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View Full Version : Portugal in crisis as the President bars left-wing anti-Euro parties from government

24-10-2015, 10:56 PM
Portugal is in the midst of a constitutional crisis after President Anibal Cavaco Silva refused to allow a coalition of left-wing anti-Euro parties to take power even though they have a majority in parliament.


The centre-right party of Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho will instead be allowed to continue in power to satisfy the desires of Brussels, despite falling well short of a majority in elections earlier this month. Its ability to govern is in question, however, with the left easily able to vote down government legislation. Antonio Costa, the radical leader of the Socialist Party, branded the President’s actions a “grave mistake” and accused him of trying to steal power from parliament. “It is unacceptable to usurp the exclusive powers of parliament. The Socialists will not take lessons from professor Cavaco Silva on the defence of our democracy,” he said. He vowed to go ahead in forming a coalition with the Left Bloc and the Communists, and immediately subject the government to a vote of no confidence.


However President Silva defended his decision, saying it was too risky to let Eurosceptic parties take power. “In 40 years of democracy, no government in Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces, that is to say forces that campaigned to abrogate the Lisbon Treaty, the Fiscal Compact, the Growth and Stability Pact, as well as to dismantle monetary union and take Portugal out of the euro, in addition to wanting the dissolution of NATO,” he said. “This is the worst moment for a radical change to the foundations of our democracy.

“After we carried out an onerous programme of financial assistance, entailing heavy sacrifices, it is my duty, within my constitutional powers, to do everything possible to prevent false signals being sent to financial institutions, investors and markets.” He also tried to justify his decision by saying the majority of Portuguese people did not vote for parties that want to leave the euro, as the Left Alliance and Communists do.

Green MEP Rui Taveres said: “The president has created a constitutional crisis. He is saying that he will never allow the formation of a government containing Leftists and Communists. People are amazed by what has happened.”

'Democracy' EU style.

Just like they made the Irish vote twice in a referendum when they gave the 'wrong' answer. Why stay a part of this ureformable organisation?


24-10-2015, 11:14 PM
Technically I suppose it must be legal, but doesn't seem like a very clever idea or one that'll prove at all popular with anyone of any persuasion. Would have thought it'd be better for him to suggest that they can't form government because of some technicality of coalitions not being a majority or something rather than outright saying "nah don't like them soz" lmao

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