View Full Version : Paris attacks linked to muslim Belgian suburb where authorities have 'lost control'

15-11-2015, 06:59 PM

Paris attackers linked to muslim Belgian suburb where the authorities admit they have 'lost control'

Two of the Paris attackers and at least three other people involved linked to a heavily-Muslim suburb of Brussels where the authorities admit they have “lost control”

Belgian police cordon off a street during a police raid in Molenbeek

Two of the Paris attackers – and at least three other people involved – are linked to a heavily-Muslim suburb of Brussels where the authorities admit they have “lost control.”

The neighbourhood of Molenbeek, which has been involved in many previous terror attacks, was last night emerging as a key centre of the plot. Belgian prosecutors said that one of the seven killers who died in Paris had been identified as a Frenchman living in Molenbeek, which is described by one expert as “the capital of political Islam in continental Europe.” A second attacker lived in or close to the district. As a wave of new arrests was made in the area on Sunday, Belgium’s interior minister, Jan Jambon, admitted to VRT television that “we don’t have control of the situation in Molenbeek at present” and said the authorities needed to “clean up” the area.

The prime minister, Charles Michel, also said there was a “huge problem” in the district which needed “more repression,” a French term for law enforcement action. He added: "I see it is almost always related to Molenbeek. It was a form of laxity, to allow this. We are paying the bill for past laxity.” Three men from Molenbeek suspected of involvement with the Paris killings travelled back from Paris to Brussels late on the night of the attacks, it has emerged. Their vehicle was stopped by French police at Cambrai, near the French-Belgian border, but officers found nothing suspicious, took their names and allowed them to drive on.

After the attacks a Belgian-registered car identified by witnesses as having been used by the killers was discovered near the Bataclan concert hall. A parking ticket from Molenbeek was found inside. According to French prosecutors, police discovered that the vehicle was hired or owned by one of the men in the car stopped at Cambrai.

Molenbeek, a district of 100,000 inhabitants, of whom about 30 per cent are Muslim, has been linked to numerous terror attacks and plots, including the attempted shooting of passengers aboard a Thalys high-speed train from Amsterdam and Brussels to Paris this August. The Thalys attacker, Ayoub El Khazzani, who tried to open fire on passengers with a Kalashnikov rifle, lived for more than a year in Molenbeek and boarded the train in Brussels. Had the weapon not jammed, and had he not been overpowered by some of the passengers, a massacre similar to those in Paris would have occurred.

“We have here in Brussels as big a concentration of radical Islamists as you have in London,” said Bilal Beinyeich, from the Free University of Brussels, an expert on radicalisation in Belgium. “You can call Brussels the capital of political Islam in continental Europe.”

Well what a fucking surprise.

From one of those 'diverse' areas that I always rightly call cultural ghettos on here during immigration debates and get slammed over and over for it, with those arguing against me telling me everything is just fine and i'm being nasty and racist. Maybe the 130+ dead needed someone 'nasty' to protect them.

Here's my next 'controversial' un-PC statement. For Molenbeek you may aswell read Rotherham, Rochdale, Luton or Tower Hamlets. Just wait and see.


15-11-2015, 07:01 PM
I agree with your last statement Dan. There are definitely areas of London that I've refused to go to, not worth the risk of being literally the only white person around when stuff like this is going on.

15-11-2015, 07:20 PM
I agree with your last statement Dan. There are definitely areas of London that I've refused to go to, not worth the risk of being literally the only white person around when stuff like this is going on.

Indeed. France has many of these no-go zones (for both native French and the authorities too) officially called 'sensitive urban zones'.


In other words, they're basically islamic states within the French state where authorities have, well, lost all authority.

15-11-2015, 07:26 PM
Indeed. France has many of these no-go zones (for both native French and the authorities too) officially called 'sensitive urban zones'.


In other words, they're basically islamic states within the French state where authorities have, well, lost all authority.
One of my friends fro uni is a Parisian and she said that in Paris you literally stick to the main tourist areas and even then you're not particularly safe at night. Areas like the Moulin Rouge are no go areas for tourists after dark. Another friend was amused by 4 coloured men who threatened them with knifes, luckily someone came out of a building and they fled. It's just so scary, you know there is risk everywhere you go but in such a modern metropolitan city you don't expect these kind of things to be happening.

15-11-2015, 07:39 PM
One of my friends fro uni is a Parisian and she said that in Paris you literally stick to the main tourist areas and even then you're not particularly safe at night. Areas like the Moulin Rouge are no go areas for tourists after dark. Another friend was amused by 4 coloured men who threatened them with knifes, luckily someone came out of a building and they fled. It's just so scary, you know there is risk everywhere you go but in such a modern metropolitan city you don't expect these kind of things to be happening.

It reminds me a few years ago when the BBC (I think) went around with a member of Geert Wilders PVV Party in the Netherlands, and obviously the BBC was trying to make out they were being unrealistic and just scaremongering with their warnings of islamisation via mass immigration. Anyway the journalist and this party member were having the interview in one of these areas, and literally not soon after starting the interview a group of muslim youths started shouting slurs at them (anti-Dutch and infidel if I recall correctly) proving infront of the cameraman within minutes the reality of it.

That's why as I always argue that any immigration into our country or any western country needs to be on a small scale so people have to integrate just to get along rather than live separately as well as being selective as to who we want living in this country and whether they fit in. That makes me racist, appaz.

15-11-2015, 09:15 PM
I agree with your last statement Dan. There are definitely areas of London that I've refused to go to, not worth the risk of being literally the only white person around when stuff like this is going on.

Well don't you sound ridiculous. Being the only white person around? Who gives a fuck. There is absolutely zero correlation between skin colour and terrorism.

15-11-2015, 09:17 PM
Well don't you sound ridiculous. Being the only white person around? Who gives a ****. There is absolutely zero correlation between skin colour and terrorism.

There is between terrorism and a certain one religion and most followers of that religion are arabic. I hate to break it to you.

15-11-2015, 09:22 PM
There is between terrorism and a certain one religion and most followers of that religion are arabic. I hate to break it to you.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik - awks

15-11-2015, 09:23 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik - awks


15-11-2015, 09:29 PM
I couldn't give a flying fuck how ridiculous I sound. If I don't feel safe why would I go there?

15-11-2015, 09:30 PM

School killings in America, Buddhist killings in Burma (nice of you to ignore that, by the way), Rwandan genocide...

Need I continue?

- - - Updated - - -

I couldn't give a flying **** how ridiculous I sound. If I don't feel safe why would I go there?

Because terrorism is useless if people are not scared. If you scare people, you have won.

15-11-2015, 09:35 PM
Because terrorism is useless if people are not scared. If you scare people, you have won.

Well I'm damn scared, and pretty much everyone else in the world is scared. I'm not sure who WOULDN'T be scared over this. I'm not sure what this comment is trying to actually prove, that when people get slaughtered, go on in your daily life and not act afraid even if it could happen to you next? >.<

15-11-2015, 09:41 PM
Well I'm damn scared, and pretty much everyone else in the world is scared. I'm not sure who WOULDN'T be scared over this. I'm not sure what this comment is trying to actually prove, that when people get slaughtered, go on in your daily life and not act afraid even if it could happen to you next? >.<

Well they've won this particular battle, then. They've got what they wanted.

I intend to carry on my daily life, I intend to continue travelling to London. I intend to travel to Paris in a few weeks. You know why? Because not doing so is caving in to these monsters.

15-11-2015, 09:52 PM
Good for you and I am sure the many thousands of others for continuing to do what you believe in but you are belittling everyone else and making them feel as though they're in the wrong for feeling scared? Woo go you!

15-11-2015, 10:01 PM
Good for you and I am sure the many thousands of others for continuing to do what you believe in but you are belittling everyone else and making them feel as though they're in the wrong for feeling scared? Woo go you!

Sorry, but being scared because of someones skin colour is pretty stupid.

15-11-2015, 10:06 PM
Sorry, but being scared because of someones skin colour is pretty stupid.
@Alkaz (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53791); he's already trying to turn it into an argument about race so he can lure you in and call you a racist and claim some sort of victory. You've won hands down. The facts are that @OldLoveSong (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=87286); , you, me and everybody else with some sort of common sense in society is right to be concerned at increasing levels of islamisation and we're also right to be concerned that the hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims who will have been radicalised by war will pose a serious danger to our society.

We don't want to be a part of some death toll figure on BBC News one day just because people like @conservative (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=36885); wanted to feel morally good about letting everybody in. A nation needs border controls to keep the people inside safe, that is what they are for so let's god damn use them.

15-11-2015, 10:10 PM
@Alkaz (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53791); he's already trying to turn it into an argument about race so he can lure you in and call you a racist and claim some sort of victory. You've won hands down. The facts are that @OldLoveSong (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=87286); , you, me and everybody else with some sort of common sense in society is right to be concerned at increasing levels of islamisation and we're also right to be concerned that the hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims who will have been radicalised by war will pose a serious danger to our society.

We don't want to be a part of some death toll figure on BBC News one day just because people like @conservative (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=36885); wanted to feel morally good about letting everybody in. A nation needs border controls to keep the people inside safe, that is what they are for so let's god damn use them.

In fairness, stating you are scared of someone because of their skin colour is, by definition, racist. I don't intend to brand Alkaz a racist though, as I know that they don't mean it like that. However, I still think it is pretty stupid to be scared of somebody based on the colour of their skin. What if I said the same thing about gay people? Or fat people? I'm sure you'd call me an idiot then.

I've never said I'm not concerned about Islamic State. But being scared of carrying on my normal day to day life? Don't make me laugh.

15-11-2015, 10:13 PM
@Alkaz (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53791); he's already trying to turn it into an argument about race so he can lure you in and call you a racist and claim some sort of victory. You've won hands down. The facts are that @OldLoveSong (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=87286); , you, me and everybody else with some sort of common sense in society is right to be concerned at increasing levels of islamisation and we're also right to be concerned that the hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims who will have been radicalised by war will pose a serious danger to our society.

We don't want to be a part of some death toll figure on BBC News one day just because people like @conservative (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=36885); wanted to feel morally good about letting everybody in. A nation needs border controls to keep the people inside safe, that is what they are for so let's god damn use them.
Exactly and why would I want to go to a Sharia Law controlled area of London where even the police have almost no authority? Why would I put myself in any kind of danger like that. Like I said, good on him for carrying on like normal but the truth is that it has effected and scared most people.

It would be interesting to see the facts about black and white people killing other black and white people in the UK.

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