View Full Version : Report All Habbox Bugs Here (Habbox.com, Forum & Wiki)

06-11-2015, 02:18 AM
Report All Habbox Bugs Here (Habbox.com V7, Forum, Wiki)

This thread can be used to report any bugs around any of the Habbox sites. Depending on which site you are referring to, we would greatly appreciate it if you followed the below templates. Similarly, we ask that you mention the Manager or Administrator that is in charge of that area or department (which will be explained below) so that the best possible person is notified of the error.

Habbox Wiki
URL: http://habboxwiki.com/Main_Page
Content Design Manager: Ekelektra

If you have an account on the wiki (sign up here (http://habboxwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Main+Page&type=signup)!) then you can actually edit the site yourself! You'll need to wait 24 hours after registering to be given perms to edit therefore if you would like to report the issue to our Content Design department - feel free to post in here using the below template. We are looking for issues such as spelling errors, punctuation or grammar mistakes, factual inaccuracies, missing information, graphic errors (broken images/alignment issues) and broken code. If applicable please enter one of these into the type of issue category.

Type of Issue:
URL to the page:
Administrator: Please mention the Content Design Manager

URL: http://habboxforum.com/
Forum Manager: Tristan is super fucking sexy

If you come across a bug on HabboxForum, please fill out the below template and provide as much detail as you can. Of course if it is quite a simple bug that is easily found/fixed you can only post a basic explanation of what is wrong.

Type of Issue:
Forum Skin used:
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager or the Site Manager

URL: https://habbox.com/ (https://habbox.com/v7/)
Site Manager: lawrawrrr

Whilst looking at Habbox.com you may come across wrong information, an error page, alignment issues, panel issues or other such bugs. If this is the case, please fill out the below template:

Type of Issue:
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager

We ask that you mention the relevant staff member when reporting a bug in this thread. We do try and check this section of the Forum regularly but for the issue to be solved as fast as possible, it would be appreciated if you tag the correct staff member. When the bug has been resolved or if staff require more information, you will be quoted or mentioned detailing information and/or instructions.

06-11-2015, 03:23 AM
where to start, have one for each.

Type of Issue: some habbox gods have 2,000 posts in their reason rather than 20,000 posts. including the template page.
URL to the page: http://habboxwiki.com/Template:Infobox#Habbox_God http://habboxwiki.com/Category:Habbox_God
Administrator: Expling;

Type of Issue: spoilers don't work inside pm's
Forum Skin used: all of them
Browser: Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 m
Administrator: Matt;

Type of Issue: the badges page doesn't show any images
Browser: Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 m
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/zUf9Cht.png
Administrator: Tom;

06-11-2015, 05:44 PM
where to start, have one for each.


Sorted, thanks David :)

06-11-2015, 07:08 PM
Type of Issue: HabboxLive image off the content page (far right) on http://habbox.com/v7/habboxlive/timetable
Browser: Firefox (latest version)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2015-11-06_19-08-01.png
Administrator: Tom;

07-11-2015, 12:20 AM
Type of Issue: some habbox gods have 2,000 posts in their reason rather than 20,000 posts. including the template page.
URL to the page: http://habboxwiki.com/Template:Infobox#Habbox_God http://habboxwiki.com/Category:Habbox_God


Should be sorted now, thanks David!

07-11-2015, 10:21 PM
Type of Issue: spoilers don't work inside pm's
Forum Skin used: all of them
Browser: Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 m


07-11-2015, 10:30 PM
Type of Issue: A HIDEOUS UNFORGIVABLE SPELLING MISTAKE ON THE EVENTS JOB PAGE (http://habbox.com/v7/job-openings/events) says EOs "can give fifteenth rep points" this is very upsetting
Browser: Am on Firefox but I imagine this is what's shown on any browers
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): No get out
Administrator: Tom;

07-11-2015, 10:41 PM
Type of Issue: HabboxLive image off the content page (far right) on http://habbox.com/v7/habboxlive/timetable
Browser: Firefox (latest version)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2015-11-06_19-08-01.png
Administrator: Tom;

This was actually added by a Content Designer a few months back - I thought he had taken them all off! Took it off now anyway :)

Type of Issue: A HIDEOUS UNFORGIVABLE SPELLING MISTAKE ON THE EVENTS JOB PAGE (http://habbox.com/v7/job-openings/events) says EOs "can give fifteenth rep points" this is very upsetting
Browser: Am on Firefox but I imagine this is what's shown on any browers
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): No get out
Administrator: Tom;

Because this is a content related issue and not a bug, I've sorted it :)

07-11-2015, 10:49 PM
Well it was BUGging me hahahahaha top comedian

08-11-2015, 05:55 PM
Well it was BUGging me hahahahaha top comedian

You're not even funny, stop.

15-12-2015, 05:33 PM
Type of Issue: Images aren't appearing in posts and PMs.
Forum Skin used:Not sure; there's snowy trees in the background? :s I haven't changed it since I started if that helps.
Browser: Chrome, but I'm not sure what @Joe was using when he couldn't see the picture I pm'd him
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): Here's an example http://prntscr.com/9eixyj
Administrator: @Matt

15-12-2015, 05:58 PM
Type of Issue: Images aren't appearing in posts and PMs.
Forum Skin used:Not sure; there's snowy trees in the background? :s I haven't changed it since I started if that helps.
Browser: Chrome, but I'm not sure what @Joe was using when he couldn't see the picture I pm'd him
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): Here's an example http://prntscr.com/9eixyj
Administrator: @Matt

You need to use a file extension (.png .gif etc) when formatting images, so right click the image and copy the image address then paste it in the reply box like this;



15-12-2015, 06:30 PM
Oh, okay! Thank you!

22-12-2015, 01:28 PM
Type of Issue: HxHD Job Openings isn't like the rest of the jobs pages? It just explains the roles and history of the department and doesn't have an open/closed status or a link to click to apply.
Link: http://habbox.com/v7/job-openings/help-desk
Administrator: Expling;

29-12-2015, 01:10 PM
Type of Issue: HxHD Job Openings isn't like the rest of the jobs pages? It just explains the roles and history of the department and doesn't have an open/closed status or a link to click to apply.
Link: http://habbox.com/v7/job-openings/help-desk
Administrator: Expling;

Should be sorted!!
Sorry it took me so long but I've been busy and I think I missed it oops

go here http://habbox.com/job-openings and click the appropriate banner, I think it's just the direct linking which redirects you to the other page!

29-12-2015, 01:39 PM
Should be sorted!!
Sorry it took me so long but I've been busy and I think I missed it oops

go here http://habbox.com/job-openings and click the appropriate banner, I think it's just the direct linking which redirects you to the other page!
it was a problem with the URL linking - I updated all the links on that job openings page last week just FYI :)

Basically all the links that were habbox/v7/xxxxxxxx are now just habbox/xxxxxxx and it's not been auto directed so they have to be done manually

09-01-2016, 06:18 PM
Type of Issue: Cannot click buttons directly below the GFY in edit signature or preview PM. Can do so elsewhere. At first, I thought it was because of the div as shown below, as this covers the "blocked" area, but it's present everywhere so I guess it's something else.
Forum Skin used: Classic
Browser: Firefox 41.0.1
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/djgHBmT.png
Administrator: @Matt (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=67543); Chippiewill; Tom;

12-01-2016, 04:14 PM
Type of Issue: Habbox imager, once you select what Habbo you want, what you want them to do etc, click generate, they don't come up, it just reloads the habbo imager screen.
Browser: Google Chrome (but this happened when i tried it on firefox)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):

Type of Issue: Font Generator.. When trying to select a font or edit text you can not see a preview of your font.
Browser: Google Chrome (again tested on firefox still nothing)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://www.habbox.com/staffupload/../assets/images//2016/01/12/16b6d406d16a67b603c488f04d788c07.png


13-01-2016, 11:19 PM
The font generator doesn't work at all for me, it won't let me select a font or anything. Also is the only way to get it by downloading it? The v6 one gives a link which makes it a bit easier to use if it's possible. Saying that though the v6 one doesn't work for me either.

14-01-2016, 07:43 AM
The font generator doesn't work at all for me, it won't let me select a font or anything. Also is the only way to get it by downloading it? The v6 one gives a link which makes it a bit easier to use if it's possible. Saying that though the v6 one doesn't work for me either.

It would be best for you to use the template when posting bugs as that would help out the person troubleshooting it.

14-01-2016, 12:19 PM
It would be best for you to use the template when posting bugs as that would help out the person troubleshooting it.
I was just adding onto Coral's as the other information is pretty much the same, browser etc. if I had, had the time to use the template I would have used it (Internet kept going down so I couldn't click on the first page). I hope it's still understandable though, I'll use it next time :D.

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

27-01-2016, 12:05 AM
Oo, hihi. Seems that all the rare values on the Wiki show up as 'Unknown Value'. It's the {{Rarevalue|<furni item>}} thang, check any furni at all and you'll see what I mean.

04-02-2016, 02:34 AM
Type of Issue: Habbox imager, once you select what Habbo you want, what you want them to do etc, click generate, they don't come up, it just reloads the habbo imager screen.
Browser: Google Chrome (but this happened when i tried it on firefox)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):

Type of Issue: Font Generator.. When trying to select a font or edit text you can not see a preview of your font.
Browser: Google Chrome (again tested on firefox still nothing)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://www.habbox.com/staffupload/../assets/images//2016/01/12/16b6d406d16a67b603c488f04d788c07.png

@Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909)

Any updates on these? I keep going to use the imager and can't get it to work so have to use another site!! :(

04-02-2016, 06:58 AM
Any updates on these? I keep going to use the imager and can't get it to work so have to use another site!! :(

I have the same problem! When the page loads, try reloading it before you use it - works for me then :)

05-02-2016, 07:52 AM
Type of Issue: Not really a bug but most of the skins need their logo changed and i suggested it before but it didnt happen
Forum Skin used:

Site Skin 2011:
Chris, Sho and Phil need to be replaced with welshcake, absently, matt

(Same on Christmas 2011)

Chris needs to be replaced with lawrawrrr but its coded in so Tom; can do it ;l

Valentines 2013:
Sho and Chris need to be replaced with welshcake and absently or mdport and jin if you dont want it to be a lesbian logo

Habbox Summer:
Chris needs to be replaced by lawrawrrr

Habbox Winter:
Even though its old i think that top person needs to be replaced by lawrawrrr and the other 2 are mattg and jin

Browser: google chrome

Administrator: Matt; lawrawrrr;

06-02-2016, 10:31 PM
Type of Issue: Not really a bug but most of the skins need their logo changed and i suggested it before but it didnt happen
Forum Skin used:

Site Skin 2011:
Chris, Sho and Phil need to be replaced with welshcake, absently, matt

(Same on Christmas 2011)

Chris needs to be replaced with lawrawrrr but its coded in so @Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909); can do it ;l

Valentines 2013:
Sho and Chris need to be replaced with welshcake and absently or mdport and jin if you dont want it to be a lesbian logo

Habbox Summer:
Chris needs to be replaced by lawrawrrr

Habbox Winter:
Even though its old i think that top person needs to be replaced by lawrawrrr and the other 2 are mattg and jin

Browser: google chrome

Administrator: @Matt (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=67543); @lawrawrrr (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966);

should only be the owners on logos, to save all these changes in the future

06-02-2016, 11:49 PM
should only be the owners on logos, to save all these changes in the future

thats true

07-02-2016, 02:30 AM
Just so you know we aren't ignoring the posts in this thread:
@Nick (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=75119); I'll be discussing this with @lawrawrrr (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966); and hopefully see a few new logos in the near future.
@dbgtz (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=28789); the gify button had been fixed by Tom previously but it's gone weird again so he'll have another look at it and see what the issue is.

10-02-2016, 08:07 PM
This isn't for the Wiki but most suitable place for this due to content.
Issue: Formatting and invalid/no hyperlink(s)
Nothing on the page is formatted and doesn't allow you to click the so called links to access further alteration archives of specific people.

10-02-2016, 08:17 PM
This isn't for the Wiki but most suitable place for this due to content.
Issue: Formatting and invalid/no hyperlink(s)
Nothing on the page is formatted and doesn't allow you to click the so called links to access further alteration archives of specific people.

Try reloading the page and then have a go. I can click on the spoilers fine :P

10-02-2016, 08:21 PM
Try reloading the page and then have a go. I can click on the spoilers fine :P

The only one that links is Zealoux right at the very top of the page other than that, nothing works.

10-02-2016, 08:31 PM
The only one that links is Zealoux right at the very top of the page other than that, nothing works.

Did you click the link, let it load and then reload the page?
Use chrome too.
Works for me http://prntscr.com/a1lczo

10-02-2016, 08:35 PM
The only one that links is Zealoux right at the very top of the page other than that, nothing works.

tell @Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909); your browser and OS.

10-02-2016, 08:46 PM
I didn't know what Expling; did but I reloaded it and it just worked once now it doesn't, I use Chrome btw Tommy.
I dunno David; maybe just my connection not letting it load in the right format? But Windows 8.1 On Chrome Tom;

11-02-2016, 12:13 AM
transparency issues on the new valentines logo (the white parts)


part of the bottom cloud missing as well

11-02-2016, 11:40 AM
transparency issues on the new valentines logo (the white parts)


part of the bottom cloud missing as well

Will fix later, thanks!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-02-2016, 03:07 AM
Type of Issue: "Fatal Error"
Browser: Chrome, Firefox, IE09 & Edge
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://s.markdavisongraphics.co.uk/1gqjN
Administrator: Tom;

Not sure what this is but I was trying to change some of my details (password etc) and this popped up when I clicked save :/

09-03-2016, 12:48 PM
on trying to edit the Wiki....

this on a white background.

[9f0482b2] 2016-03-09 12:47:06: Fatal exception of type MWException

09-03-2016, 08:34 PM
on trying to edit the Wiki....

this on a white background.

On it.

edit: fixed. Had to disable msupload - I guess it doesn't like the server.

11-03-2016, 09:48 AM
Type of Issue: The radio stats needs to be updated or whatever needs to happen for them to start working again with the new shoutcast server information. Although the player will work when someone is connected, the stats doesn't update and will state it is offline.
Browser: All
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): N/A
Administrator: Tom;

Posting it so I don't forget.

12-03-2016, 04:27 PM
Type of issue: Habbox Wiki wanted pages not loading at all.
URL: www.habboxwiki.com/Special:WantedPages (http://www.habboxwiki.com/Special:WantedPages)
Browser: Firefox (Up to date as of this thread date)
Administrator: @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515)
Info: Main page seems to load fine and a few others, but when clicking onto something, say Public Rooms and nothing loads forever and ever :(

12-03-2016, 05:13 PM
Type of issue: Habbox Wiki wanted pages not loading at all.
URL: www.habboxwiki.com/Special:WantedPages (http://www.habboxwiki.com/Special:WantedPages)
Browser: Firefox (Up to date as of this thread date)
Administrator: @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515)
Info: Main page seems to load fine and a few others, but when clicking onto something, say Public Rooms and nothing loads forever and ever :(

Hey! I'm unable to deal with issues like this so I'll tag a few others who may be able to help us out :D Chippiewill; Tom;

13-03-2016, 01:08 AM
my signature isn't working as of 1am what's that all about x

edit hang on it's fixed

29-03-2016, 08:50 PM
Type of Issue: The quotes and mentions areas on user profiles has the wrong width causing it to display wrong. I know this has been an issue on the other site skins previously.
Browser: Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/IWkikSu.png
Administrator: Tom;

30-03-2016, 06:51 PM
Type of Issue: Showing "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/habboxforum/public_html/David/v7stafflist.php on line 122" on all staff ranks
Browser: Google Chrome but I imagine shows on any
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Tom;

30-03-2016, 06:59 PM
Type of Issue: The quotes and mentions areas on user profiles has the wrong width causing it to display wrong. I know this has been an issue on the other site skins previously.
Browser: Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/IWkikSu.png
Administrator: Tom;

Which skin is this?

Type of Issue: Showing "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/habboxforum/public_html/David/v7stafflist.php on line 122" on all staff ranks
Browser: Google Chrome but I imagine shows on any
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Tom;

Yeah, currently aware of this! It'll be fixed within the next few days, hopefully :)

30-03-2016, 07:31 PM
Which skin is this?

Yeah, currently aware of this! It'll be fixed within the next few days, hopefully :)

Oh sorry lmao, I put the skin and then must have overwritten it with the other text. It's the easter skin!

Oh also, do you know why the standard editor on the quick reply now just continues on one line on the site skin? It used to go to a new line when it reached the end of the line but now it goes on forever.

30-03-2016, 10:21 PM
Type of Issue: PHP Error
Browser: Chrome 64bit
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/QdpIwvE.png
Administrator: Tom;

31-03-2016, 04:48 PM
Type of Issue: PHP Error
Browser: Chrome 64bit
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i.imgur.com/QdpIwvE.png
Administrator: Tom;

Hey, thanks. See 2 posts above for the reply to this :)

01-04-2016, 09:35 PM
Those who mentioned the staff list on Habbox.com was broken, it's now working again!


02-04-2016, 09:58 PM
Type of Issue: All pages not showing (Special Pages > All Pages>) http://i.imgur.com/mh2Hd40.png
URL to the page: http://habboxwiki.com/Special:AllPages

I'm using Chrome.

06-04-2016, 12:23 AM
images from the 3rd and onward are broken on the wiki and show errors on pages using them



@Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909); @Chippiewill (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=40007); @xxMATTGxx (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=1020); @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515);

06-04-2016, 12:32 AM
images from the 3rd and onward are broken on the wiki and show errors on pages using them



@Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909); @Chippiewill (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=40007); @xxMATTGxx (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=1020); @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515);
I think it might be due to moving server as it says the images are missing so it might have back tracked.

I'll be able to upload the Limited Edition Rares ones after work tomorrow and I believe Tommy should have the rest. Hopefully it's just those ones.

On the actual file page it says it's missing anyway: http://habboxwiki.com/File:Horsemanofdeath.gif

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk

06-04-2016, 07:30 AM
images from the 3rd and onward are broken on the wiki and show errors on pages using them



@Tom (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=66909); @Chippiewill (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=40007); @xxMATTGxx (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=1020); @Expling (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=122515);

I think it might be due to moving server as it says the images are missing so it might have back tracked.

I'll be able to upload the Limited Edition Rares ones after work tomorrow and I believe Tommy should have the rest. Hopefully it's just those ones.

On the actual file page it says it's missing anyway: http://habboxwiki.com/File:Horsemanofdeath.gif

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk


The images have been restored. Let me know if you notice any others missing.

16-04-2016, 11:52 AM
www.habboxwiki.com/____ links do not work unless you have https in front of them
so, www.habboxwiki.com/Heaven_or_Hell doesn't work but https://www.habboxwiki.com/Heaven_or_Hell does

Tom; xxMATTGxx;

16-04-2016, 12:22 PM
www.habboxwiki.com/____ links do not work unless you have https in front of them
so, www.habboxwiki.com/Heaven_or_Hell doesn't work but https://www.habboxwiki.com/Heaven_or_Hell does

Tom; xxMATTGxx;

They all work for me. They will redirect to the HTTPS version. What is happening on your end? Also please report what browser you are using.

16-04-2016, 12:23 PM
They all work for me. They will redirect to the HTTPS version. What is happening on your end? Also please report what browser you are using.

I have his problem.

Firefox - takes me to the main page and not the heaven or hell page.

16-04-2016, 12:25 PM
works fine on win10 chrome

oh actually its not even loading the page its going to home

but https works

16-04-2016, 12:29 PM
They all work for me. They will redirect to the HTTPS version. What is happening on your end? Also please report what browser you are using.

I have his problem.

Firefox - takes me to the main page and not the heaven or hell page.

works fine on win10 chrome

oh actually its not even loading the page its going to home

but https works

Yeah, I thought it might have just been a problem on my end but I checked with Laura and she had the same issue
Using chrome

16-04-2016, 12:33 PM
habbox.wiki does it as well

www.habbox.wiki/David (http://www.habbox.wiki/David)

14-05-2016, 10:11 AM
Wiki bug that a few people have experienced but noones reported (can I just emphasise how important it is to report bugs guys, we can't do anything if we don't know there's a problem...)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/habboxwiki/public_html/wiki/extensions/TorBlock/TorExitNodes.php

it's also practically unusable as it's so slow (again, multiple people have this issue so it's not just my internet)
Tom; xxMATTGxx;

- - - Updated - - -

Also, there's a problem with the editor. When you create or edit a page you get a big blue box like this image, almost as if the toolbar at the top hasn't loaded. Not exactly conducive to an updated wiki


There is a white box underneath that you can put text in still but something clearly isn't right...

14-05-2016, 03:25 PM
Type of Issue: Habbo Imager - you fill it in and click generate, but it just refreshes the page.
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Tom;

Type of Issue: Font Generator, you click a font and it doesn't select it so it doesn't work.
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):

21-05-2016, 12:53 PM
Wiki bug that a few people have experienced but noones reported (can I just emphasise how important it is to report bugs guys, we can't do anything if we don't know there's a problem...)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/habboxwiki/public_html/wiki/extensions/TorBlock/TorExitNodes.php

it's also practically unusable as it's so slow (again, multiple people have this issue so it's not just my internet)
Tom; xxMATTGxx;

- - - Updated - - -

Also, there's a problem with the editor. When you create or edit a page you get a big blue box like this image, almost as if the toolbar at the top hasn't loaded. Not exactly conducive to an updated wiki


There is a white box underneath that you can put text in still but something clearly isn't right...

Please try again.

21-05-2016, 01:42 PM
Please try again.
yes it looks fine now thank you :)

03-07-2016, 09:49 PM
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/habboxforum/public_html/register.php
Line: 27
Forum Skin used: whatever i guess
Browser: im on firefox idk about the guy who was actually signing up
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i63.tinypic.com/2lw56ix.png
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager
Tom; xxMATTGxx; assuming theyre more important 2 mention>? soz if not

03-07-2016, 11:01 PM
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/habboxforum/public_html/register.php
Line: 27
Forum Skin used: whatever i guess
Browser: im on firefox idk about the guy who was actually signing up
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i63.tinypic.com/2lw56ix.png
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager
Tom; xxMATTGxx; assuming theyre more important 2 mention>? soz if not
I sometimes get this when I'm trying to look at the posting statistics. I notice it usually happens if I immediately trying to go on the posts script thing when I start up my browser. After a couple of attempts it starts to work, but Matt and Tom might have a better idea. I use Site Skin 2010 so it looks like it might be on a few of them.

Sent from my E2303 using Tapatalk

04-07-2016, 12:36 AM
I sometimes get this when I'm trying to look at the posting statistics. I notice it usually happens if I immediately trying to go on the posts script thing when I start up my browser. After a couple of attempts it starts to work, but Matt and Tom might have a better idea. I use Site Skin 2010 so it looks like it might be on a few of them.

Sent from my E2303 using Tapatalk

I tried a few times but it didn't work
I was asking someone to sign up and he said he got an error when he clicked the "join sign up" button
so I logged out and tried multiple times and didn't work for me
(which is when I posted) so idk

- - - Updated - - -

yeah it's still not working sooo :P

04-07-2016, 06:52 AM
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/habboxforum/public_html/register.php
Line: 27
Forum Skin used: whatever i guess
Browser: im on firefox idk about the guy who was actually signing up
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): http://i63.tinypic.com/2lw56ix.png
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager
Tom; xxMATTGxx; assuming theyre more important 2 mention>? soz if not

I'll get Tom to look into it as I know they have been playing with the sign up pages recently.

04-07-2016, 07:08 AM
You should now be able to sign up again.

12-07-2016, 12:29 PM
Type of Issue: I don't seem to be able to change tabs on the Forum Shop; https://www.habboxforum.com/vbshop.php

Forum Skin used: Non-Habbo Light

Browser: Google Chrome

Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://i.imgur.com/Ypiy6jC.png

Administrator: Tom, xxMATTGxx, Samanfa

24-07-2016, 09:25 PM
Type of Issue: I don't seem to be able to change tabs on the Forum Shop; https://www.habboxforum.com/vbshop.php

Forum Skin used: Non-Habbo Light

Browser: Google Chrome

Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://i.imgur.com/Ypiy6jC.png

Administrator: Tom, xxMATTGxx, Samanfa

I'm having this problem too.

Forum Skin Used: Site Skin 2010
Browser: Internet Explorer (never had a problem with it on the forum before people start commenting on it).

28-07-2016, 04:51 PM
Just to let you know, the shop should be back and working now.

29-07-2016, 01:25 PM
I can't buy the VIP, it says purchase, but won't let me buy ;l

01-10-2016, 10:39 AM
Type of Issue: Loss of posts
Forum Skin used: Classic obv
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): nut
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager Empired;


01-10-2016, 11:03 AM
Type of Issue: Loss of posts
Forum Skin used: Classic obv
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): nut
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager @Empired (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=80588);

im having this issue too, think its gone back to july?

01-10-2016, 11:06 AM
Also the OP is a little outdated x

01-10-2016, 06:04 PM
link in the forum notice is incorrect

01-10-2016, 06:48 PM
Type of Issue: Loss of posts
Forum Skin used: Classic obv
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): nut
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager Empired;

Golly gosh, you're right!

01-10-2016, 07:46 PM
ignore my post then


01-10-2016, 10:36 PM
please don't bump old threads

25-10-2016, 04:46 PM
is it up to date


is HC ÂŁ1.50? also is there any info on payday or am i blind

Thread merged by Expling (AGM Content) due to a separate thread not being required.

25-10-2016, 09:31 PM
i actually have no clue how much hc costs now but i'm sure it changed when they introduced pay day and that's not included so i'm gonna say that the cost isn't right. i'll update the cost and things once i have things ready for habboxween tonight. thanks :)

16-11-2016, 03:39 PM
Just noticed something: Are filtered words not filtering properly on the activity stream?

I've just looked now and in the post the word is filtered, but on the activity stream it comes up as the full word?

Chris; Tom; scottish;

16-11-2016, 03:44 PM
works fine pal


17-11-2016, 09:13 AM
your profanity filter is probably off

17-11-2016, 11:11 AM
your profanity filter is probably off

Would that make it different between posts/the activity feed though? :O I just found it weird that one was filtered and one wasn't haha!

17-11-2016, 12:29 PM


- - - Updated - - -

Would that make it different between posts/the activity feed though? :O I just found it weird that one was filtered and one wasn't haha!

yeah ok it's not working, it filters it in the post but not in activity stream (when profanity filter is on). I'm pretty sure someone raised this when the profanity filter was first added as I think myself and Laura (or someone) discussed it, I thought it got fixed tbh

11-01-2017, 10:09 PM
Type of Issue: Various award images are hosted on habbox.com, all HabboxForum content should be hosted on hxf and not hx.com. Any awards images on hx.com need to be moved to hxf.com. This is also possibly causing issue with mixed content as it's HTTP requests and not HTTPS requests.
Forum Skin used: Every
Browser: Every
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): N/A
Administrator: Chris;

If necessary, give me a list of links that need to be reuploaded to hxf.com and I'll move the images.

The following are some examples;


21-01-2017, 09:03 PM
Habbo imager isn't displaying the correct string


Outputting " https://www.habbo/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?user=kasabian&action=std&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture=&size=m "

16-02-2017, 11:11 PM
Type of Issue: Page not showing. Just continues to load.
Browser: All
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): N/A (Just see for yourself)
Administrator: scottish;


17-02-2017, 06:37 PM
Type of Issue: Missing files
Forum Skin used:Site Skin 2011
Browser: All Browsers
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://gyazo.com/260c8bf13478bc10f4a6b638c313d6c9
Administrator: Chris;

- - - Updated - - -

Type of Issue: Can't edit posts
Forum Skin used: Site Skin 2011
Browser: Google Chrome (Haven't checked any others)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): N/A
Administrator: Chris;

17-02-2017, 07:05 PM
Type of Issue: Missing files
Forum Skin used:Site Skin 2011
Browser: All Browsers
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://gyazo.com/260c8bf13478bc10f4a6b638c313d6c9
Administrator: Chris;

- - - Updated - - -

Type of Issue: Can't edit posts
Forum Skin used: Site Skin 2011
Browser: Google Chrome (Haven't checked any others)
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): N/A
Administrator: Chris; scottish;

17-02-2017, 07:25 PM
I'd be very surprised if the Site Skin 2011 events button has worked since V7 was introduced.

I can also edit posts without any issue, you're probably over your 15 minute limit.

05-08-2017, 04:06 PM
the song history for habbox.com does not work anymore scottish; also this thread needs updating about the managers lawrawrrr; Expling; Absently;

05-08-2017, 04:15 PM
the song history for habbox.com does not work anymore scottish; also this thread needs updating about the managers lawrawrrr; Expling; Absently;

thread updated thanks Cameron
Scott will take a look at the other thing when he gets a chance :)

05-08-2017, 04:26 PM

needs to be 2017 despect; scottish; Expling; lawrawrrr; Absently; Tom;

05-08-2017, 04:33 PM
When did it last work? I'm seeing last song as November 26th 2016..

05-08-2017, 04:34 PM
When did it last work? I'm seeing last song as November 26th 2016..

2016 I have brought it up before but never to you before would be good if you could get it working again though :)

05-08-2017, 05:03 PM

needs to be 2017 despect; scottish; Expling; lawrawrrr; Absently; Tom;

Sorted. You don't need to tag us all!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-08-2017, 05:04 PM
Sorted. You don't need to tag us all!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorry 🤣

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-08-2017, 05:33 PM
the song history for habbox.com does not work anymore scottish; also this thread needs updating about the managers lawrawrrr; Expling; Absently;


14-08-2017, 04:14 AM
Hey when ever i go to request a song i dont think the dj ever sees it? because he says get requests in. so he doesn't even acknowledge it = didnt see it?

14-08-2017, 11:07 AM
Hey when ever i go to request a song i dont think the dj ever sees it? because he says get requests in. so he doesn't even acknowledge it = didnt see it?

I guess they'd need confirmation of who the DJ was and the time slot in which you sent the request - I'm sure the requests line is tracked/archived or something so yeah it might not be a glitch but instead the DJ just overlooked your particular request or ignored it

14-08-2017, 11:14 AM
Hey when ever i go to request a song i dont think the dj ever sees it? because he says get requests in. so he doesn't even acknowledge it = didnt see it?
Hey! I've just looked at our request log. We did receive your request but sometimes it's easy for a DJ to miss it! I'll forward the feedback on to the DJ who was on air for next time :)



19-08-2017, 12:53 PM
Not too sure if its something wrong with my internet or with the sites but when I'm loading Habbox pages it comes up:

"Secure Connection Failed

The connection to habbox.com was interrupted while the page was loading.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem."

Using mozilla firefox and never used to receive these messages. It seems to be random pages and only happens with the Habbox sites.

Most recently I got it when I was loading Habbox.com main page
@scottish (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53890);

19-08-2017, 01:05 PM
Don't use firefox so I've never had that, anyone else getting it?

19-08-2017, 02:59 PM
Don't use firefox so I've never had that, anyone else getting it?

I'm using Chrome and I've received that a few times, I just assumed it was something my end tho.

20-08-2017, 09:51 PM
Im having a very weird glitch were my listener count is down to around 0 whenever I dj. This seems very odd for it should say 15+ . but its just a 0.

22-08-2017, 09:33 PM
Type of Issue: 'All Pages' just has <alphaindexline> repeated on it and the list of pages doesn't display. If you search on the page as well it just displays the same thing.
URL to the page: http://habboxwiki.com/Special:AllPages
Administrator: Expling; lawrawrrr;

28-08-2017, 07:01 PM
rare values not working

28-08-2017, 07:03 PM
rare values not working

Hasn't been since V6 was deleted a year ago! Working on a replacement :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-09-2017, 07:36 PM
Hasn't been since V6 was deleted a year ago! Working on a replacement :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh LOL sorry :p not used in years but fancied checking something

16-09-2017, 09:16 PM
Getting a dodgy error every time I try to update sig (other people reporting similar);

This page isn’t working

Chrome detected unusual code on this page and blocked it to protect your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers and credit cards).
Try visiting the site's homepage.

This is every time I update!

17-09-2017, 01:14 AM
this seems to be a common one with vbulletin.. not sure if changing your editor resolves it?

Vbulletin was recently updated though so it seems like it's still not resolved.

17-09-2017, 07:53 PM
this seems to be a common one with vbulletin.. not sure if changing your editor resolves it?

Vbulletin was recently updated though so it seems like it's still not resolved.

Is there nothing we can do to bypass? Seems like a big issue and we can't expect everyone to change editors!! :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-09-2017, 08:01 PM
You can disable/whitelist it in chrome I'm sure, or set default editor to another.

But other than that until vbulletin sort it then not much we can do, iirc it's the way it handles the preview.

- - - Updated - - -

You can disable/whitelist it in chrome I'm sure, or set default editor to another.

But other than that until vbulletin sort it then not much we can do, iirc it's the way it handles the preview.

19-09-2017, 10:13 PM
Heya, I've had a few people say they've got this error when signing up to the forum:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_HumanVerify_Abstract::vB_HumanVerify_Abstract() in /home/habboxforum/public_html/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php on line 14

I've asked them to try use different browsers but still the same. Could you look into it pleaseee? :)
scottish; Thanks!

23-09-2017, 05:37 AM
Not too sure if its something wrong with my internet or with the sites but when I'm loading Habbox pages it comes up:

"Secure Connection Failed

The connection to habbox.com was interrupted while the page was loading.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem."

Using mozilla firefox and never used to receive these messages. It seems to be random pages and only happens with the Habbox sites.

Most recently I got it when I was loading Habbox.com main page
@scottish (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53890);

Still getting this, today with the main forum page.


25-09-2017, 02:22 PM
I got this error when I tried to preview / update my signature.


26-09-2017, 10:09 PM
I believe I have fixed the signature issue now where you were seeing Invalid File! If you're getting another error please reload and try again :)

27-09-2017, 05:34 PM
Something funny that's happened, be usual or not - HxF's main page has appeared on the thread-making box, with all the buttons clickable lego_haha


27-09-2017, 08:41 PM
Something funny that's happened, be usual or not - HxF's main page has appeared on the thread-making box, with all the buttons clickable lego_haha


has this happened more than once for you? I've been trying to get the same issue but I can't!!

also youre totally fired for leaking the staff forums ;;/////

27-09-2017, 08:52 PM
it happened to me yesterday too but once i refreshed it was fine

28-09-2017, 07:22 AM
Something funny that's happened, be usual or not - HxF's main page has appeared on the thread-making box, with all the buttons clickable lego_haha


You should've pressed post so we could've all become LUCPIX for the day and had access to your staff forums

02-10-2017, 08:28 AM
A few times now when I've quick replied to a thread, it'll either say that my message was too short and it needs to be more than 3 characters even though it's definitely more than 3, or this box will pop up and then the same thing will happen when I click leave and I have to retype my message.


09-10-2017, 01:09 AM
It's not a recent bug (and almost certainly some people may have mentioned it sometime), but the little loading window from the button "View Awards" does not go much further than "Loading.."



09-10-2017, 09:07 AM
It's not a recent bug (and almost certainly some people may have mentioned it sometime), but the little loading window from the button "View Awards" does not go much further than "Loading.."



I've noticed and mentioned this before. It should be sorted and awards should be more of a thing, I feel like it's sort of forgotten?

09-10-2017, 09:57 AM
I've noticed and mentioned this before. It should be sorted and awards should be more of a thing, I feel like it's sort of forgotten?

Noted, added to our to-do list to look at. Will kick Scott. Thanks for pointing it out Charlie :)

11-10-2017, 04:38 PM
Just noticed that on the welcome notice for guests, the link for help goes to a 404 page. God knows how long its been like that :D



19-10-2017, 05:17 PM
Type of Issue: Images all over the place
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): See below (https://habbox.com/old-hxhd-layouts)
Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager scottish;


19-10-2017, 08:03 PM
Nothing to do with me, whoever uploaded the 1 Aug 2015 needs to sort it out so alignment of rest go back to normal.

Back to whoevers in content

19-10-2017, 08:17 PM
Nothing to do with me, whoever uploaded the 1 Aug 2015 needs to sort it out so alignment of rest go back to normal.

Back to whoevers in content
Samantha; [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-10-2017, 09:18 PM
Type of Issue: Images all over the place
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): See below (https://habbox.com/old-hxhd-layouts)
Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager scottish;


Fixed, thanks for letting us know. Please make sure you tag the right person next time.

20-10-2017, 04:43 PM
I mentioned that the help link was broken on the welcome notice like over a week ago, but you could probably do with updating the graphic on there too as its still all the old limeys xD

Also just browsing around a lot of the official threads/announcements on the forum lots of them still say to PM the incorrect people etc so just a heads up! xD Maybe someone could go through and do a forum declutter and remove old schemes that aren't happening anymore etc, and make sure they all say to PM the correct people incase newbies stumble upon them.


20-10-2017, 04:45 PM
I mentioned that the help link was broken on the welcome notice like over a week ago, but you could probably do with updating the graphic on there too as its still all the old limeys xD

Also just browsing around a lot of the official threads/announcements on the forum lots of them still say to PM the incorrect people etc so just a heads up! xD Maybe someone could go through and do a forum declutter and remove old schemes that aren't happening anymore etc, and make sure they all say to PM the correct people incase newbies stumble upon them.


Help link is Mikey;

Announcements could be any of the main team so I'm just lawrawrrr; gonna Sho; do despect; this and see what happens xx

Also, thanks Martin; for letting us know - we appreciate it :)

20-10-2017, 05:08 PM
I mentioned that the help link was broken on the welcome notice like over a week ago, but you could probably do with updating the graphic on there too as its still all the old limeys xD

Also just browsing around a lot of the official threads/announcements on the forum lots of them still say to PM the incorrect people etc so just a heads up! xD Maybe someone could go through and do a forum declutter and remove old schemes that aren't happening anymore etc, and make sure they all say to PM the correct people incase newbies stumble upon them.


It's very hard to find everything! I did go through quite a lot of the staff stuff to update. Reason why the welcome notice isn't done is I don't have photoshop at the moment and I'm getting v v v annoyed with paint for alts! I'll go trough some more later and try and get it sorted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-10-2017, 05:37 PM
Ill look around too tonight and see if I can get any threads updated :)

11-11-2017, 10:16 PM
Someone has fixed the "click here for help" link on the welcome notice for new members, however they've linked to the support forum, which is only visible if you're logged in, which is what they're trying to get help with :L

11-11-2017, 10:56 PM
I get your point, but for "help" people kinda have to be signed up, not like I can link to a private skype convo!! I've changed it to the relevant FAQ section for now until we finish our new new members section. Thanks for pointing that out, I thought you could post as anything in support for some reason!

11-11-2017, 11:31 PM
I get your point, but for "help" people kinda have to be signed up, not like I can link to a private skype convo!! I've changed it to the relevant FAQ section for now until we finish our new new members section. Thanks for pointing that out, I thought you could post as anything in support for some reason!

Unless it's help with signing up of course! :P The welcome notice is mostly aimed at newbies though who have just came to the forum for the first time and so won't have an account xD

The FAQ is good though, the way I see it is its more of for people who need help signing up I guess? I'm sure there used to be a tutorial somewhere, or if not maybe someone could make one?

Thanks for sorting that :D Linking to the FAQ is useful as it does cover most of the common issues people would need help for like activation email problems etc. :D

11-11-2017, 11:32 PM
Yeah like I said creating welcome/tuts for new members is being worked on! Should be done before end of year, hopefully month!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

15-11-2017, 04:40 PM
@lawrawrrr The main website seems to be down for me. I am gaining a "HTTP ERROR 500" error code.

15-11-2017, 04:53 PM
@lawrawrrr The main website seems to be down for me. I am gaining a "HTTP ERROR 500" error code.

Thanks for reporting thissss - I'm at work at the moment and won't be home for hours! :(
scottish; are you around to take a look?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

15-11-2017, 07:26 PM
Thanks for reporting thissss - I'm at work at the moment and won't be home for hours! :(
scottish; are you around to take a look?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorted now, text me in future :P

16-11-2017, 10:37 AM
Seems like there's a problem with the font generator. Is it just me or is it not returning anything?

16-11-2017, 10:41 AM
Seems like there's a problem with the font generator. Is it just me or is it not returning anything?

Hi OJExile,

I am getting the same issue. @lawrawrrr

16-11-2017, 10:52 AM
Seems like there's a problem with the font generator. Is it just me or is it not returning anything?

You may need to refresh the page once you've clicked on it - it's something we're aware of but are unable to fix at the moment!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

16-11-2017, 12:03 PM
Seems like there's a problem with the font generator. Is it just me or is it not returning anything?

Hi OJExile,

I am getting the same issue. @lawrawrrr

Try refreshing the page like Laura said, remember though you got to type in what you want first, then change the font.

16-11-2017, 11:23 PM
OK yes the font gen was messed up but it was a quick fix and we're back up!
Jarkie; OJExile; :)

13-12-2017, 04:43 PM
Hi lawrawrrr; the forum keeps dropping out and I get this message:


Not sure if anyone else is getting this.

13-12-2017, 05:00 PM
Hi lawrawrrr; the forum keeps dropping out and I get this message:


Not sure if anyone else is getting this.

I've seen this before with some weird adverts but I don't have access to our Adwords account to do anything about it I'm afraid! Just have to reload and it works eventually.

If you're constantly having the issue on the same page let me know because it might be an issue with the page or a post etc.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-12-2017, 08:31 AM
I've seen this before with some weird adverts but I don't have access to our Adwords account to do anything about it I'm afraid! Just have to reload and it works eventually.

If you're constantly having the issue on the same page let me know because it might be an issue with the page or a post etc.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hi Laura, it seems to only occur when I try to edit posts in the "advanced editing" section. And when I try and reload it just reloads into a blank page, so I am having to re-load habboxforum again and try again, and it occurs again. I can give you more details on Skype if you want?

16-12-2017, 07:33 PM
Hi Laura, it seems to only occur when I try to edit posts in the "advanced editing" section. And when I try and reload it just reloads into a blank page, so I am having to re-load habboxforum again and try again, and it occurs again. I can give you more details on Skype if you want?

OK so I've researched this and it's an issue with Google, they're saying they won't fix the issue and we have to disable the editor? Prob not gonna do that.

Could you please confirm which editor you use - BB code, plain text or WYSIWYG (with the icons and stuff)


19-12-2017, 12:50 AM
Type of Issue: Wrong Charity Advertised/Doesn't give option to buy Christmas VIP
Forum Skin used: N/A
Browser: N/A
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager or the Site Manager lawrawrrr; (James told me to tag you ahah)

19-12-2017, 06:35 PM
Type of Issue: Wrong Charity Advertised/Doesn't give option to buy Christmas VIP
Forum Skin used: N/A
Browser: N/A
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):
Administrator: Please mention the Forum Manager or the Site Manager @lawrawrrr (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966); (James told me to tag you ahah)

Thank you, fixed!

19-02-2018, 12:07 PM
Type of Issue: my navigation bar has found itself a little home, right at the bottom of the forum... Tried reloading, changing skins and back again but still happens... Hope it's not just me...
Forum Skin used: Site Skin 2011
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://prnt.sc/igt0sk
Administrator: Joe;

19-02-2018, 12:51 PM
Type of Issue: my navigation bar has found itself a little home, right at the bottom of the forum... Tried reloading, changing skins and back again but still happens... Hope it's not just me...
Forum Skin used: Site Skin 2011
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://prnt.sc/igt0sk
Administrator: @Joe (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=114801);

I'll be honest, I can't recreate this by using your above situation, BUT I'll take a look at this tonight and see why it might be happening. Cheers for letting us know and I'll let you know what I find out.

17-06-2018, 06:16 PM
Type of Issue: DJ Stats not working properly. DJ is on air/music is playing but it says stream is offline and listeners are 0 (which obv looks bad/confusing to visitors/new people who don't know the site is screwed up). Been an issue for years but apparently its still happening
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):

Been like this for at least the past 15 minutes whilst I've been tuned in. Radio is also not working at all when I refresh until I click the play button. Also it refreshes every time I click a different rare in the rare values thing which is annoying as hell.

Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager: Tom; scottish; idk

- - - Updated - - -

Also a couple of the job openings threads have the wrong managers linked to PM (The Articles and Graphics ones) Sho;

18-06-2018, 02:18 AM
Also a couple of the job openings threads have the wrong managers linked to PM (The Articles and Graphics ones) @Sho (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81650);

these have been sorted. thanks martin :)

19-06-2018, 08:59 AM
Type of Issue: Users picture more important than the others? :D
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant): https://prnt.sc/jwmtnp
Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager scottish; (it says to mention you in the main post)

19-06-2018, 09:09 AM
Type of Issue: DJ Stats not working properly. DJ is on air/music is playing but it says stream is offline and listeners are 0 (which obv looks bad/confusing to visitors/new people who don't know the site is screwed up). Been an issue for years but apparently its still happening
Browser: Chrome
Screenshot (if applicable or relevant):

Been like this for at least the past 15 minutes whilst I've been tuned in. Radio is also not working at all when I refresh until I click the play button. Also it refreshes every time I click a different rare in the rare values thing which is annoying as hell.

Administrator: Please mention the Site Manager: Tom; scottish; idk

- - - Updated - - -

Also a couple of the job openings threads have the wrong managers linked to PM (The Articles and Graphics ones) Sho;

Hiya, I was looking into the radio last night but can’t figure it out at all. It seems it’s not pulling song details from Sam 4, don’t know about other versions atm! Scott said he’ll help me look tonight.

Unfortunately for now we have to have it reloading for all the rates :( the system we use doesn’t work with the Ajax page loader (basically, without it reloading you wouldn’t be able to load the product page at all). It’s on the agenda for future improvements but right now I don’t think it’s possible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

23-08-2020, 04:38 PM
Type of Issue:
After setting the Hieroglyph VIP as my prioritized user group...

My BBCode rights have been turned off (I'm not yet sure if it only happens on my signature box or around the whole writable forum area, though);
My profile picture and avatar were summarily vanished (even though the forum still indicates they're being used somehow?) and apparently I have lost the rights of updating them with anything other than the pre-made Habbox's ones, too;
I lost the rights of seeing the bottom-page list with the (visible) users who have read a certain thread, as well as the "users-who-visited-habboxforum-in-the-past-24-hours-or-something" list;
The Hieroglyph-y username formatting will not show up if you are not using any of the HxF skins on which the new "avatar-thumbnail-on-the-right-side-of-the-thread's-most-recent-post" feature hasn't been implemented yet (Non-Habbo Dark and Habbox Skin 2010/2011, for example)
I can view the threads and posts made by other people from the "Supports and complaints (https://habboxforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1543)" sub-forum, which I normally couldn't and shouldn't!

Forum Skin used: Non-Habbo Dark
Browser: Google Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit) (latest version);
[B]Administrator: [/B Sectional;

23-08-2020, 04:44 PM
Type of Issue: After setting the Hieroglyph VIP as my prioritized user group...

My BBCode rights have been turned off (which forced me to retype this post for the previous attempt turned out to be sent entirely blank!)

My profile picture and avatar were summarily vanished (even though the forum still indicates they're being used somehow?);and apparently I have lost the rights of updating them with anything other than the pre-made Habbox's ones, too;

I lost the rights of seeing the bottom-page list with the (visible) users who have read a certain thread, as well as the "users-who-visited-habboxforum-in-the-past-24-hours-or-something" list;

The Hieroglyph-y username formatting will not show up if you are not using any of the HxF skins on which the new "avatar-thumbnail-on-the-right-side-of-the-thread's-most-recent-post" feature hasn't&nbsp;been implemented yet (Non-Habbo Dark and Habbox Skin 2010/2011, for example)

I can view the threads and posts made by other people from the "Supports and complaints" sub-forum, which I normally couldn't and shouldn't!;

Forum Skin used: Non-Habbo Dark

Browser:Google Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit)(latest version);

Administrator: Sectional (I'm going to mention you somewhere else as the mentioning system is not working too!)

23-08-2020, 04:45 PM
Type of Issue: After setting the Hieroglyph VIP as my prioritized user group...

My BBCode rights have been turned off (which forced me to retype this post for the previous attempt turned out to be sent entirely blank!)

My profile picture and avatar were summarily vanished (even though the forum still indicates they're being used somehow?);and apparently I have lost the rights of updating them with anything other than the pre-made Habbox's ones, too;

I lost the rights of seeing the bottom-page list with the (visible) users who have read a certain thread, as well as the "users-who-visited-habboxforum-in-the-past-24-hours-or-something" list;

The Hieroglyph-y username formatting will not show up if you are not using any of the HxF skins on which the new "avatar-thumbnail-on-the-right-side-of-the-thread's-most-recent-post" feature hasn't&nbsp;been implemented yet (Non-Habbo Dark and Habbox Skin 2010/2011, for example)

I can view the threads and posts made by other people from the "Supports and complaints" sub-forum, which I normally couldn't and shouldn't!;

Forum Skin used: Non-Habbo Dark

Browser:Google Chrome 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit)(latest version);

Administrator: Sectional (I'm going to mention you somewhere else as the mentioning system is not working too!)

26-02-2022, 03:18 PM
Type of Issue:
Missing icons on https://habboxforum.com/private.php
Forum Skin used:
will tell you if you cannot reproduce
will give you if you are confused :)


Go to the forum and log in
Check your inbox: https://habboxforum.com/private.php
Look at the bottom at the section: Icon Legend
You will see missing icons

Technical data retrieved from Inspector:

Missing icons:





Inspector also reports missing:


26-02-2022, 05:55 PM
All fixed and reuploaded, thanks for the report HxWikiEditor;

26-02-2022, 06:29 PM
All fixed and reuploaded, thanks for the report @HxWikiEditor;

All except for the last part. Web pages are continuously trying to load avatar.png resulting in a 404.

It has to do with the account options at the top right where its says "Hey, <user name>!".

html code:

<div id="user-hello">Hey, HxWikiEditor!</div><a href="member.php?u=133327"><div id="Habbo"></div></a>

ccs code:

#Habbo{background:url(imgs/avatar.png) no-repeat scroll -6px -16px transparent;width:64px;float:right;margin-top:-18px;height:53px;width:55px;overflow:hidden}

There is an empty div section for which the background picture fails to load.

26-02-2022, 06:30 PM
All except for the last part. Web pages are continuously trying to load avatar.png resulting in a 404.

It has to do with the account options at the top right where its says "Hey, <user name>!".

html code:

<div id="user-hello">Hey, HxWikiEditor!</div><a href="member.php?u=133327"><div id="Habbo"></div></a>

ccs code:

#Habbo{background:url(imgs/avatar.png) no-repeat scroll -6px -16px transparent;width:64px;float:right;margin-top:-18px;height:53px;width:55px;overflow:hidden}

There is an empty div section for which the background picture fails to load.

Yes I know where the css is and have certainly fixed this. It can take a few hours for changes to propagate. Clear your cache if you want it to show ASAP!

26-02-2022, 06:51 PM
Yes I know where the css is and have certainly fixed this. It can take a few hours for changes to propagate. Clear your cache if you want it to show ASAP!

Works now. Thanks for fixing all the things.

27-02-2022, 09:26 AM
Type of Issue
Parts of dark skin not so dark, code block almost unreadable. Is it still Habbox.com/V7 as mentioned in 1st post in this thread?

Forum Skin used
Site Skin (Dark)


(Screenshots will be deleted automatically after 6 months)
Post a thread:
Code block in thread, mentioning of habbox.com/V7:

Sectional (or lawrawrrr ?)

27-02-2022, 11:34 AM
Fixed, thanks HxWikiEditor; nice spot

27-02-2022, 01:09 PM
Type of Issue
wrong colors

Forum Skin Used


(screenshots will be removed automatically after 6 months)

Inbox, Icon Legend header:


Code block:

Posting permissions:

Source Mode:

Triz (https://habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=79795)

Also, when I tried to post this using Universe skin and did Preview Post a view times, I got logged off constantly. Don't know if this means anything.

27-02-2022, 06:00 PM
Ugh I forget how much i like the mountains/pastel/universe skins :')

Thanks for your reports. I have fixed the PM one, and the Code block but I can't figure out where you're seeing the Posting Permissions as white and I can't see Source Mode. Can you let me know the URL of where you see this?

27-02-2022, 07:57 PM
Ugh I forget how much i like the mountains/pastel/universe skins :')

Thanks for your reports. I have fixed the PM one, and the Code block but I can't figure out where you're seeing the Posting Permissions as white and I can't see Source Mode. Can you let me know the URL of where you see this?
@HxWikiEditor (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=133327);

(enable Universe skin)

You see Posting Permissions when you post something :) Hit for example on the Reply to Topic button and look at the very bottom of the page.

When editing the reply click the first button in the WYSIWYG editor's toolbar at the top left (switch to source mode). On my screenshot you can see that that button was in pressed down state.

Hope that helps.

While previewing this message I see that the quote block has wrong (white) colors. So there also seems to be an error in the preview color scheme.

27-02-2022, 08:15 PM
Type of Issue
Save, Go Advanced and Cancel button do not work after clicking Edit Post

Forum Skin Used
Tried multiple



Triz (https://habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=79795)

27-02-2022, 08:57 PM
Type of Issue
Save, Go Advanced and Cancel button do not work after clicking Edit Post

Forum Skin Used
Tried multiple



Triz (https://habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=79795)

This works for me I have been writing up forum competitions tonight, maybe try clearing your cache?

But as far as I can see "Save, Go Advanced, Cancel button and Edit Post" works perfectly fine.

27-02-2022, 09:44 PM
This works for me I have been writing up forum competitions tonight, maybe try clearing your cache?

Tried clearing cache. Tried 3 browsers (2 chrome engine, 1 Goanna engine).
Didn't work as of yet.

Test 1234 - works with mobile skin


27-02-2022, 10:01 PM
Edit Post with Habboxed skin seems to work also (opens a WYSIWYG editor)
Same for Non Habbo Dark

27-02-2022, 10:04 PM
You're part of the Newly Registered usergroup, to reduce spam and other such various nuisances, we've added human verification in order to register, post and use the search feature, as a result the quick reply editor is rendered unavailable. Works on mobile as the mobile skin doesn't use the quick editor.

27-02-2022, 10:25 PM
You're part of the Newly Registered usergroup, to reduce spam and other such various nuisances, we've added human verification in order to register, post and use the search feature, as a result the quick reply editor is rendered unavailable.

So this is a bug?

Works on mobile as the mobile skin doesn't use the quick editor.

Same for 2 other skins. Also bugs?

27-02-2022, 10:43 PM
So this is a bug?

Same for 2 other skins. Also bugs?

This is not a bug, it's to stop spammers. Once you have been posting for quite a while you will be moved up in you're rank, you can view a list of ranks here (https://habboxforum.com/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item1#faq_new_faq_item_userpos tranks) But like Tristan explained you are part of the registered user group So you don't have access to quick reply ect, this is also to stop people commenting/creating unnecessary posts. You will eventually be moved into another user group based on your post count/time you have been on the forum.

28-02-2022, 12:34 AM
You're part of the Newly Registered usergroup, to reduce spam and other such various nuisances, we've added human verification in order to register, post and use the search feature, as a result the quick reply editor is rendered unavailable. Works on mobile as the mobile skin doesn't use the quick editor.

So this is a bug?

Same for 2 other skins. Also bugs?
This is not a bug, it's to stop spammers. Once you have been posting for quite a while you will be moved up in you're rank, you can view a list of ranks here (https://habboxforum.com/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item1#faq_new_faq_item_userpos tranks) But like Tristan explained you are part of the registered user group So you don't have access to quick reply ect, this is also to stop people commenting/creating unnecessary posts. You will eventually be moved into another user group based on your post count/time you have been on the forum.

He says in order to reduce spam and such, human verification was added in order to register, post and use the search feature. I assume he meant e-mail activation which I did of course, that's why I can post (and spam) and search.

He says adding this feature resulted in the quick reply editor becoming unavailable. Which apparently makes that the buttons in the Edit Post editor don't work.

He doesn't say in order to reduce spam the quick reply editor is rendered unavailable. It's possible that it is deliberate, but it can also be a bug. Hence my question if it is a bug.
Not being able to edit a post for 15 minutes after posting only prevents editing the post for 15 minutes. It doesn't prevent commenting/creating unnecessary posts. It causes more unnecessary posts because you have to write new posts to make corrections.
If it is meant for Edit Post to be unavailable, the button should not appear. Instead the button appears, it starts the editor, only the buttons Save, Go Advanced and Cancel don't work. You might consider this a bug.
2 skins, very similar to the other skins, start the WYSIWYG editor for Editing a Post and then the buttons do work. If it is meant to be unavailable you might consider this a bug.
You can also use the Mobile skin, so it doesn't prevent anything.
All this, is client side scripting. People wanting to abuse can simply circumvent this. They can spam/quick reply whatever they want.

So what you said makes no sense.

28-02-2022, 08:29 AM
Type of Issue
Unable to set avatar using url - Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file

Forum Skin Used
Tried multiple


(expires in 6 months)


28-02-2022, 07:32 PM
Type of Issue
Wrong link (404) for "Join the team" in Habboxwiki's sidebar
It says: https://www.habboxforum.com/apply
Should be: https://www.habbox.com/apply

URL to the page


28-02-2022, 08:02 PM
Type of Issue
Unable to set avatar using url - Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file

Forum Skin Used
Tried multiple


(expires in 6 months)


Type of Issue
Wrong link (404) for "Join the team" in Habboxwiki's sidebar
It says: https://www.habboxforum.com/apply
Should be: https://www.habbox.com/apply

URL to the page


Fixed and fixed.

Please note you can't add Habboxforum URLs into the External URL field.

28-02-2022, 08:46 PM
Fixed and fixed.

Please note you can't add Habboxforum URLs into the External URL field.

Both fixes confirmed.

01-03-2022, 08:23 AM
Type of Issue
wrong colors

Forum Skin Used


(screenshots will be removed automatically after 6 months)

Inbox, Icon Legend header:


Code block:

Posting permissions:

Source Mode:

Triz (https://habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=79795)

Also, when I tried to post this using Universe skin and did Preview Post a view times, I got logged off constantly. Don't know if this means anything.

Ugh I forget how much i like the mountains/pastel/universe skins:')

Thanks for your reports. I have fixed the PM one, and the Code block but I can't figure out where you're seeing the Posting Permissions as white and I can't see Source Mode. Can you let me know the URL of where you see this?
@HxWikiEditor (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=133327);

(enable Universe skin)

You see Posting Permissions when you post something :) Hit for example on the Reply to Topic button and look at the very bottom of the page.

When editing the reply click the first button in the WYSIWYG editor's toolbar at the top left (switch to source mode). On my screenshot you can see that that button was in pressed down state.

Hope that helps.

While previewing this message I see that the quote block has wrong (white) colors. So there also seems to be an error in the preview color scheme.

Now that I belong to a different user group with more possibilities I see you have to use the GO ADVANCED button to see what I'm talking about.

01-03-2022, 09:10 AM
Type of Issue
Message count not visible or badly visible due to wrong colors, missing edit boxes in Mobile style


Forum Skin used
Site Skin (Dark), Universe, Mobile style


(expires in 6 months)

@Triz, @lawrawrrr

01-03-2022, 10:03 AM
Type of Issue
the text "Views" missing in forum thread list header


Forum Skin used
Site Skin, Site Skin (Dark)


(expires in 6 months)

@Triz, @lawrawrrr

01-03-2022, 10:19 AM
Type of Issue
Image resized warning does not appear when image is resized (Habboxed and Mobile skin) and does appear when image isn't resize (all other skins)


Forum Skin used


(expires in 6 months)

@Triz, @lawrawrrr

Also, it looks like a bug that the images are not resized in the other skins. In the preview in advanced editor it is resized for these skins.

01-03-2022, 11:04 AM
Type of Issue
You have uploaded 0 files and the maximum of 30 files.
That's what it says in Advanced Editor/Additional Options/Manage Attachments


Forum Skin used
Probably all


(expires in 6 months)

@Triz, @lawrawrrr

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