there's only so much department managers can do. It really requires a more general approach to the issue.

14-05-2015, 10:35 PM
I think quiz could be held during the week when the helpdesk is often quiet and could make it a bit more lively

14-05-2015, 11:36 PM
can a quiz be held in the day time so i can come or nah

15-05-2015, 03:03 AM
I still think a themed SNQ could happen tbh. People are complaining that questions are the same or too easy or too hard. Aswell as it being the same winners. A themed one, where the 'same winner's' wouldn't always know the answer. I did the Eurovision last year with questions mainly about that, and they weren't all the common questions that I asked. It would keep it fresh I think atleast for a while. Either way people complain so to have a quiz that some people might not be interested in, others will be for a change. There are so many things you could do, Disney, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Games just to name a few. And there's so many questions in each that you could ask.

And the prize could be different or updated. People don't always want VIP, why not offer coins? Or tokens/rep points a little higher than what you get in events.

Oh and after each SNQ has happened, post the questions that have been asked recently into a thread and ask that people don't use these questions for a while. Could have a link to it in the thread you have with SNQ instructions.

15-05-2015, 03:41 AM
I still think a themed SNQ could happen tbh. People are complaining that questions are the same or too easy or too hard. Aswell as it being the same winners. A themed one, where the 'same winner's' wouldn't always know the answer. I did the Eurovision last year with questions mainly about that, and they weren't all the common questions that I asked. It would keep it fresh I think atleast for a while. Either way people complain so to have a quiz that some people might not be interested in, others will be for a change. There are so many things you could do, Disney, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Games just to name a few. And there's so many questions in each that you could ask.

And the prize could be different or updated. People don't always want VIP, why not offer coins? Or tokens/rep points a little higher than what you get in events.

Oh and after each SNQ has happened, post the questions that have been asked recently into a thread and ask that people don't use these questions for a while. Could have a link to it in the thread you have with SNQ instructions.
This was an idea I think you posted in the helpdesk staff thread last year and it sparked some thought about the idea of a widespread themed week throughout all departments. I still think it's a great idea and needs to be picked up and run with by every department in order to make it work. We have the occasional themed 2-3 week event and they always go down a treat. Why can't we have a fortnightly event that lasts a week that all depts are somehow involved in too?

also the hogwarts layout didn't lag because of wired, it lagged because it was hideously big.

15-05-2015, 08:26 AM
can a quiz be held in the day time so i can come or nah

probs nah. It would have to be like either morning time or really late evening in the UK time for us to go.

15-05-2015, 09:15 AM
I still think a themed SNQ could happen tbh. People are complaining that questions are the same or too easy or too hard. Aswell as it being the same winners. A themed one, where the 'same winner's' wouldn't always know the answer. I did the Eurovision last year with questions mainly about that, and they weren't all the common questions that I asked. It would keep it fresh I think atleast for a while. Either way people complain so to have a quiz that some people might not be interested in, others will be for a change. There are so many things you could do, Disney, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Games just to name a few. And there's so many questions in each that you could ask.

And the prize could be different or updated. People don't always want VIP, why not offer coins? Or tokens/rep points a little higher than what you get in events.

Oh and after each SNQ has happened, post the questions that have been asked recently into a thread and ask that people don't use these questions for a while. Could have a link to it in the thread you have with SNQ instructions.
I disagree. The last time I watched a themed SNQ it was a massive flop and people complained. (btw this was the first and last SNQ I hosted and I did a film quiz)

Then with the examples you put, I lit would know the answers to 1 of those examples. Not everyone likes the same thing so it's very unfair and I think people would complain more than they do now. Then you have to think of the hosts. What if one person only likes one thing? Like just take me for example. I like what, nothing really. I like Disney things and documentaries and that's pretty much it with me so one week I do a Disney quiz (which you do as an event so really, there is no point in us doing one) then the next week I do a boring as hell documentary quiz. That's me done. Can't do anymore now because I don't know anymore themes and I don't want to host it if I don't know the topic myself because how am I supposed to write questions? Get them from Google? Boring... We do that already.

So I think that's a bad idea.

I agree with the prize thing though.

So basically, I think it should change even though it would be sad. SNQ gets all the regular Habbox people in and that's it. We need something to attract other people and really, quizzes don't attract people (evidence is in a recent event I attended where only Habbox people were there really)

15-05-2015, 11:48 AM
I disagree. The last time I watched a themed SNQ it was a massive flop and people complained. (btw this was the first and last SNQ I hosted and I did a film quiz)

As an attendant and question editor of this particular quiz I feel I can shed a bit of light on that. The problem was not that it was themed, it was that the questions did not appeal to a wide enough audience and some of them were a little too cryptic. They were perfect questions for a themed pub quiz where time is given for conferring and deliberation within a team but not so great as quick-fires to sole participants whose knowledge on films (particularly those created before they were born!) is sketchy at best. I actually have them on file, so here they are for reference:

1. In which film does British rock star David Bowie star as a goblin king? ~~ Labyrinth
2. Detective Danny Reagan from Blue Bloods was in which American boy band? ~~ New Kids on the Block
3. What quirky, Icelandic singer, plays the Eastern European mother, Selma, in 'Dancer in the Dark'? ~~ Bjork
4. Sting, the English musician, plays Feyd-Rautha in what 1984 American Science fiction action film? ~~ Dune
5. Mila Kunis acts alongside what American singer in the 2011 film 'Friends with Benefits'? ~~ Justin Timberlake

It's in the Family!
6. Martin Sheen’s son Emilio Estevez plays Andrew Clark in what 1985 film? ~~ The Breakfast Club
7. What is the name of the character Sean Penn’s brother plays in the 1984 musical-drama Footloose? ~~ Wiliam Hewitt
8. Which American actress and singer is mother to Liza Minnelli? ~~ Judy Garland
9. What Karate Kid is the son of Will Smith? ~~ Jaden Smith
10. Patrick Swayze's brother has made appearances in TV shows such as NCIS. What's his name? Don Swayze

11. Which 2005 Disney Channel original movie is about teen figure skater Katelin Kingsford? ~~ Go Figure
12. In the Rocky films, what's the name of Rocky and Paulie's son? ~~ Robert (Jr)
13. The 1978 film 'Grand Slam' focuses on which rugby team? ~~ Wales [welsh]
14. What does 'Cool Runnings' actually mean? ~~ Peace be the journey
15. What American actor plays the rejected hockey player in the film 'Happy Gilmore'? ~~ Adam Sandler

16. What does the TV show HOUSE have in common with a small white MOUSE? ~~ Stuart little (Hugh Laurie)
17. Garfield isn’t Jon Arbuckle’s only pet. What is the name of his dog? ~~ Odie
18. 42 Wallaby Way in Sydney becomes home to which famous fish? ~~ Nemo
19. In the 1998 film 'A Bug's life', which insect is Francis? ~~ Ladybird
20. What American actress is th voice for Angie in 'Shark Tale'? ~~ Renee Zellweger

I remember the Stuart Little one taking noticeably long for people to figure out. Great question though! Like you said, this was your first quiz. You didn't know the format and you ran with it anyway - this is something that needs to be rectified for future hosts as Ozzinator suggested and better guidelines on hosting need to be given.

Then with the examples you put, I lit would know the answers to 1 of those examples. Not everyone likes the same thing so it's very unfair and I think people would complain more than they do now. Then you have to think of the hosts. What if one person only likes one thing? Like just take me for example. I like what, nothing really. I like Disney things and documentaries and that's pretty much it with me so one week I do a Disney quiz (which you do as an event so really, there is no point in us doing one) then the next week I do a boring as hell documentary quiz. That's me done. Can't do anymore now because I don't know anymore themes and I don't want to host it if I don't know the topic myself because how am I supposed to write questions? Get them from Google? Boring... We do that already.

Those topics are all quite specific, I agree, but there are ways around specificity by writing questions that are quite tenuously linked to the topic that might otherwise fall under another category. As an example, back in 2012 when Shockwave and I hosted an Olympics themed quiz we had questions like the chemical symbols for gold and silver, the capital of Qatar, and how many years there are in an Olympiad -- all Olympic themed in some way but not requiring in-depth knowledge of the subject. The problem of harder or more specific questions can be easily tackled by carrying the theme over a whole week rather than just twenty minutes so that it is in participants' minds and they might pick up some of the answers along the way. Holiday-themed quizzes are an example of how this works.

And just to add something to the discussion on additional events, there was an idea floating around last year about a mario kart/race that could begin in hxhd and change weekly that might fill up the rest of the time. A lot like the weekly race Inkwell had, except vetted more heavily to make it much fairer. Wired is very useful these days and there are lots of randomizers (banzais and random teleports) that could be put into place to ensure that first in =/= first out.

15-05-2015, 02:30 PM
No I agree my hosting skills were pants and then the way you look at the themes thing, I do agree. I wrote some smashing 2014 round up questions at the beginning of the year but then thinking about it, how many times could you do that sort of theme? There is a limited amount of holiday themed things you can do before we are back to the general knowledge and 'who is the current gm of habbox' questions.

but then taking all that away, like I said, the manager hates it and the three seniors hate it. When this was brought up in the senior+ forums before I think I was like the only one defending it at the time. After seeing all the staff members host it then complain about it in the staff chat after it and also be really hurt because of the way people reacted to them when they hosted it, I have changed how I feel about it.

But yes NO ONE WANTS TO HOST IT we can't host it without anyone to actually host it. It needs to be changed or something needs to take its place or we need staff who want to host it but that is probably harder to get than to create a new event

15-05-2015, 03:14 PM
In all honesty when you talk about bad hosting, it seems more like you're using it as an excuse than it actually being bad hosting. Surprisingly, it's not always the hosts fault when something messes up and the people attending can be pretty bad sometimes that they will just complain about anything.

I don't see the issue with the desert one. If it comes up that much people should have learnt the answer by now and to SNQ shouldn't just be about fitting into what people are comfortable with. I like to throw in a few questions I know people won't know here and there as it means they might actually learn something. Plus it's hard to come up with something most people/everyone will probably know 20 times a week.

I remember last year some time, SNQ hosts would host an event after the quiz but this doesn't tend to happen as there isn't really an area suitable to host anything.

So whose fault would it be then? Surely the host has a responsibility to make sure the answers to the questions they are reading are correct? And the host has a responsibility to check you got the answer correct first?

The issue with the desert one is that Sahara is wrong. This is what I'm on about. Hosts don't check answers and it causes issues.

15-05-2015, 03:33 PM
So whose fault would it be then? Surely the host has a responsibility to make sure the answers to the questions they are reading are correct? And the host has a responsibility to check you got the answer correct first?

The issue with the desert one is that Sahara is wrong. This is what I'm on about. Hosts don't check answers and it causes issues.

I'm not saying the host is blameless, but sometimes people like to go on about what is a minor issue.

Oh right I thought you meant the players would get it wrong. I can't say I've seen a question like that.

15-05-2015, 03:33 PM
I think the true problem with HxHD is that there are not enough blue man tube man furni due to Absently fixing the vote while drunk

15-05-2015, 03:55 PM
I'm always a bit bewildered when I see comments about hosts not wanting to do it because of how they're treated by event-goers because whenever I've been there (aside from a few times in about 100) it's gone off without a hitch. It seems that some form of confirmation bias is at least a little bit at play here. You're all banging on about everybody moaning and so come to expect it, and when it happens (even if it's very minor or said jokingly) that is what is held onto from the experience.

Ideally what needs to happen is for the manager and seniors to get behind the event by fixing any issues that are currently preventing them from enjoying it. Whether SNQ should continue isn't down to the participants, it's down to the hosts, and if they don't want to host it we need to figure out why and what, if anything, might make them want to.

31-05-2015, 11:09 AM
Any advancements in this area or was this let go? Pretty much everyone agreed that SNQ needs changing dramatically when it comes to prizes (easy to fix), hosting style, and trying to include new members (to name a few).

So dbgtz; Absently; and anyone else who has a say in this sort of thing, you've had two weeks to get ideas in place (I wouldn't expect them to be put into practice yet but you've had more than enough time to come up with and discuss different options for the way forward), so what have you come up with?

31-05-2015, 12:27 PM
PUB QUIZ PUB QUIZ lets do a pub quiz

31-05-2015, 12:34 PM
Any advancements in this area or was this let go? Pretty much everyone agreed that SNQ needs changing dramatically when it comes to prizes (easy to fix), hosting style, and trying to include new members (to name a few).

So dbgtz; Absently; and anyone else who has a say in this sort of thing, you've had two weeks to get ideas in place (I wouldn't expect them to be put into practice yet but you've had more than enough time to come up with and discuss different options for the way forward), so what have you come up with?

There is a thread in management asking about staff whether they'd like to participate in our new idea, you should check there :)

31-05-2015, 12:48 PM
There is a thread in management asking about staff whether they'd like to participate in our new idea, you should check there :)
Brill. Just wanted to make sure the idea hadn't been dropped!

The worst thing about being a member of the community but not being staff was always that you felt like you were left out of anything that ever happened. It's like when people say something is happening "behind the scenes" you just feel like you're being fobbed off because there are no visible changes to you. To non-staff it really does seem like absolutely nothing is happening. Super frustrating :(

31-05-2015, 12:55 PM
Brill. Just wanted to make sure the idea hadn't been dropped!

The worst thing about being a member of the community but not being staff was always that you felt like you were left out of anything that ever happened. It's like when people say something is happening "behind the scenes" you just feel like you're being fobbed off because there are no visible changes to you. To non-staff it really does seem like absolutely nothing is happening. Super frustrating :(

At the moment we don't want to announce it all in case it falls through and if barely anyone wants to participate, it'd be a bit rubbish then. Once we have an overall yes/no I'm sure there'll be more announced :)

31-05-2015, 12:57 PM
At the moment we don't want to announce it all in case it falls through and if barely anyone wants to participate, it'd be a bit rubbish then. Once we have an overall yes/no I'm sure there'll be more announced :)
Nah it's even good to just hear that management are actually discussing SOMETHING

03-06-2015, 06:09 PM
Nah its not been dropped, I just haven't had time as I've been away for the past week. We'll get the ball rolling with it again this week. :)

06-06-2015, 12:26 AM
Habbox Saturday Night Takeaway irl!!!!11

A bumper couple of hours on a Saturday night of special games/comps/onairquizzes and interactive stuffs to win some fantabulous prizes with heaps of advertising, bumped up prizes and lots of management involvement irl

No but in all seriously it would be good to see something fresh on a Saturday night I think to make people want to come online especially to take part! xD Whilst I do enjoy the SNQ when I've had chance to go, I do think it's over a bit quick sometimes and the format has become a bit stale. I really enjoyed the pub quiz style format that Mathew did for HxSS one year, making full use off the hour- although that does require a lot more questions and I know that sometimes proved difficult enough as it is! :P

Maybe a few gameshow style events could be thrown together to fill the slot or something haha, doesn't all have to be the same event I guess!

06-06-2015, 10:12 AM
Habbox Saturday Night Takeaway irl!!!!11

A bumper couple of hours on a Saturday night of special games/comps/onairquizzes and interactive stuffs to win some fantabulous prizes with heaps of advertising, bumped up prizes and lots of management involvement irl

No but in all seriously it would be good to see something fresh on a Saturday night I think to make people want to come online especially to take part! xD Whilst I do enjoy the SNQ when I've had chance to go, I do think it's over a bit quick sometimes and the format has become a bit stale. I really enjoyed the pub quiz style format that Mathew did for HxSS one year, making full use off the hour- although that does require a lot more questions and I know that sometimes proved difficult enough as it is! :P

Maybe a few gameshow style events could be thrown together to fill the slot or something haha, doesn't all have to be the same event I guess!

Saturday Night Takeaway would be so fun ahah. I wonder if we could come up with something for that.

06-06-2015, 06:00 PM
So are we having snq this week or not considering its 7 and the room is locked.
really great idea guys to cancel the only event people basically log on for and offer nothing as an alternative :)

06-06-2015, 06:20 PM
So are we having snq this week or not considering its 7 and the room is locked.
really great idea guys to cancel the only event people basically log on for and offer nothing as an alternative :)
the sass in this comment ahhhhHHHH I can practically HEAR kirst's fingers snapping in z formation

I actually completely forgot about SNQ though. I forget most weeks but normally come online at about 6:30 and someone goes "are you ready for SNQ???" and then I remember.

06-06-2015, 06:42 PM
So are we having snq this week or not considering its 7 and the room is locked.
really great idea guys to cancel the only event people basically log on for and offer nothing as an alternative :)

Yeah I agree, I only remembered at 6:50 and found no CNB and it wasn't booked on Habbox.com. I logged on just to find the new design being created, but it would have been nice to know it was actually cancelled/wasn't on/couldn't get a host (the latter probably not seeing as there was time to create the new design...)

06-06-2015, 09:21 PM
habbox saturday night takeaway sounds fab.

could have each department getting a timeslot, hxhd get to do a quiz for a prize, events something else, few dj comps. at end have all the departments donate a prize that then gets given out somehow.

06-06-2015, 10:16 PM
Shame about SNQ being cancelled tonight, but it happens I guess.

07-06-2015, 12:03 AM
no it doesnt happen

it's never been cancelled before

honestly feels like nobody cares lol

07-06-2015, 02:05 AM
Shame about SNQ being cancelled tonight, but it happens I guess.

Was anyone even intending to host it this week, as it's a little convenient that they were creating another layout the exact time it was on - the new layout thread was posted before the hour was up so surely it could have still be hosted? I know cancelling happens, I don't mind it being cancelled, but I'm just wondering why it wasn't on when potential hosts were online?

07-06-2015, 03:22 AM
Was anyone even intending to host it this week, as it's a little convenient that they were creating another layout the exact time it was on - the new layout thread was posted before the hour was up so surely it could have still be hosted? I know cancelling happens, I don't mind it being cancelled, but I'm just wondering why it wasn't on when potential hosts were online?
From what I have gathered from previous weeks the SNQ has become very disorganised. People host with very little preparation, dbgtz often writes the questions for them and frequently does so past 6pm. It used to be that questions had to be submitted 3 days in advance and checked by 2-3 people and all staff we encouraged to host. What has happened to force this bi gchange!?

If staff don't want to host in future then I'm happy to do so until an alternative format is properly discussed. The 7pm slot shouldn't just be allowed to become empty what the hell is going on with hxhd n habbox lately :S

07-06-2015, 09:20 AM
Shame about SNQ being cancelled tonight, but it happens I guess.

I can't think of one single instance where 'it happens'. It is literally ridiculous that this was the case, considering dbgtz and other staff were online at 7, that they chose to update the layout at this time and then read this thread and couldn't be arsed to post a reply. SNQ hasn't gone stale, we just have lazy ass management. If you can't cope with a weekly 20 question quiz then how are you going to pull of a bigger event. lmao

07-06-2015, 10:01 AM
It could've easily been done at a later time. I'm going to assume no-one was down to host this week so it'd have been missed either way. I'd have hosted it if I knew. My bad, shouldn't have assumed.

07-06-2015, 10:04 AM
It could've easily been done at a later time. I'm going to assume no-one was down to host this week so it'd have been missed either way. I'd have hosted it if I knew. My bad, shouldn't have assumed.
Is nobody asked to host in staff forums? Isn't there like, a timetable?

07-06-2015, 10:07 AM
It's usually asked in the HxHD skype chat but I have notifications turned off in the staff chats so I don't always see everything. It doesn't look like anyone asked this week.

07-06-2015, 11:14 AM
It's usually asked in the HxHD skype chat but I have notifications turned off in the staff chats so I don't always see everything. It doesn't look like anyone asked this week.

Lmao seriously? It shouldn't be asked on Skype as it is not official, and I don't see why it needs to be asked on there. It should be on the forum, like it was before as you need solid proof and knowledge of someone hosting it. Questions should be done days before, not less than an hour before as well, also the staff should be getting the questions not the manager who should be checking them, as if Tom got them wrong then who would check then? It seems somewhere down the line no one can be arsed to do it and no one is actually checking if it is being done properly.

The Help Desk isn't the busiest room on Habbo, but for the Saturday Night Quiz it gained some interest, even if it was only a couple of people - why should players be bothered about playing if the hosts can't be bothered to host or take time to host and do it right?

I don't think it needs scrapping, it needs some dedication and someone to say that's not right it shouldn't be done on Skype, questions should be done in advance etc. no wonder it seems stale.

07-06-2015, 11:21 AM
"I'll host it" is solid proof regardless of whether it's in skype or the forum. That's just nitpicking really (forums are not exactly the most easygoing method of communication and it's easier to get someone to host when the conversation is free-flowing rather than stilted). In fact, I actually think the opposite. Perhaps instead of staff chats, it might be easier to ask 1 person if they'd like to host. I think people like it more when they are approached personally.

07-06-2015, 11:23 AM
no it doesnt happen

it's never been cancelled before

honestly feels like nobody cares lol

I can't think of one single instance where 'it happens'. It is literally ridiculous that this was the case, considering dbgtz and other staff were online at 7, that they chose to update the layout at this time and then read this thread and couldn't be arsed to post a reply. SNQ hasn't gone stale, we just have lazy ass management. If you can't cope with a weekly 20 question quiz then how are you going to pull of a bigger event. lmao

Yes it does happen. Things get cancelled all the time, just because its never happened to SNQ it doesn't mean its not ever going to get cancelled. I'm not defending the actual reason for it's cancellation, I'm just saying that things do get cancelled for whatever reason.

I will see if anyone is interested in hosting SNQ tonight, and if they are not then I will run Pac-Man tonight instead to make up for it.

07-06-2015, 12:21 PM
Yes it does happen. Things get cancelled all the time, just because its never happened to SNQ it doesn't mean its not ever going to get cancelled. I'm not defending the actual reason for it's cancellation, I'm just saying that things do get cancelled for whatever reason.

I will see if anyone is interested in hosting SNQ tonight, and if they are not then I will run Pac-Man tonight instead to make up for it.

I'll host SundayNQ at 7pm, you host Pacman for the rest of the hour once it's done as a peace offering. #eventbros

07-06-2015, 01:38 PM
Habbox Saturday Night Takeaway irl!!!!11

A bumper couple of hours on a Saturday night of special games/comps/onairquizzes and interactive stuffs to win some fantabulous prizes with heaps of advertising, bumped up prizes and lots of management involvement irl

No but in all seriously it would be good to see something fresh on a Saturday night I think to make people want to come online especially to take part! xD Whilst I do enjoy the SNQ when I've had chance to go, I do think it's over a bit quick sometimes and the format has become a bit stale. I really enjoyed the pub quiz style format that Mathew did for HxSS one year, making full use off the hour- although that does require a lot more questions and I know that sometimes proved difficult enough as it is! http://www.habboxforum.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif

Maybe a few gameshow style events could be thrown together to fill the slot or something haha, doesn't all have to be the same event I guess!

Saturday Night Takeaway would be so fun ahah. I wonder if we could come up with something for that.

oi I've suggested saturday night takeaway like a million times for habbox ;l

so yes I think it would be excellent to make an event similar to that

07-06-2015, 01:56 PM
So are we having snq this week or not considering its 7 and the room is locked.
really great idea guys to cancel the only event people basically log on for and offer nothing as an alternative :)

No offence, but you rarely seem to actually participate and just tend to sit there and complain about how there's no staff behind the desk. Perhaps if you spent less time complaining, more people would feel inclined to host.

Was anyone even intending to host it this week, as it's a little convenient that they were creating another layout the exact time it was on - the new layout thread was posted before the hour was up so surely it could have still be hosted? I know cancelling happens, I don't mind it being cancelled, but I'm just wondering why it wasn't on when potential hosts were online?

I've been busy this week and only just got home yesterday. I may have been online but I wasn't particularly active in the process.

From what I have gathered from previous weeks the SNQ has become very disorganised. People host with very little preparation, dbgtz often writes the questions for them and frequently does so past 6pm. It used to be that questions had to be submitted 3 days in advance and checked by 2-3 people and all staff we encouraged to host. What has happened to force this bi gchange!?

If staff don't want to host in future then I'm happy to do so until an alternative format is properly discussed. The 7pm slot shouldn't just be allowed to become empty what the hell is going on with hxhd n habbox lately :S

The latest I did it was at 3pm I believe. This was a week I had exams so sorry for prioritising my education :)

I can't think of one single instance where 'it happens'. It is literally ridiculous that this was the case, considering dbgtz and other staff were online at 7, that they chose to update the layout at this time and then read this thread and couldn't be arsed to post a reply. SNQ hasn't gone stale, we just have lazy ass management. If you can't cope with a weekly 20 question quiz then how are you going to pull of a bigger event. lmao

I also wrote the questions for 2 of the weeks I didn't host. Fancy telling me again how lazy I am? Not replying instantly =/= lazy. I do have other things to do, as much as that may shock you.

Lmao seriously? It shouldn't be asked on Skype as it is not official, and I don't see why it needs to be asked on there. It should be on the forum, like it was before as you need solid proof and knowledge of someone hosting it. Questions should be done days before, not less than an hour before as well, also the staff should be getting the questions not the manager who should be checking them, as if Tom got them wrong then who would check then? It seems somewhere down the line no one can be arsed to do it and no one is actually checking if it is being done properly.

The Help Desk isn't the busiest room on Habbo, but for the Saturday Night Quiz it gained some interest, even if it was only a couple of people - why should players be bothered about playing if the hosts can't be bothered to host or take time to host and do it right?

I don't think it needs scrapping, it needs some dedication and someone to say that's not right it shouldn't be done on Skype, questions should be done in advance etc. no wonder it seems stale.

For as long as I've been staff, it's been done on Skype. The difference is now, nobody actually volunteers to host. A good chunk of staff also work on Saturdays, so that can't be avoided. Also, see my answer to Kyle. The reason it seems stale is because it's been the same format for god knows how long at this point, nothing to do with when the questions are done.

"I'll host it" is solid proof regardless of whether it's in skype or the forum. That's just nitpicking really (forums are not exactly the most easygoing method of communication and it's easier to get someone to host when the conversation is free-flowing rather than stilted). In fact, I actually think the opposite. Perhaps instead of staff chats, it might be easier to ask 1 person if they'd like to host. I think people like it more when they are approached personally.

Why not host it any other week? No offence, but you seem up for hosting now it's all public but never offer any other week. It's no big secret it's hard to get hosts for SNQ. I also don't see who it would be easier for to ask 1 person at a time than ask everyone at once.

07-06-2015, 01:57 PM
wtf red always participates you liar

snq needs to be taken outside of hxhd to attract new people and needs better prizes

07-06-2015, 02:03 PM
I'm not going to pretend hosting SNQ is fun (I hate coming up with the questions) or that I do it frequently. I will however step in if I am asked to rather than it being missed completely. Tommy asked me and I said yes. I find it's harder for people to reject a personal request rather than asking the whole group (psychologically, it's called diffusion of responsibility).

07-06-2015, 02:06 PM
No offence, but you rarely seem to actually participate and just tend to sit there and complain about how there's no staff behind the desk. Perhaps if you spent less time complaining, more people would feel inclined to host.

I've been busy this week and only just got home yesterday. I may have been online but I wasn't particularly active in the process.

The latest I did it was at 3pm I believe. This was a week I had exams so sorry for prioritising my education :)

I also wrote the questions for 2 of the weeks I didn't host. Fancy telling me again how lazy I am? Not replying instantly =/= lazy. I do have other things to do, as much as that may shock you.

For as long as I've been staff, it's been done on Skype. The difference is now, nobody actually volunteers to host. A good chunk of staff also work on Saturdays, so that can't be avoided. Also, see my answer to Kyle. The reason it seems stale is because it's been the same format for god knows how long at this point, nothing to do with when the questions are done.

Why not host it any other week? No offence, but you seem up for hosting now it's all public but never offer any other week. It's no big secret it's hard to get hosts for SNQ. I also don't see who it would be easier for to ask 1 person at a time than ask everyone at once.

Get a grip. On ONE occasion, @Empired (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=80588); and I commented on why you were making staff leave the areas to host the snq, and funnily enough someone came in asking for help that time. If I don't speak that's because half the answers are ridiculous google based, but any time I'm there I usually try to answer at least one, and get entered into the raffle. Also what happened to the monthly snq raffle. I never see anything posted about the winner. And you have the audacity to say any time i'm there I don't speak; more like any time you you are in there, you are sat on an afk seat lmao.

07-06-2015, 02:42 PM
Get a grip. On ONE occasion, @Empired (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=80588); and I commented on why you were making staff leave the areas to host the snq, and funnily enough someone came in asking for help that time. If I don't speak that's because half the answers are ridiculous google based, but any time I'm there I usually try to answer at least one, and get entered into the raffle. Also what happened to the monthly snq raffle. I never see anything posted about the winner. And you have the audacity to say any time i'm there I don't speak; more like any time you you are in there, you are sat on an afk seat lmao.

I'm certain you've said it on multiple occasions, because I always tell you to PM me since I'm, you know, hosting and was willing to discuss it with you at another time.
When you say "google based", are you saying I got questions from Google or that you need Google to answer them (or both?).
Yes the raffle is still in place with May still to be drawn.
I also never actually said you didn't speak so not sure why you're randomly attacking me on that. The reason I would sit on the idle seats is because a) better to have people in there and b) if I'm doing something else and not looking at Habbo and something happens, I can go and read all the chat logs and essentially monitor the room.

07-06-2015, 02:48 PM
And I'm certain that it was raised the once in the desk, and yes that was your response. The only other time it was mentioned was in a thread somewhere and I don't remember seeing you respond to it, or provide a valid reason why it was done. I mean you need to google to find the answer. Where are the winners being posted? There was a thread that used to be updated. You said I don't participate. I equated that with not speaking during the quiz.

07-06-2015, 02:58 PM
Inseriousity.; it might be easier, but it is not a rule that you need to be in the staff Skype chat, so someone could be missing out on hosting it. Understandably, if they want to host they could ask management, but it should be seen by staff on the forum as surely they should be active on it.
dbgtz; yeah everyone needs time away, but you have 3 senior staff, and 2 managers above you, so surely one of them could have sorted it out?

07-06-2015, 03:05 PM
A Habbox awards show would be great where we can all attend as guests and there be awards to different staff, users and an award to a another official fansite :P

07-06-2015, 04:36 PM
wtf red always participates you liar

snq needs to be taken outside of hxhd to attract new people and needs better prizes

Agree with this. Make a proper weekly snq event room, will get outsiders coming in to play!

07-06-2015, 05:00 PM
wtf red always participates you liar

snq needs to be taken outside of hxhd to attract new people and needs better prizes
I agree but isn't that just called Trivia?? The Events Department host it.

07-06-2015, 05:04 PM
I agree but isn't that just called Trivia?? The Events Department host it.

Every time I've attended an event called 'trivia' there's all this spam of 'g hd n a rt o p ft 90s pop wc h' before a question gets asked.

07-06-2015, 05:16 PM
I agree but isn't that just called Trivia?? The Events Department host it.

no? trivias and snq are completely different

like kardan said in trivia, people can pick the themes like wc, gaw, stb, n3 etc

the quiz is just a quiz with actual questions

and yes snq needs to be given to events dept! the quality of snq has declined significantly over the last few months

07-06-2015, 05:34 PM
And I'm certain that it was raised the once in the desk, and yes that was your response. The only other time it was mentioned was in a thread somewhere and I don't remember seeing you respond to it, or provide a valid reason why it was done. I mean you need to google to find the answer. Where are the winners being posted? There was a thread that used to be updated. You said I don't participate. I equated that with not speaking during the quiz.

I don't recall seeing it in this thread so I will have a look for that later.
I'm unaware of a thread truth be told.
Well that's not what I meant and if that was what I meant, your argument that I use the idle seats wouldn't make much sense.

Inseriousity.; it might be easier, but it is not a rule that you need to be in the staff Skype chat, so someone could be missing out on hosting it. Understandably, if they want to host they could ask management, but it should be seen by staff on the forum as surely they should be active on it.
dbgtz; yeah everyone needs time away, but you have 3 senior staff, and 2 managers above you, so surely one of them could have sorted it out?

Part of the role of senior is to ask people to host and, as far as I can tell, they do ask.

07-06-2015, 06:06 PM
Thomas, it is completely understandable for you to put your education first and have time away to do so, in fact I'd be worried if you didn't. When time(s) comes for you to be away though for whatever reason, it is important to have good communication with your seniors (and for them to communicate well with each other) - to let them know what needs to be done in the department while you're gone and also for them to work together to get tasks done (so something like this can be avoided). Also communicate with general management as seniors have things they can't do that you can do as a manager and also so don't things don't get so crazy.

The reason it seems stale is because it's been the same format for god knows how long at this point, nothing to do with when the questions are done.

Be creative to spice it up. I know you have that creativity in you rice boy.

07-06-2015, 06:26 PM
Thomas, it is completely understandable for you to put your education first and have time away to do so, in fact I'd be worried if you didn't. When time(s) comes for you to be away though for whatever reason, it is important to have good communication with your seniors (and for them to communicate well with each other) - to let them know what needs to be done in the department while you're gone and also for them to work together to get tasks done (so something like this can be avoided). Also communicate with general management as seniors have things they can't do that you can do as a manager and also so don't things don't get so crazy.

Be creative to spice it up. I know you have that creativity in you rice boy.

I have made it well aware they need to get people to host, and they have tried to do so as far as I can tell. I have hosted or written questions many times recently because nobody would like to host, despite being asked. The problem is not people aren't being pushed to host, the problem is people just do not want to host. I suspect part of the reason you replied is to do with inseriousity. and It's all well and good for him to offer to host now it's gone **** up, but where was he offering the last 8 weeks? Or the past few months in fact. Possibly down to the fact he doesn't log in on Saturday nights like most other staff? Not sure, that's for him to say.

In regard to the second point, it's up to (a)gm to change at this point.

07-06-2015, 06:41 PM
I have made it well aware they need to get people to host, and they have tried to do so as far as I can tell. I have hosted or written questions many times recently because nobody would like to host, despite being asked. The problem is not people aren't being pushed to host, the problem is people just do not want to host. I suspect part of the reason you replied is to do with inseriousity. and It's all well and good for him to offer to host now it's gone **** up, but where was he offering the last 8 weeks? Or the past few months in fact. Possibly down to the fact he doesn't log in on Saturday nights like most other staff? Not sure, that's for him to say.

In regard to the second point, it's up to (a)gm to change at this point.

I love it when the manager turns on their staff :).

The thing is though, I don't believe Rosy was trying to say that you aren't pushing them or whatever as obviously she can't see behind the scenes, but sure having advice from an ex Help Desk Manager, who was been in your shoes and know what it's like is a good thing? She probably replied because it is feedback, she is entitled to say what she wishes and if she did so because of Mike who cares? You're saying to him why hasn't he bothered offering to host for the past 8 weeks - you answered your own question, perhaps it's because 'they don't want to'. It's not a requirement for them to host the Saturday Night Quiz, nor should it be. May I ask is there any requirements for Senior+ hosting say 1 event/quiz once a month in the Help Desk? If not maybe it's something to consider as it could possibly help the department!

Also, it might be up to the AGMs to tweak it so it works, but there is nothing stopping you giving feedback as after all you should have a say in what they want to change, what they don't and whether you agree or disagree. However, I have a feeling you might have done so already as there's a management discussion thread according to form!

07-06-2015, 06:44 PM
You need to calm down, you're getting annoyed.

I'm really disappointed by your attitude right now. I'm telling you this and replying to the thread (this isn't the first time I have replied to a feedback thread about HxHD Tom) because I want to see HxHD improve and be the best it can be, so do others in this thread.

07-06-2015, 07:00 PM
Rosy and I have not dated for a while now so her replying has nothing to do with me and everything to do with being a former HxHD manager. I volunteered to host SNQ a couple of weeks ago if you'd give me the questions but you said you were hosting it (which was fair enough). The cynic in me would suggest that you realised you hadn't tried to get anyone to host SNQ this week so the building session was timed to coincide with SNQ and hope that no-one would care enough to post about it. You've been deflecting ever since. I have never pretended to be HxHD Staff of the Month. It is commonly known that I usually do all my hours on a Sunday (although I have tried recently to change that and spread my hours out) and that I only do the minimum hours required but it seems to have been forgotten that I volunteer more than frequently for other events the department hosts including almost every day at the Zombie Run and the Hogwarts Triwizard tournament. It is an exceptionally weak argument to deflect a fair point that Rosy makes and to turn it onto me and my flaws and I expected better from you.

07-06-2015, 07:12 PM
I like Sam's suggestions, but I know that Lauren can't do any Saturday night event because she works until 10pm so if it were to become a requirement, she'd be completely unable to fulfil it.

The feedback in this thread is all fair, I'm not sure why it has become more of a personal attack, but hey ho.
It just needs some va va voom/variety to liven it up a bit.

I know I say this a lot, but I loved the Zombie Run. It added an extra element of competition for those taking part and staff also got added hours. I know on paper it'd be hard to get that many staff members involved, but I had a blast. It added a bit more an interaction between everyone.

07-06-2015, 07:17 PM
i love zombie run but could you just imagine the screaming WTF HE DIDNT KILL ME HE WAS 5 SPACES AWAY FROM ME UGH I HATE HABBOX

i think a weekly/monthly LMS would be good and a scavenger hunt! they are so popular and make ppl sign up to collect their prizes

07-06-2015, 07:17 PM
I like Sam's suggestions, but I know that Lauren can't do any Saturday night event because she works until 10pm so if it were to become a requirement, she'd be completely unable to fulfil it.

The feedback in this thread is all fair, I'm not sure why it has become more of a personal attack, but hey ho.
It just needs some va va voom/variety to liven it up a bit.

I know I say this a lot, but I loved the Zombie Run. It added an extra element of competition for those taking part and staff also got added hours. I know on paper it'd be hard to get that many staff members involved, but I had a blast. It added a bit more an interaction between everyone.

Don't worry I meant any time in the month as I know it's hard to tie yourself down to 1 specific time/day :D.

07-06-2015, 07:28 PM
I don't recall seeing it in this thread so I will have a look for that later.
I'm unaware of a thread truth be told.
Well that's not what I meant and if that was what I meant, your argument that I use the idle seats wouldn't make much sense.

When we introduced the raffle, I created a stickied snq raffle winner thread in cnb and just updated it each month. I think other managers might have just posted a new thread each time though. Rosy's points are really fair. Of course education comes first and everyone needs time off during exams but its your responsibility to ask management or seniors to step up in your place when you are busy. I don't see how this applies to yesterday though as you were online creating a desk layout when snq should have been hosted. If you can't get no one to host, why not see if its possible to include it as one of their job responsibilities, but special consideration given to those international staff or people who definitely are not able to make it. We used to have a good variety of questions, now they all seem that you need to google to get the answer. The best type of questions and quizzes are the ones where a lot of people know the answers and its a rush to get the answer. People mentioned mathews pub quiz. The reason why that worked so well was not only because of the group format but because mathews questions were always simple gk that a lot of people knew the answer to, instead of questions that you needed to google to find the answer.

07-06-2015, 07:29 PM
Only a bad workman blames his tools.

For some reason I really enjoyed SNQ tonight (no, not just because I won). It just seemed more much relaxed and idk who wrote the questions but this has been one of the only quizzes in a long time that hasn't left me really frustrated.

07-06-2015, 07:30 PM
Only a bad workman blames his tools.

For some reason I really enjoyed SNQ tonight (no, not just because I won). It just seemed more much relaxed and idk who wrote the questions but this has been one of the only quizzes in a long time that hasn't left me really frustrated.

Yeah I liked it too, which I told Mike himself and said he was a good host. I didn't agree with one of the answers to one of the questions, but I understood where it wasn't allowed as well and didn't fly off the handle. The atmosphere was a lot better than usual!

07-06-2015, 07:49 PM
Thanks guys. Personally, I'm not a fan of the fastest typer quizzes where everyone knows the answer. I think it's good to have a balance between simple general knowledge and more specialised questions that seperate the winners from the losers.

07-06-2015, 07:52 PM
I love it when the manager turns on their staff :).

The thing is though, I don't believe Rosy was trying to say that you aren't pushing them or whatever as obviously she can't see behind the scenes, but sure having advice from an ex Help Desk Manager, who was been in your shoes and know what it's like is a good thing? She probably replied because it is feedback, she is entitled to say what she wishes and if she did so because of Mike who cares? You're saying to him why hasn't he bothered offering to host for the past 8 weeks - you answered your own question, perhaps it's because 'they don't want to'. It's not a requirement for them to host the Saturday Night Quiz, nor should it be. May I ask is there any requirements for Senior+ hosting say 1 event/quiz once a month in the Help Desk? If not maybe it's something to consider as it could possibly help the department!

Also, it might be up to the AGMs to tweak it so it works, but there is nothing stopping you giving feedback as after all you should have a say in what they want to change, what they don't and whether you agree or disagree. However, I have a feeling you might have done so already as there's a management discussion thread according to form!

I'm not turning on him and it wasn't meant to be an attack. It's OK if he doesn't want to host, just like any other staff. I can't really introduce your suggestion since there's 4 senior+ atm and 4-5 weeks per month, so it would mean actual staff would rarely be given the opportunity and at the end of the day, we're not the events department so we shouldn't be outright forcing people to host. I have given plenty of feedback on SNQ/the weekly event and there was lots done before me as far as I can tell.

You need to calm down, you're getting annoyed.

I'm really disappointed by your attitude right now. I'm telling you this and replying to the thread (this isn't the first time I have replied to a feedback thread about HxHD Tom) because I want to see HxHD improve and be the best it can be, so do others in this thread.

I am somewhat frustrated, yes and I apologise for mentioning something irrelevant to this thread.

Rosy and I have not dated for a while now so her replying has nothing to do with me and everything to do with being a former HxHD manager. I volunteered to host SNQ a couple of weeks ago if you'd give me the questions but you said you were hosting it (which was fair enough). The cynic in me would suggest that you realised you hadn't tried to get anyone to host SNQ this week so the building session was timed to coincide with SNQ and hope that no-one would care enough to post about it. You've been deflecting ever since. I have never pretended to be HxHD Staff of the Month. It is commonly known that I usually do all my hours on a Sunday (although I have tried recently to change that and spread my hours out) and that I only do the minimum hours required but it seems to have been forgotten that I volunteer more than frequently for other events the department hosts including almost every day at the Zombie Run and the Hogwarts Triwizard tournament. It is an exceptionally weak argument to deflect a fair point that Rosy makes and to turn it onto me and my flaws and I expected better from you.

When I said hosting, I was including the questions in that. The questions are the part which takes the most time. If I forgot to get a host, I would simply host myself. The building session was done then (it actually started at around 4pm, I did not anticipate it to take 4ish hours to do) because it was the first time me, Plebings and Matt were on at the same time. Yes, as I said elsewhere in this post I was pretty frustrated, it was irrelevant to the discussion and it was uncalled for, so sorry for that.

I like Sam's suggestions, but I know that Lauren can't do any Saturday night event because she works until 10pm so if it were to become a requirement, she'd be completely unable to fulfil it.

The feedback in this thread is all fair, I'm not sure why it has become more of a personal attack, but hey ho.
It just needs some va va voom/variety to liven it up a bit.

I know I say this a lot, but I loved the Zombie Run. It added an extra element of competition for those taking part and staff also got added hours. I know on paper it'd be hard to get that many staff members involved, but I had a blast. It added a bit more an interaction between everyone.

Not sure if I need to reply to this but I will anyway just in case :P I know she works so, like with anyone else who can't do Saturdays (which is a lot of people), I don't expect her to do so.

When we introduced the raffle, I created a stickied snq raffle winner thread in cnb and just updated it each month. I think other managers might have just posted a new thread each time though. Rosy's points are really fair. Of course education comes first and everyone needs time off during exams but its your responsibility to ask management or seniors to step up in your place when you are busy. I don't see how this applies to yesterday though as you were online creating a desk layout when snq should have been hosted. If you can't get no one to host, why not see if its possible of including it was one of the job responsibilities and special consideration to those international staff or people who deffo are not able to make it. We used to have a good variety of questions, now they all seem that you need to google to get the answer. The best type of questions and quizzes are the ones where a lot of people know the answers and its a rush to get the answer. People mentioned mathews pub quiz. The reason why that worked so well was not only because of the group format but because mathews questions were always simple gk that a lot of people knew the answer to, instead of questions that you needed to google to find the answer.

Ahh ok that's completely my error then. I'll look into doing this from now on. I was online, yes, but as I previously stated I wasn't overly active since I had just got back from uni. I don't want it as a responsibility because at the end of the day, this isn't the events department (also there would be more special considerations than otherwise :P). I don't see how my questions aren't varied, even if they do require google for some. The two aren't mutually exclusive and because you needed to Google doesn't mean it's also a Google question for everybody, but I see your point about being well known. The last quiz I wrote (which I believe Hannah hosted) I tried to rely less on what I knew and had a better look around for questions and it seemed to be better received so yes I can appreciate the last comment.

Only a bad workman blames his tools.

For some reason I really enjoyed SNQ tonight (no, not just because I won). It just seemed more much relaxed and idk who wrote the questions but this has been one of the only quizzes in a long time that hasn't left me really frustrated.

I'm not sure who or what you think I'm blaming here.

07-06-2015, 07:58 PM
I'm probably just being forgetful but why was the idea of community hosting dropped? Doesn't need to be available every week but I still think it would be a nice idea and can't think of any drawbacks. The questions would still have to be written by HxHD staff I think to minimise the possibility of leaking of questions and the person could be given the questions last minute. I still think it would show the community that hosting SNQ isn't the walk in the park they imagine it to be. (Or perhaps they'll find it is. That would be interesting but still beneficial.)

What about department takeovers? They used to happen a while ago where very occasionally another department (I think the time I'm thinking of was when the forum dept took over) would take over SNQ for a week and do questions related to their own area.

07-06-2015, 08:01 PM
I'm not turning on him and it wasn't meant to be an attack. It's OK if he doesn't want to host, just like any other staff. I can't really introduce your suggestion since there's 4 senior+ atm and 4-5 weeks per month, so it would mean actual staff would rarely be given the opportunity and at the end of the day, we're not the events department so we shouldn't be outright forcing people to host. I have given plenty of feedback on SNQ/the weekly event and there was lots done before me as far as I can tell.

Just because you're not the Events Department doesn't mean you can't showcase what your department has to offer or what it actually does. I understand you're the Help Desk, but we have to write competitions in moderation, HxL Head+ need to host events, there's nothing wrong with branching out and expanding what the department is capable of. There's not always a surge of people needing help, so when there isn't the staff can just sit around twiddling their thumbs for the remainder of their hours when they could easily do something and also gain hours for it as well.

Also, there are 28-31 days in a month, you currently have 4 senior+ staff so that at the very least will be 24 days for the other staff to do something, and seeing as they have to be active within 21 days before being dismissed, I'm sure they might think of something (if they want to of course). I believe there's a reward scheme in place, so this could tie in nicely if they like the incentives the department offers.

07-06-2015, 08:17 PM
I'm probably just being forgetful but why was the idea of community hosting dropped? Doesn't need to be available every week but I still think it would be a nice idea and can't think of any drawbacks. The questions would still have to be written by HxHD staff I think to minimise the possibility of leaking of questions and the person could be given the questions last minute. I still think it would show the community that hosting SNQ isn't the walk in the park they imagine it to be. (Or perhaps they'll find it is. That would be interesting but still beneficial.)

What about department takeovers? They used to happen a while ago where very occasionally another department (I think the time I'm thinking of was when the forum dept took over) would take over SNQ for a week and do questions related to their own area.

Part of the grind comes from the questions. Anybody can host then say "oh don't blame me I didn't write the questions". Plus, it would make literally no difference as far as leaking is concerned in my opinion and if it was to happen, it would have to be to more trusted, well known members only. It's not been outright ignored as an idea, there's just no point considering it when SNQ is in limbo.

Just because you're not the Events Department doesn't mean you can't showcase what your department has to offer or what it actually does. I understand you're the Help Desk, but we have to write competitions in moderation, HxL Head+ need to host events, there's nothing wrong with branching out and expanding what the department is capable of. There's not always a surge of people needing help, so when there isn't the staff can just sit around twiddling their thumbs for the remainder of their hours when they could easily do something and also gain hours for it as well.

Also, there are 28-31 days in a month, you currently have 4 senior+ staff so that at the very least will be 24 days for the other staff to do something, and seeing as they have to be active within 21 days before being dismissed, I'm sure they might think of something (if they want to of course). I believe there's a reward scheme in place, so this could tie in nicely if they like the incentives the department offers.

I know, but I feel if we forced people to do events then it would make people resign/not apply in the first place. There is something under discussion currently which will allow for more opportunities for staff to host more flexibly though, should they wish.

07-06-2015, 08:25 PM
Part of the grind comes from the questions. Anybody can host then say "oh don't blame me I didn't write the questions". Plus, it would make literally no difference as far as leaking is concerned in my opinion and if it was to happen, it would have to be to more trusted, well known members only. It's not been outright ignored as an idea, there's just no point considering it when SNQ is in limbo.
No hosts > SNQ is in limbo as no one wants to host > no point in offering the opportunity to host to more people because snq is in limbo > no hosts

I don't really see what you've got to lose by offering other people the opportunity to host. SNQ is already failing as you've said, so what are you trying to protect?

07-06-2015, 08:27 PM
I think a lot of the issue here isn't that people don't want to host, but can't at that specific day/time. So my proposal is, maybe move it to a Sunday? A lot of people who work on Saturdays are usually around on Sundays (not all the time) there is nothing wrong with SNQ as a format but it just seems it is the lack of hosts which is even bringing the idea of SNQ changing. Wispur was looking for a day/time for his Pac-man weekly, would the current SNQ time suit better? Just my two cents worth.

Ps, communication is key. If you can't host SNQ post it as soon as you realise on the forum. People will be unhappy either way but atleast you tried your best to tell us.

07-06-2015, 08:29 PM
No hosts > SNQ is in limbo as no one wants to host > no point in offering the opportunity to host to more people because snq is in limbo > no hosts

I don't really see what you've got to lose by offering other people the opportunity to host. SNQ is already failing as you've said, so what are you trying to protect?

Fair point. Well if Wispur; is OK with it then I will sort something out ASAP.

I think a lot of the issue here isn't that people don't want to host, but can't at that specific day/time. So my proposal is, maybe move it to a Sunday? A lot of people who work on Saturdays are usually around on Sundays (not all the time) there is nothing wrong with SNQ as a format but it just seems it is the lack of hosts which is even bringing the idea of SNQ changing. Wispur was looking for a day/time for his Pac-man weekly, would the current SNQ time suit better? Just my two cents worth.

I feel like it was suggested one time a fair while back and it wasn't well received. I think the best idea, if it was to move day, would be to get people to vote in a poll but I think people do want a weekly Saturday event regardless.

07-06-2015, 08:35 PM
Fair point. Well if Wispur; is OK with it then I will sort something out ASAP.

I feel like it was suggested one time a fair while back and it wasn't well received. I think the best idea, if it was to move day, would be to get people to vote in a poll but I think people do want a weekly Saturday event regardless.

I agree an event will need to take the 7pm slot on Saturdays, which is why I wondered about the Pac-man thing. Or, how about even though the SNQ takes place same time, same day, same place, you could ask an events host to host it? There are so many solutions, you just need to be prepared to take a risk and tweak what needs fixing.

07-06-2015, 09:19 PM
Graphics isn't an events department either but their success under Drew came with increased community involvement. As the help side of hxhd becomes more and more redundant it needs to shift its main focus and snq is one of its main features - if people aren't hosting, put it in their monthly targets in their reports.

Questions take an hour at the absolute maximum to write and there are all manner of resources available in the staff forums for those unable to think them up without guidance. Perhaps reorganise/rewrite guides so that staff are more at ease when it comes to writing questions and hosting the quiz.

07-06-2015, 09:20 PM
I think a lot of the issue here isn't that people don't want to host, but can't at that specific day/time. So my proposal is, maybe move it to a Sunday? A lot of people who work on Saturdays are usually around on Sundays (not all the time) there is nothing wrong with SNQ as a format but it just seems it is the lack of hosts which is even bringing the idea of SNQ changing. Wispur was looking for a day/time for his Pac-man weekly, would the current SNQ time suit better? Just my two cents worth.

Ps, communication is key. If you can't host SNQ post it as soon as you realise on the forum. People will be unhappy either way but atleast you tried your best to tell us.

For years now, people have suggested having another quiz on a weekday, a non-bst time etc. and nothing has ever really come about from it. Understandable people do work, but it's had hosts for that time slot for years now, so it must be ok for most of them. I would go with other people and have 2 quizzes or another event that others that can't host SNQ could make, at least then it would be varied. Although, I think 7pm on a Saturday isn't too bad, if you go changing it though then you have the problem for those who can host at that time, but not the time it's changed to - understandably not everyone can be pleased and it can't fit for everyone, but I guess we don't know unless we try.

Also, dbgtz; you shouldn't have to force your staff members if they want to work in the department - they should ideally want to do stuff and I know you said you do anyway, but instead of forcing suggests and recommend they do this or that.

07-06-2015, 09:21 PM
For years now, people have suggested having another quiz on a weekday, a non-bst time etc. and nothing has ever really come about from it. Understandable people do work, but it's had hosts for that time slot for years now, so it must be ok for most of them. I would go with other people and have 2 quizzes or another event that others that can't host SNQ could make, at least then it would be varied. Although, I think 7pm on a Saturday isn't too bad, if you go changing it though then you have the problem for those who can host at that time, but not the time it's changed to - understandably not everyone can be pleased and it can't fit for everyone, but I guess we don't know unless we try.
There was a quiz hosted by ekelektra and australian times but it didn't garner much interest.

07-06-2015, 09:22 PM
Perhaps offer staff the choice between hosting on a Sunday or hosting on a Saturday. So the quiz will always be at 7pm but it could be Sunday OR Saturday.

07-06-2015, 09:23 PM
There was a quiz hosted by ekelektra and australian times but it didn't garner much interest.

Yeah I remember the idea for it, but the international side wasn't too big back then. However, it was only a few months ago that they needed to get an International Senior just because there were so many international staff, is this still high in numbers dbgtz;? Perhaps, if it is then something could be done on that side too.

07-06-2015, 10:25 PM
Fair point. Well if Wispur; is OK with it then I will sort something out ASAP.

Sounds good to me, give it a go. :)

07-06-2015, 10:45 PM
Graphics isn't an events department either but their success under Drew came with increased community involvement. As the help side of hxhd becomes more and more redundant it needs to shift its main focus and snq is one of its main features - if people aren't hosting, put it in their monthly targets in their reports.

Questions take an hour at the absolute maximum to write and there are all manner of resources available in the staff forums for those unable to think them up without guidance. Perhaps reorganise/rewrite guides so that staff are more at ease when it comes to writing questions and hosting the quiz.

I never said HxHD shouldn't host events, I said it shouldn't be forced. Also SNQ was in a lot of targets (pretty much everyone excluding those who cannot host).

For years now, people have suggested having another quiz on a weekday, a non-bst time etc. and nothing has ever really come about from it. Understandable people do work, but it's had hosts for that time slot for years now, so it must be ok for most of them. I would go with other people and have 2 quizzes or another event that others that can't host SNQ could make, at least then it would be varied. Although, I think 7pm on a Saturday isn't too bad, if you go changing it though then you have the problem for those who can host at that time, but not the time it's changed to - understandably not everyone can be pleased and it can't fit for everyone, but I guess we don't know unless we try.

Also, dbgtz; you shouldn't have to force your staff members if they want to work in the department - they should ideally want to do stuff and I know you said you do anyway, but instead of forcing suggests and recommend they do this or that.

I couldn't comment on the non-BST quiz since that was probably long before I was even HxHD staff :P I'm not sure what you're on about in the last point either.

Yeah I remember the idea for it, but the international side wasn't too big back then. However, it was only a few months ago that they needed to get an International Senior just because there were so many international staff, is this still high in numbers dbgtz;? Perhaps, if it is then something could be done on that side too.

International staff numbers are fairly weak at the moment.

Sounds good to me, give it a go. :)


09-06-2015, 08:17 AM
This is more of a question that doesn't relate to SNQ, but when Roxy was manager I seem to remember there being quite a large space dedicated to hosting events/competitions in a number of the Helpdesks. Would that be a complete waste of time bringing that back? I think she used to host events herself (just out of the blue) and it was nice coming into HxHD and joining in on an event already being hosted.

This might be totally pointless bringing this back as visitor numbers to the room are not as good as back then but I thought I'd ask.

Also does hosting SNQ go towards minimums?

09-06-2015, 11:27 AM
This is more of a question that doesn't relate to SNQ, but when Roxy was manager I seem to remember there being quite a large space dedicated to hosting events/competitions in a number of the Helpdesks. Would that be a complete waste of time bringing that back? I think she used to host events herself (just out of the blue) and it was nice coming into HxHD and joining in on an event already being hosted.

This might be totally pointless bringing this back as visitor numbers to the room are not as good as back then but I thought I'd ask.

Also does hosting SNQ go towards minimums?

people complain about the lag with the event/games

09-06-2015, 11:28 AM
I would say tough titties to those people lol

09-06-2015, 01:17 PM
This is more of a question that doesn't relate to SNQ, but when Roxy was manager I seem to remember there being quite a large space dedicated to hosting events/competitions in a number of the Helpdesks. Would that be a complete waste of time bringing that back? I think she used to host events herself (just out of the blue) and it was nice coming into HxHD and joining in on an event already being hosted.

This might be totally pointless bringing this back as visitor numbers to the room are not as good as back then but I thought I'd ask.

Also does hosting SNQ go towards minimums?

Thought I replied to this already, not sure what happened there :( Anyway there's usually (and will be) an event area for HxSS and will probably be added a few weeks before.
SNQ does go towards minimum.

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