View Full Version : Blood and Guts

10-01-2016, 10:22 AM
Can't think of a proper thread title for this.

Anyway my guinea pig had a sore a few weeks ago which seemed to go down and was bleeding so me and my mum had disinfectant and all that on it. ANYWAY this week her back legs suddenly stopped working, she's losing fur on her back and I checked around the sore again and there's quite a big lump behind it. So I go online and basically what I thought was a cyst could be cancer they said if it's just blood.

So I went and got a small and large sewing pin, cleaned her up with disinfectant and stuck the pins in the now-closed wound to see whether pus or blood came out. Strangely it went in but nothing was coming out other than some blood so I think it's a tumour and she's deffo on her way out.

Basically the question is can you stomach stuff like that? Like handling blood etc or could you not stomach doing any of that?

10-01-2016, 11:30 AM
You stuck pins in your guinea pig to fix up a wound??? Of course she's on her way out if you start sticking sharp objects in her!

While I can stomach stuff like that no problem I would never do anything like that because it will always cause more problems than it solves by trying to "operate" (????) on my own pets as I don't know their anatomy that well and I could easily be slicing an important organ without noticing it ugh.

But yes after having two very sick people living in my house for a long period of time who had a lot of falls blood doesn't bother me. Actually I don't think it ever bothered me in the first place but I'm not sure. Anything like that - like, blood or vomit or injections don't do anything to me and I'm extremely glad because I'm pretty handy in an emergency :8

Only two things I can't deal with is those dentist shows where you hear all that drilling after a bad experience myself, and watching needles that are going into me.

10-01-2016, 11:32 AM
Empired; In the semi-healed wound to determine what it was. It didn't hurt her. Had it been a cyst pus would've come out and I would have drained her.

Quite strange though it felt 'empty' inside like I didn't feel anything in the way.

10-01-2016, 01:03 PM
Dan, I'm becoming more and more worried for you with the content of your threads.

I do not like blood and guts and could never do something like that to a pet :(

10-01-2016, 01:41 PM
i can stomach blood and guts but only if I have a some ketchup on the side as a dip for when I slice the intestines into small sausages

10-01-2016, 02:20 PM
idm blood and stuff. i walked into work with my colleague once and my client had cut herself with a kitchen knife and blood was spewing everywhere. my colleague passed out so i was sat next to her trying to slow down the blood until the ambulance came

left the place covered in blood so my boss gave me the rest of the day off too so woo

10-01-2016, 04:06 PM
Doesn't really bother me seeing it or anything like that, but talking about it always makes me feel a bit odd.

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