View Full Version : Earnings

04-01-2016, 09:29 PM
since you are all getting mortgages before you're ancient, how much are u guys earning?! yearly, monthly and/or hourly

i assume most of you wouldn't like to say, so my question is, why do u think it's a bit of a taboo to talk about your earnings or savings? people are happy to show they got dolla (with their clothes, cars etc) but it's not a question you're supposed to ask!

04-01-2016, 10:01 PM
My second job pays £7 an hour and I charge around £15 an hour for freelance stuff (although I always end up settling for fixed-rate projects of £20). I don't really feel comfortable discussing my main salary because it is really taboo I guess but yeah it's just save as much as possible :P

04-01-2016, 10:06 PM
I USED to earn 5.50 an hour before i got dropped l o l

the man earns £18000 a year tho so i am safe its all good

04-01-2016, 10:18 PM
£10 an hour.
I have no problem talking about it, it just rarely comes up in conversation. Tbf I am a bit of a weirdo who tends to ignore social rules or taboos I don't agree with. Perhaps I'm not the best person to answer that question but it seems to me that those earning a low amount feel inadequate to their peers earning more who feel embarrassed and afraid that they're showing off (much better to do it subtlety like you say rather than looking like you're rubbing someone's face in it).

04-01-2016, 10:49 PM
I charge around £15 an hour



04-01-2016, 10:53 PM
I earn £6.89 an hour, should be around £5700 a year, but I never stick to my contracted hours so it's above that. I'm not sure why it's taboo, my boyfriend doesn't tell me how much he earns, but when we work in the same place and have a sister who used to be on the same wage as him I can figure it out; I know it's less than me because of him being college age. However, I don't really see how much I earn as that important yet, as long as I gain experience and can apply that in the future, I just know I will be more cautious of it when I'm moving out or anything like that.

04-01-2016, 10:58 PM
I AM UNEMPLOYED but want a job soon at uni

04-01-2016, 11:09 PM
£8.25 an hour, varying hours so it varies in a year.

04-01-2016, 11:16 PM
Currently on £19,000. Should be getting a pay rise this month and a promotion in March where I'm hoping for £24,000!

05-01-2016, 12:12 AM
Not sure why it's not socially acceptable to ask, but I've never had any issues disclosing how much I'm earning. A few weeks ago, one of my mentors wanted to ask if I was paid an hourly rate at work but she just asked "Hourly rate?" and I thought she was asking how much I was paid per hour. I told her "$30" and she freaked out so much and kept apologising afterwards hahaha

But yeah my part time job pays AU$30 per hour which is roughly £15 per hour. I do some freelance design work too and usually get paid AU$20 per hour for those (£10 per hour). I don't really care about how much I'm earning at the moment because I want the experience, so as long as I'm doing work that I'm proud to put on my resume I'm happy :)

05-01-2016, 10:29 AM
Up until recently in Britain at least (can't talk about other countries because I don't know) it was rude to discuss money in any way at all and I'm sure this taboo is just the last effects from that. I'm sure more people on HabboxForum are comfortable discussing money than in older generations for that reason.

My job's pay was erratic (I got paid in cash and they left out some money that would mean I got paid between 6 and 6.50 an hour but sometimes they'd "forget" to leave anything out and after a few shifts I'd have to ask my boss what was happening), no contract at all, and I wasn't allowed to book my own time off this year, my boss said she'd text me the night before on the days she didn't need me. So I walked in there on the Saturday just gone and quit, thank goodness!

05-01-2016, 11:51 AM
25k base, 28-29 after night shift and bonus

05-01-2016, 02:18 PM
Up until recently in Britain at least (can't talk about other countries because I don't know) it was rude to discuss money in any way at all and I'm sure this taboo is just the last effects from that. I'm sure more people on HabboxForum are comfortable discussing money than in older generations for that reason.

My job's pay was erratic (I got paid in cash and they left out some money that would mean I got paid between 6 and 6.50 an hour but sometimes they'd "forget" to leave anything out and after a few shifts I'd have to ask my boss what was happening), no contract at all, and I wasn't allowed to book my own time off this year, my boss said she'd text me the night before on the days she didn't need me. So I walked in there on the Saturday just gone and quit, thank goodness!

that sounds absolutely awful, I'm glad you've quit now!!!

05-01-2016, 03:24 PM
I'm on £7 an hour in retail so not great. I'm on a higher rate than everyone else though (other than manager ofc) and I've only been there for just over a year now. They gave me the payrise after 3 months or so and there are others who have been there for 12 years+ on less than me hehe. My Christmas bonus was also triple what everyone else got and everyone has their yearly reviews due soon so hopefully they decide to give me more money. Usually I get just shy of £1000 a month after taxes and whatnot but quite often have overtime as well so it gets a little boost.

05-01-2016, 05:04 PM
£6.83 usually, but £10.24 on Sundays
It's all changing in April though, I think I'm on £8.33 an hour base rate, which is 13p more than most, but we'll see. Hopefully I'll be out before then

05-01-2016, 06:47 PM
My job pays $15 hour. But I am also in school with loans

05-01-2016, 09:48 PM
it's just cringe to ask & puts people in low paying jobs in an awkward position. anyway, 26k a year but should be much higher lol fml

05-01-2016, 09:52 PM
£22,244 per year, guaranteed a pay rise for September to get up to £24,002 though.

Personally I don't find an issue with asking, especially since my pay scale is easily found on the internet.

06-01-2016, 01:32 AM
i'm guaranteed a minimum £7488 a year because of my contract, but i always do way more than my contracted hours so, since on average i do around 35 per week, i'd get around £13,104 per year. that's excluding the pay they give me for travelling, though, which would add another £1800 a year probably.

idk why people don't talk about it. i'd answer anyone who asked. i've never asked anyone, though, but mostly because i don't care

06-01-2016, 08:18 PM
$11.25 /HR and i work part time 30 hours a week

08-01-2016, 03:23 AM
£32,345 a year After Tax, Bonuses included works out about £35k Per Anum, Last financial year I cleared just shy of £36k. Rather high for the retail sector however, I've heard rumours of salary changes on the grapevine.

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08-01-2016, 08:30 AM
25k a year before tax

10-01-2016, 10:01 AM
doing part time atm while i do my maths course so minimum wage

tbh not getting near enough hours atm and miss working full time :(

11-01-2016, 12:54 AM
i assume most of you wouldn't like to say, so my question is, why do u think it's a bit of a taboo to talk about your earnings or savings? people are happy to show they got dolla (with their clothes, cars etc) but it's not a question you're supposed to ask!

I have noticed that in UK people find it weird talking about how much they earn or what their parents earn. Yet when I lived in USA, I was surprised by how openly they talk about money - in terms of how much they earn and what their parents earn.

16-01-2016, 12:38 AM
I earn something around $21.67(?) An hour.

CBF reading the thread but it'd be taboo in the work place because if 2 people do the exact same job and person A gets more than person B then person B will be angry about it, right?

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