View Full Version : Do you think Artificial Intelligence is/will be a threat?

19-10-2015, 11:29 AM

This debate is whether or not you think AI (Artificial Intelligence) is/will be a threat to us in the future.

Without getting onto the whole "Terminator/Skynet" topic, just have a discussion about AI in general. Our technology has rapidly grown more advanced looking back from 20-30 years ago, therefore what do you think it's going to be like in a further 20-30 years? We already have Siri and other similar AI's out there who can have a basic conversation with us humans, and even self-driving cars. However do you feel that it will get out of hand, as it's us who program computers, and it's very black and white to them.

For example if we program a AI computer for the good of the planet (something as simple as litter picking) who adapts itself to different situations and learns from those experiences, then it won't be long until said AI figures out that best method to picking up the litter is to eliminate it at the source... us.

Stephan Hawkings has long warned us about the complications with AI and has openly stated that he is against AI, and has signed a petition along with many other famous names to ban weaponizing AI, but even Stephan Hawkings doesn't think that is enough, but it's a start, considering the above example; anything can happen when programming the simplest task, as theres far too much things to over-look with all the "what if's"

With this said, an article I read a few months back had a good point

Yet, some of the enthusiasm may be premature: as I’ve noted previously, we still haven’t produced machines with common sense,
vision, natural language processing, or the ability to create other machines. Our efforts at directly simulating human brains remain primitive.

23-10-2015, 07:47 PM
The problem with computers is they basically do what they are told to do. They can be programed to identify errors and issues but it's never in the same way as a human.

A human has instincts, gut feelings etc. A human can realise something is wrong even when everything appears fine.

Computers are getting more and more advanced but I can't see them gaining their own conscious

23-10-2015, 09:04 PM
I read an article earlier about somethings like this. Im totally against it purely because it terrifies me to think that there could be robots walking around with us in 30 years.

30-10-2015, 12:18 AM
I read an article earlier about somethings like this. Im totally against it purely because it terrifies me to think that there could be robots walking around with us in 30 years.

Why does this terrify you though? What aspect of AI robots scare you?
Is it because they're structured similar to humans, or the bigger scale of them being far to unpredictable

16-11-2015, 05:21 AM
Ive never heard of al before and im gonna google this rn cuz it sounds creepy and is reminding me of i robot :P

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02-12-2015, 08:06 PM
I don't see a problem a with it but if Stephan Hawkings does then I guess we will learn from our mistake?!?

02-12-2015, 08:43 PM
I think technology is a blessing and a curse, we can use it to automate certain parts of our life and improve life quality... what happens though when we start using nanobots or nano technology and that evolves throughout the years just as phones or medical equipment has, How will be define the line between AI and Technology?

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