View Full Version : Any items/objects you refuse to let go of?

23-07-2015, 06:19 AM
Do you have any old items/objects/games/clothes etc. that you refuse to let go of, because the nostalgia's too strong?

For me, I guess:

- The Sims 1. I still like playing it and it was one of the very first things I ever used a PC for years and years ago, I refuse to get rid of it.
- PLUTO teddy. I still have one under my bed somewhere cause I've had it since I was a kid and I used to absolutely love Pluto the dog <3
- PS2. I used to play a lot of ps2 games and I still have the console though I don't really go on it... but it rocks.

That's it for me, I think I got rid of a lot of other staff from the past :/

23-07-2015, 11:30 AM
i sold a lot of my books before i moved but i was sad to let them go even though i would never read them again. but no when i moved i threw out everything, including all my teddys i've had since i was born.

23-07-2015, 12:35 PM
i couldn't ever get rid of my toys or blankets i've had since i was born, i also have a set of peter rabbit pyjamas that i wore when i was like 2 which i've always thought looked cute so i refuse to let my mum ever get rid of it even though i have no use for it. i also have a box filled with all of my work from primary school which i could never get rid of because i'd love to look back on it when i'm older.

23-07-2015, 03:12 PM
Loads of stuff I have a drawer full of just little crappy things that remind me of certain people or places or are just stuff from my childhood that I like to look at every now and then

23-07-2015, 03:41 PM
i have two boxes full of random stuff that i've kept over the years. it's mainly stuff like gig/cinema/event tickets and bits and bobs i've picked up from visiting different places. i just think it's cute to look back at stuff! and i want to start a scrapbook soon

23-07-2015, 04:09 PM
loads of little tidbits that remind me of memories i've had, plus some other items

23-07-2015, 04:21 PM
I have a red tin that has lots of random junk I've collected like a rabbit's foot, half a pool ball, lots of tickets, memory sticks and stuff. I'll never get rid of any of my books either, even the crap ones.

23-07-2015, 04:29 PM
I am piss poor at getting rid of things so there's probably tonnes of **** I could list.

23-07-2015, 05:53 PM
School momentos like leaving signed shirts and yearbooks, my old brownie and rainbow sash, cards, letters, old school work, childhood toys, lots tbh

23-07-2015, 05:54 PM
old school books, pictures etc

23-07-2015, 07:07 PM
alll the stuff in my memory box ofc
i also have a bratz snow globe on my shelf and for some reason i cant bring myself to get go of it (its old ok)
a few teddiesd anyway
and finally a mini french dictionary my dad gave me i cant seem to let go of either
yeh thats it i think other than my memory box stuff and my old school uniforms secondary/primary

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