View Full Version : Earwax

11-01-2016, 08:33 PM
Anyone else get really waxy ears? Like hearing problems from it and shit

i used to have to go doctors every so often as a kid to get them syringed. Like I'd go one day thinking my hearing was great but then id get them syringed and my hearing became super sensitive days after cos I was so used to them being blocked

anyway im deaf in one ear cos its blocked like hell :( Haven't had them syringed for yearrrrrrrrrrs
I bought some ear syringe thing off ebay so im hoping that will work along with the olive oil ive been putting in them so cross fingers

yeah anyway anyone else have that problem? :¬:

11-01-2016, 08:34 PM
nope but as a kid i had glue ear and had to get gromits a few times but they said it'd go as i grew and it did

11-01-2016, 08:43 PM
No lmao but I watched some buzzfeed video about people getting their wax removed. Some had loads!! Lmao would be strangely satisfying. I have to cotton bud my ears every few days!


11-01-2016, 09:00 PM
yeah after i had my ear syringed they show you what came out and its like wtf how did all that even fit in there lego_sick

11-01-2016, 09:04 PM
No lmao but I watched some buzzfeed video about people getting their wax removed. Some had loads!! Lmao would be strangely satisfying. I have to cotton bud my ears every few days!


Jesus, now this makes me want to know what mine are like.

11-01-2016, 09:10 PM
Oh my god I was eating whilst looking at this thread

I've never had a problem I love using cotton buds but aren't they bad for you??

11-01-2016, 09:20 PM
Oh my god I was eating whilst looking at this thread

I've never had a problem I love using cotton buds but aren't they bad for you??
They're extremely bad for you jurv - they can (long term) lead to permanent hearing damage and deafness! :( Also basically the number one reason for ear infections plz plz plz don't use them. We had someone a few months ago in the pharmacy who came in with an earbud (warning: gross) actually stuck in his ear and we had to send him on to the emergency out of hours GP practice.

My ears are pretty fine and dandy though thank goodness. I used to get ear infections as a child but that had nothing to do with wax or anything, just genetics maybe? Or I was just unlucky I don't know.

11-01-2016, 09:44 PM
I'd love to get my ears syringed I feel like half deaf all the time, everything's really muffled and stuff :( it's awful, I really want them done. I clean out the outer part quite often carefully with Q tips but don't go in too far as it makes it worse cries 5eva

11-01-2016, 10:18 PM
i use cotton buds and my hearng is terrible tbh lmao

i remember i had an ear infection once it was so gross when they were leaking with pus

11-01-2016, 10:20 PM
They're extremely bad for you jurv - they can (long term) lead to permanent hearing damage and deafness! :( Also basically the number one reason for ear infections plz plz plz don't use them. We had someone a few months ago in the pharmacy who came in with an earbud (warning: gross) actually stuck in his ear and we had to send him on to the emergency out of hours GP practice.

My ears are pretty fine and dandy though thank goodness. I used to get ear infections as a child but that had nothing to do with wax or anything, just genetics maybe? Or I was just unlucky I don't know.

Omg really? I just thought that if you put them in too far they push the earwax back and block your ears for a day or something

I don't use them that often but it feels proper nice when I do! :(

11-01-2016, 10:41 PM
You know I have always used ear buds and I've never had a problem with my hearing so far.

11-01-2016, 10:56 PM

literally nearly threw up in my mouth at that video and the guy with really thick wax VOM

11-01-2016, 11:07 PM
I haven't had that problem before but my mum has a few times xx

12-01-2016, 08:44 AM
I've always wanted to get them syringed as I've always assumed I needed it. I get bad ears all the time. Always have earache but when I went to the doctor after having those most extreme earache ever, she said they weren't blocked or anything so i don't know.

I'll admit to using earbuds, I know it's bad and I know they make my ears hurt afterwards.

12-01-2016, 12:27 PM
I had to go see a doctor a few years ago to fix an ear blockage and it happened because I had been using earbuds a lot! The doctor advised me to stop using them and I haven't had any problems since.

12-01-2016, 12:56 PM
I clean around my ear with earbuds and they always are so much more waxier than jakes (weird to know that but we do our nightly rituals before bed together in the bathroom haha). I'd love to get them syringed can imagine how free as a bird I'd feel afterwards. I have bad ear issues but afaik it's nothing to do with wax. My ear crackles when it's too loud and I can barely hear when it does, it's so bloody annoying

13-01-2016, 05:41 PM
I don't have a problem with hearing although I know they get pretty waxy, my dad has bad ear wax problems and can't hear from it. He was meant to have them syringed again, but I bought him some olive oil eardrops from work and when he went to doctors it'd cleared it up so much he didn't need them syringed! I don't use cotton buds though, doing things like that when they could potentially damage something freaks me out.

13-01-2016, 10:34 PM
Try cleaning them as soon you are out the shower get some toilet paper and clean there or with cotton swabs. If that doesn't work see one of those specialist doctors.

14-01-2016, 12:38 PM
I bought this


it has a tri-stream nozzle so it just gives the ear canal walls a good clean without hitting the eardrum
also has water exit things so you don't end up with water stuck in your ear plus that's where the wax comes out too

apparently it's best to squirt olive oil into your ears for a few days first before going for the big clean

i didnt use olive oil first and only had tiny crusty bits come out.

I shall oil up my ears twice a day for 2 days then try it again and post results hopefully not in pictures...

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