View Full Version : [Runescape] Customer Service Big Drop Questions & Answers! (RS3)

09-10-2015, 04:26 AM

At the moment there is another Big Drop questions like for the Big Cats Edition. Here is the questions & answers if you want to use as reference but the questions are easy. They are posted on Reddit so I decided to put it here =).

Where can you find a hint to registered email? Account Settings.

How do you set up a bank pin? By talking to in game banker.

Is it safe to share your runescape account? No your account is yours alone!

What year did players start using emails to log in? 2010.

Can players log into multiple accounts simultaneously? Yes if they play fair.

Can players use the runescape authenticator instead of a bank pin? Yes.

What should you look for when a jagex mod appears in game? A gold crown.

What is mod kelvins position at jagex? Customer Support Manager.

How do you reclaim lost holiday items? Speak to Diango in game.

How do you access the runescape support center? Hit 'Support' on the website.

What times of day do customer support work? Day & night 24/7.

If a player is annoying me in game what should i do? Add them to your ignore list.

Happy scaping =)

09-10-2015, 09:01 AM
What's this for? Do you get a reward?

Runescape has really become a fully functioning mmo now rather than the point-and-click game my 11 year old self fell in love with and whilst I'm proud of jagex for finally shaping it into something to rival other mmos I'm also a bit sad that the highscore simulator where some actual dedication was required has been lost.

09-10-2015, 10:11 PM
What's this for? Do you get a reward?

Runescape has really become a fully functioning mmo now rather than the point-and-click game my 11 year old self fell in love with and whilst I'm proud of jagex for finally shaping it into something to rival other mmos I'm also a bit sad that the highscore simulator where some actual dedication was required has been lost.

If you get all the questions right at the end you get a lame title as The Knowledgeable. If i am not mistaken and a large bonus xp lamp...

It might not even be worth it really. The summer that just past they done the same thing but for endangered lions or leopards of some sort as the theme.

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